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54210718 No.54210718 [Reply] [Original]

Let's assume that a catastrophic event will happen where all the entire banking system collapses
Now imagine you travelled back from the future, what will be your plan NOW?

I think people will flock to other assets to hedge against the collapse of the banking system. The hard thing to figure out is which assets.
We know that historically Gold and other precious metals have been a safe-haven for store of value, but these were in times of economic turmoil, not an entire collapse. So it's hard to say what will happen in this new scenario.

Second is probably real estate, because its a physical asset that's useful

Thirdly Cryptocurrency, people might flock to Bitcoin because it's decentralized and operates independently of the banking system.

What other things am I missing? Maybe oil,gas and other useful products?

Would diversifying over Gold, Bitcoin and Misc. be the best investment? I'm thinking 60% Gold, 30% Bitcoin and 10% other shit.

>> No.54211629

gold will always be a factor because even in a total collapse where 60% of population is dead and society is broken down into small autonomic communities there must be something which everything else is valued against and since gold has worked so well in the past it will be the main choice at least for the first few years

>> No.54211682

It’s btc. And other “virtual currencies”. The world is going to be divided. And value will lie in the virtual. It’s already happening. Believe this or don’t.

>> No.54211709

Guns and ammo

>> No.54211728

if 60% of population were about to die, better stock weapons than gold

>> No.54211734

>Gold and other precious metals have been a safe-haven for store of value
Gold has no industrial uses, so if SHTF, silver can be more useful and easier to trade, its a more liquid asset

>> No.54211761

I think bitcoin and gold + silver would be best. Real estate is not a good investment until after the collapse. Homes will probably be selling for penises on the dollar because the bank that held the mortgage doesn't exist anymore. You may see mansions selling for 1 btc.

>> No.54211789

>real estate exists after government collapse
Outed yourself as a retard. Go back

>> No.54211815
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> Now imagine you travelled back from the future, what will be your plan NOW?

- Gold
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin & Gold
- 5.56

>> No.54211858

Schizoposters coming out of the woodwork.

>> No.54211870
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>> No.54211938

why silver would be a more liquid asset? If you are following the train of thought that 1g of gold will be worth so much that it will not be practical to trade with it I don't agree

>> No.54212087

>Let's assume that a catastrophic event will happen
Nothing ever happens
>where all the entire banking system collapses
As if the jews would let that happen
>Now imagine you travelled back from the future
Meds, now
>what will be your plan NOW?
time travel is fake. meds
>I think people will flock to other assets to hedge against the collapse of the banking system. The hard thing to figure out is which assets.
jews won't let that happen
>We know that historically Gold and other precious metals have been a safe-haven for store of value, but these were in times of economic turmoil, not an entire collapse. So it's hard to say what will happen in this new scenario.
the jews control every asset known to man, gold included
>Second is probably real estate, because its a physical asset that's useful
which the jews control
>Thirdly Cryptocurrency, people might flock to Bitcoin because it's decentralized and operates independently of the banking system.
jews are in the process of destroying it.
>What other things am I missing? Maybe oil,gas and other useful products?
jews control it
>Would diversifying over Gold, Bitcoin and Misc. be the best investment? I'm thinking 60% Gold, 30% Bitcoin and 10% other shit.
not my problem.

>> No.54212136

based and truthpilled

>> No.54212157

yep. if the banks remain in possession of most of the physical gold and if the system remains operational as is then the next 20 years will be a tug-o-war between btc and cbdc.
a purely virtual ledger-only currency is the next step in the evolution of money, especially if ai and automatization continue their take-over.

>> No.54212169

>all the words written itt
I'm not reading this shit.

>> No.54212676

I'm tell my employer to pay me in Bitcoin, not a shitty cbdc. It's over, we won boys.

>> No.54212783

>Thirdly Cryptocurrency
No chance. Value only existed, exists, will continue to exist at the muzzle of a rifle. CBDC is way more likely than decentralized shitcoins "mooning".
The earliest sign of total collapse would necessitate military action + QE. There's very clear winners there if public equity is still a thing you're allowed to partake in and you aren't shipped off to the rice paddies.

>> No.54212842

People saying ammo are retarded. There’s a saying in the prepper community that hording ammo will only give you lead poisoning. Basically, in a true SHTF situation, skills> your best investment. Everything else, should be invested in like you normally would. Learn skills and get /fit/. If you want to get rich, crypto. If you want to store your wealth gold. If you like losing money silver. If you have a small army to protect it, land.

>> No.54212901

your id

>> No.54212917

Holy shit!

>> No.54212933

I just trade according to the charts, whatever it is. Depending on the scale of the catastrophe, it just doesn't matter what it is.

>> No.54212953

Are you stupid?
Do you know the meaning of liquid?
He's right, silver is very liquid. Gold is too. But silver can be traded very very easily.

>> No.54213584

I think you have to factor the amount of money people have to hedge in other assets
Millennials and Zoomers with less money might buy shitcoins, more would buy btc
Millennials and Boomers with the more money would probably buy real estate
I'm sure they would also buy precious metals and bitcoin, too, just allocate less to it than real estate

>> No.54215942
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ZStephenson's "Metaverse" appears to its users as an urban environment, developed along a single hundred-meter-wide road, the Street, that runs around the entire 65,536 km (216 km) circumference of a featureless, black, perfectly spherical planet. The virtual real estate is owned by the Global Multimedia Protocol Group, a fictional part of the real life Association for Computing Machinery, and is available to be bought and buildings developed thereupon.[9]:24 Access to the metaverse is through L. Bob Rife's global fiber-optic network, which grew from a collection of small cable television franchises into a global telecommunications monopoly and superseded the traditional telephone system.[9]:115

>Users of the Metaverse gain access to it through personal terminals that project a high-quality virtual reality display onto goggles worn by the user,[9]:23 or from low-quality public terminals in booths (with the penalty of presenting a grainy black-and-white appearance).[9]:41 Stephenson also describes a subculture of people choosing to remain continuously connected to the Metaverse by wearing portable terminals, goggles and other equipment; they are nicknamed "gargoyles" due to their grotesque appearance.[9]:123 The users of the Metaverse experience it from a first-person perspective.

>Within the Metaverse, individual users appear as avatars of any form, with the sole restriction of height, "to prevent people from walking around a mile high".[9]:41 Transport within the Metaverse is limited to analogs of reality by foot or vehicle, such as the monorail that runs the entire length of the Street, stopping at 256 Express Ports, located evenly at 256 km intervals, and Local Ports, one kilometer apart.[9]:37

>> No.54216003
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>Gold has no industrial uses
Isn't gold one of the most efficient electrical conductive metal available, if not the most efficient? Could have sworn I read something about that somewhere. It's also used in all kinds of computer electronics.

>> No.54216170

If fiat money collapses because of the failure of the fractional reserve banking system that makes fiat then logically they would have to give us a new money to use.

Our options are go back to a Gold money or try something new with crypto. Its pretty obvious they are going to try a new system. They just have to do it in such a way that everybody accepts it.

>> No.54216191

Why the fuck would the power stay on if the financial system collapses?

>> No.54216195

Maybe in his brain Technology is not part of Industry.

>> No.54216210

>Now imagine you travelled back from the future, what will be your plan NOW?

Continue travelling.

>> No.54216213

>>Money makes the world go round.

When fiat money collapses they will have to give us another type of money. And guess what. Fiat money has failed 100% of the time in human history.

>> No.54216285


I agree with your points here but, I think the problem is deciding on what the new system is. Is it going to be BTC? What happens to the people in power who have no BTC? This part I don't really get. Does michael saylor begin the biggest redemption arc of all time?

Or are the schizos right about XRP and they will link a new currency and liquidity with it?

Decisions decisions.

>> No.54216472

Ripple has been classified as a bank of last resort. What do you think that means?

>> No.54216571

You also have to consider that BTC cannot scale to service the world globally. The banks cannot build a system off BTC. The mining makes too much E waste and uses too much electricity.

Also XRP was designed from the start to act as a world reserve currency.

>> No.54216652

I did not know this. Do we have a source or something I can see?

Also if it acted as a world currency doesn't that give them and guys like arthur britto trillionaire status? Does it not matter anymore at that point though?


>> No.54216680

Jesus, skillsmaxxx, /fit/, /x/, /pol/ (but irl) in that order. Otherwise ngmi.

>> No.54216739


Also I think this is relevant now more than ever

>> No.54216762
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>Snow Crash appears to take place under anarcho-capitalism,[citation needed] a theme Stephenson carries over to his next novel The Diamond Age. As described in both novels and the short story "The Great Simoleon Caper" (1995), hyperinflation has sapped the value of the US dollar to the extent that trillion-dollar bills are nearly disregarded, and the quadrillion-dollar note is the standard "small" bill.[9]:241 This hyperinflation was created by the government overprinting money due to loss of tax revenue, as people increasingly began to use electronic currency, which they exchanged in untaxable encrypted online transactions. For physical transactions, most people resort to alternative currencies such as the yen or "Kongbucks" (the official currency of Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong). Hyperinflation has also negatively affected much of the world (with some exceptions like Japan), resulting in waves of desperate refugees from Asia who cross the Pacific in rickety ships hoping to arrive in North America.

>> No.54216777

BTC is only good as a Store of Value after the entire infrastructure was compromized by the Bilderbergs. And with CBDC being shilled hard by Globohomo BTC will only have value in the bl@ck_m@rk£+

>> No.54216809

Not sure where to find it but the IMF talks about Lenders of Last resort and how they come into play for a Financial Crisis.


When a new money is used there will be new trillionaires made. The guy who invented the consensus code of XRP is a Rothschild agent. Jed McCaleb.

>> No.54216835

Very informative thank you.

Now, do we think XLM is going to be used as well? If he is a rothschild agent....they would use it.....unless they are actually stopping the "Cabal"

>> No.54216871
File: 253 KB, 1585x1031, Economist 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I think XLM is part of it too. Their Logo is Saturnian and reminiscent to the Phoenix from the Economist.

>> No.54216887

You will have two choices, neutral money such as bitcoin or a cbdc. A world that values bitcoin will follow the natural order of life and a cbdc world will be exponentially higher levels of clown world.

>> No.54217037

Silver is a better conductor; actually the best elemental conductor. Gold is used in electronics in small amounts though, maybe because it is less reactive or something.

>> No.54217064

Everything Everywhere all at Once was an objectively mid movie at best. The fact that it won the most awards in the history of filmmaking is an absolute fucking disgrace. The entire cast should never be allowed to act ever again and the directors should quit as well.

>> No.54218564

It will be water, more specifically, pure drinkable water. Closely followed by electric energy.

Gold, crypto (whatver will be left over), other precious metals... They will mean shit when you need actually food and energy to sustain yourself.

>> No.54219120

Jews serve Saturn but even that one has a lifespan.

>> No.54219133

Gay niggers with electroshocked brains raised their glasses to milquetoast Jew Propaganda in Ameri-Mandarin.

>> No.54219408

take your meds