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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 327 KB, 750x793, 1678947601889397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54209328 No.54209328 [Reply] [Original]

Do. The. Work.

>> No.54209344

Suck. The. Cock.

>> No.54209349

Who's this chick?

>> No.54209358

Now that's a woman

>> No.54209379

The search is over /biz/

>> No.54209410

weight lifting is homosexual behavior

>> No.54209426
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>t. non-Work-doer.

>> No.54209620
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>> No.54209652

Do. The. Wank.

>> No.54209677
File: 16 KB, 184x245, ebbinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those legs

>> No.54209697

Imagine posting your fat flabby back on the internet and bitching like a woman to get work done. Instead of just handling it like a man.

>> No.54209871


>> No.54210003

This guy is my age and on TRT and I have a better body than him or at least equally as good

>> No.54210066

Why do old guys get assblasted when you point out that they're roiding?

>> No.54210173
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>> No.54210247

Not all of them do. Joe Rogan is upfront about it. I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.54210309

bitch isn't even big and trying to compensate for his lack of height

>> No.54211177

No one's buying your "tactical soap" richard

>> No.54211196

yeah and then imagine paying that guy to tell you to stop being a pussy.

>> No.54211203

>vagina shape car
Lol. They don't even know good cars.

>> No.54211346

Why shit on successful people trying to motivate chuds and cucks to do something with their life?

>> No.54211363

My back is better than that and I don't show it to the internet for attention. wtf is wrong with people.

>> No.54211445

Literally takes no effort into getting that physique other than yard work. And this attention-seeking faggot is bragging about it.

>> No.54212401

He’s probably looking around for a man that can give him a good ass fucking

>> No.54212432

you know the rules
pics or gtfo

>> No.54212457

>good cars
post one

>> No.54212510

>do the work
>take the steroids
>act like you're tougher and better than everybody.

>> No.54212775

imagine hopping on trt and looking this weak

>> No.54212858
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>> No.54213291
File: 55 KB, 640x480, Photo du 85747448-02- à 23.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was 19 yo on this pic
OP's pic look like a faggot

>> No.54213370

you think he can do more than 5 pulls up? lats kinda sus

>> No.54213644

hot back pucci

>> No.54213692

What kind of hillbilly mafia larking is this?

>> No.54213748
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>> No.54213830

Because he's trying to grift them, not help them. His community has like a $1000 entry fee.

>> No.54213886

What work? he looks like a 50 year old alcoholic lumberyard worker

>> No.54213911

A 50 year old alcoholic lumberyard worker that frequents gay bear pool parties

>> No.54213969

The absolute STATE of that bathroom
Roided up khv OP confirmed singleton or homo

>> No.54213991

And get a saggy grandpa back for overworking? no thanks.

>> No.54213999


lmao they just took the 2012 camaro to a hotel with nice front area

>> No.54214016

What exactly is the work you are demanding? Be specific. You can include your homoerotic picrel stuff if you like.

>> No.54214038
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Mom bitcoin is going down again

>> No.54214263

even better is his 1.2k for a 15 minute phone call. fucking grifting fuck

>> No.54214305

Okay go to your corner and do 300 squats

>> No.54214377

sam hyde get off of 4chan

>> No.54214384
File: 79 KB, 600x850, 1672849278432648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do the work
*Except legs

>> No.54214481

Blows my mind that retards pay all these manosphere gurus thousands of dollars to tell them to go to the gym and get a job paying $200k/year. They don't even help you with your gym routine/diet or how to get a job, or even keep you accountable, they just tell you that's what you need to do with an hour long discord session and then tell you to buy their book if you need more and to stop being a pussy.

>> No.54214492

Dude on the left looks like he's had his face smashed in.

>> No.54214494
File: 80 KB, 680x850, ButtpluggedSigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy. The. Soap.
Buy. The. Coaching.

>> No.54214608

>Just be Chad
>What do you mean you want me to elaborate
>Just do the work and buy the book
>Chase excellence
>Why do you keep asking me to elaborate
>Just buy the soap and do the work