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54206564 No.54206564 [Reply] [Original]

It happened again last night. Afters hours of meditating, I went to sleep and had the most vivd dreams of my life.

LUNC nearly overnight sky rocketed, and hit $1. People were trying to sell, exchanges crashed, and whole websites went down. It was chaos.

Prepare for the storm anon, and keep holding your LUNC bags. WAGMI.

>> No.54206717

I have about 1 ETH should I ape?

>> No.54206846

Lmao baggie

>> No.54206950
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>> No.54207155
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Non believers will rope when the LUNCmagedon comes

>> No.54207179

Lmao baggie

>> No.54207351

It is happening. And the people who do not understand this will rope.

>> No.54207381


>> No.54207445

>convince others they will rope
>looking for exit liquidity to avoid his own rope.

How did you get yourselves into a situation where all roads lead to ropes. Buy a real asset, not some dusty old bag sitting in cz's basement waiting for a miracle.