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54204322 No.54204322 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54204386

isnt it seasonal? so they make $35 an hour 9 months of the year

>> No.54204492
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Welding is not really a trade. Its a part of some trades, like ironworker, millwtight or steamfitter. Lots of "welders" are just guys making $18 in some sort of manufacturing job who have little training and are easily replaced.
Ironworkers and other trades do allot more than weld and make $50+ with another $25+ in benifets on top of that.

>> No.54204504
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Kek tradies are subhuman

>> No.54204515

>Lots of "welders" are just guys making $18 in some sort of manufacturing job who have little training and are easily replaced.
So like a human assembly line in a shop? So what does an ironworker do differently?

>> No.54204564

It's not seasonal, they are just contracted for certain jobs and when they aren't working they have to apply for unemployment. Source: my brother is a boilermaker.

>> No.54204866

>thinking manual labor work is the same as a skilled trade
yeah for sure dude, trades are dogshit because construction sucks
master elecrticians? don't exist, fed psyop
all trades are ditch digging

>> No.54204888

also unemployment is like $600 a week max in most states lmao

>> No.54204910

>Low cost of living states
Control for regional pay. A welder in NYC makes more than an RN in NC.

>> No.54204921

Medical imaging is basically a trade and I make 140k a year.

>> No.54204952

Where? What part of the country?

>> No.54204991

I'm a cement finisher in commercial construction, I took home $58,000 last year, had almost $4000 sent my my annuity, my health care is worth $7000 a year and I get 2-3 paid months off a year.

I'm not saying it's all cocaine and butter flies, but it's a pretty good fucking option for people who don't want to work at McDonalds and aren't college material.

>> No.54205005

Travel tech. Make 140k a year, get taxed as though I make 75k.

>> No.54205981
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Apples and Garbanzo Beans

>> No.54206000

If you aren't a blockchain developer in 2023 you've failed in life.

>> No.54206006

Welding is like one of the least skilled trades imaginable. It's not comparable to plumbers electricians etc

>> No.54206030

>like a human assembly line in a shop
yes, someone has to weld the dumpsters together and make store shelves and bbqs.
Ironworkers, Steamfitters and millwrights work on more industrial jobs and new construction of sky-scrappers and bridges.
>t. union steel trade make 110k/yr

>> No.54206060
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Lays steel for big buildings, drives those big cranes you see in your skyline, puts steel railings and staircases together in comercial buildings and residential high rises.

>> No.54206298

I'm at engineer at a major military contractor (yes, that one) and had to escort some HVAC workers in our lab while they upgraded some stuff last week. They kept talking about union vs non union and all of them though that $25 an hour was a good wage, and how much they wanted it. 3 of the 4 were easily at least 40. I'm 25 making $105k, and they kept making remarks about how jealous they were of "the people here" when it came to finances.

I have absolutely nothing but respect for blue collar work, but I wouldn't want to work with people who have spent 20+ years working and aren't making $25 an hour yet, because it would mean that I too would remain poor. The real tradepill seems to be starting your own LLC after a few years of experience, and managing the drones who can't move up.

This is in a large city in Florida btw.

>> No.54206316

Ok now do union workers only

>> No.54206346

The only people who "make it" in the trades are the smart ones without impulse control issues like drugs/gambling and they would have made it doing anything. Now they just gotta deal with tradie subhuman workers to make their "bank" , but I guess that is a good trade off to managing faggots and women.

>> No.54206352

Union workers don't really make that much more long-term. Gibs mentality with fewer working hours in the long run. Unless you're the union boss who tells everyone to vote Biden of course...

>> No.54206363

>what is unreported income

>> No.54206399
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>> No.54206498

Im guessing you live in the south, i work with hvac guys in a blue northern city. The average union jurneyman schmuk make 100k easy foreman much more. Mcdonalds pay $20 here though and you could make 25 at like an entry level service job.

>> No.54207034

Tell me, what was your thought process when you were posting this. Was the intent to shitpost, to just troll, or do you actually look down on wagies like in your WebM? Without them, NOTHING in society would function.

>> No.54207188
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>> No.54207196

Did you do a two year program. I want to become a rad tech any advice?

>> No.54207216

ironworkers build skyscrapers and all the infrastructure you use every day of your life you dipshit

>> No.54207298
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Go along tradie
You are much appreciated

>> No.54207356

>do you actually look down on wagies like in your WebM? Without them, NOTHING in society would function.
I think he's just happy there are people with double digit IQs that keep society going. The smart people will code the future and design our building, the tradies will get their hands dirty for us :)

>> No.54207482

No one takes the cybersecurity pill.

6 years experience. 275k. Work remote and go into office once every two weeks. Force company to pay for new certs and training every year so I can quit and job hop every 3 years. Life on easy mode.

>> No.54207539
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Trades pay ceiling isn't really high unless you are an underwater oil rig welder or something but the real value is being able to tell your boss to suck a dick and get a new job the next day. Trades turnover is very high and demand is also very high, don't think I've ever not gotten a raise when I asked for one. If you like to move around a lot trades are great, if you want to sit around get something more specialized and technical
Like this

>> No.54207722
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What makes you think they are low IQ? An unskilled laborer maybe, but a tradesman like a roofer, plumber, electrician, carpenter have normal range IQ, and if you create your own small company you're on the upper end of the IQ range. I hate this class warfare.

>> No.54207979

My trade average is something like $25, ive never made under $35, and im getting per diem to travel to places like Thailand.

>> No.54208037

people in trades tend to have lower to normal iqs in studies compared to white collar professions. granted, considering these studies are two to three decades old, it's the average iq is probably a lot lower in white collar and blue collar work.

>> No.54208094

>he fell for the trade meme
CS chads, we can't stop winning

>> No.54208103

Roofers are some of the dumbest people you'll ever meet.

>> No.54208244

Do you think someone with a high IQ would be pressure washing a nasty pit while literally covered in cockroaches when they could be sitting at home coding in their underwear making many multiples more money?

>> No.54208425

>high IQ
hello sir

No, but it just seemed so derogatory to call him low IQ.

>> No.54208907

Hyperbaric welders make bank.

>> No.54208989

Two year x-ray program, 3 month MRI program. Get a year of experience under your belt literally anywhere, and you make $3k a week. Go on Vivian or some other site and you'll get job offers literally every day to the point that you'll be annoyed by it.

>> No.54209006


>> No.54209007
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It's funny I always have a great degree of respect for blokes like this who just get in and get the job done, irrespective of what it is
Don't pussy foot around that shit, stand there moaning, or refuse to do it because you think you're above it
Just fucking get it done lad

>> No.54210624

His hair is a worse sight than the roaches desu

>> No.54210699

>$86k in SF for a SWE job
maybe for entry level gig 30 years ago

>> No.54210734

I sit at a machine all day making $35hr. 1.5x Saturdays 2x Sundays 3x holidays. Comfy bros

>> No.54210866

how the fuck is 45k same as national average and 86k is 20% above, that website is pulling numbers out of ass for midwits like (You)

>> No.54211004

my buddy is an iron worker and makes more money than me as an engineer. I think he's making almost $70/hr and he gets flown out to different states

>> No.54211090

That's funny. I'm considering switching out of electrical engineering to take an offer for an electronics technician job that makes 70$ an hour plus >100hrs of double pay overtime a year.
Only thing stopping me is I'm worried about taking nitche work too early in my career.

>> No.54212031

>construction management
>75k a year
>can continue making more and probably max out at 150
>but that’s after 10 years of experience of a super stressful job
>kinda burned out and dissatisfied already

>what should I do bros

>> No.54212206

Sparky here. Dropped out of Uni after first semester to do electrical trade. 20 years later, have always earned more than any former classmate who stuck with their degree, who I still have contact with or any others they know. Every and I mean EVERY minesite I've been to we electricans always out earn the Electrical engineers on site. Plus I work an even time roster 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Plus 4 weeks annual leave, so, I only work five months of the year.

>> No.54212272

Take the offer, milk the overtime while your young you’ll thank me later

>> No.54212290

Ever work with lineman at the mines? I’ve heard about niche work there

>> No.54212449

A couple of times, they tend to be HV jointer specialists here in Aus but are pretty rare in mines here. They mostly work for power grid companies on wages.

>> No.54212822

Im in the trades, and i bet I could tell my boss to suck my dick and hed still keep me on. Probably wouldn't ever talk to me anymore, either. We are running about 30% needed manpower this summer. I would wager we get sued for missing multiple deadlines by this fall. We have some truly terrible workers at the moment we can't get rid of. I could be working for any of 5 or 6 companies tomorrow morning if i made some phone calls tonight. They are all in the same boat. The major city 2 hours from here that is not growing anymore has an abundance of workers, and those guys grind at work and kiss ass all day just to stay working. In chicago, i hear that guys compete to Bribe forman just to stay working.

>> No.54212989

if I were forced to do that job i'd be wearing more than a shirt.

>> No.54213020


>> No.54213047

>EVERY minesite I've been to we electricans always out earn the Electrical engineers on site
because there are none?

>> No.54213233

thats cuz theyre all mexican
even nigs try to speak english

>> No.54213245

there are always a couple oxygen thieves on site.

>> No.54213512

I'm not even really saying code monkeys have high IQ. But between the guy in the cockroach pit and the guy on the couch in his pajamas making at least 4X more, who do you think has the higher IQ? That was my point even, code monkey job is low hanging fruit for lazy smart people and a good achievement for ambitious retards. But the guy covered in cockroaches...there's really no defending that. If he was smart, he would do almost anything else. He's even the dumbest guy on that job site, or else he'd be the one filming.

>> No.54213691

>i wouldnt do it, so hes dumb for doing it
he could just also not mind bugs
some people grow up with tarantulas as pets

>> No.54213769

I'm in the laborer's union in a big city and make $50 an hour... and my job isn't very physical. I mainly test concrete and sometimes help setup the concrete pump/build forms. I travel a lot, and my hotel rooms are paid for + 80 a day cash per diem, plus bonuses when I'm on the road for more than 2 weeks at a time. I don't get laid off seasonally, either, but can generally take time off whenever I want during the winter... I make 90-110 a year depending on the hours worked, and my benefits are primo.. plus I get to draw pension credits starting at 50. Super comfy.
Must be a lot of McWagies and low-level office cucks coping in this thread.

>> No.54213864

Based sparkybro. Currently finishing up my first rotation in the oilfield building a cogen at the big name in oil in Alberta. It’s tough going for 2 weeks straight but in dire times like these I might stick it out at this job for a while. It’s nice not having to spend a dime for 2 weeks while you make some serious money. Stay safe out there.

>> No.54214259

Ok, how do I take it then?

>> No.54215360

You're a bitch ass hoe.

>> No.54215443

cope and seeth tradie chud. you are a lower class citizen in the eyes of the entire world. nothing will ever change that

>> No.54215461

>Medical imaging
can you WFH doing nothing picking your nose all day? No? kill yourself tradie chud

>> No.54215496

>2-3 month paid vaction

No you don't, what a load of horseshit. You get two weeks MAX. Your lowly existence is utterly pitiful. Kill yourself tradie-chud. 58k is laughable

>> No.54215536

this is not a joke by the way. this is the reality for most tradie retards, even where i live in canada where living costs are substantially higher.

>> No.54215550

cope and seeth tradie chud. now clean my asshole

>> No.54215584

why was anthony cumia so suicidal and desperate to escape his job then? If he was making comfy union wages? He was a "tin knocker" which i believe is a steamfitter? serious question. the way he talked about being a tin knocker made it sound like a nightmare. what am i missing here?


>> No.54215649
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Trades are based but you need to be self employed. Cant be some boomers bitch boy. You should be able to learn everything you need to know within 4 years, not unlike college. Or if youre a retarded alcoholic like me just be a painter. You can be your own boss from day 1

>> No.54215654


lmao more tradie cope. killyourself

>> No.54215958

i'm a software developer you fucking ape, cope harder
tradies being lower class doesn't change the fact that your opinion is wrong
unskilled labor is not a skilled trade
people act like tradies have fucked up broken bodies because they see bricklayers, ironworkers, and roofers complaining about their backs after 15 years of work
trades aren't nearly as demanding as people think they are

>> No.54216016

I laugh every time he does the tough guy "shake it off" thing. Why are tradies so funny

>> No.54216062

lol you can work at a grocery store as a meat cutter and make like $30, if your at the right store. You don't even need a high school degree kek.

>> No.54216087

Im a Plumber and i pull $30-70k a week, my best week so far has been $160k. You all will always need me and you will pay a premium for me. Have fun in the office while i fuck your wives for a discount boys

>> No.54216220

kill yourself prole

onions-cope. it's all the same in the eyes of society. tradies are second class citizens,

>> No.54216264

Whether you do trades or CS you can probably be ok.
The only way to truly fuck yourself is doing engineering.
It's the worst of both worlds.
4 years of uni + student debt
shit-tier salary that hasn't scaled up with inflation and CoL for like 40 years

>> No.54216895

At least I can breathe the free air and appreciate the daily satisfaction of a job well done with my white trade brothers instead of sitting in a wage cage with HR niggers and smelly pajeets

>> No.54217076


>> No.54217366
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What your fingers and beef up that accidental death and dismemberment policy
>No refunds

>> No.54217435

1203 is gasoline, not cum

>> No.54217724

How difficult is it? My biggest challenge is interacting with people. How much do you have to actually interact with normalfags?

>> No.54217829

Welding inspector tradie here. You can’t put a price on doing a hard days work and doing it well. Most of the people I work with are my friends. women respect what I do and therefore it’s easy to fuck them. And a consistent level of interaction/bonding plus the natural body movement required to do my job keeps the depression away. Most WFH dweebs will larp about having a balanced lifestyle but we all know most of you are hunched over your screens for 16 hours a day and miserable. Only in this cesspool is having a job and contributing to society looked down upon. Smh

>> No.54217837

We both know your wife would offer up her ass for discount trade work and tell you how she worked hard to get the best price, kek! Enjoy the office big brain

>> No.54218477

>You can’t put a price on doing a hard days work and doing it well.
Every trade tard has this pathetic cope. You are lying to yourself and must rope

>> No.54219788

kek good one shakespeare

>> No.54219936

i could, i would, sure thing, i heard this so many times from tradie is insane

>> No.54219959

have no idea why they get shat on so much in terms of pay. Trades are hell. They wouldn't even be worth it with good pay.

>> No.54219964

kekt and rekt, let him cope anon

>> No.54220010

now ask a woman if she would date a tradie, skilled trader earns decent pay thats true, but a skilled white collar worker earns way more and this is a fact, so your wrong.

>> No.54220168

>Spend half your time studying boring bullshit that's outdated in 5 years anyway
Give me a 20-hour-week job and subsistence-level living over dealing with that kind of robot existence

>> No.54220200

Carpenter here. Enjoy being gay for pay in the apocalypse with your useless Communications Degree and PR experience

>> No.54220298

Commercial hvac tech checking in.

>skilled trade, in demand year round
>company vehicle and phone, all expenses paid for
>work alone most of the time
>fix equipment that few understand (ie. rewarding)
>take as many breaks as I want
>take off whenever I want
>In charge of my own schedule (no clocking in and out)
>Dynamic work environment

This is my 10th year doing it and my body is fine. Retards trying to move 25hp motors by themselves are the exception, not the rule. It's more in demand now than ever before since, even for us, newfags seemingly don't want to do it. Just under 6 figures in a low col state and that's with minimal OT. I'm feeling comfy

>> No.54220358

Is $35/h a lot?

>> No.54220702

>MRIs are that much easier to learn than xrays

>> No.54220792

Do you need certs for hvac? And if so, are they difficult to get? I've been doing electrical maintenance in factories for about 10 years now. Solid t/s and plc programming background and it'sgood pay, but this shit is so fucking soulless. I feel like I need to get out before I go nuts

>> No.54220864

> Mean

>> No.54220951

A "tin-knocker" aka a tinner installs the ductwork of a building. A steamfitter is a pipefitter who installs steam-based mechanical piping systems. Almost completely different trades.

t. Pipefitter/Welder

>> No.54220989

I know trades keep the world running, but like, I think I'd blow my brains out before doing one. Have you guys seen elevator workers? Fuuuuck that. They don't even make that much for how dangerous it is.

>> No.54221353

honestly, coding is boring as fuck, a life of adventure and actually moving your body is more fun

>> No.54221368

strong cope, even if you're making 150k that's still 1/10th of home value vs iowa making 1/4 of home value, suck a dick

>> No.54221437

>butter flies

>> No.54221496

nope, my cousin does it and has a doctorate in it, makes twice that much I believe.

>> No.54221681

How do i go back in time to unmake this mistake?

>> No.54221707

Something doesn’t add up because every tradesman I know makes bank. I’m guessing these numbers are heavily weighed down by general laborers aka Mexicans

>> No.54222338
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>he doesn't put kerrygold on his house flies
Lmaoing @ you're life

>> No.54222520

The MRI class is after x-ray. Most of x-ray school is getting the fundamentals of anatomy, working in a hospital, and improvising. MRI, CT, mammography, and so on add on to the basic ARRT radiography cert.

Honestly, for most people getting their MRI cert takes at least a year. I had the benefit of training at my job along with doing clinicals at a hospital, so I was basically doing MRI 60 hours a week plus a class once a week.

>> No.54222558

You have to interact with other people every hour of every day. Luckily, radiography school beats the awkwardness out of you.

>> No.54222625

>Don't talk to me if you aren't a pipe welder
Some of the welders I hired were making 35/hr and 15/hr for their welding rig. The good ones were always working and had tons of OT. They for sure were making as much as some of the office managers.

>> No.54223035

Yep, the wage distribution curve is like an inverse normal distribution. Similar to tech in that sense

>> No.54225665

>pointing out that the figures are completely wrong is a cope

>> No.54226207

Trade wagies make almost nothing

Trade self employed are often millionaires.

same deal with doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, any profession. Wagies go broke, owners get rich.

>> No.54226732

ok yeah. I was always disturbed by that. like the way cumia talked about tin knocking is completely the opposite of the way people are talking up the trades. i am interested in welding, but i am not interested in being up in a hot attic or working in a muddy field or a thunder storm.

>> No.54228306

Think of it as developed tolerance. Bear in mind that as a tinner Ant was the guy installing the heating and cooling systems i.e. he does not get to have heating or cooling when he needs it since it is not there yet. However, Cumia "escaped" that life and traded up for a lucrative radio career. He brought up some of the worst parts of what he did for work because of conversation and also because he could safely look back on all of it. Had the radio job never happened or took off he'd still be there making the best of what he has. He'd cope somehow.

It really depends on the trade and what work you tend to do. A tradesman who is good at their work and who can save their money well can find lines of work where they mount even wait more than they work. I say this as a guy who rifht now reads and plays Hearts in the breakroom more than he has to fit, put in flanges, or weld on average but I'm making >$3k take home pay while doing it.

>> No.54228506

>a life of adventure
Imagine this level of cope. Tradie work is tedious as fuck. Kill yourself

>> No.54228553

Pathetic. killyoutself

>> No.54228659

I earn $41.25 per hour as a local truck driver. OT after 8 hrs in a day(average 54-58 hrs per week), pension and 100% company paid benefits. AMA

>> No.54228709

How much do you hate your life?

>> No.54228791

> How much do you hate your life?
Allot with 140k per year gross with minimum effort

>> No.54228862

I feel for the tradefag meme, you work with drug addicts, 3rd world immigrants, and the occasional doomer.
everybody is trying to fuck over each other, snake pay, rinse every last hour of work out of you, and make you their bitch. It fucking sucked. and the pay was complete shit, compared to the effort.

only upside is now I know depression era skills if shit gets absolutely fucked, that and I can work jobs for cash if I absolutely have to, but its not really an income.

fuck that shit, im getting into programming, even if I have to be some shit IT janny helpdesk is better and more pay than eating shit and being tired all the time because you worked 12-14 hours on the jobsite.

>> No.54229166
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kek get a load of this fucking retarded gorilla nigger
Positively seething
I average 100k a year, little overtime, travel all over the US (I'm paid extra to do so), and my job mainly involves some simple math, building specialized lightweight forms, and being able to talk to contractors and dispatchers.. the physical aspect is minor and a very small part of each job.

All of my living expenses are taken care of. I'm provided a rental when I'm out of town and don't have a company truck, a company credit card, my hotels are paid for (sometimes they get us an apartment or airbnb/vrbo), a company phone, my flights are paid for (I'm also paid for my time when I'm flying), plus 80 bucks a day tax-free per diem for food and drink... I barely even touch my paychecks when I'm on the road.
Although it is true that 100k isn't very much these days, if you aren't retarded you can acquire a bit of land and a couple cheap rental properties in 5 years of living frugally.. I've been doing it for 11 years, am approaching my mid 30s, and am more well-off than most everyone else from my graduating class. It helps that I had the sense to not go out and wrack up debt on idiotic shit like brand new vehicles, boats, jetskis, $500 bar tabs, etc..

Picrel, it's a beach house on the gulf of Mexico the company rented for a job in Texas. This is was a shitty quick snapshot that doesn't do it justice, but yeah, it's a super comfy gig. Also, I know Miller Lite is trash but I was working on leftover shit in the fridge from the night before.

>> No.54229790

This is the average lifestyle of a 1yr exp software eng, yet you have been doing this 10 years and have hit the ceiling of your income potential. It’s over for you tradie copefag

>> No.54229909
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imagine falling for the tradie meme. back blown out, arthritis, dead by 60. all for a middle class income at best

>> No.54230027

I looked into blockchain development and it's so f****** easy. Does it really pay money? I mean who the hell pays for it?

>> No.54230053

I have the same experience. I was making $25 an hour at my part-time job programming in high school and I knew that wasn't market rate because I also did contract work on the side for like $100 an hour or more. I actually had a buddy who build me out and when he asked me what I want I thought I was asking for the Moon by asking for $30 an hour and he explained to me that he was billing $300 an hour and so he would give me $125 as a subcontractor. And this was like 20 years ago. Imagine making $25 an hour in 2023.

>> No.54230068

No, the ones who make it are the ones who have enough money to buy a truck and incorporate a company and hire subcontractors or employees. That's the only way you'll actually make any money by billing people out for more than you pay them. I mean if you can have the credit to get one truck and a lawn mower and some yard working equipment, you can put a crew in it and Bill out more than you pay them in an hour. Especially if you manage the crew on site.

>> No.54230104

Nice looking view there. Also, my parents use the exact same default desktop background on their computer.

>> No.54230157

>the ceiling
lmao not even close. I could make twice as much as a the project manager/superintendent, but I have no intention of doing that. My life/work balance is perfect. I already own 50 acres, 3 rental properties, a nice crypto portfolio of btc/eth, a safe full of boomer rocks, plenty of ammo, it's all more than I need.

btw, in the month I was staying in that beach house, I ran through a boatload of hot tinder sluts.. how about you? I can tell from the way that you type that you're a broke cunt who still lives with his parents under the guise of "frugality" when in reality you just can't afford anything else.
Let me guess, you're a "software engineer" who makes 300k a year and is super jacked....
Have you paid off your parents mortgage yet? Why haven't you?

>> No.54230297
File: 89 KB, 294x250, boomerdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, and yeah we aren't allowed to adjust/modify our work laptops, but I don't give a shit because I only use that hunk of garbage for a bit of paperwork and financials. It is perfectly boomerish to be sipping the miller lite and plunking around on a dated laptop with a windows 95-style desktop theme though kek

>> No.54232248

The funny/sad part about it is of he had the intelligence and conscience to spell a basic word like butterflies correctly, he probably wouldn’t be a cement layer working for $60k a year

>> No.54233709

Im sure nobody in tech or crypto or neets or whatever you unemployed virgins pretend to do was ever sucidal or hated their work.