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54203354 No.54203354 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys hold Bitcoin?
Women see Bitcoin holders as losers and incels

>> No.54203366
File: 776 KB, 450x450, kikedar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54203520

women also consider polcels obsessed with the jewish people as losers and incels

>> No.54203693


>incel detected
That was true in 2014. Now you can literally use the fact you hold bitcoin as a pickup line, I did it all weekend at SXSW, girls think holding lots of crypto is cool as fuck as long as you don’t beat them over the head about it

>> No.54203795

Did you get any pussy with this tactic

>> No.54203971

It’s not a “tactic”, no girl has blown for wearing my BTC shirt. But it’s came up in casual conversation many times. Girls hold crypto too, every stripper an OF girl is a BTC whale. OP is just a incel Jew.

>> No.54203985
File: 483 KB, 2530x997, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the over way around sex havers and winners hold crypto and losers and incels hold fiat money and shiny rocks.

>> No.54204021
File: 945 KB, 1284x1618, 12801CB9-573F-46E1-9807-DA2C8F1768E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Austin, TX (SXSW)
> 27
> invested in bitcoin


> OP on suicide watch

>> No.54204099

>Women see Bitcoin holders as losers and incels

Way to be stuck in 2012. Bitcoin is trendy now and women as trend-chasers will get wet over you gently whispering the words "decentralized hedge against inflation in the form of digital gold and monetary energy" into their ear.

>> No.54204588

That’s one of many reasons why you don’t talk to women about crypto, or finance at all for that matter

>> No.54204605

>caring what women think

>> No.54204738


if you are + 70 iq you don't give a single fuck about what women think about vou, cripto, or everithing in general.

and if you are +100, you wont even acknowledge their existence. Too busy managing your portfolio or dyor.

>> No.54204786

this, women are literal children when it comes to stuff like finance. money to them is to be spent on vain things. never let a female know about your stack.

>> No.54205022
File: 3.08 MB, 600x450, 1679168638615393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should I tell women about my financial situation?

>> No.54205136



I remember being 8 (i grew up in a poor white trash family) and once my mom won a minor jackpot in the lotto. $10k. despite me telling her not to spend it on retarded things like a new tv. she did spend it all on a typical woman moment. all of this while being like two months behind on rent.

that taught me a lesson, and as soon as i could i moved out. My mom doesn't know anything about my finances, and let me tell you, neither should any woman if you want to live a nice life.

>> No.54205148

most women are actively destroying their lives, why should i care about their judgement? they really only care about where you end up, not how you got there

>> No.54205182

Solution: hold bitcoin and don’t tell women

>> No.54205191

What if your personality LITERALLY is Bitcoin though.

>> No.54205224

What a gif lmao

>> No.54205239

No one fucking cares what women think besides other women and faggots.

>> No.54205678

Like it matters what they think. If you're rich they barely give a shit how it happened as long as it happened