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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.54203361

lmao the faggot woke up

>> No.54203367
File: 56 KB, 650x500, 1621640121018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deletes based thread
>creates a tumblr thread

>> No.54203379

saudis rejecting the UBS deal, wanting to hold the bag down to 0 before losing face

>> No.54203386

>The Bank of England has told its Swiss counterpart and the country's two biggest banks that it will not object to an emergency merger, Sky News understands
It's over Credit Sis is gone

>> No.54203399

What stock should I buy on Monday open? Please no rugs

>> No.54203402
File: 1.33 MB, 3001x1435, Imgur front page 3-19-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other thread got yeeted.

How can you be bullish, given the circumstances of modern western society? Wondering what the current bull thesis is?

>> No.54203406
File: 35 KB, 680x605, JRyuTDzWUU_UrhOzHj73X55CYtngng_42nT2d4VluVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.54203417

>he brings his propaganda to this thread again
Nobody would read this if you weren't spreading it around, fuck off

>> No.54203423

Will you fucking cocksuckers stop passing off janman

>> No.54203431

Spy puts

>> No.54203435


>> No.54203440

you only post this when something is going on with the current price action. nothing is happening right now the markets are closed

>> No.54203444
File: 212 KB, 1080x589, Screenshot_20230319_060605_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you guys held this garbage right? This is the future for FRC baggies by the way. Should have sold during the exit pump on Thursday.

>> No.54203460
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>> No.54203472
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WTF! Why did the jannies heem the last thread? Wasn't even to 200 replies.

>> No.54203490
File: 59 KB, 577x683, 1648364813103149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when commercial real estate crashes?

>> No.54203505

Go with DBND for a short term treasury ETF?
Gundlach seems based, also it was the best performing short term treasury ETF on ETFdb

>> No.54203539


>> No.54203541
File: 30 KB, 640x510, why do these people have political power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real talk: do you think anyone on this website is gonna look at that picture and go "wow! im convinced!" and completely 180 their worldview? it's like saying you could post 4chan redpill posts on imgur and they'd all of a sudden become conservatives. just seems ridiculous. the point is to laugh at how crazy they are, because we all know that here. it's like you're talking about a danger that doesn't even exist. in either case, your way of dealing with the problem is bad because it just makes me want to post it more because it clearly bothers you so much.

anyways, buy AMD. solid fundamentals, bright future, excellent management, most important sector of the economy in modern times (semiconductors). easy choice. :^)

>> No.54203546

> The government is preparing emergency measures to allow the takeover to proceed at pace and plans to introduce legislation that will bypass the normal six-week consultation period required for UBS shareholders, the newspaper reported.
Kinda interesting that they are in such hurry. It seems like we are actually on the verge of collapse if something is not done very quickly.

>> No.54203547

FRC bros
they slurped CS for the cheap at 1/10 the price
I hope they don't do us dirty like that

>> No.54203556

It’s not the worst thing in the world. Maybe, just fucking maybe, they can turn all of those empty office buildings into condos. Hell even JPow suggested that’s what they should do


>> No.54203569
File: 450 KB, 2169x3372, SMG_Orginal_Film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over isn't it?
Yeah, halting trades for nearly every bank five days in a row 30 minutes into trading is normal. Just heck'n slurp that dipp-a-reno!

>> No.54203575

Enjoy your .04 shares of JPM

>> No.54203598

Why did you buy a failing bank?

>> No.54203602

Go back

>> No.54203629
File: 64 KB, 1024x894, 1678483434563727m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't, right? This has to be a troll post. No one bought a failing bank, even with the magic money from other banks being injected into it, RIGHT?

>> No.54203643
File: 39 KB, 468x384, 1675967972276785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS shares valued at around $0.25 / share by UBS $1bn offer
>backed by regulators
>around 90% lower than current price
UBS going bottom fishing after that drop on Monday anyway

>> No.54203644
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>> No.54203649

But it's up after hours

>> No.54203651

Sadly doesnt work like that without huge investments to retrofit the building with new interior layouts and utilities. Then on top of that got to tongue some local bureacrats anus to rezone it.

>> No.54203664

>huge investment
Liquidity in the market is at an all time high, if people are pulling all out of their money from banks its gotta go somewhere right

>> No.54203667

those ended 36 hours ago

>> No.54203675

Women be shopping yall

>> No.54203676

I thought Europeans could trade on weekends

>> No.54203680
File: 1.08 MB, 300x200, 1661455940487264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's up after hours

>> No.54203684

>Yeah, halting trades for nearly every bank five days in a row 30 minutes into trading is normal
Literally wrong

>> No.54203707

AI is the next Dot Com bubble.

>> No.54203708
File: 188 KB, 1228x1150, 1672512032095652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>index funds

>> No.54203728
File: 921 KB, 2445x4347, 8bccf15cf05bfc371181c90eecbe9bd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up thinking it was Monday. Markers weren't moving. It's Sunday. Back to sleep.

>> No.54203729

I wonder what /biz/ looked like during the 08 crash

>> No.54203750

and current investments have to yield >3.5%-4% and rent increases are not extremely likely throwing that much housing up. So now everyone is sitting on cash telling everyone to lower the damn price.

>> No.54203753

the best way to not lose quite as much money quite as quickly
what's not to love

>> No.54203784
File: 65 KB, 750x1091, soft landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this

>> No.54203798

Is there a way to trade shares for shares? Like if I'm up bigly but I want to move on can I just trade with someone who wants my shares? Like without selling for money and then buying for money? Like just cutting out the middleman you know?

>> No.54203800

Don’t let frc boys know their future

>> No.54203836

there's a facebook group for that but it's private/invite only

>> No.54203870

Did /biz/ exist? I don't know when this specific board was created. Unless you just mean financial fourms of the time in general.

>> No.54203888
File: 332 KB, 786x720, 1675805412800199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally sarcasm.
I thought you didn't work on the sabbath Moshe?

>> No.54203889


>> No.54203931

Its Sunday

>> No.54203937

I’m buying nike calls

>> No.54203951

I dumped my cost basis and am just holding the gains now
still dont want to get slurped on the cheapies

>> No.54204003
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>> No.54204011
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>> No.54204145

In 08 it was the banks fault. Right now it's the Fed's fault.

>> No.54204160

I thought 2008 was because of people who took too many loans. I mean, if it was caused by banks we would see bankers in jail. Nothing like this happened.
Also, please don't throw shade on Fed. Their heroic intervention saved global economy from total collapse in 2009

>> No.54204162

>government creates a "black box*
>put all economic stress inside of black box
>poof problems are gone economy is saved

Give me one just one reason why they dont do this(they will soon)

>> No.54204192

It was the banks fault for being retarded and handing out money to any retard with a pulse. They couldn't possibly expect the fed to fuck them over as hard as they did.

>> No.54204199
File: 337 KB, 1200x1800, 323123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks had all of 22 to buy interest rate hedges and lower duration on there bond portfolios.

this is some how the Feds fault.

>> No.54204202
File: 106 KB, 512x261, jefferson on (((central banks))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, if it was caused by banks we would see bankers in jail.

haha even

>> No.54204205

The thing to remember about economic collapses is it simply means money was consolidated too much in one area for too long of a time.

>> No.54204209

No. The banks loaned money out like candy to basically anyone who applied. Didn't mater the credit score or how much you made. Long as you had a job it was "hey no problem". Trouble was most of those fucks couldn't pay it back.

>> No.54204214

And who do you think made them?

>> No.54204222

>be me
>lost 13 family members in the revolutionary war

This image stings

>> No.54204230

All the fed has to do is cut rates to save the economy. We're in a manageable place inflation wise.

>> No.54204231
File: 203 KB, 720x695, 06b65d86678aea1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on sale
>all relevant indeces/ETFs/stocks still up from the covid mini dip

QE is back though, so yes, the bull market is back aswell.

>> No.54204251

I've put all my savings and my kids tution funds into FRC and CS, I'm financially ruined

>> No.54204265

Modern world simply cannot exist without banks. They need all the love and support they can get from us.

The only thing you can accuse bankers of is them having too good hearts. I mean, go ahead and try denying loans to thousands of families looking for a help with fundinf their dream homes.

>> No.54204274

If everyone could buy houses then I won't be able to.

>> No.54204283

>Modern world simply cannot exist without banks
dont google CBDC

>> No.54204286

That's literally socialism

>> No.54204296
File: 36 KB, 820x713, 1661295030588492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pretty funny joke

>> No.54204298

Thoughts on BAC C and USB?
some anon posted a meme that C was in relatively good shape

>> No.54204320

Anon, there are multiple times more vacant homes in America than there are people in need of homes.

When a bank lends money for a house, it is in their interest to keep the value of this house high.

Put these two notions together tell me what you notice

>> No.54204323

Ok boomer

>> No.54204329
File: 2.95 MB, 237x329, 1676002955033537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no aqua gf(male)

>> No.54204336

Who is that man?

>> No.54204339

imagine a word where you want to buy a steak and the Fed just blocks the transaction because you've already reached your co2 limit for the month. you will love it, chud.

>> No.54204347

It will take some time to adapt CBDCs unfortunately. Although I agree that having an account directly at Fed would be great.

I can see your point. Unfortunately the system back then assumed that people are responsible enough to judge if they are able to repay their debt. As we all know this was a bad assumption. I also think that government didn't put enough regulation and resstrictions on retail to prevent this from happening again. I'm afraid we could see the repeat of 2008 because of that.
In the end, freedom is great, but not when the whole society has to pay for the consequences of bad decissions.

>> No.54204348

just suck in your farts, it will be fine

>> No.54204349

you dont understand they make their money back by printing out money to banks with bad liquidity with interest its actually good for us bro trust the plan

>> No.54204367

helicopter loans keeps the price high. there is not a "housing market" anymore Glass-Steagall it's a "loan market".

>> No.54204369

Such manipulation could be deemed illegal in some states, if not unethical. Sounds like bad faith argument unless you have proof of banks' involvement.

>> No.54204371

Forced by the government—Pelosi/Barney Frank via Freddie Mac.

>> No.54204395

Back in 2008 it was like this: Dude making 20,000 a year. Walking into a bank and walking out with 100,000. He buys a house. At first things were good. Then "oh no life hits". He misses his payment, He's broke. Bank calls the loan. Goodbye house. Trouble is the house only fetches part of the total amount owed (interest you know). So now the bank is fucked. This is overly simplistic of what happened back then.

>> No.54204418
File: 81 KB, 750x684, F33DF34D-534B-46A1-8095-7B48C588FC14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said previously, Citi as it is today is a zombie bank that’s only alive because it’s too big to fail. It looks like smart people were running their risk management and treasury departments, so they shouldn’t be affected by this current crisis outside of contagion risks, but that doesn’t mean they’re a good investment. They’re still actively trying to get smaller, so don’t expect them to take on a lot of the risky commercial depositors that were previously in these regional banks that are collapsing. They’ve been crabbing since the Great Recession for good reason

>> No.54204421

You missed the the part where they were niggers and it was all social engineering.

>> No.54204430

I was just entering kindergarten in 08 so I don't remember much

>> No.54204442

This not even getting to the rooms of people filling out loans and loans to dead people. The only time you get legitimate banking reform is when the banks fuck up REALLY BAD and cause a depression even then they will just wait for everyone to forget and then whine at congress to remove the regulations.

>> No.54204455
File: 39 KB, 400x400, sess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is sessler okay?

>> No.54204462
File: 536 KB, 500x281, 1678940425818518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kindergarten in 08
>not underageb&
time goes by... so slowly...

>> No.54204464
File: 393 KB, 768x1024, 1146ab4c9669ced2ce90f7dc51ee09cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he look ok?

>> No.54204474
File: 134 KB, 727x910, imgur 16510684086496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, he seems to still be alive, so that's something.

>> No.54204486


>> No.54204499

We're just 7 years from 2030. You will not even notice when we get there.

>> No.54204503

so you can expect a 10-15% upside from this thanking plus a 5% dividend? seems like a good investment

>> No.54204522

I don't get this comic. What is she angry at?

>> No.54204583
File: 182 KB, 1200x1800, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's angry that the other women is holding the arm of the man cuz she is likes him too.

>> No.54204610

The comic revolves around Douki (dumb bitch in the back) fawning over her giga chad coworker. The problem is every hot bitch in the office also wants to fuck this dude so 99% of the chapter is her getting BTFO while the giga stacy girls in the company flirt with giga chad.

>> No.54204620

Citi has already shed it's retail mom and pop banking operations in all countries but the U.S and U.K. It's hanging on to all other operations though. Which is a good thing.

>> No.54204648

Biz was created in February 2014 was too many people were complaining about all the btc threads on pol

>> No.54204652

I can't wait till 2030. Cause at that point it's just a short clip away from retirement. (2036/37)

>> No.54204670

I always forget how big btc here was before it went mainstream. There was always at least one anon in each board I frequent that made some decent money on it because they remembered they had some from years ago.

>> No.54204739
File: 144 KB, 785x552, 1678740455457949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

historically speaking, when rate cuts happen its time to get out. if jpow announces cutting rates or 0bepis we'll rally for 1 to 3 months and then die.

>> No.54204763

>only shows 25 years
Nigga that's like 1/10th of the history of the US stock market

>> No.54204796

I don't feel anything
I don't know this feeling
I never saw this happening to me

>> No.54204802

Shouldn't shit like this be adjusted for inflation? It comes aout to around the same amount when you do. Not saying it isn't bad but seems deceiving

>> No.54204820

Meanwhile she is ignoring like 8/10 guy probably

>> No.54204853

At my job I've got 3 tiers of retirement options to pick from. 20 years - bare ass minimum, you get health ins coverage till 65 and a small pension but you'd still have to work elsewhere in order to make it. 27 years - standard. Full pension/ins. 32 years - Max pension/ins. In all cases you'd get the pension amount till you died. Loopholes: Sick time/Comp time credit - 3000 hrs equals 1 year of time you can shave off. So in reality you can work 30 years but still get the max of 32 via credit if you don't use your sick/comp time. Vacation time credit - Cash value can be paid out to you.You get taxed at a higher rate on this though. However you can also roll this into your 401k and avoid the tax hit and also give your 401k a free boost.

>> No.54204875 [DELETED] 

President Trump will be arrested during Lent—a time of suffering and purification for the followers of Jesus Christ.

As Christ was crucified, and then rose again on the 3rd day, so too will President Trump.

Violence is never the answer. Winning the election is. Vote for Trump!





>> No.54204882

Every single one requires you to work for over 25 years so sounds dumb to me.

>> No.54204916

Can't even imagine working 30 fucking years without taking a vacation or sick time.

>> No.54204939
File: 49 KB, 699x659, 69da75de3c39dac0cb99cb614291ab81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trumps going to get arrested on thursday.

>> No.54204963

Are you a government worker?

>> No.54204972

I am homeless and enjoy it, I literally day trade to buy drugs.

>> No.54204978

the real question is how much are stocks going to pump from it

>> No.54204998

two more weeks

>> No.54205000

Anon, you really think you're gonna work for the same company for 20-30 fucking years? Unless all your bosses love you and give you promotions willy nilly the best strategy is to move companies every few years to increase your income and gain experience. In 20 years I hope I'm either in a director/vp position or I'm doing consulting work.

>> No.54205008

Well the thing is the longer your there the more time you build up. They also give you a block of free time as you hit certain milestones. Plus there's paid holidays. So really a dude could still take vacations and stuff all without fucking himself outta the perks. Also say you start working right outta high school or college (18 - 25). Do the math.

>> No.54205018


>> No.54205056

Yep I'm a govt worker. I've gotten promotions. Far as bosses go uh I guess you could say I don't really have one. I mean I do but I've been there so long and whatnot that no one says nothing to me about anything.

>> No.54205062

Move to the Amazon and protect it from loggers and miners

This is the greatest cause available in 2023

>> No.54205078

I get depressed when I see people my age far ahead with their lives financially because they started working after HS. But then I hear complaints from coworkers about how they have trouble moving up because of their lack of degree and it makes me feel a little better.

>> No.54205120

yes, but you need to be a literal bilionaire to join that club. you can also buy into companies that are not publicly traded.

>> No.54205132

I was joking but how the fuck is that not tax evasion

>> No.54205135

Working is like professional sports. The blue collar guys that start working straight out of highschool, 1% can start their own business and be so successful they make a million a year as a plumber. The rest make 50k a year. Same as with basketball 1% of the athletes can go pro, the rest remain amateurs.

Basically, you go where you can be most successful. If you cant be that 1% performance tier tradesman, its not worth it. That doensnt mean college is worth it. Maybe youre a sales God. College more or less closes the gap between talent and profit. More college, less gain potential for outliers. Less college, more gain potential for outliers.

>> No.54205144

No back then it was otc derivatives and right now it’s otc derivatives. I suggest googling “repo madness 2019”

>> No.54205152

Based af

>> No.54205163


Sssuckit mumu

>> No.54205197

Kek I don't have a degree. I don't complain a bit over it. Cause why should I complain if I can legit walk away a good clip from age 65 and enjoy the rest of my life without any worries? After I retire the fact I do or don't got a degree or work stuff won't mater anyway. No one cares what you did. The second you leave your nothing but a memory, a fading memory at that.

>> No.54205204

BS, we need more lumber for cheap houses. Cut down the Amazon 2023

>> No.54205208

I will find you

>> No.54205222
File: 127 KB, 920x1080, unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem isn't the dragster, its the fact they're forcing kids to do it and justifying pedophilia that makes it a problem. not to mention all those were for a comedy movie while in real life its an identity

>> No.54205235

I hate avatarfags

>> No.54205241

the tax code is thousands and thousands of pages with thousands of loopholes for a reason. If they really wanted to make the rich "pay their fair share" they would eliminate 90% of the tax code and remove most loophpoles and exemptions. They wont, they will simply raise taxes that they rich mostly avoid anyway.

>> No.54205248

Which part? Swapping shares of one company with shares of another company, or buying into privately held companies?

>> No.54205252

Quite literally the only reason a person would ever post an anime reaction image is because they have a mental deficiency. They have something wrong with them. They are fundamentally inferior.

>> No.54205261

Swapping shares

>> No.54205272
File: 34 KB, 456x451, 1667182313406371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>historically speaking, when rate cuts happen its time to get out
but it looks more like every time they raise rates the market went up. even in "08 they cut rates and the market went down. am i reading the chart wrong?

>> No.54205306
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, media-release-cover-pic-01-sixteen_nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am forgetten

>> No.54205311

You still have to report capital gains (losses) on the increase (decrease) of the value of what you traded, and the current value at the time of the trade becomes your cost basis for the new holding.

>> No.54205363

Some people "double dip". They retire drawing a pension w/ ins coverage then wait a year to come back. This way the 2nd trip the salary is straight dumped into the bank after taxes with none going over into the pension or ins costs. Some dude I know was making 80k a year before he retired. Then he came back. He makes 80k now to. Why you'd want to come back is another mater. Put it bluntly he wasn't hurting for money even before he came back.

>> No.54205379
File: 13 KB, 232x217, 1679164100800738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Markets closed
>Nothing going on
Kek baggies

>> No.54205397

If I'm not making 6 figures by the time I'm 40 I'm killing myself

>> No.54205422
File: 44 KB, 640x427, 1679170751759923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit op, we are doomed now

Six figures isnt what it use to be

>> No.54205423

>btc is ripping

Will the markets follow or is it decoupled and priced in?

>> No.54205424
File: 37 KB, 1000x1000, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54205435

How old, and how much did you you make now?

>> No.54205438
File: 64 KB, 358x333, 1679240904408336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my pivoteers at? I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna pivooooooooot

>> No.54205449

The only one of those I was ever "entertained" by was M*A*S*H, and he was only doing it to try to get booted out of the military.

>> No.54205462

Or you could find a way to just literally not work. Idiots.

>> No.54205464
File: 301 KB, 1686x821, Screenshot_20230319_101035_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can these guys pay 5%?!? Do the need deposits so bad that they will pay more than the fed will charge them at the discount window?

>> No.54205474
File: 291 KB, 1884x1424, The truth hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips. also good luck trying to call them pedos to their face irl. the biggest problem we're dealing with is that the truth is getting shouted down, de-platformed, and canceled. it's not about what's true, it's about whether or not it hurts someone's feelings. it's like trying to quote black crime statistics to the race grifters. they'll just call you racist and try to dismiss your "facts", and as dumb as that sounds it's where we are as a culture currently.

>> No.54205493
File: 600 KB, 640x640, 1678998059547295.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking like 25 bepis coming up next
I don't consider that a pivot, some do though

>> No.54205516

welcome to demographic collapse, fren :^)

>> No.54205542
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, Come forth, Bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally got out of my AMD position for a profit of over 2 grand yesterday

finally bobos, i can join your side. dump the market so i can go for round 2 of cheapies, please :^)

>> No.54205556

something's gotta give. supposedly the "angry twitter" crowd is only about 6% of the users on it, so that makes one wonder how many people actually go along with this or even care

>> No.54205559
File: 547 KB, 3387x3457, FrcvPSzaUAAQOxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is it crashing time?

>> No.54205582

>six figures isn't what it used to be
Which is why it should be attainable for someone like me. Can't believe 10% of the working adult US population makes 100k a year now, even crazier is that 45% of Americans who make over 100k a year live paycheck to paycheck. But now that I think about it, most Americans live in the highest cost of living cities and it would make more sense for them to have higher salaries as a result. 100k in Seatte, San Francisco, or NYC isn't the same as 100k in a flyover city.
24 years old, 70k a year. My boss makes 100k a year and she is basically grooming me to be her successor whenever she gets promoted or leaves so I'm not too concerned.

>> No.54205583

The rate hikes are now irrelevant now that QE for banks is back on the menu

>> No.54205590
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Checked and good observation. Only, it is made worse by woke parents willingly exposing their kids to this crap.

>> No.54205593


>> No.54205622

>The Swiss nationalizing Credit Suisse

Private gains, socialized losses

>> No.54205725

It means the bank is going to go under and nobody can provide a backstop. It's over, gg.

>> No.54205737
File: 97 KB, 668x1024, twitter women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposedly the "angry twitter" crowd is only about 6% of the users on it

it's worse than that, unfortunately. i try to be hopeful though, i've seen a lot of talk around the internet recently about people finally getting fed up with the woke shit and the cancel culture shit, with all of the woke media losing a bunch of money because people aren't watching it or supporting it anymore. that we're "turning the corner". i have no idea how true that is in the grand scheme of things, though.

>> No.54205759
File: 571 KB, 668x578, 1679206764881318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is going to look radically different six months from now. You might not even recognize it.

>> No.54205819
File: 313 KB, 1902x817, 5 ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radically different, in a good way?

in a good way... right?

>> No.54205838

don't forget, i read somewhere that 60% of users on the internet are actually just bots. so its possible there's just a tiny minority being incredibly loud about this bs.

>> No.54205845
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two more years faggot.

>> No.54205868

or the spread for the loans they make allows them to pay more for deposits. not every bank takes in money and just buys gov bonds with 100% of the deposits

>> No.54205884

100k a year salary is nothing anymore. Which is sad. Used to be the biggest investment a person had was their house. Not now. These days a car/truck ranks up there alongside the house. Bare bones XL F150 is over $35k. High end is over $85k. Used to be the best of the line could be had for $35k

>> No.54205899
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>> No.54205902
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>BTC still pumping
bros im in so much MARA COIN RIOT and MSTR it's like almost all of my port

>> No.54205930

So long TSLA?

>> No.54205957

ETF losers what you holding or looking at? I put some of my savings into them because I dont want to be autisticly looking at stocks everyday long term really
I have some QQQ and PHO thinking of adding more to these water and tech and some agriculture I was looking at recently DBA.

>> No.54205963
File: 189 KB, 1310x1294, EE4620FC-16A0-4E6D-8F91-1C4D1B06A712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over. Markets will never go up again.

>> No.54205968
File: 58 KB, 512x351, smgbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need $200 per barrel oil to fix vehicle price inflation. Come on lads, let's get to it and do it for the greater economic good.

>> No.54205975

It's still a lot if you decide to live paycheck to paycheck. But 100k after making your 401k match, IRA, and savings? Yeah it's really not much.

>> No.54205988

the 60+ year nikkei market is upon us

>> No.54205993

No, /biz/ was created to contain Bitcoin threads from /g/.

>> No.54206008

That's antisemitic because you're undermining the dollar as a unit of exchange.

>> No.54206018

so the industrial/warehouse loft apartment was a thing in the 80s/90s
and gen z love their 'liminal spaces'/empty hallways vibes... there could be something to this making residential out of commercial
just put in some pink lights and OMG A E S T H E T I C

>> No.54206039

Sure you will because that'll be minimum wage.

>> No.54206069

I hope so, I'm all in SOXS....

>> No.54206071
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1679220601402117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nobody left who can save credit suisse. The entire banking system is going to fail all at once and we're going to get bail-ins. Every single bank is underwater. There's no other way, barring weimar-tier hyperinflation and printing the loss away.

>> No.54206091
File: 25 KB, 500x399, 6d52fc401ea133da6e5413bf0e003375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny everyone last year knew inflation was coming down and bonds were one of the best buys? Then they do a scam inflation pump to fuck everyone longing bonds... to scare the out...

The stock market is such a scam. kekekeke

>> No.54206098

A modest conservative used car costs $100k.
A modest conservative 2-bedroom starter townhome home costs $1 million.
It's over.

>> No.54206104

UBS offered 1 billion, the question is will cs accept.

>> No.54206129

I just love the hustle and bustle of the big city bros.

>> No.54206132

They already declined. Now the Swiss Government is discussing nationalizing the bank, but they have neither the money nor the legal framework to do so.

>> No.54206166

this is why im probably just going to live with my parents forever and then inherit their house and life savings when they pass. i wish it didn't have to be this way, but if society is THIS fucked up then i'm at least gonna protect myself as much as possible. im just going to focus on being as prepared as possible to deal with the upcoming demographic collapse in the next 20 years.

>> No.54206188

Your parents will reverse mortgage their house and be kept alive in an assisted living facility for $8000/month until their savings are drained and you will inherit their empire of dirt.

>> No.54206194

Apparently they raised the offer to 2 billion

>> No.54206204
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>legal framework
these things have never stopped governments.

>> No.54206225

The Swiss are one of the last principled nations on this planet.

>> No.54206268

TO ALL THE PERMABULLS HERE (PERMA!), what do you think will happen to global (US/EU) stockmarket when Japan starts hiking, what it probably soon do?

>> No.54206289
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>> No.54206295

When I first started driving around 1989 you could get a brand new Toyota 4x4 for less than 10k. I got a 1979 Chevy Silverado in excellent condition for $3500 for my first vehicle instead.

>> No.54206300
File: 226 KB, 646x680, 1678544268929003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptochads are laughing at us

>> No.54206311

>everything will dump except for SOXL leaving me financially HEEMED come.monday

>> No.54206319

Lol. Lmao.

>> No.54206354
File: 166 KB, 506x522, bullsihnooooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight lads how bad will the >futures open be we looking at a limit down type scenario here?

>> No.54206359

CS finally bought for 2 billion. Apparently the stakeholders cared a lot about getting this done before market open in asia

>> No.54206361

>different six months from now
>2 more weeks trust the plan

>> No.54206365

They will be pink wojacking soon enough. All of that is pure Ponzi gamble and based on absolutely nothing actually fundamental. Stocks are at least based on real companies producing real things/services that real people are paying for on the other side. Anyone making any money in crypto is either a fortunate gambler, or a behind the scenes manipulator.

>> No.54206366

>bought BOIL at 6.3
>look at KOLD
>zoom out to max
>it always tops around march/april
Guys there might me hope for me, I just have to keep holding onto these bags a little longer

>> No.54206368

I asked about the stock market, not their bonds

>> No.54206372
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>> No.54206374

$0.56 a share. Hope none of you listened to the government shills telling you to "buy the dip".

>> No.54206383

Any predictions for opening on monday guys
Oil price and indexes?

I put up a bear 10x on OBX stock exchange right before we closed on friday. What am i on for tomorrow guys?

>> No.54206385

Well yeah, you could have just looked at the year's futures quotes instead.

>> No.54206406

Credit Suisse deez nuts in yo mouf.

>> No.54206425

My investments are with great companies.
They will come back.

>> No.54206440

>grooming me to be her successor
Don't rely on that to happen. Many such cases where it seems like a successor is being made then the boss's deadbeat kid snatches up that position and makes your life hell.

>> No.54206454

uranium miners are a 5 year hold ?

>> No.54206455

>absolutely nothing actually fundamental
Fundamentally, it's better than all other forms of money. Fundamentally, I'd like to own it rather than other forms of money. Because it's fundamentally much easier to take ownership of and move across the world than USD or gold, can't even really take ownership of USD, it's debt

>> No.54206459
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1665199654862900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around $0.5 / share
>deal done
>at around $2 on Friday close
thanks for playing

>> No.54206472

Kek baggies

>> No.54206493

Bag kekkies.

>> No.54206497

>shit that constantly fluctuates in value to the point of wildness is fundamentally better than a stable currency backed by the full force of the United States military

>> No.54206501

Imagine the huge dick Kazuo would gain if he hiked and sent YCC to the shadow realm. An entire legion of samurai, born from the downtrodden NEETs, would rise in an instant to bring back Japan's former glory.

>> No.54206504

$2 billion aint much desu. They must have a ton of liabilities now.

>> No.54206506
File: 1.66 MB, 1300x800, 1679210257387802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slurp the dip, chud!!
>Doesn't anyone else want to buy at these great prices on insolvent banks???
>It's easy money!!

>> No.54206524

So what did happen to the last thread? I went to bed at 79 posts and when I woke up it was nuked. Was there some prime investment advice that had to be "taken care of"?

>> No.54206553

no just an autistic janny that thinks all generals have to have their laundry list of links

>> No.54206573


>> No.54206579

Switzerland is laughing stock now bros. What a shitshow.

>> No.54206589

every time I sell puts, something else happens and we dump even more

>> No.54206597

Swiss government demanded it be deleted.

>> No.54206602

Do you think it would be possible for Credit Suisse to also sink UBS, given the amount of shady stuff they've been up to? I feel like that would be perfect clown world outcome.

>> No.54206639

Why is Yahoo Finance so bad at displaying basic stats about stocks? Is it to create confusion and make retail lose money? Check COIN for example. Yahoo shows P/E at 7.5, and yet income statement shows COIN had nothing but losses in the last few quarters. Same goes for the earnings chart, it quite often shows complete bullshit.
You'd think that website dedicated to finance would fix this shit long time ago.

>> No.54206645

surely they've come clean on everything during negotiation

>> No.54206665

Kek fucked thing is my 2014 Corolla is still worth round $12,000. Brand new it was maybe 18,000.

>> No.54206671


>> No.54206688

Markets rose last week

>> No.54206718

I like UUUU because it usually trades in a range, is fairly volatile, and optionable

>> No.54206736

Fucking good. Their negative interest rate for 30 years has done jack shit

>> No.54206744

Counterpoint: crypto has no actual value yet is driven by supply and demand. Its the closest instrument to pure price action for TA fags

>> No.54206755

This doesn't feel bullish anymore, not even for tech. 2 billion for CS? That sounds like desperation.

>> No.54206780

they are desperate to plug holes in this sinking ship

>> No.54206785

UBS only bought because they were forced by the swiss goverment. The fact the goverment need to pass a law to avoid shareholder vote tells a lot.

>> No.54206809

I'm car shopping now and it's so bad the best deal appears to be just buying new.

>> No.54206813

Yeah CS was dead this week. Next question is who is next. I thought FRC was ok after that big injection of cash from the other banks now im feeling like theyre toast too.

>> No.54206819

Doomer Bobos we just fucking lost

>> No.54206828
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on nu holdings? just placed a buy order of the magnitude of my entire life saving there

>> No.54206830
File: 27 KB, 578x605, 1650949498183884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if schwab is next I'll be upsetti spaghetti

>> No.54206833


>> No.54206839

i have bought 2 cars since 2018. neither has depreciated. i traded in the first for almost what I paid in 2020(with 70k miles, hail damage, body damage), and i was looking at trading in my current car for a truck and it's a similar story. paid 38k and current value is 35k

>> No.54206842

This sounds horrible but I’m sure even euro markets will pump on Monday

>> No.54206851

>They're FORCING kids to do drag!
Meds now

>> No.54206860

What does it matter if it fluctuates in price? Hedge your risk if that's a big deal for you. It's the best tool for moving value across borders. It'll never go away because it's impossible to come up with a better tool for that one use case, and it's a big one.

>> No.54206872

>the problem isn't the dragster
it is the problem
drag fags shouldn't be around kids

>> No.54206873

>major banks failing everyday and governments in full panic modes destroying the rule of law is bullish because it just is ok, ugh, it just is ok

>> No.54206880
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>> No.54206888
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How is it so high ? I was considering buying 2 shares next payday but fuck man.

>> No.54206889

That means no bank stock is safe from a substantial cut in value. Not even JP Morgan. If they are forced to buy toxic assets, it will get a hit in stock price.

>> No.54206903

Yeah kinda my thoughts.

>> No.54206907

What use does it have? The car you're trying to buy also increased in price. You didn't win, didn't lose.

>> No.54206914

Artificial Insemination

>> No.54206918

Nothing will happen till the fed meeting. It won't happen then either.

>> No.54206921

damn so CS is gonna open at like .75 cents or some shit

what does it mean for other banks
are we good now or what

>> No.54206943
File: 626 KB, 977x1350, B13722BD-548B-4339-BCD0-34CAF69BDAC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over


>> No.54206956
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>What use does it have?

>> No.54206961
File: 252 KB, 529x660, 1657054568012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost like a decade of 0% interest rates as well as quantitative easing is insanely unhealthy for the long term stability of the banking sector

>> No.54206972
File: 36 KB, 583x294, 1679246316449217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that Minus8, a mainstay of coombrained autists, is a known pedophile?

>> No.54206973
File: 377 KB, 600x600, 1674049024263855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you didn't buy Credit Suisse right? You knew the bank was failing right? You remember that banks often get sold for pennies on the dollar in these situations right? Anon?

>> No.54207004

why would I know that
I don't give a shit about twitter fags and I'm not surprised they are mentally ill

>> No.54207014

>b-but how can the poor banks make money at 0%!

>> No.54207016

>trying to push this narrative because he sexualized the toppings in pizza tower which triggered reddit/tumbr/twitter

>> No.54207031

Is the Fed going to do something similar and force the big banks to buy these failing ones? If so they'll all sink together.

>> No.54207036

why are you posting twitter screencaps of a literal who

>> No.54207054
File: 2.97 MB, 498x498, 1678680044159541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I have some put options on Credit Suisse, what happens with this acquisition? Can I still exercise them? Am I making bank, or going to $0?

>> No.54207061
File: 78 KB, 750x561, 1674732583840471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rope. Now.

>> No.54207067

No hes actually admitted to liking real kids.
idgaf about drawings because I can distinguish fanyasy from reality

To swing it back to /biz/: Is it worth investing in VR companies, chip makers and data centre REITs, as these spergs push further and further into escapism and degeneracy?

>> No.54207071
File: 59 KB, 500x287, dice throwing negros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto has no actual value
found the globalist

I'm sorry you all fell for the nerd scam propagandas. Boomer and Jew systems have worked out most of the kinks over thousands of years and are getting closer to nailing it all down. The days of the pseudo "brilliant" pseudo "innovator" are swiftly coming to a close. They have baffled (You) with bullshit and it is all just smoke and mirrors. You might as well be picrel.

>> No.54207073
File: 99 KB, 480x454, 1652320432239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with all the banks starting to fail, the housing market is next, I can feel it

>> No.54207080

Just hold VNQ. Datacenter reits are doing pretty good and going internatinal

>> No.54207091

That's why Japan chose yen devaluation over raising interest rates. Once you go down to 0%, you can never go up again. There's no way out.

>> No.54207090
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>> No.54207096

inflation brings empires to its knees for a reason

>> No.54207101

The fed could yeah. The point is that the bigger ones have trust and largest assets to cover liabilities of the smaller ones. Doesnt mean it works. There werent any bidders for svb so doubt any of the other banks want to touch underwater bonds.

>> No.54207128

Funny thing is that my Wife's car due to it's age and not being popular brand is worth maybe $800- $1000. It's a running joke every time we get the tax bill on it. Last year it was $34. Yeah. But far as looks goes it's well took care of, very little body rust/damage. Runs good. 165,000 miles. Car's a 2001 model Malibu LS (top of the line, only thing it don't got is the sunroof option).

>> No.54207131

That's why Japan will come out on top while the west falls. They can see the bigger picture. They know how to preserve themselves and make these sacrifices now so they can become stronger for it later.

>> No.54207163

So a bit of deposit withdrawal and it's gone.

>> No.54207244

Shipping containers are more trendy pods for the goyim.

>> No.54207292

Part of that issue is it also nessecitates wages going up which can cut the rug out from under their economy since its import dependent. Inflation is great if you are export heavy.

>> No.54207300

the op post had jannies suck my dick or something like that. so eventually the janny saw it and got butthurt

>> No.54207317

Current laws prevent the big five from gobbling up anymore banks. Fed could make the gigashit-failed-midcap monster though

>> No.54207331

Is it a good idea to long UBS now that everyone will be selling/shorting it?

>> No.54207398

But when is tech gonna pump again? Think it's gonna go up opposite of everything else again this week?

>> No.54207419
File: 48 KB, 582x900, jocko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're FORCING kids to do drag!

>> No.54207437

i recently bought a financial product from them that's designed to fuck me over, and they fucked me over with it. i would stay away from them

>> No.54207452

When every other company dies, only the big companies will be left. Same thing happened with the COVID recession.

>> No.54207457

Fact check: QE was needed due to huge demand for USD around the world. Without it USA would have deflation which would wreck already vulnerable economy.

>> No.54207469

I am slightly concerned.

>> No.54207477
File: 244 KB, 595x781, 2023-03-19 19.17.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Bobo fucking shits ask what my bull thesis is

>> No.54207495
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>> No.54207512
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>trust the science

>> No.54207516

depends on what it is. and yes

>> No.54207543

>i recently bought a financial product from them that's designed to fuck me ove
Indexed universal life insurance?

>> No.54207557

Who tf let reddit post a thread

>> No.54207578

Wife went to eye doctor last week for normal yearly exam. Today she got an email from pharmacy saying "prescription ready". She went to get it. They told her it'd cost $60. (Even after ins kicked in). She asked what it was. They said Eyedrops. Told them no thanks. Fucking hell. They got a recall out on eyedrops now to, really fuck up your eye.

>> No.54207584

rage comics is peak 4chan, chud

>> No.54207623

Im stocking up SQQQ at open and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.54207631

Brave moderator deleted an offensive thread and created a new one to show us how an exemplary thread should look like.

>> No.54207692
File: 863 KB, 680x1002, 3 million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more bearish /smg/ gets about FRC the more bullish i get about it.

>> No.54207719

Millennials will NEVER EVER EVER get home cheapies.

>> No.54207738


>> No.54207741


>> No.54207753

LOL he's so quirky not like other billionaires! xD

>> No.54207795

It's ironic you dip.

>> No.54207853
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TSLA has been really shitting the bed lately. I'd like to start playing options again on it.

>> No.54207908


>> No.54208570

This. I put money in it
Plz gib details