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File: 23 KB, 512x512, coolpenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54201547 No.54201547 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any proof jews run the world.
Maybe they are the scapegoat?

>> No.54201557


Your jewish neighbor is as much of a gentile as you are. You have no idea what rules the world and the answer is a lot scarier than you think

>> No.54201559


>> No.54201563


>> No.54201568

What's the answer then

>> No.54201593
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5200-1-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if they run the world but I would like to know what they meant by this -

>> No.54201599

I think there are jewish people and there are jews and that means I can use the word jew to mean anything I damn well please.

>> No.54201606

That reminds me of guy who say nigga all the time even though he was white. His explanation was, "Well everyone is a nigga, you got white niggas, black niggas, mexican niggas. That's how it is." This guy smoked cracked.

>> No.54201658

Interdasting. I mean. They could just move back to Israel but you... they seem to like causing their own problems

>> No.54201659
File: 1.64 MB, 640x360, 1679036023564663.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54201687


>> No.54201722


>> No.54201748

can't blame him for smoking crack. The amount of inequality is ridiculous and it is perpetuated by the censorship of information. I smoke weed.

>> No.54201766

at least weed can get you high for a while. crack doesn't even last but a couple of minutes when you build a tolerance.

>> No.54201774

>Massa good to us white folks, we ain't no niggers, wez house niggers, and we can't ever forget that
You smoke dick

>> No.54201779

Schizo nigga

>> No.54201796
File: 1.90 MB, 3289x3070, First_World_Zionist_Congress_delegates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of evidence. Thing is, it's not ONLY jews in the ruling establishment, nor is it all jews. Distinctions must be made.

>> No.54201869

It is an important distinction. That was one of the many mistakes that the Nazis made. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

>> No.54202128

>You have no idea what rules the world and the answer is a lot scarier than you think
what DID rule the world
b/c linkies rule the world in the future
t. timetraveller

>> No.54202149

the answer is greed and fear haha *laughs in jewish*

>> No.54202249

if the truth was presented to you in full it would simply seem too ridiculous. There is no easy way to reconcile what IS with what we believe. If you are genuinely interested you have to begin to drip feed some facts to yourself to avoid mental overload or instant dismissal as some anti-semetic fantasy. Theres very little speculation in this video and it does a good job of connecting the dots. It doesn't explicitly talk about jews but if you have higher than room temp IQ you can read between the lines. It is only the tiniest tip of the iceberg but you have to start somewhere.


>> No.54202259

Dumb website. Midwit-tier rabbithole bullshit. No deep truths to be seen there. Yawn.

>> No.54203172

Not all jews. Many jews are golem as well, goy. Zionist jews run the world. They aren't typical jews. Nothing like Jesus, who was a real jew. These zionist jews are referred to as cryptokikes or cryptojews. They combine satanic rituals with zionist beliefs and when confronted they say "antisemite!" They hide behind jewish golem that they enslaved along wit goys like us.

>> No.54203218

I think you can just one line dump the answer. Is it, slave planet on drip fed technology advancements.

>> No.54203381

funny how you can't name a single president that has ever held office in the U.S. that was a jew, but I can name countless white devout Christian presidents who have literally destroyed the lives of the very people scapegoating the jews. the same people saying presidents and their families married jewish women are also the same retards saying women have no power and are worthless. make up your minds schizocels

>> No.54203412

the worst is when the people who know nothing about judaism share images of hasidic jews and say 'look at this person smiling while he ruins the world', yet hasidic jews spend like 14 hours a day studying torah for their entire life and learn nothing about math, science, or society and the world around them and are extraordinarily ill-equipped to work in trade, business, or really any normal profession because all they know is religion and nothing else. and yet there are rednecks in this thread right now who think these people have the capacity to 'run the world' lmfao. it's true and utter delusion and you fagzis are the problem. keep proving your lack of awareness of how the world works with muh conspiracies

>> No.54203791

Welcome newfriend. Stick around and learn how the world works.

>> No.54203822

>what is a puppet politician

>> No.54203826

I can't think of a single law that institutes white privilege, but I can think of many laws that privilege non-whites. Clearly, the US is ruled by non-whites.

>> No.54203884


>zero arguments against statements they are replying to
>continues to push pisspiracy takes

>> No.54203905

and no, you're wrong, it's actually the jews who are the puppets and the white christian nationalists who are the puppet politicians. low IQ poltard can't even see through the stupid memes they spam all over their incelboard.