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File: 151 KB, 374x592, Screenshot 2023-03-18 at 6.03.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54198038 No.54198038 [Reply] [Original]

You can earn 150k+ being a product manager

>t. 225k product engineer

what are you doing with your life anon? in the world of free money, don't tell me your purposefully doing hard mode?

>> No.54198072

i'm antisocial, probably autistic and can't talk to people

>> No.54198084

Literally perfect for tech

>> No.54198086

I want to inseminate her so bad bros

>> No.54198114

you bay area? I was in SF FiDi a few years ago and ready to get back into it but the super commuter shit was killing my time schedule

>> No.54198130
File: 14 KB, 94x92, Screenshot from 2023-03-08 12-55-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 150k after taxes wagie
i dont have enough linkedin connections to soar to those heights

>> No.54198145

wtf is a product manager

>> No.54198147

Everyone gets taxed

>> No.54198155

I had a tech corporate job for month and I wanted to blow my brains out every single day.

Would rather be homeless than endure another retarded Zoom meeting ever again

>> No.54198157

w2 cope enjoyer

>> No.54198212

Albanians are the most beautiful.

>> No.54198312

They are also genetically predisposed to criminality

>> No.54198343

I'm surprised to see she has an Asian boyfriend.

>> No.54198630

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.54198876

I got fired from my 2 months ago. Bittersweet because I was making decent bank and I'd like to not be homeless but fuck zoom meetings and corporate culture.

Having worked for smaller companies and making the jump to big corporations its insane how...corporate npc some of these people are.

There's nothing behind those eyes, just malice and yet another meeting.

>> No.54199011

I'm an engineer but I can't imagine corporate life for other jobs. Like marketing executive at Google? How the fuck do you get that job except being a psycho dick sucker or crazy likable. It's nice to have objective skill you can rely on.

>> No.54199033

That's a man.

>> No.54199108

checked and yeah I was in marketing.
Being likeable only takes you so far until you get hit with a toxic project then your neck gets axed.

The thing about corpos is they like to talk diversity, family values, fun, work life balance, etc etc but all that matters is looking good in front of executives and shareholders. The moment mgmt feels they have a target on THEIR backs its the little guy that gets thrown to the sharks.

"Actually it was HIS idea, not mine. Unfortunately this wrongthink is not what where about at BasedCorp. No PIP, Don't Pass GO, No Reference, No Severance. No nothing. Bye sweetie, better luck next time"

There was a thread a while ago talking about how marketing is a meme job and oh boy was he telling the truth. What a shit career...

>> No.54199246

Progressive income tax blocks your path.

>> No.54199527

Product manager is the most cucked job it’s practically impossible to slack off

>> No.54199649

Tech hasnt been the autistic career for years, it is like every other office job now. Its full of backstabbing, middle management incompetence and nepotism

>> No.54199810
File: 54 KB, 872x878, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$150K in the Bay area is worse than a cashier in Iowa.

>> No.54200049

He is lying they dont make that much, I interviewed for one pay was barely 100k. Basically a SME for whatever thing they sell like you need to know alot about backup software because there thing manages it.

>> No.54200065
File: 81 KB, 579x564, 1679197910930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe she is a real person. They generated her with chatgpt or some other ai. She's too pretty.

>> No.54200086

idunno what that is. im a fat neet the works at UPS. i got my own mental problems and have no idea how to navigate the middle class job world.

>> No.54200087

>psycho dick sucker
Sounds hot. But this is me ive been in IT for 10 years and I sell myself on soft skills. I just get hired at a place that has all infrastructure setup and I just reset passwords all day. Helps that my indian boss wont even let me update a server. Ill do this for a few years until company collapses or I move on. Either way 6 figs and not my problem.

>> No.54200102

anon it's a headshot. easy to make anyone look like a movie star.

>> No.54200108

arent you bored as fuck all day? i worked it doing something similar and i literally setup like 3 monitors in my office so i could sleep at my desk without people being able to see me through the window. took so long for an 8 hour day to pass by with nothing interesting to do

>> No.54200128
File: 56 KB, 900x635, 399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early life

>> No.54200136

I can save her.

>> No.54200158

Everyone I've met who has a high leadership role at a company is usually fairly attractive and they just seem like such normies. I just don't think I could ever fit in to that kind of role, even if I am technically capable of doing the same things. At that level of career it just starts to fill like an in-club/out-club and you have the cool kids and the rejects, it just doesn't seem like it's about ability at all

>> No.54200200

What happens if someone catches you doing nothing ? Genuinely asking, I never had a job where I could really slack.

>> No.54200234

of course they are dummy. you don't want the autistic neets or the bipolar drama queens running your million/billion dollar company. you want the most close to normal average normie who's ever lived running your company. anything else is literally fucking retarded way of doing business.

>> No.54200274

I'm making $81k as an engineering project manager in manufacturing ;_;

>> No.54200516

wealth is relative.
150k is minimum wage in the bay area. You will work 80 hours a week for it, and still barely afford rent. You need to work 10-15 years before you can even think about buying a house there. Then you're stuck there living amongst woke incells, street shitters, crack heads, lines of homeless tenters on all the side streets, life isnt any better there than making 60k a year in some other part of the country where tax is lower and you can get a nice house for $300k and people are actually americans.

>> No.54200791

Exactly. C-level jobs are literally to make the company sound as good as possible during earnings calls. Preparing for the next quarterly earnings and the annual investor's day presentation is the extent of their work. Can't have some autist freaks running that show

>> No.54200813

that's what you get working for globohomo. find a smaller shop.

>> No.54200906

a person who is very good at identifying problems, and is even better at working with engineers and designers to find the best ways to solve of them. these solutions normally materialize as features within a product, or sometimes net new products entirely.
its feast or famine, but honestly your statement is inaccurate. when i'm extremely busy i'll probably do 35 hour work weeks, but truth be told i do an average of 20 hours of actual work per week.
he's correct, $150k is a fair salary for a new hire or new MBA grad product manager (L3) at a mid tier large tech company. you probably interviewed at some tiny company
>t. FAANG Sr. Product Manager (L4) ask me anything

>> No.54200933

You're doing something terribly wrong if you can't coast off a Product Manager job. Just ask your team members when they are going to be done with their tasks and blame the same team members if your boss asks why the project is late

>> No.54200978

>You're doing something terribly wrong if you can't coast off a Product Manager job
seriously. the trick is to ask for more resources/budget/headcount every 2 quarters. even if you know that your ask won't get approved, you gotta ask anyway so that when you get nothing accomplished and have nothing to show management you can say its because you didn't get the requested headcount for a designer lol. works better than i'd care to admit. that being said i'm absolutely fucked if they actually do hire the 2 designers i've been asking for lmao

>> No.54201155

Please bros help me. Not memeing I need a change so bad. I got into a health field having some retarded altruistic notions, thinking the pay was good (90-150k) (lmao no), and thinking it would be low stress just people wanting help (turns out I just deal with insane time pressure, sales pressure, unpaid overtime, while trying to manage conceited boomers all day).

Is tech still worth it? I'd even take a bit of a pay cut to be able to work from home or not be dealing with people from 9-6 with no lunch break. I think I could force myself to grind some skills but how does that work long term in a years' time in the world of outsourcing, AI, and all these insta hoes getting into "coding"? If so, is there a way to get a similar paid remote job within 1-2 years, I would assume with some highly niche area of expertise but idk what exactly - maybe cyber sec.

Or is there a way to get a non-technical role without being female/minority or connections? I've at least built some better people skills from work so far.

>> No.54201185

>I'd even take a bit of a pay cut to be able to work from home or not be dealing with people from 9-6 with no lunch break.
what is the salary range you are hoping to make?

>> No.54201289

would be ok with as little as 70k in the first year if the work/hours weren't bad, but ideally higher long term

>> No.54201340

learn2code but don't go after bigger corps. Find a smaller shop (less than 50 employees) that's filled gen x mom and dads. Better work life balance, less stress over work, but less pay compared to big tech $250k TC. Expect $80-$120k at these sorts of companies. You might have to work office in the first 1 or 2 years before perm wf.

>> No.54201348

You ask for rundowns.

>> No.54201377

Just remember that desire is the root of suffering and you'll be fine.