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54193613 No.54193613 [Reply] [Original]

Normie sentiment check. What are your friends and family saying about precious metals?

>> No.54193630

no one has noticed the bitcoin pump has started. and for 6 years i've been tellin people to get buttcoins but they still haven't

>> No.54193632

Told my family to buy gold a long time ago so cant contribute

>> No.54193641

people don't talk about precious metals

regarding crypto normies are so scared right now nobody will touch it

>> No.54193642

I don't know a single person IRL that owns any precious metals other than accessories (not for investment purposes)

>> No.54193649

They're taking all their cash out of banks and going all into silver. Top signal?

>> No.54194202 [DELETED] 
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A couple friends of mine thought crypto crashed with the bank stocks over the past week or so. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to be something they think about at all

>> No.54194330

absolutely nothing.

>> No.54194617

nothing, inlaws bought a vacation home in NM. My dad says buy Tesla. *rolls eyes* . The other inlaw has 80k just sitting in the bank he doesnt want to invest cause he doesn't know how. Other in-law probably just dumping it all into 401k mutual funds etc and owns the house I live in. I married up. I bought the wife some gold and silver around ~2k worth. That was for christmass. Other than that PMs are just another speculative thing to trade. I don't really care about them. Same way I don't care about dog coins, tho I did make a ton of money off of them. Just not something I believe in tho. Ill pay a stripper to show me her tits but that doesn't mean I give a fuck about her.

>no one is paying taxes in gold or silver the demand is, plz number go up. March 2020 gold tanked just as hard as stock market. Gold does not provide liquidity and is not hard money.

>> No.54194677

>What are your friends and family saying about precious metals?
Absolutely nothing. I continue to snaffle cheapies on eBay.

>> No.54194697

Quiet. They think the bank happenings are a nothingburger and everything is honky dory. We're only still in the beginning stages of the collapse.

>> No.54194735

Idk think I’ve ever heard any normie ever mention the price of precious metals other then maybe copper

>> No.54194800

Based friends signal, treasure(!) them.

(Yes I know you were joking...)

>> No.54194854

Only my batshit crazy uncle and his even batshit crazier wife care about precious metals. His batshit crazy wife has some kind of investment in precious metals that she doesn't remotely understand and her weird non-explanation where she's trying to be mysterious on purpose about something that she clearly doesn't understand makes it sound like she bought something like gold options, or a gold futures contract, or a gold ETF and thinks that she's going to go and pick up physical gold when the price hits a certain point. I legitimately think that she bought gold futures and doesn't understand how they work.

>> No.54194880

I shouldn't laugh, but I laughed.
It's like the old meme.
Instructions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan.

>> No.54194897

No fucking kidding lol. She's going to be very surprised when what I think are gold futures reach the maturity date and they ask her for the rest of her money and also an address for delivery.

Also your id made me lol.

>> No.54194945
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I like money.

>> No.54195305

They "think about buying it sometime soon"

>> No.54195493

in my country gold has to go up 5% for you to just break even when you sell, the spread is high, and that's on a 500g bar, coins are probably much worse, normies are to broke to buy any significant amount, family members get their knowledge about the world from tv so don't expect them to realize what's actually going on

>> No.54195524

Welcome to Costco. I love you.

>> No.54195525

They're saying to praise Jesus Christ, buy fire arms, buy physical silver, and they're trying to find places in the backwoods of Pennsylvania down through Appalachia to build compounds to survive the impending collapse.

>> No.54195594

nothing, the normies at work are talking about...
- putting money into a savings account with 3.5% interest
- buying a used vehicle with cash to avoid interest rates
- whether they should rent out or sell a second property
- how their 401k is doing this year

all normie shit, haven't heard a peep about crypto or pm's

>> No.54195656

"Don't buy Ethereum or Bitcoin bro, Shiba is the future, you have to buy coins with more zeros because you will own way more" This is legitimately how normies think

>> No.54195742

They think Bitcoin is going to 5k and asked me to alert them when it does
Took all my strength not to hawk a loogie in their fucking face.

>> No.54195769
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>My dad says buy Tesla. *rolls eyes*
but you'll die in a fire!

>> No.54195782

There's that fag talk we talked about

>> No.54195811


Normies talk about crypto like it’s a MLM, one cooky weirdo trying to rope in all their friends into something that will lose everyone a bunch of money, with the false promises of getting rich quick

It is over

>> No.54195832

nothing at all, just the way I like it

>> No.54195841

can anyone give me a QRD/tell me why normies are so scared of crypto?
when did it happen?

BTC went from 15k to almost 28k in less than 2 months...
what's wrong with normies?

>> No.54195845

my sister started buying silver lately, I told her she's retarded, so she said it's the only way to protect against inflation and I told her she'd stop inflating if she just put the fork down and now she doesn't talk to me but still buys silver

>> No.54195853

My dad inherited like 300k and stuck it all in the bank at about 4% interest so he doesn't have to think about it. Tried to convince him to out in BRK.B and index funds but he has no knowledge of finance.

>> No.54195875

based sister

>> No.54195901

>4% interest
Clearly not American

>> No.54195902

It's nothing to do with being scared. (I am a stacker). It's because the crypto bros have been so utterly obnoxious (Have fun staying poor, anyone?) and then shit like FTX happens.

That said, I see a lot less attitude from the crypto lot these days. Good luck fellas. I don't understand any of it. So I stack.

>> No.54195914

Family is interested. Normies friends are oblivious

>> No.54195947

>can anyone give me a QRD/tell me why normies are so scared of crypto?
Normies are addicted to social media, ((they)) own social media so every time people start talking about crypto ((they)) promote viral posts saying crypto bad. Normies literally believe anything that has enough likes/upvotes/retweets (safety in numbers)
See: the completely random out of the blue SEETHING posts about NFTs last year or so

>> No.54195969

they don't give any absolute fucks

>> No.54195973


>> No.54196003

>BTC went from 15k to almost 28k in less than 2 months...
>what's wrong with normies?
They don’t understand that bitcoin has a capped supply no matter how much you explain.

>> No.54196017

Not even on their radar

>> No.54196030

Oi ya lucky cunt mate, love me sausage rolls

>> No.54196031

they are saying that you shouldn't believe everything on the internet

>> No.54196034

this. However they are also completely dominated by emotional reasoning. Yes, right now, their emotions are basically fear of being kicked out of the tribe for having unpopular ideas or values. But soon they will see the value of some token or asset going up in value significantly and they will begin to fear missing out (or fear having their wealth devalued by inflation, or bank runs, etc.) and then they will rush into volatile assets like crypto, just in time for me to start taking some profits. kek. A story as old as time. Most people are not built for freedom, their are neurologically wired to be slaves.

>> No.54196066
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Dangerously close, anon.

>> No.54196071
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They look at me funny when I mention it. That said my family is mostly boomers. The other Milennials agree with me but they’re very much a minority.

Every single one of my Boomer relatives has their retirement fund in their stock market. One even put half of his into Bitcoin.

It’s going to be an absolute bloodbath and I’ll be one of few left standing.

The greatest trick the Jews ever pulled was convincing Boomers certain concepts were not critically important

>generational wealth
>sound money
>responsible investing and saving

Their single generation represents a shattered link in an otherwise unbroken chain of human wisdom, culture and knowledge stretching back to the beginning.

And all those of us born after it can do is our best, muddling in the dark, trying to find gems of wisdom in a world gone mad.

>> No.54196114
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Your sister is intelligent and you Anon are in fact a retard. Not necessarily because of PMs, but because you’d cast aside something as precious and important as a blood relative tie over your own ignorance.

>> No.54196115

>Dad: inherits coins and makes sure to take all of the actually silver coins for himself
>Mom: points out the fact that silver was higher in price not long ago
I personally expect whatever the fed adds to their balance sheet will do little to offset the coming deflationary recession and they will have to pivot hard and resume qe but it will cause enough of a panic to drive up silver to a nice even $50 at most. The law of nothingburgers prevents venezuela on us soil.

>> No.54196174
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>the coming deflationary recession and they will have to pivot hard and resume qe but it will cause enough of a panic to drive up silver to a nice even $50 at most.
>Hey anon, whatcha up to?

>> No.54196275

Yes, I'm an ADHD neurodivergent social autist. But I'm not wrong, Anon.

>> No.54196276

I still love her and would talk to her desu, but that's up to her

>> No.54196359
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>Yes, I'm an ADHD neurodivergent social autist.

>> No.54196372

They boughted

>> No.54196514

> I told her she'd stop inflating if she just put the fork down

Fucking Kek. Also yeah silver is volatile and doesn't have yield. Gold is better, and she should also diversify assets. (Index funds=companies, they won't inflate like the dollar).

>> No.54196615


>> No.54197473

Checked and good. The only sure way to make it in crypto is to buy the crab market and sell the bull. If they don't buy the crab, they will either stay a poor nocoiner or will be buying my bags at the top and thus also be poor after the crash. kek
fuck normies

>> No.54197513

Nothing. They aren’t buying crypto. Everyone’s tapped out. And the one cousin who does told me he’s selling this pump.

>> No.54197633

It is because of the volatility and speculative nature of the investment. Normies will never touch crypto with a 10 foot pole, they see it as a gamble at best and a moneypit ponzi scheme at worst.

>> No.54197645

normies I know but hardly associate with don't even notice the increased price of food and fuel, they don't stack food, cash, PMs, crypto, or bang fuel.

zombie vaxxoids asleep at the wheel running in their hamster wheel fueled by goyslop and rick'n'morty memes

>> No.54197667
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my normie friends are too concerned with "muh evil putin"

>> No.54198423

My parents brought it up yesterday that they want to get in precious metals. Been telling them for a few years to start dca'int if they're so-so on the cost but they insisted it wasn't necessary. Lol and behold since the banks shit the bed, they've come around.

>> No.54198454

The problem with precious metals is that it makes you a robbery target, so people don't like to brag about owning them. It makes it difficult for public perception to change

>> No.54198472
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Mommy won’t stop telling me to get a job

>> No.54198492

My main normie indicator is my ~60 years old accountant. He is scared and recently told me I need to start a business because Bitcoin can't last forever. (I've made it and don't work since 2021 june) Today I talked with him about the banking situation and he thinks "everyone is pushing USD" and don't know anything about the economic happenings. I don't think he has anything in his head about precious metals.

>> No.54198752

One of my coworkers still thought we were on the gold standard and didn't now you could buy precious metals online.

>> No.54198772
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>buy Tesla. *rolls eyes*
rocket man bad

>> No.54199055

My friend told me to invest in Coltan

>> No.54199080

theyre all just talking about jews
normies really are 5-10 years behind

>> No.54199132

At least teach him about CDs and Ibonds. Get 5-8%.

>> No.54199147


>> No.54199239

normies are dumb as fuck, still waiting for a dip or saying bitcoin and crypto as a whole is a scam

>> No.54199248

I have boomer parents. My dad didn't know you could buy gold and silver bullion. My mother and her sister inherited a coin collection from their father. If I didn't buy up about $1400 in junk silver out of that, they would have just pawned it off at a coin shop.

>TLDR my parents are completely ignorant on precious metals. Ignorant is not the same as stupid.

>> No.54199275


Nothing. And they have no idea about my stacking and hoarding.

>> No.54199281

Some people here are gonna make it and some aren't

>> No.54199285

Better stack more silver.

>> No.54199364

It's best practice in the business world these days to make your pronouns known. Sorry you don't have a LinkedIn profile

>> No.54199380

Kek. A lot of normies are putting it in their email signatures too
Probably the biggest midwit hub known to man

>> No.54200391

>They think the bank happenings are a nothingburger
This is the most prevalent normie sentiment I see
Everyone thinks it's "only one bank" and that they only went under because of "gambling with crypto."

>> No.54200997

Normies don’t talk about such serious matters. Normies talk about their favorite tv show and their depression and their pets and their kids. Normies do not care about gold and what limited money they have, they aren’t investing

>> No.54201612

The only precious metals I own are my crypto keys etched on a stainless steel card

>> No.54201613

>be me
>work at a large firm
>go out to team drinks
>listen to normies yap on about tv, dogs, npc-tier takes on politics and how kids are too expensive
>these people are meant to be intelligent
>have to stay silent to hide powerlevel
it's very tiresome bros

>> No.54201623


absolutely no normies in my life give a single fuck about gold

>> No.54201626


most normies think more banks will collapse and SVB was just the first domino

>> No.54201637
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you're probably just as retarded.
all antisocial 4channer retards think they're secretly geniuses

>> No.54201636

Not really, the heard about SVB, maybe thought "oh no" in their heads and then forgot about it 5 mins later

>> No.54201644

>no u
I'm hardly a genius, merely pointing out the fact that listening to normies is a sordid experience

>> No.54202357
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It's easier just to brave a bit of MSM, you'll get a condensed version of whatever horse shit the repeater stations are going to spew at you.

>> No.54202443

theyre right tho. BTC is absolute useless trash and has no value because it does nothing that other cryptos dont do better. there are dozens of cryptos that work better than BTC and offer actual value, like PRIVACY from tax faggotry

>> No.54202560
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The funny thing about autistics is they have literally zero capability to see the bigger picture, none, zero. Theyre pretty good to spin up and point at one specific problem or task, but they lack nuance, the ability to understand social cues and often their own ego clouds their perception of the world around them, making rhem think they are superior to the average joe with a more hollistic viewpoint. Pretty funny really.

>> No.54202599

I don’t talk to them about precious metals because I don’t want to get robbed.

>> No.54202703

I didn't mean it to say I'm smarter than them. I meant it in the sense that if even the more academically capable individuals in society are inclined to think this way and have been psyopped to the hilt then we're completely screwed (as if we weren't already)

>> No.54202969

This. Normies do the same like in the first covid year. Suddenly all of them are financial professionals and even the potato seller says "I knew this is going to happen!"
They are always smart after the happenings.

>> No.54202984 [DELETED] 

Talking about, but not doing

>> No.54202995

Normie here. I just bought 2 kilos of gold. Anything I ever invested in crashed and burned soon after...

>> No.54203016

Who etched that for you and what if they kept a copy

>> No.54203983

same my only investments that were worth it are gold & silver everything else is only smokes and mirrors number go up number go down but the ounces stay there.

>> No.54204085

Nobody has even mentioned the bank collapse meme let alone PMs or crypto