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54191041 No.54191041 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54191063

only someone who has never produced anything of value in their entire lives would think anyone will trade actual things for bitcoin in the event of a financial collapse, which is fucking hilarious because we are on the verge of a financial collapse and all you faggots own is crypto

>> No.54191082

Bitcoin is up over 7k the past week

>> No.54191098

the prophecy is coming true btc bros.

>> No.54191101

and people are pulling money out of secure and responsible local banks to pile it into jp morgan. the world is retarded and it’s full of retarded people.

>> No.54191117

the jews always win in the end. but thanks to bitcoin your local bizfag can win too!

>> No.54191130

you’re still down almost 60% in the last 12 months. is that what you call a win?

>> No.54191142

I have nothing against bitcoin but that anon is correct about not trading using bitcoin after collapse.

>> No.54191152

even if I was (I’m not), I would still be incalculable % in profit from crypto (I am)

>> No.54191154
File: 362 KB, 1272x1226, trillion-dollar coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$50 billion for each bank * 186 = $9.3 trillion
Just mint nine $1 trillion coins and call it a day.

>> No.54191166
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only someone who has never produced anything of value in their entire lives would think anyone will trade actual things for fiat in the event of a financial collapse, which is fucking hilarious because we are on the verge of a financial collapse and all you faggots own is a shitcoin with endless token printing and runaway inflation

>> No.54191172

pump it
and if you bought ANYTHING under 20k, you're in profit. in 5 years holding 1 BTC will be a vast amount of wealth

>> No.54191190

>anyone will trade actual things for fiat
Nobody said that. People will adopt barter system.

>> No.54191196

>ya I held onto bitcoin since it was $4
you didn’t. you’re not going to make it in crypto. you think I don’t want you to be rich but it’s very much the opposite. I don’t want to have to shoot you when you come looking for a handout and refuse to leave, because I will, and I won’t think twice about it. I have a wife and kids to look after and when shit pops off, they will be my only concern.

>> No.54191214

>bitcoin moons to $1,000,000
>you sell half
>loaf of bread costs $100,000
>you have successfully diversified into assets nobody wants anymore

>> No.54191216

obviously you have produce nothing of value in your entire life.

>> No.54191242

>because we are on the verge of a financial collapse
citation needed. nothing ever happens retard

>> No.54191249

>I can trade in a stable currency
>Nah, I'm going to use the currency that is worth 100 times less than yesterday, and will be toilet paper tomorrow
Cope you boomer retard. Your entire life savings is in useless wallpaper and the youth aren't going to save you.

>> No.54191261

>nothing ever happens
you’re just saying that to make yourself feel better because you’re prepared for nothing. could you even survive a week without electricity, running water, and a grocery store?

>> No.54191283

>he thinks we hold fiat
so this is the company bitcoin-maxis keep? well that must be reassuring

>> No.54191297

You're retarded. Nobody will bother with something they can't control after collapse.

>> No.54191302

>these are these trannies that tell me not to buy btc

>> No.54191325

>people don't want a stable currency during hyperinflation
lol lmao even

>> No.54191343

>stable currency

>> No.54191349

>bitcoin is stable
now you’re just taking the piss…

>> No.54191401
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>run btc node
>turn off now and then
>syncing anything beyond a week is a pain in the ass
>moving btc off exchanges comes with stupid fees

BTC will go to a million but I really dont care its just a means to stack more xmr with. Things a dated project and is just a way to whirr up dollars until it craps the bed to monero. I cant imagine the hopium thinking btc will be a means of exchange on a large scale.

>> No.54191471

You were fast in this one! Fear?

>> No.54191522

shorting markets is for jews and retards. I’m neither.

>> No.54191681

> people only ever buy the top

>> No.54191707

So what's your plan?

>> No.54191723

I meant from ath you fucking retard. how the fuck would I know what anyone anywhere bought in at? the level of arrogance in you to even assume something so fucking retarded is mind-boggling. I’m so glad most of you won’t listen to me. I want to shoot you.

>> No.54191737

So why bring it up?

>> No.54191751

What's an "actual thing" to you?

>> No.54191794

a few are worth saving. I can’t make it through what’s coming alone.
tools, materials, food, animal husbandry, practical knowledge

>> No.54191825
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>> No.54191847

The Bear is still yet to leave it’s cave.

>> No.54191892

Retards still believing its a bear market even with similar catalysts to COVID (e.g. financial meltdown).

Stay poor niggers.

>> No.54191910

You've seen the price of BTC right?

>> No.54191926

>the world is retarded and it’s full of retarded people.
yes and let me tell you my friend you're one of them

>> No.54192034

>bitcoin goes up to $1m
>$25k for a loaf of bread because of hyperinflation
>nobody accepts your series of zeros and ones for their goods because they can’t afford to pay for electricity anyway
Great success

>> No.54192072
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x3024, 6749E94D-FBB1-4AB0-8C54-EB0C599F217A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many cunts in this thread are totally oblivious to what massive inflation does to a society.

I live in Argentina so I’ve got some actual lived experience on this matter. Things don’t turn into Mad Max, the only major change in behaviour is that people no longer save in the local currency.

When you give someone Pesos because they provided you with a good or service, they will do one of two things; spend it immediately on a tangible good (could be anything from a bottle of wine to a refrigerator) or they immediately convert it into a harder currency (here it’s usually USD) so they can stash it under their bed as a form of savings.

Again, society doesn’t breakdown, people just change their habits slightly. The water still flows out the taps, the electricity is still on, cars are still on the road, there is still food on the supermarket shelves.

Obviously there is the problems that come with economic downturn (higher crime, lower employment etc) but that can be mitigated by where you live.

If the USD goes into hyperinflation, the only major change is that people will not hold onto their dollars, they will exchange them for anything that has actual value. This means people will save in Gold and/or Bitcoin because they are the easiest monetary goods to trade for dollars.

As long as you don’t live near niggers, hyperinflation won’t change your life in a major way.

>> No.54192127

there is no mad max collapse
more likely is a gradual descent into poverty like argentina or lebanon

>> No.54192158

oh I thought you meant fiat dollars

>> No.54192168

Its 17k lower than a year ago.

>> No.54192249

>As long as you don’t live near niggers
it's over for europe

>> No.54192374

I appreciate your candor, and while what you said was true, it doesn't touch on some points.
I personally don't think there's going to be hyperinflation, just persistent high inflation...which could be somewhat worse in some respects. Also, the USD is the reserve currency for a reason. The CAN destroy it thru hyperinflation, as evident by the facts the WEF et al have stated they want a new type of currency, but I don't think they will. Maybe?
Also, that nigger thing...yeah that will be a problem everywhere in the US lol.

>> No.54192402

fuck off back to r*ddit you obese midwit.
america was being burnt to ashes by niggers when things were still ok. there will be no more “gradual collapse”. that part has already been over for a while.

>> No.54192563

Argentina doesn’t have “hyperinflation”, it does have “persistent high inflation” (100% in the last year).

The best thing that happen in the US is that normies work out this is exactly why Bitcoin exists and how to get hold of it before the inflation gets too bad.

The other big problem is the fact that in many other countries around the world USD is the strong stable currency they save in.

Not to mention the fact that USD is the currency of global trade. It’ll be nigh on impossible to price international trade in USD if it enters massive inflation.

>> No.54193777

>block one
indeed. satoshi was a financial prophet.

>> No.54194142

what are you accumulating if it's not bitcoin? it has to be money, money is how we trade things

>> No.54194281

he’s probably one of the silver schizos. those guys are the most bitter fags on this board by far

>> No.54194291

>society literally collapses
>this will make people buy funny internet coins

I don't say this often but.. cope

>> No.54194322

>price going up
>"people are pulling money out"
this is your average /biz/ "financial advisor" advise lmao

>> No.54194336

>I personally don't think there's going to be hyperinflation, just persistent high inflation...
Yes it first starts like that, a persistent inflation of 10% at year, the next year 20%, then 50%, speed up to 100%, an finally skyrocketing at much higher values.
I'm not telling this will happen with USA, but you must start worrying a lot if inflation goes to 20%.

>> No.54194515

>loaf of bread costs $100,000
Then BTC owners will become some of the few people still able to afford bread.

>> No.54194533

The silver shilling has been inorganic as fuck. 10 years ago it was non-negotiable that gold was the only precious metal worth holding (and it still performed poorly).

>> No.54194548

>only someone who has never produced anything of value in their entire lives would think anyone will trade actual things for fiat in the event of a financial collapse

but they will. dollars will still be the currency

>> No.54194559

>I personally don't think there's going to be hyperinflation

the US consumes a lot and produces little. it prints a lot of money. it is a prime candidate for hyperinflation.

>> No.54194696

thanks for the tip yellen

>> No.54194731

Pot calling the kettle black the post

>> No.54194861

Climate migrants roaming from the south
Feminists, anglos and mutts on the West
Putin's chimpout to the East
It's indeed ogre for Europe

>> No.54194907

based monero anti-government, anti-censorship, anti-globohomo, anti-war gigachad. probably has big boobs too.

>> No.54195669

Silver makes sense. It’s used in countries that have experienced financial collapse because good is so valuable, any amount large enough to verify its purity is too large for every day purchase. It’s also no secret that the amount of physical silver is a disgustingly small fraction of the amount of paper silver.

>> No.54196426

>everything gets more expensive so what’s the point in holding btc
The absolute state

>> No.54196434

conservative price target of 10 million eod

>> No.54196463

imagine being enough of a stupid black gorilla nigger to spend 12 posts attempting to FUD bitcoin in 2023

>> No.54196480

>bitcoin moons
>they ban exchanges
>you now own useless 0's and 1's

>> No.54196487

>People will adopt barter system.
Yea ok. I’m sure their bartering system will rival the fiat global digital enslavement system

>> No.54196517

>bartering rent with landlords who owe the bank

>> No.54196584

Yea totally. It's just like how I can't get drugs legally anymore, so I just stopped using them. Absolute retard understanding of human nature, Anon.

>> No.54196705

Swimming against the current doesn’t exactly make you smart, anon.

>> No.54196721
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what did he mean by this

>> No.54196804
File: 444 KB, 777x452, 1679112605375792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this Credit Sissies

>> No.54197016

Enjoy your shitcoin (US mutt dollar) being inflated to zimbabwe levels

>> No.54197052

if nothing ever happens then how come there are history books? what about stuff everyone knows happened like 9/11, the holocaust, landing on the moon, etc.?

>> No.54197581

“Napoleon once said, "What is history, but a fable agreed upon?" He smiled. "By its very nature, history is always a one-sided account.”

>> No.54197632

That took a turn

>> No.54197728

Seek Jesus Christ.

>> No.54197736

Or maybe five cents.

>> No.54197767

If true, that would be extremely deflationary and the price of BTC would drop 90%.

>> No.54197781

And how are you going to cash out that Bitcoin if society collapses retard

>> No.54197802

>BTC $
Did you mean $1,000,000,000?
You posted $1.

>> No.54197833

Sounds like a nocoiner and poorfag normie problem to me

>> No.54197948

so it's over for America, Europe and.. everywhere?

>> No.54197955

so which ones

>> No.54197970

something schizo, the guy posts and deletes a financial collapse until it actually happens and then says i told you so