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File: 9 KB, 400x400, Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54190624 No.54190624 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54190629
File: 152 KB, 462x454, Link-eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-92% against ETH
>-87% against BTC
literally the cuckolds of crypto

>> No.54190635
File: 96 KB, 1564x1228, linkbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54190640
File: 226 KB, 1021x1293, Screenshot_20230316-171747_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10x on both

>> No.54190646

>since ico
you bought the top though.

>> No.54190647

I quite literally made this thread just to see how fast it will take the deranged cuckold spammer to get in

60 seconds huh, impressive

>> No.54190651

token not needed

>> No.54190654

Can we just be honest and say that we are all emotionally struggling because of our attachment to this token? We thought it would have an ETH-like run and it never happened, and now we are essentially holding bags that feel a lot like all the L1 “ETH killers” that have come and gone and never saw their ATH again. So we are all questioning - were we just wrong? Or is it just that our expectations were too high? 10 cents to $50 is pretty good, all things considered. I should have sold, I just really didn’t think it got the pump it deserved, but so much of that has to do with watching ETH run up from under a dollar.

>> No.54190656 [DELETED] 

Reported. Fuck your dogshit threads and nigger token. Sergey = Prison 2023

>> No.54190669
File: 1.03 MB, 1188x626, Link-Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cuckolds are back
lol nice imaginary returns, I bet you're a millionaire right? ;)

>> No.54190671
File: 35 KB, 361x370, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54190673

it's just that fun to shit on copeing linkies

>> No.54190685


>> No.54190686
File: 305 KB, 974x1054, 1677787875523422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink will forever be associated with cuckold incels.

Cope & seethe cuck

>> No.54190770
File: 17 KB, 1347x261, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54190801
File: 144 KB, 1646x1024, 345678354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Link shadowfork fork actually reached $300

>> No.54190808

rent free, niggers

>> No.54190819

Of all the godfucked posts in this godraped place, I just had to stumble upon yours. This is the most autistic, most infuriatingly abnormal bullshit I've ever fucking read on a website that is lowkey funded by the government to act as a neckbeard autist containment zone, so maybe some of you mouthbreathers won't shoot up a school, being too busy arguing about which waifu would give the best footjobs if waifus were real and you had a dick long enough for footjobs.
Your bullshit singlehandedly managed to ruin my fucking day by reminding me that yes, mongoloids like you actually exist, you live among us, I have to share my air with you, and it's not legal to eradicate you from the gene pool.
Thanks a lot, trisomic non fren.

>> No.54190823

kek now that is funny

>> No.54190881

Cope more newfag

>> No.54190897
File: 848 KB, 1038x640, serg networth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one coping while you still hold your 2017 shitcoin thoughwever

>> No.54190904

i bought link sub $1 and sold above $40. you are copeing.

>> No.54191034
File: 20 KB, 783x225, 1648161652315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these masterclasses worth it if you are brainlet nocoder?

>> No.54191044

And it was 100x before. Are you retarded?

>> No.54191062

Why didn’t you buy Btc at $100? Or eth at $1? Coping newfag

Btw even if you bought at ico you still haven’t made it yet lmao