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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54189381 No.54189381 [Reply] [Original]

Missing out on this pump is the straw that broke the camel's back. OG LINK marine here who's greatest regret in life was holding through the top because I believed in Chainlink's mission and thought Sergey would make me rich.
Instead the only thing he's made me is hate myself. I'm officially all-in BTC as of today and words cannot describe the exhilarating freedom I feel to finally be free of my chain(link)s.

I would like to issue a formal apology to all citizens of Bulgaria and anyone I had accused of being Bulgarian. I understand now that you were right.
Here's to the future.
Here's to freedom.

>> No.54189555
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Based now please never post about this shitcoin again and post your sell order.

>> No.54189565

Fucking checked. We're gonna make it, like, this month.

>> No.54189583

buy a goddamn ad

>> No.54189596

Same here. Market sold yesterday my 3.5k LINK i have been holding since late 2019. I'm not even that mad at myself, since i didn't lose any money on link, my buy-in price on avarage has been exactly the same amount sats as LINK has today. If i had bought bitcoin instead with my init investment, i would have had the same amount of money as i do today, so whatever i guess.

>> No.54189603

>12 hours of posting the same thing
>12 hours in a row
>a whole day
>posting "buy an ad" on /biz/ on 4channel
>12 whole hours

>> No.54189605
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Dont underestimate the power of love

>> No.54189618

And not one single ad purchased. Really makes you think
If you want to advertise just buy an ad its real simple

>> No.54189670

Indian Bulgarian, here. I told u to sell why did u not listen sir?

>> No.54189947

Good, now it can start its moon mission

>> No.54190479
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>moon mission
2 more weeks marines!

>> No.54190556

Indeed my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, I also am fearful, uncertain and doubtful of my investment and I will be shortly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all of my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) there because I've made such a bad investment and I urge every other OG ICO Chainlink (ticker: LINK) investor to do the same because I, an anonymous poster, care deeply about your financial well-being.

We've held for so long, but in all honesty it's time to stop the cope and just market sell our Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens immediately. I'm just so tired. You tired too? Let's sell together

>> No.54190578

There aren't even any anons really defending link anymore. For a while we just had the spamming schizo coping that they were manipulating the world economy to hurt link but i think even he fucked off, probably in the GME generals now.

For the record i own a lot of link but more than the price action, it's been the serious coping over it that has annoyed me. It has been shit, it has been a shit investment for the past 3 years. Accepting that isn't going to somehow spook the markets to get worse.

>> No.54190595

Sycophants are what kills companies. You need to relentlessly call bullshit if you want something to succeed, Sergey is finally feeling it a bit because he gets flamed when he posts his take on Twitter.

>> No.54190598
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yeah there are, look at this cuckold here>>54190556

He probably thinks he's outsmarting the "FUDDERS" while he holds his rank 24 unpumpable shitcoin lol

>> No.54190605

This sounds like LINK shilling but if it's not, this is not enough. We have to see Sergey behind bars for his scam. And Ari too. It has to be done. You faggots polluted this board for five years, now let's give Sergey and company 50 years.

>> No.54190638

It's why i qualified the claim with really. There are some left but anyone can see link threads have died a death and last several days now. Sometimes none on the board.

Which is all good in my eyes because the community doesn't need third worlders posting #chainlinkarmy4ever. If they're not delivering they need to get shit and the way I see it anything good we've gotten from chainlink in the past year has seemed to be a response to getting shit on on social media. For example the staking we have is barely functional and i have no doubt they would have waited longer for a more comprehensive release if they didn't know they needed to show some work.

>> No.54190702

Who has a link to the latest interview where sirgay cries about Fudders?

>> No.54190716



>> No.54190791

this meme have been tampered with (chainlink fixes this)

>> No.54190838

based, I still hold 40-50% of my crypto in link but I'm getting tired ot the constantly moved goal post, postponed deadlines, meme milestones, no usage, empty promises, and the token after almost 6 years still fucking NOT NEEDED in the slightest, it doesnt matter how great the 'project' looks on paper, the demand for the link token itself is pure speculation like every other shitcoin that link was supposed to be different from, if it wasn't for the fact that my average buy price is like .40c I would dump this shit with no hesitation, dude just wait for this, dude just wait for that, FUCK OFF

>> No.54190935

i wish i could sell but i am married to my bags, hating myself more every day
why couldnt i just stay a methead, this board has ruined so many people with this shitcoin

>> No.54190960
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How did you imagine getting rich off holding stablecoin? Are you retarded?

>> No.54190967

It’s all of us, anon.

>> No.54191730

I agree but at the end of the day there is a weird dynamic with LINK.
Avax can make some bullshit “partnership” with Amazon and pump 35% in a day, link can have “partnership” with google, meta and amazon in a day on a conference with a tech demo and nothing happens.

Quant can show up to sibos as spectators and interview themselves ans pump 150%, while chainlink can anounce a POC with head of SWIFT in person, after years of liaising together, the. Get invited to the same Sibos to give a tech demo which Quant themselves referenced and… nothing.

Lets not even talk about Schmidt. I am desensitised to it all, and feel exactly like you, but when i really think about it, it doesnt make any fucking sense. Chainlink do so many hackathons, tutorials, build events to get programmers using their products, which i see nobody else do.
When i think about it…. As much as i can criticise the team, it makes no sense in the slightest for it to be doing what it is price wise, there are some clear examples above i wrote of LINK going above and beyond and nothing happening, and some other coin doing kindergarten version and pumping like crazy.

>> No.54191795

As someone who would have come along and bought, say, last spring after doing good research… would you honestly say the price action makes sense relative to everything else? Not at all. It is absolutely ludicrous. If Link is performing like this, objectively everything else should be doing even worse. I am not saying muh globo homo suppression, i sadly have no real explanation to offer. I am just laying out some pretty clear rhetoric, and it is obviously why people are so livid.

Like what is it? Node operators dumping every day? The team? Well all the other shit gets dumped by VCs probably even more if you look at the unlocks.

>> No.54191804

It's CZ. He has so much LINK and he's also THE BTC whale. He manipulated the price of LINK and dumped it so many times in the past. In other times he would pump BAND even harder just to fuck with LINK. When it was about to break out after smartcon, he tweeted and started the FTX demise just to stop LINK.

>> No.54191819

You're probably gonna make a lot of money. Dont forget about the ones who couldnt make it, Anon.

>> No.54191857

>new local low in sats
yeah I think it's safe to say that link is indistinguishable from every other dead shitcoin at this point, I don't give a fuck about why muh "partnerships" and muh hackathlons don't affect price, nor do I care if CZ and the entire secret cabal is actively suppressing link, all I care about is the results.
If avax or litecoin or even btc are capable of pumping from hype without offering any "fundamental usecase" I'll choose them.
fuck this failing piece of shit, I won't keep holding it for 5 more years only for it to become XRP 2.0

>> No.54191875


Can we honestly say that?
Avax can pump 35% starting immediately after a tweet with amazon.

Link doesnt even begin any kind of reaction at all with amazon+meta+google tech demo. If it was suppression i’d expect to see an immediate rally much the same get smacked down.

>> No.54191902
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the price action simply reflects sergey dumping millions of tokens to fund an increasingly bloated and ineffective beureaucracy in THE highest salary and cost of living place on the planet. and just like the soviet union it will eventually collapse and be replaced:

>> No.54191993

This leads me to believe chainlink have a very, very large problem with reaching people outside of the twitter groupies and 4chan autists.

Any development and news or developments simply arent getting outside. They need to fix that. Maybe their Twitter account is broken due to shitty engagement and adelyn having spammed nothing burgers 30x a day for years. They better make a new account

>> No.54192037
File: 848 KB, 1038x640, serg networth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe Link is just an overhyped 2017 shitcoin?

Biztards basically made a cult revolving around Sergey (a giant midwit with no remose) who dumped millions of tokens on them. The cherry on top of the cake was the community lashing out against Bulgarians and NEXO while the team dumped billions of dollars on retail investors.

Literal insanity, biz is an extremely low IQ gullible board

>> No.54192079


I could definitely accept that if not for

It makes no sense. If link pumped on those items but got smacked down by sergey or something fair enough but cant see evidence of that. I also know well how much most projects sell tokens too.
Uniswap for example, and avax… holy shit are they dumped a lot by VCs

>> No.54192121

Yeah I always hear but "muh other teams dumped more!"

It's a giant cope, crypto runs purely on hype and Link never had any type of hype whatsoever

>> No.54192535

it makes no sense at all
whatever is keeping link in this range is very powerful on both the low and high end
link not setting a new low during the june crash was about as weird as it gets
the only explanation is very high iq accumulation by btc/eth whales made possible by the team dumps, but that is reaching schizo territory
in any case anyone saying the sergay dumps caused this is wrong they are well documented, low compared to other coins and dont line up with the price range actions

when this range breaks its gonna be something to see, but until then we will live in considerable pain

>> No.54192589

>link not setting a new low during the june crash was about as weird as it gets
it isn't really, plenty of alts did not set a lower low in June, link is lagging behind eth, check the charts

>> No.54192615

Not only did it underperform, its now outdumping most other alts.

>> No.54192682

On a long term time frame - 2030 I wouldn’t be comfortable going into a LINK short

But you will pick up severe mental illness. Seeing Sergay‘s state of mind on the recent podcast shows he is without a doubt functionally depressed and likely on SSRIs

No one founds a project like this out of jokes and giggles. Much likely a neglected youth
Like attracts alike, regarding the community

>> No.54192870

>link is indistinguishable from every other dead shitcoin at this point
that could be some explanation, but it just isnt true
link is actively developing new stuff and doing events and all
while things completely obsolete like litecoin still manage to pump, its really weird

>> No.54192956

Any hype it had you incel contrarians killed by being le ebin trolls I hope you nigger fags learned a valuable lesson in karma and enjoy bag holding while everything else pumps. Maybe instead of fudding le heccin normies and redditors you should have been shilling to them? Fucking retards enjoy being poor.

>> No.54192975

Link to the podcast?

>> No.54192997

search for "the clg podcast" its on spotify and a complete cringe. sergey sounds like a stupid fat loser

>> No.54194168
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>link is actively developing new stuff
>while things completely obsolete still manage to pump
I guess it is in the eye of the beholder, from my pov link is indistinguishable from let's say, xrp

>> No.54194365

that is one of the most goosed metrics to base any conclusion on
github quantity most certainly =/= quality

>> No.54194521

>one of the most goosed metrics to base any conclusion
you mean like all the accumulative statistics Chainlink likes to advertise on twitter?

>> No.54194802

moving goalposts, but yes those graphs they use are goosed
doesnt add to this conversation we were talking about real development that isnt measured in githib ectivity

>> No.54194858

>real development that isnt measured in githib ectivity
so how can one measure this real, active chainlink development?

>> No.54194960

they literally put out entire clusters of youtubes to train you how to use the functionality of there product
at this point you are arguing in very bad faith

>> No.54195333

How to Tell if the Chainlink Token is Needed

Step 1:
Evaluate if Chainlink nodes are performing services for clients, Y/N. If "yes", then the only token that Chainlink's network allows them to be paid in is LINK, meaning that the clients serviced must provide payment in the form of the LINK token for the services in question. Congratulations, you now understand LINK. If you have contentions with this or are merely curious, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2:
Not a necessary step. If you have a problem with Step 1, this is where you come to have a meltdown. Apparently, if you have come to this step on the pretense of contentions with Step 1, you cannot leave; you remain stuck in Step 2 for the apparent remainder of your life while everyone who understood and accepted Step 1 either bought LINK and became prospective of LINK's exciting opportunities across all platforms utilizing or relating to distributed ledger technology, or didn't and moved on. You may think that Chainlink's network could, in theory, simply accept other forms of payment than LINK, and you are entitled to this opinion—however, it is not how things work, and to say that this could be the case is as speculative as saying that Ethereum miners could, theoretically, if only it were coded and introduced into Ethereum's protocol, accept payment in the form of some other blockchain's native currency. For anyone stuck in Step 2, it is apparently incomprehensible that this will not come to pass; seeing any evidence that the LINK token is, in fact, already very firmly embedded into Chainlink's routine operations allows the subject to stay fresh in their minds. The ongoing success of the Chainlink network likely ensures that they will remain stuck on the matter for as long as they live.

>> No.54195398

Post sell order so we can pump pls

>> No.54196776

purchase an advert ASAP

>> No.54197733

link is scam
sergey is fat

>> No.54198433
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I'm selling my chainlink stack tonight.

>> No.54198614

I’m retarded but let me get this straight. Customer buys link with fiat to pay chainlink service provider. Chainlink service provider sells link for fiat, negating any buy pressure. Number never naturally go up. Got it

>> No.54198780

The main accumulation zone will be when nodes are competing for prize money. They will need huge stacks to take on collateral for big jobs. At that point there will basically be a space race style run for who can stack the most LINK. Then to maintain power they’ll always hold at least a % of their earnings to add to their stack, so buy pressure will naturally always be greater than sell pressure. Practically a never ending climb at that point, though it will be slow.

>> No.54198931

Didn’t Sergey just tell us in a podcast that there are currently, and in the foreseeable future no high value contracts that demand collateralised nodes? That there are no customers willing to pay more for them? That customers are happy to use the uncollateralised nodes they use now that have a perfect security track record?

>> No.54198956

nonoonono, customer can pay with any tokens but chainlink service provider CAN sell for link

>> No.54199050

He did, that’s why it’s over.

>> No.54199069
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People who have basic crypto knowledge understand the main point, which is link is way, way passed the hype and potential stage(which of course was defi summer 2020)
And number two link doesn't have a team and community that actually pumps it. The team itself is just the most notorious dumpers in crypto...and before you say anything it literally doesn't fucking matter if the reality is that Sergey is actually Santa Clause and he's never really dumped a single link but all those coins sent to exchanges are actually going to be stocking stuffers for good little linkies this year at the 1k eoy party....because...
everyone in crypto knows the link meme. The dumping. The 'too cool for school' attitude where we're better than you and we don't need to pump(fair desu for Sergey, he's making it 100000x over no matter what)
Avax is shit, and also somewhat maybe arguably passed its hype stage too(probably? I don't really give a fuck either way desu).
But the thing is they're slimey bastards who will run a fucking pump and blow people like me out during that aws bullshit pump trying to short it because it was already a monster pump and had lasted longer than you'd think...Blowing shorts out, luring people in, all that shit is what makes things go. Link is just not fucking that. At all. Never has been except maybe during defi summer. but at that time I wouldn't have been able to appreciate the whole 'scams pump the hardest' shit because you really need to see things over and over again and get the experience and watch how these things actually play out counterintuitively, and contrast that with limp dick link's dogshit pa to get it
If you want to say some shit like:
>well SWIFT and DF/hE ICO 23943 standardization protocols are going to be combining with our chainlank functions on top of our layer 4.5 CCCP over IP metastable predictive oracle subnet leading to the clear value of $84000 per LINK in 2034
grats but NO ONE CARES AND NO ONE WANTS TO BUY in 2023-2033

>> No.54199197

Wow what another original thread totally not full of faggots trying to keep their dead shitcoin relevant on /biz/ by pretending to FUD

>> No.54199723

Every alt is basically doing the same thing right now lol. Who cares.

>> No.54199803

On a somewhat more serious note: Sergey’s stuff on the latest podcast just reinforced something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. I don’t really think he’s cut out to be leading Chainlink. I hate to make the comparison, but consider what happened with Google. Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google and got them off the ground, but they didn’t know how to actually grow the company into a profitable business. That’s when Schmidt was brought in to start focusing on products that made money.

I think Sergey has some bold, interesting ideas for the future. It’s why we all got involved in the first place. His thesis on why DLT is superior to existing brand based agreements is sound. But the problem
I think we’re noticing more and more is he’s not really skilled at growing Chainlink into a sustainable business. The good thing is that Chainlink has recruited some brilliant talent. Dahlia is great, Kemal is great. I honestly think there should be some serious consideration to have someone take the lead from Sergey. I say this with respect on what he started and the ideas he’s put forward. I just think they need their Eric Schmidt moment who oozes charisma and knows how to take the ideas that Sergey talks about, and makes it happen. I think Sergey should still be involved so that his ideas are put forth, but I think someone needs to take the overall responsibility and running Chainlink from him.

>> No.54200262

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuude ithsthh a heckin consthpirathhy!!!
>duuuuuude its ok to fuck m my wife, just dont hurt her

LMAO pathetic cuck weaklings. Youre getting scammed by an obese 5’6” weakling and all you can do is post fantasy cope about why on an anon anime forum……ahahahahahahah…breathes…AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

holy shit you are so WEAK ahahahahahahahahaha. You guys are so spineless its honestly amazing

>> No.54200282

>duuuuuuuuude i used a lot of words therefore I know what im talking about

Something tells me you have zero friends irl. Just you and the dildo you practice your deep throat on, fag!

>> No.54200321

>duuuuuuuuuuuuuude its a SEGRET INVESTMANNNNT
>duuuuuuuuuuude w w were just another amazon and google
>google/amazon revenue after 5 yearsa: billions, chainlink: $0
>duuuuuuuuude youre a HECKIN fudder

You guys are gonna get so wrecked in prison, and it couldnt be more deserved

>> No.54200421

He hasn’t launched one successful product he’s a fucking failure all around

>> No.54200899

Fat folks like him lack discipline and self awareness to lead others. He also tries to relate to the little guy wearing his famous shirt and eating Big Macs with fans. Clear sign he’s trying to appease