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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54186658 No.54186658 [Reply] [Original]

What compels a man to go all in on crypto and then praise a corrupt financial regulator?

>> No.54186676

why is bitcoin not a security and other cryptos are?

>> No.54186683

>and other cryptos are?
Depends on the cryptos you're talking about, Litecoin and Monero are absolutely not securities but Ethereum and Chainlink are

>> No.54186688

because in 2023 bitcoin maxis are just statist glowies larping as cypherpunks

>> No.54186693

>bitcoin is the only good cryptocurrency
>*bans everything but bitcoin*
>see i was right?

>> No.54186704

>What compels a man to go all in on crypto and then praise a corrupt financial regulator?
price down almost touching your liquidation point will do that to you

>> No.54186743

Kaspa isn't a security either ;-) wink wink

>> No.54186759

kys jeet

>> No.54186770
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>meeting with SBF
Imagine my shock when he faces absolutely no consequences for conspiring with him.
Do you think it was part of 'Operation Chokepoint 2.0' or was he doing it of his own initiative?

>> No.54188079

You're all faggots. Gary is based. He is pro-crypto, anti-ponzi. Not his fault 95% of this space is a scam.

>> No.54188116

blockchains are permissionless, anyone can deploy a chain or a token, believing one agency in one country should have the power to counteract this basic rule demonstrates a severe lack of understanding of the system

>> No.54188133

Maxipadism is a disease

>> No.54188153
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Keep throwing your money at ponzis, dumbass.
You summed it up pretty well. Anyone, anywhere can create a no-utility, imaginary token. Selling it and promising return on investment is the problem.

>> No.54188154

Securities law doesn't forbid you to deploy a chain.

>> No.54188170

that "problem" is as imaginary as the token, attacking a core element of blockchain technology under the guise of "consumer protection" is peak bad actor
security designation for erc20s and native gas tokens is a state-imposed death sentence, completely arbitrary

>> No.54188175

>The CFTC once sought a shaky court ruling based on a cherry picked court case that I'm pretty sure that they litigated against a friendly defendant
>They wanted jurisprudence in a test case that because the word "smart contract" was used in some white paper that cryptocurrency was effectively a forward contract and should be regulated and taxed as such
>They won the case
>Ex-post-facto law doesn't apply because new Jurisprudence doesn't have the same limitations on ex-post-facto that legislation does
>Congress suddenly passed a dicey, poorly written law full of holes categorizing cryptocurrency like it undoes Jurisprudence
>That was like half a decade ago
>People are now on /biz/ posting about bullshit twitter drama about what's a security, who's a corrupt financial regulator, and also fucking stupid ass twitter bullshit

Some days I just fucking look up at the stars and fucking wonder. You know?

>> No.54188187

In US law it's usually decided by something called the Howey Test. The test is broken down into 4 parts but it's basically where people invest money, in a common interprise, with an expectation of profit, where the profit comes from the efforts of the people in control of the project. Most shitcoins, if they have a "CEO" that controls it and had a ICO or premine, it would fail the Howey test pretty easily. If they rely on proof Bitcoin doesn't have a central entity that controls the development, theres no centralized entity that disperses coins, there's no central entity that promised any profit, and no entity that would pay out any profit. BTC and Monero are pretty much the only 2 coins that would pass the Howey test.

>> No.54188189

Also, PoS chains are not permissionless since someone has to give you coins before you can participate.

>> No.54188191
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you know, minting some coins on launch and putting them aside for development is bad, but insta-mining bitcoin after publishing it, while nobody on earth has a fucking clue what mining is and how to start a miner, is perfectly fine.

>> No.54188195

Ding ding ding. PoW consensus wins again.
Sorry, your vaporware is a fuckin' security!

>> No.54188198

True, laws ARE silly imaginary things.

>> No.54188200

>If they rely on proof
2 am brain.
If they rely on proof of stake they also likely fail.

>> No.54188201

It's only a security if you sell it. It has nothing to do with gas tokens or erc20

>> No.54188203

>PoW chains are not permissionless because someone has to manufacture and give you an ASIC

>> No.54188210


>> No.54188218

Imagine thinking that "government chosen" is a shilling point for Bitcoin. Literal inversion of reality. Clown world.

>> No.54188219

if who sells it, the creator? it's open source software, anyone can participate and anyone can buy or sell what it produces

>> No.54188230

>BTC and Monero are pretty much the only 2 coins that would pass the Howey test.
You mean they would fail the Howey test.

Otherwise carry on.

>> No.54188240

>government chosen
There was never a choice, chud. Governments aren't choosing, they are submitting.

>> No.54188252

what is meant is that it's pretty much the only 2 coins that wouldn't be considered a security based on that test, while all the others would. Pass or fail is too confusing.

>> No.54188262

The creator or someone else who tries to make money with his shitcoin ponzi.

>> No.54188269

>chainlink is a security
Nah. A security is an investment contract entered with the expectation of profit.
No one could possibly expect to profit off of buying chainlink.

>> No.54188286

ate eef
pos = piece of shit
simple as

>> No.54188294

>Governments aren't choosing, they are submitting.
You're the same kind of useful idiot that thinks the reason his views align perfectly with the government and corporations is because they're kneeling to grassroots activism.
Thankfully the vaccine will wipe morons like you off the face of the Earth.

>> No.54188317

>grassroots activism
What the fuck are you talking about, chud?

>> No.54188358

Go back and take your shitty little work shopped meme with you

>> No.54188364

buy bitcoin

>> No.54188424

The more you learn, the heavier it gets.
>you're gonna carry that weight

>> No.54188428
File: 80 KB, 622x830, rqez5xr5eeoa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French people are retarded. Going against the pension reform is going against your children's future. Failed state, bankrupt government.

>> No.54188458

Money & corruption

Money & corruption


>> No.54188682
File: 50 KB, 900x900, the-mandalorian-disney-plus-e1573487736689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go all in on crypto
he went all in on BITCOIN, not crypto
bitcoin maximalism is the way.

>> No.54189051

because the government banning all competition is the only hope for his 80iq overleveraged investment in the flawed pet rock known as bitcoin

>> No.54189055

He is the CEO of a publicly traded company for decades and has a humongous btc bag.

Why in the world would he NOT be nice to the SEC chair? Biz is full of children.

>> No.54190308

Saylor is a spiteful retard, he doesn't understand Ethereum and Defi, he thinks that if they kill it people will go into BTC instead of leaving this shit forever.

>> No.54190365

>getting your foot in the door

>> No.54190391

>No one could possibly expect to profit off of buying chainlink

>> No.54190396


altmaxis really are permanently seething
just like whites make fun of browns, bitcoiners make fun of altmaxis that are crying now they're incapable of defending their "decentralized" money from regulators

bitcoin literally can't be shut down, but nearly every single alt can, and that's simply funny.

>> No.54190444

nobody cares about what saylor has to say though. he's just another bitcoin late adopter trying to prop up his bags.

>> No.54190447

>Because this arbitrarily applied regulatory fabric is loosely defined, it means I'm right and not that corrupt kike officials are my friend
>surely there is no chance this ever backfires!
This is your brain on being a maxi

>> No.54190528

i.e. being somebody that cares about cryptocurrency being both decentralized enough and resilient enough to survive governments trying to come after it.

what exactly is the point of the massive waste blockchains have on data storage and redundancy if they can be destroyed by one single government?
you really don't know what you've bought, like everyone else that turned up late and thought you figured it all out.

>> No.54192003

Because Gensler owns a fuckton of BTC