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File: 105 KB, 1208x848, bitcoin brain damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54183223 No.54183223 [Reply] [Original]

Is brain damage worth 50 BTC block rewards?

>> No.54183247

Yeah I got heat stroke doing pest control and got hit by a car going 75mph I likely have multiple CTE's now and I'm literally turning into Chris Benoit.
I got 10k for being hit and fired for getting heat stroke.

So yes 50btc would have been nice, now I'm just a broke deadbeat with brain damage who can't get help from the state.

>> No.54183362

why the fuck couldn't I find that forum back then....pisses me off so much.

>> No.54183390

it's the same website you're on right now

>> No.54183412

He's a billionaire now btw

>> No.54183487

i was doing folding@home on my ps3. if i knew about btc.... i would be one of the mysterious whale fags thats controlling the market.

>> No.54183489

what the world definitely needs are more brain damaged billionaires

>> No.54183512

Crazy how all it takes is one day to fuck your life up

>> No.54183525

I was too dumb to figure cli back then, and got trolled into cpu mining becoming worthless when gpu mining came out and that becoming worthless when FPGAs appeared

>> No.54183543

Source? If he is good for him but I kinda doubt someone who said he was selling all his mining hardware would hold. Many people back then had eyewatering amounts of BTC and sold when they increased in value from their sub dollar per coin buying to several dollars and thought they were doing insanely well 100x ing their money for selling btc at $10 or whatever.

>> No.54183583

You’d probably be dead

>> No.54183590

Yup, I was #1 in my pest control company out of 14,000 technicians, I was put to task and told my boss I needed to go home, he wouldn't let me.
They fired me, fired my boss and lawyered up soon as I got heat stroke that day.

I got heat stroke after the car accident as well I was recovering and that happened, I couldn't talk right for a month and now I'm having constant mental breakdowns, I was able to regain my speech but the car accident caused cerebral fluid buildup on the back of my skull, I should have died 10 hours after I was hit I was hallucinating like I took acid, I never hallucinated in my entire life including the times I tried mushrooms/acid.

My brain felt like it was swelling and likely was,I'll probably kill myself eventually It's the only thing I think about daily.
And I'll get a bunch of responses to "fix your life"
These people haven't experienced massive head trauma.

>> No.54183623

I didn't know what 4chan was until probably 2016 and then didn't use it until like 2020 or something.

>> No.54183631

Look guys, toast is great and all and I'm sure everyone enjoys some roasted starch in the morning. But let me explain to you a major problem that I am sure no one has considered. It started when I woke up one morning and the weather was a little cooler than usual so I put on my morning gown. It's fluffy of texture and the colouring is an off tone red. One of my favourite items to wear at that time in my life. I was a young boy of 23 and had just acquired a new toaster with my pay check working for Mr Barronston down at the local factory. It had slots for 4 pieces of toast which at the time was unheard of. And because I only wanted two slices I figured to myself I may as well heat my hands over the other two empty valleys of heat.
>cont next post (1/10)

>> No.54183695

The valley of heat was reminiscent of the time I visited my great uncle Lloyds log cabin when I was a chap. He would throw large logs onto an open fire and we'd sit close as they'd crackle and burn. Warning our hands as the soothing night drifted away. My mind wondered as I suppose in this moment so did my body and soul as the toaster that was alright below had lit up my gown and the fire was slowly creeping up my arms. But I felt no sensations in this moment. I distinctly remember the cool breeze on my bare skin and that was the first moment I though, wait I am not in my Great uncle Lloyds log cabin but in fact standing in my kitchen, with burnt toast under me and my sleeves on fire. What happened next will change the way I looked at life forever.
>cont next post (1/?)

>> No.54183711
File: 286 KB, 504x512, 00058-2605217733-cat on window, hd 4k photograph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg id

>> No.54183734

some kid showed me furry porn back in 2004-2005. And some people in my FFXI linkshell were saying the N-word and talking about mudkip and random /b/ memes. I started going on around 2008 to look at porn. Had no idea that there were other sub boards til 2011. I did find this spot in 2015ish? to learn about money. But there was nothing resembling learning about money whatsoever. Anything that wasn't about crypto was nocoiner. Scared me off.

>> No.54183743

Just start abusing psychedelics, get to 4th plateau DXM

>> No.54183775

Inna catastrophic scoop of bad luck and panic, I flailed around my house, arms doused in flames as I bump and tumbled my way to the shower. I quickly hit the cold water and jumped under. Shivering as the flames went out and my damp wet clothes clung to my body. I was in pain, cold, frightened. Only to walk out into a scene in my living room akin to armageddon. There was flames everywhere. The carpet. The walls. Pillows. My tv was burning. I had forgotten that I had bumped into all this stuff. And this is when I really realise how badly I screwed up trying to cook that piece of toast. I blacked out.
>cont next post (1/?)

>> No.54183832

No I'm okay.
Rather not continue damaging the few cells firing up there.

>> No.54183833

>buying a crypto coin token ogs already became trillionaires from
>buying a crypto token coin that needs government energy sponsorship to exist
>buying a crypto token coin thats still dependent on the government for internet and energy
>buying a crypto token coin the trillionaire ogs that already made it rub it in poorfags faces constantly because they could order more grubhub than you when they were cucked during lockdowns just like you
>buying a crypto coin token the trillionaire ogs bought for literal pennies
just BTC boomer things

>> No.54183843

Sliding this post incase someone actually talks to me, very typical jewish behavior, can't let a guy who's experienced major trauma talk.

>> No.54183867

It was around this time I realised I committed too heavily to this shitpost and woke up from the black out to realise my room was in fact NOT on fire and it had all been a delusion of the mind. In fact my toast was non existent and I now crave some toast so will probably go cook some. Carefully.. The end.


>> No.54183892

I was just sharing my experience on why people should avoid cooking toast anon no need to be mean.

>> No.54183899

Bro I just don't want to support the central energy grids controlled by the government that power BTC. I don't like the government as much as you seem to I guess. I wish bitcorners with their trillionaires of dollars spent on ubereats and grubhub actually invested their trillions into ensuring BTC could exist separate to the government.

I know I know I'm late and poor and you could afford more grubhub deliveries than I could when we were locked down I know bro I know. You don't have to rub it in my face

>> No.54183902

kek. This post is how I learned about BTC.

>> No.54183944
File: 166 KB, 1612x620, aware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.54183957

Buy BTC support government energy corp. simple as.

>> No.54184009
File: 295 KB, 1123x734, kOL6HwxkGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao is this the same guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr8bp8a2QS4

>> No.54184012

>bro just get brain damage by consuming more government energy than the rest of the goyim slaves
>you will totally get rich look at these projections
>alternative energy grids haha no don't think tpo hard bro you must have brain damage from the heat from all the energy consumption you are doing for us
people were stupid enough to fall for this back then. Luckily I got a job flying the planes that drop chemicals onto unsuspecting goyim slaves. It's total warfare against the useless eaters in case you didn't know slave. Enjoy your lockdown BTC trillionaire? lol

>> No.54184359

This boards become completely unusable.

>> No.54186081

Report it next time for being offtopic, etc.