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File: 707 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2023-03-17 130026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54179360 No.54179360 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got above $500k again

>> No.54179646
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thanks for the account numbers faggot, I'm bruteforcing your account recovery as we speak

>> No.54179967
File: 708 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2023-03-17 133454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun
Don't forget to invest in lube and kneepads

>> No.54179998

>3 doordash tabs open
lmao you fat faggot spend some money on a treadmill

>> No.54180372

>> 500k folio.
2k gains

>> No.54180388


>> No.54180431
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>> No.54180511

why aren't you just using that 500k to 10x long any crypto lmao wtf is all of that shit. it's like the rich boomers equivalent to a wallet with 10 different utility tokens spread out for no reason

>> No.54181357
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I walk around a lot so I don't really have to worry about what I eat
That's like .45% though
It's effectively really secure cash at Fidelity
Crypto is cucked by how illegal everything associated with it is these days
DAPP is enough for me

>> No.54181997

>That's like .45% though
that's the point nigga. its pathetic. imagine if you had that $500k in bitcoin.

>> No.54182087

wait to much hedge and 70% cash. literally just buy t-bills or money market fund. you are scattered all over the place

>> No.54182098
File: 1.03 MB, 991x988, aiart8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I'd be able to buy a tote bag at the end of the year
Where do I sign up
In any case .45% in a day isn't so bad
It represents a recovery from down $11k from the $500k baseline in just a few days

>> No.54182146

You could’ve made more in CDs or a money market fund, my man. You don’t have any hedge against anything. If this fucker tanks (which it is currently) you’re going to lose your shirt. You’re just better off parking this in a savings account. Your investing is abysmal.

>> No.54182147

>mostly margin
>rest in cash
Nigger, you dumb

>> No.54182164
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>scattered all over the place
Those are just small components to allocate gradually over time in higher amounts
It's good to get them into your account with your broker in advance of potentially trading with them so that the broker knows about them since a long time ago

>> No.54182210

Also, close your fucking tabs. Did you inherit that money? Are you some kind of autistic software dev with zero investing skills? Whatever you did to earn your money (if you earned it) stick with that.

>the Economist

I remember when I was 23

>> No.54182244
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>If this fucker tanks (which it is currently) you’re going to lose your shirt
The rest of what you said is fully cucked by the fact that specifically this part isn't true at all
>conceptual word salad
Fidelity has a way they set up your account so that if you're not over 100% allocation in non core components it has the same fees and regulations as a cash account in the same amount

>> No.54182269

he didn't even make 2k, he actually lost $40k on his entire account. 2k is just the daily gain

buy bitcoin dumbass

>> No.54182297

its worse than I thought. stonks are a scam.

>> No.54182385
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>financial illiteracy
The $40k is a cost basis thing Fidelity keeps track of for tax form purposes basically
That loss is from before I started this whole portfolio at around $500k after I went all in cash from my previous mostly equities portfolio
I'm still more or less all in cash for the foreseeable future
I tried to adjust the cost basis in the website's display to my cost basis for this year but I wasn't able to figure out how to do it
It looks like maybe that's just how the broker displays it, maybe for regulatory reasons or something

>> No.54182436

Yeah, you’re a software dev. Just admit it. I can tell. You have more money than since and you think you have a system.

Your system is boring and it isn’t even functioning the way you (should) want it to.

>> No.54182520

I mean, why do you have $300k just sitting in your brokerage? It makes no sense. Park $250k of that into a savings account. Go buy some real estate. Please tell me you aren’t renting or living with your parents.

>> No.54183254
File: 628 KB, 512x512, f3066592-8c6f-4ece-b9fe-62fe8127966f-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a software dev
I worked as a software dev briefly after college but I've been out of the software industry and only working on trading for more than ten years now
Whether or not my system is boring, it's absolutely functioning the way I want it to
I'm not sure what you're saying I should want it to do, I'm just all in cash for now and waiting to buy dips eventually
Nobody has time for real estate in current year 2023 with all the fallout everywhere
I have a paid off condo and I live by myself
No point in trying to mug me or identity fraud me, I am too infamous on the internet to just go quietly into the night in the traditional wall street sense