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54179172 No.54179172 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck do normies do if they don't have a family to live with? Rent is fucking crazy

>> No.54179183

Find a roomate or a friend you incel

>> No.54179219
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I have a house and plenty money but no family to live with me.
I am too short to start a family.

>> No.54179242

Find a roomate or a friend you king

>> No.54179256
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In order for the average normie to not go broke they have to split costs with someone who may or may not be crazy
To save up peanuts at their retail/food job
In the hopes that they dont get sick or break anything
So they can hopefully go to school and learn a new skill
Praying that someone actually hires them after spending money to try and make money

Damn this world is fucked lmao

>> No.54179283

We unironically need a financial crisis to rek the Boomers hoarding houses.

>> No.54179297

Rent is not fucking crazy. I get a one bedroom for 2k in Brooklyn which might sound like a lot to most people but it's only like 10% of my salary. Just get a degree in a high-paying field and you'll be able to afford almost any apartment.

>> No.54179300

Live with other people and still pay a lot of money and hate your life
t. Me

>> No.54179346
File: 110 KB, 659x692, 4DDEABDA-7617-4096-8DF1-A99332FBFD68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really do be like that

>> No.54179350
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I've been thinking about the plight of the average normie - most of them will absolutely never be in our position for reasons they were never able to control

I think a statement like this shows a massive disconnect from what average people face

>> No.54179464

>just make a lot of money
Damn why didn’t I think of that

>> No.54179488
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Go back.

>> No.54179634

I rent a 3-bedroom shit box farm house for 800 a month. Electricity is free because the owner can’t be assed to waste time disconnecting it from the farm itself.

I think you might just live in a shit part of the country. Or maybe I live in the shit part and your just underpaid? Either way, your not the average person, and neither am I. Nothing about this economy makes sense. Welcome to the world.

>> No.54179735

Have you thought of getting fucked by strangers behind the 7Eleven?

>> No.54179753

roommates retard.

Living alone is for triple digit IQ people

>> No.54179820

normies know people so their uncle gets them a job at some random small business

>> No.54179829

your family lets you live with them?

>> No.54179991

I'm assuming you mean that $2k is 10% of your monthly salary. So what you're saying is
>just make $240k a year, just over 3 times the median income of NYC
>it's so easy, just go to school and a lower-upper class salary will just drop in your lap
Fuck, why didn't everyone think of that? Such a simple solution.

>> No.54180045

Time to become a passport bro. Find yourself a decent looking Latina and pump her full of splooge before she gets fat.

>> No.54180699

go asian, my ginger 5"4 friend found a Cambodian qt

>> No.54180740

>I-I-I just CANT live with other people I have social anxiety
Literally just end it all then you loser. Roommates are not a new concept