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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54172162 No.54172162 [Reply] [Original]

>Something is happening Anons, you know it

>> No.54172168

What am I looking at?

>> No.54172218

>What am I looking at?


>> No.54172247

No no no, you must not look into the new Xgrid token launch. Only for top investor wanting for best return needed.

>> No.54172262

Preview to staglation. We are fucked beyond repair

>> No.54172287

Please pump to the point that I get a house and can grow my own food

>> No.54172665

The chart for the Discount window: Federal Reserve primary credit lending

>> No.54172738


>> No.54172819

See >>54172262

>> No.54172847

money is fake now, doesnt mean anything.

>> No.54172856

What does it mean

>> No.54172877

It means cbdcs are coming

>> No.54172889

banks are bust, continuation on the current rate hike trajectory can not proceed. what comes next? probably expansion of government balance sheets and more money printing, question is how they will sell it to the public

>> No.54175614

What will this stagflation look like? Paint me a picture

>> No.54176163

It means Vivo is coming. Vivo project dot net

>> No.54176178
File: 19 KB, 366x354, 1670573381414335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, adjusting for inflation.

>> No.54176287


>> No.54176337

rapidly increasing prices, zero increase in wages

>> No.54176520

>post fear mongering chart

The federal reserve doesn’t dictate the economy. Not in a recession. Inflation is being curbed. Take your obvious bait thread elsewhere >>>/pol/

>> No.54176550


>> No.54176562

>The federal reserve doesn’t dictate the economy
brainlet/glowie detected

>> No.54176563
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1677079804697362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna work and buy a house for my wife and kids, anons. I'm tired of being a pawn for the elites. I wish I could go back and never have had kids, I feel awful for subjecting them to a life time of subsequence to pedophiles.

>> No.54176585

>Subservience not subsequent

>> No.54176755

You will be able to afford less, the elites will grow richer.
The West will become even more of a totalitarian shithole than it is now.
Maybe move to S-E Aisa or Africa or something.

>> No.54176775

Actually scartch that. Stay put. The US will go to war pretty soon anyway and we all either die or it gets better.

>> No.54176895

So just the UK for the past 60 years? Well we can just drink like they do to numb the pain.

>> No.54176955
File: 322 KB, 1016x681, 2 trillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the new chart when this shit happens

>> No.54176979

does this mean i should buy GRAIL (ticker $GRAIL)?

>> No.54177000

>Inflation is being curbed.

inflation is being curbed by printing hundreds of billions of dollars?

>> No.54177245
File: 3.75 MB, 256x171, 1676350326280267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one, am interested in seeing this experiment unfold.
Rate Hikes + QE
Two offending policies. It's like stomping the throttle and brake pedal at the same time.
My guess is massive money printing required to prop up banks as they fail due to higher interest rates. Then, continuing to hike rates because inflation is still above the interest rate.
It's a snake eating it's own tail.

>> No.54177300

Always has been, but that doesn't mean it can't get faker. So fake you can't trade it for a reasonable amount of other countries fake money

>> No.54177341

Either war, or your pay stagnates while inflation eats away at it.
Hope you’ve got some supplies stashed away.

>> No.54177575


Real question is: are FED and ECB in panic, or they predicted this.

>> No.54177605

ahh yes another band aid.

>> No.54177647

The moment you realize that your (((country))) has been looted and sold out.

>> No.54177659

Fuck off glownig

>> No.54177741

Just wake up from a coma?

>> No.54177831

>rape hikes vs QE
Debt vs cash in hand, what would you rather have? Cash obviously, so everything else being equal QE wins

>> No.54177842

Inflation is being curbed by the collapse of regional bank lending. The amount being injected is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.54177861

Nonsensical post.

>> No.54177928

I'm pretty confused.
I've seen numbers between $300BB & $550BB add to the fed balance sheet.
When they created the BTFP they said they only needed $25BB.
we're already 10x that.
I can't tell where the money is going nor where it's actually coming from.
2008-2010, all the bailouts combined, were only $200BB cumulatively.
but we're already way past that.
so what the fuck is going on?
we gonna pump in 6x the current loan? e.g. $2 Trillion in loans for banks?
what the fuck are they doing?

>> No.54177972

they have to have had expected this because they're already 10x the initial loan budget $25BB.
I still think they'll raise 50bps next week, it's just confusing as hell.

>> No.54178272

How does this affect cryptos?

>> No.54178316

you get a little bitch pump now, then a big crash, then the golden bullrun takes off.
also CBDC coins are valuable here, so long HBAG.

>> No.54179447

nothing ever happens

>> No.54179875

>how they will sell it to the public
"Emergencies" that require more government expansion.

>> No.54179935

Maturity Transformations and dfractional reserve ratios, means that M1 is atleast 10x that of M0, so the FEDs are going to have to print alot of M0 to cover the ridiculous amount of M1 liabilities to prop the prices of mortages and therefore housing or all of the entire banking industry plus housing plus pension funds plus everything blows up. A single bank run is actually a systematic risk because all banks rely on the mortages/loans theyve lent out to maintain their price and thus be used as an asset to loan against and thus cover deposit withdrawals but it means no bank will have cash on hand to buy the loans off another bank and so the prices collapse and everything blows up, so the FEDs have to step in.

>> No.54180023

I guess we should have tied money to the value of labor instead of nothing at all and instead of murdering people who thought that for no reason.

>> No.54180200

Or better yet kept the currency standard that had been held in the civilized world for thousands of years because of how effective it was

Though the Fuggers inventing credit was also a mistake

>> No.54180227

2008 was the test run for today's policies
it will probably not end in our lifetimes