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File: 903 KB, 886x590, yellen's historic bumbling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54167428 No.54167428 [Reply] [Original]

They really sent her out to the podium without any kind of plan or script. This whole session will be recited and berated for decades to come.

Worth the 4 minute watch: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1679023387002716.webm

>> No.54167583

Her incompetence is the point. They're mocking us.

>> No.54167589

It's not a fuckup it's just getting smaller banks out of the way so we can hurry this CBDC along. Enjoy the perpetual slavery.

>> No.54167614

I will
>I own LINK

>> No.54167616

>Something something Oklahoma
Ya, no it isn't. It's literally just a bunch of homos grilling someone who just has to play the script her pr and legal team typed up for her. Anyone who takes congressional hearings seriously is a retard, like op.

>> No.54167637

Is she a judge? What makes her honorable?

>> No.54167649
File: 534 KB, 2477x1800, yellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54167651

The sign right in front of her does. Don't you see it?

>> No.54167653
File: 216 KB, 1200x1020, EsPWNZXXYAEw3YV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Shes the treasury secretary and she has no answer to deposits fleeing smaller banks to large wall street banks

>> No.54167679

thank you for actually posting a working link, reminds me of the days when posts on /biz/ had the content you needed to become a millionaire.
Yellen is an idiot and at this point also a ghoul from the video game series Fallout

>> No.54167705

>Why should I store my bottle caps with you when you aren't protecting them from Tunnel Snakes?

>> No.54167717

so basically if you're big enough you can gamble and take on all kinds of retarded risks because this dumb whore just said they'll bail you out if it's too big.

>> No.54167738

It really was disgusting. Basically if you're a small or regional bank you ain't in the club and nobody gives a fuck about you. Biden should have bounced her bounced her on Jan 1.
She's an academic, has no real world financial experience at a bank or in the markets and has no idea when things don't go the way it says in a textbook.

>> No.54167739
File: 65 KB, 1241x700, ESG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a woman, for starters.

>> No.54167749

>Biden should have bounced her bounced her on Jan 1.
Why are you under the impression this isn't what he wants?

>> No.54167764

Good morning I hate jews

>> No.54167767

Well, she is his appointment. There's only so much fucking up you can put on her without it reflecting on him as well. I doubt he wants a massive financial crisis being overseen by this dingbat heading into an election year.

>> No.54167777

Elections aren't real, this is why they fought so hard to trick everyone into thinking eighty one million real life human beings chose him.

>> No.54167792
File: 1.74 MB, 1344x994, Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 2.25.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump won

>> No.54167813

More blacks voted for Biden than Obama! My nigga Corn Pop! It's a joke.

>> No.54167903

This is my point. Now they can get away with anything because the people voted for consolidating the retail banking industry into 3-4 choices nationwide. When the banks they're donors and other propagandists who made 2020 possible go under as part of this transition, they'll be reciprocated for making it possible. When the First Bank of Red Arrow Oklahoma collapses, not their problem.

>> No.54167929

Yes, those two elections were TWELVE YEARS APART you gigantic fucking retard

>> No.54167940

Obama got 69 and I believe 62 million votes each. Hillary got 63. Do you not see the problem here?

>> No.54167950

black population is basically static in the US retard

>> No.54167953

Lightly shoving Yellen while at the top of concrete steps

>> No.54167955

at least she is answering his questions.

>> No.54167973

No, you’re just a moron. It literally is impossible for people like you to truly understand and accept how many people hated trump and drove out to the polls just to see him home


Per capital sure. But 12 years is a very long time and alot of blacks reached voting age by 2020 and got out to vote trump out

How dense are you stupid retards

>> No.54167992

>drove out
Uhh actually sweaty the narrative is supposed to be that he lost due to voting by mail. No bail out for your deposits.
Unless of course you're right in which case enjoy your DNC-sponsored economic depression.

>> No.54167998

I fucking hate autocorrect

See him gone*
Per capita*

>> No.54168018

Everyone knows it was stolen by now

>> No.54168033

Lol no, cope fag

Need another Arizona audit? How many more weeks until >muh based nigger Clarence reinstates trump?


>> No.54168051

Tell your boss to teach you how to greentext

>> No.54168065

CBDC is gonna accelerate bricks2

>> No.54168070

>0 arguments
>100% cope and seethe

Kek cry more bitch nigger. I bet you fell for the Q LARP too

>> No.54168071
File: 43 KB, 837x1036, 12905372523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you’re just a moron. It literally is impossible for people like you to truly understand and accept how many people hated trump and drove out to the polls just to see him home

sure thing buddy.

>> No.54168078

You're learning

>> No.54168082

No its not

>> No.54168085
File: 63 KB, 758x759, 1617970157441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Per capital sure.
>How dense are you stupid retards

>> No.54168112

Avril Haines kinda cute

>> No.54168115

Per capita it stays at about 13%, but the overall US population obviously grew since 2008 and so did the amount of people for each race. Not to mention how many blacks reached voting age since 2008. And finally how polarizing trump was and the fact that people voted against him and not so much FOR Biden

Of course, you can’t expect this board full of dogcoin trading underage fags to understand statistics

Clearly meant per capita

>> No.54168139

ok you can go back now

>> No.54168150

You are so fucking mad lmao

Fucking retard kys

>> No.54168151

aww i love lil Yellen bros

>> No.54168152

DNC shills are in overdrive trying to blame the crashing economy on Trump lmao.

Yellen is clinically retarded in OP's video.

>> No.54168182

say hi to r/antiwork on your way out

>> No.54168197

>gets absolutely btfo
>starts naming subreddits

Niggerbrain trumpfag destroyed beyond repair lol. Many such cases!

>> No.54168251
File: 23 KB, 220x220, 1608747343406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is kind of adorable to look at. like a retarded puppy or an apustaja

>> No.54168262

ok now run along

>> No.54168292

The criteris for having covered deposits are simple. She said them without saying them.

1. Must be a circumcised member of the Nose Tribe.
2. Must be a POC (Person of Chosen).
3. Must have pronouns (((they)))/(((them))).

>> No.54168301

This. They'll get away with whatever they want. Everyone's too busy watching Star Wars. Endgame's here.

>> No.54168346

The tribe she's in says so, goy

>> No.54168366

This bitch should be running a state park or a kindergarden or something. Not the fucking fed

>> No.54168553

They will just escalate the conflict with Russia and send the inflation to the sides of the conflict including the countries of Nato.
She's just a clown pretending to do and know anything at this point.
War and military are the dollar's strength.
Look as the escalation of the conflict with Russia will increase with inflation.
The drone attack news broke out right when the FED printed the 300 billion in one week.

>> No.54168559


>> No.54169865

Really shows the level of their control doesn’t it. I know /pol/ seethes over them every day, but I can’t help but admire it.

>> No.54170000

>trusting her with your kids

>> No.54170026


>> No.54170030

They look like us, but they aren't us

>> No.54170038

Wait. These snakes are actually dual citizens holding those positions?

>> No.54170053
File: 785 KB, 720x691, 1678898593692961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54170082

When did this place get swarmed with plebbit trannies?

>> No.54170171
File: 94 KB, 720x742, 1679045099235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Rabbi

>> No.54170176

2 years ago faggot

>> No.54170216

>finally noticing

>> No.54170236

That one where Warren attacked Powell is very telling that it's just political shitflinging.

>> No.54170399

the simulation has jokes
no way she's even real beyond these videos

>> No.54170542

>he thought "pol is always right" was just a meme
Eventually you get too tired to fight it and just go back to trading dogcoins all day. Don't go down the rabbit hole unless you really want to fuck up your worldview permanently.