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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 1104x345, financial analyst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54164478 No.54164478 [Reply] [Original]

>financial analyst
what the fuck is wrong with this job market. If people can walk down the street and get hired as a cashier at a grocery store for $20/hr, why do employers expect to get someone with a university degree in accounting for an analyst job at 25% less pay than a stoned-out register chimp makes?

>> No.54164522

It's a fancy title for photocopying receipts and invoices.

>> No.54164525

hahaha even fast food workers here get $17 an hour. Amazon $18. Less shitty service jobs $20.

>> No.54164563
File: 3.24 MB, 3840x2160, 1641236646817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mutts are so fucking poor
i do technical support for microsoft 100% WFH from the fucking Balkans and i get paid 10 euros net per hour which is 11 dollars net per hour
my rent is literally 300 euros per month and when i go to a nice restaurant a dish is around 7 euros

mutts are poor and surrounded by niggers just kys you disgusting creatures

>> No.54164572
File: 975 KB, 1500x1440, 5134714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to get into a field where you have zero credentials at all, but by putting a few years of work in you could end up at six figures, you're going to have to start at shit tier pay.

the reason you can get a job in a warehouse or flipping burgers at $20 is because its god awful, humiliating work and you know there's zero future in it so it's barely even worth doing.

>> No.54164598

Just blame the fleecing of goyim on the current thing or wypipo and you are good. Slap a couple prompts into chatgpt and you're done for the day
Literally free money

>> No.54164599

>be american
>get paid $15/hr for a job that cost you $200,000 in student debt to qualify for
>rent is $3000/month
>boomers criticize you for not having a family, a lambo, 5 annual vacations to fiji, and a beachside mansion

>> No.54164612

>Someone posts a delusional job listing
>That's it, the job market is finished