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54163215 No.54163215 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw ARB flips LINK.

>> No.54163773
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Just going by where avax, matic and ada are at compared to link, i wouldnt be surprised at all.

>> No.54163938
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>> No.54164480
File: 37 KB, 740x320, 1678973253739639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the arb roolup doesnt even use arb as fee.. its literally a scam what r u going to vote on with the dao shitcoin? edfelten is sergey tier when it comes to transparency he makes all the decisions. its just a cash grab by the arbitrum vcs and foundation, stay far away from that useless shitcoin unironically also the distribution is horrible

>> No.54164490

It would literally only need to be $1 to get a $10B cap lmao

>> No.54164506

it wont happen, the shitcoin isnt needed, and its all in the hands of vcs and the foundation, its literally a scam

>> No.54164529 [DELETED] 

Can someone help me with the math, here. They've allocated 1.1B to users through airdrops. The current airdrop was to about 600,000 wallets. I got 5k, which I think is probably in the top 50% of payouts, given how tough the criteria were.
Even if 5k was the average payout, that's only 30m ARBI in this drop. Which is an absurdly small proportion of not just the total supply, but even the supply allocated to the public through airdrops.
So is it going to be a BLUR situation where the incentives just keep running and "Keep earning more ARB!" as you use the platform? In any case and, especially given that this is a governance token, it's hard to see how there will be any value to milk out of it at any stage.

>> No.54164608

>still trying to using logic and reason during a full blown clown market

>> No.54164738

Sounds exactly like link kek

>> No.54164766

>eyed up FTM, MATIC, DOGE and BNB in 2019/2020
>bought Chainshit instead

I will not rest until all Linkscum are dead.

>> No.54164813

i sure hope they do, link threads should be purged

>> No.54165166

Can't believe there's actual retards here who will willingly miss a third bullrun holding Chainshit, lmao

>> No.54165208

Everyone in here are bagholding fudders

>> No.54165325
File: 28 KB, 797x640, pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arbitrum is the arguably a greater betrayal than Sergey himself.
At least we know Sergey is all about dumping LINK as much as he can. That's not a surprise really.
However, Arbitrum was basically shilled on here forever as something along the lines of
>the savior of Chainlink's past, present, and future. And the ultimate usecase and demonstration of how Chainlink will be an essential part of decentralizing all networks going forward
While the reality is picrel mfing laughing at /biz/

>> No.54165399

well deserved, fuck sergay for betraying us. He got everything coming to him

>> No.54165849

This anon gets it, arbitrum+ link was the longest running psyop biz ever had.

>> No.54167139

Thats all link ""breadcrumbs"" in a nutshell. Just hopium dealers trying to start a hype pump by making up random shit and stringing anons along with it.

Anyone remember le epic link short squeeze when celsius collapsed? Celsius was said to be the main villain reaponsible for suppressing and shorting link the whole time! And now that they went insolvent millions of link would have to be market bought creating a huuuge short squeeze!!
What actually happened? Absolutely nothing (like always)

>> No.54167192

thank you for being concerned about my financial well being, just bought more

>> No.54167674

It is programmed into the blockchain that link will be flipped but that wqill also be the topsignal

>> No.54167697

i will kill myself if that happens

>> No.54167757

The arb fud is actually working on me. Did Link massively fuck up somehow? Not to mention swift won’t even talk about it

>> No.54168103

LINK marines said some naughty no no words on the internet and the meth trannies decided to cancel them. that's what web3 is about didn't you know?

>> No.54169103
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>> No.54169128
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it's gonna happen isn't it