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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54161341 No.54161341 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54161411

Build the world's most beautiful gallows.

>> No.54162312

Gold and silver as the price has clearly not even caught up to current inflation. Also shelf stable food and firearms.

>> No.54162451

I would buy dollars and US stocks.
America printed even more than that during covid and the dollar went UP.
2 trillion of printing is fuck all when you are the worlds reserve currency.
The US is the safest economy on the planet and that's why the dollar has risen despite printing.

>> No.54162475

9mm ammo has already done a 20% since weekend

>> No.54162965

Crypto, dumbass. It's not complicated

>> No.54162993
File: 309 KB, 750x1239, B676AB8A-4E04-4386-BF1C-9BAB9F65F79F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The US is the safest economy on the planet

>> No.54162996

>America printed even more than that during covid and the dollar went UP.
Do you know how to search up a chart? Dxy literally shat from march 2020 to june 2021

>> No.54163003


>> No.54163072
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fed is not on the side of the banks, banks are the enemy of CBDC and are actually against CBDC, so fed need to manufacture a crisis so that fed can save the banks later BUT with a price of implementing CBDC instead of the current digital dollar or BDC
now why are fed delaying the crash? i guess it's because they need it to crash at specific date following their joojoo ritual
fed has the power to pump or crash the economy, through rising rates and credit freeze, they just need excuses so that people don't ask questions, it will be weird if they just raise rates without reasons but then manufacture fake inflation through supply destruction then nobody ask questions AHHAHAHHAHAHHA
so the fed printing during covid was also to create asset bubbles and trap all investors, all middle class, hedge funds, pension funds, and all banks all over the world into the bubble so when it crashes no one can survive
they did this in japan in the late 80's (BOJ was under US control after WW2)
you can watch princes of the yen

>> No.54163089

Means nothing when the rest of the world is buying treasuries hand over fist. Foreigners gladly fund the US gov. Other countries economies and currencies are struggling so wealth flees to the dollar.
Didn't really shit though, did it. Trillions printed and it barely moved, then mooned in 2022.

>> No.54163140

You should have seen it. It was insane. I mean, I built it out of Peruvian walnut with inlaid zebrawood. It was fitted with pegs, no screws. I sanded it for days, until it was smooth as glass. Then I rubbed all the wood with tung oil so it was rich and dark. It even smelled good. You know, you put nose in it and breathed in, it was... it was perfect.

>> No.54163214
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Cant wait for them to mint this and we go full clown world.

>> No.54163233

WTF would you buy 9mm ammo anyway? You might as well buy BB's. Hell of a lot cheaper and just as effective.

>> No.54163251

It basically "mooned" because of the rate hikes. Not QE. Start of QE it shat.

>> No.54163253

They already did lmao

>> No.54165205

Did trump lucked out when he lost the election? Biden's rule have been plagued by disaster after disaster. Wtf is going on...

>> No.54165290

Uh, brush up on my scientific notation I guess.

>> No.54165416
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