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54158553 No.54158553 [Reply] [Original]

there are e-thots who make more money in one (1) month selling pictures of their feet than you will make in your entire lifetime

>> No.54158598
File: 15 KB, 340x296, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_AngloSaxon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should be killed

>> No.54158669
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>> No.54158687

Yes goy… hate the ethots… yes… wait — are you — no, don’t notice sportsball salaries! No, we need those to pacify the feral niggers!!!

>> No.54158762

>simping this hard for worthless foids

>> No.54158880

this is ridiculous isn't it? the only value they have is their sexiness and men are naturally inclined to value sex. they do not produce anything fruitful with their content yet they can rake in millions in a month. if they sell themselves as objects they should be treated as objects. this is not going to change until humans change, particularly the male mind. humans are still primitive animals, thinking and living the same way as animals do preoccupied with food and sex. when humans evolve beyond the animal urges this kind of content will be worthless, or pornography is made illegal by institutions of law, but that probably isn't going to happen. personally i don't think they deserve the money they receive but persons like amouranth demonstrate how valuable sex is to humans, especially men. c'est la vie.

>> No.54159110

At this point I would sell pics of my feet if it meant I could unfuck my life. I’m quite literally losing my shit due to financial circumstances and not having a job or being able to find one I can even do that isn’t just pushing carts or manning a register. If I could sell 3 pictures of my nasty blister covered size 14 (us) hairy as fuck Italian hobbit feet for $150 like these thots do, I would be doing it. I would be selling hundreds of packages a week if I had people buying them for those prices. Shit, even $25 for a few pics I would be hustling.
I think that’s what pisses me off all the more, these hoes are lazy with it. It should be effortless for them to make enough to “retire” within 3 years.

>> No.54159165
File: 48 KB, 600x500, 1595951478949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am posting from your neighbouring universe.
Your universe seems weird

>> No.54159200

Men give them money. Stop men giving them money and they go away.
Simps are a growing scourge that is just taken lightly as a bit of a meme but they are a real damaging problem in many ways.

>> No.54159204

It's the simps' fault.

>> No.54159236

sports gambling is basically legal in the United States, therefore sports should be heavily regulated. hard uniform salary caps far lower than what they are now. frequent drug tests and physicals. the US has no other real industries besides entertainment and gambling so maybe it should be taken a lot more seriously.

>> No.54159239

There are jeets with more money than me so that isn't saying much.

>> No.54159243


They add value to society, you don't.

>> No.54159248

The majority of ethots don't make any money at all and suffer all of the consequences of their nudes floating around anything. Only something like 1-3% make some kind of meaningful income, and for most of them it's like having a part time job delivering pizzas. Only a fraction of those make anything like the kind of money that you are imagining.

>> No.54159269

My arbitrum airdrop is going to be worth more than 6 months of wages

And yet I get up every morning craving death

>> No.54159411
File: 1.23 MB, 1453x1908, chainsaw man operation super smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female flesh has always had a lot of value.
every 10 or 15 years, something comes along which people are able to make millions off. some people get lucky. sometimes it is just an avenue for selling something that already exists which allows people to make big money.
bottled water, those things inside pizza boxes, cats eyes, meth, feet pics. what will be next?
what will be the next big wave?

>> No.54159416

moreover i think this is a sign of the times that US society has become a society of hedonism where the only thing people care about is having a good time, eating good food, and getting laid.

you're wrong.
1. i've paid taxes to the gov
2. i've produced valuable labor in society adding to the whole value of the USA
3. i contribute sincere and thoughtful ideas to my fellow citizens
4. i've made original works of art

these thots are valuable only as entertainment, and this entertainment is really not as valuable as something such as original research that makes progress for human knowledge because this kind of entertainment is ephemeral and does not make any real progress. i think we should value the sciences more than we do sex because the sciences do more for humanity than some thot and her sexy feet.