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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 910x107, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54158202 No.54158202 [Reply] [Original]

Bills across the country being introduced to state legislature changing the definition of money. The title: Updating provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. These bills are a precursor to implementing CBDC. Pic taken directly from bill. Has been introduced in 22 states.

>> No.54158255
File: 95 KB, 299x395, 1663831982653493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the only capable system to build cbdc

>> No.54158264

The language specifically says that crypto is not money.

>> No.54158381

lol, as if they decide by laws what money is. if it has the properties of money and is being used as such then its money. they can only decide what is and isn't legal money, they can't define reality. fucking retards do they understand anything?

>> No.54158443

chudniggers btfo

>> No.54158451

remember when Trump lost and everyone was pondering if a civil war was possible? I dont think that is going to happen, but can anyone else see different states using different currencies in the near future? liberal states adopt CBDCs, conservative states adopt something else. now how does this play out - look at the balance sheets of all states, which currency would work better?

>borrow (short) a bunch of California "dollars"
>buy Missouri "dollars"
>wait 3 years...
>pay back heavily inflated California "dollars" and pocket the Missouri "dollars"

simple as

>> No.54158458

They don't understand. But I don't trust them either. There is a push in government to get us thinking about cbdc and country wide introduction of language like this is unnerving.

>> No.54158485

they have to do this because the USD is collapsing

>> No.54158505

It would be on a federal level presumably. But imagine California trying to manage a currency.

>> No.54158945

Find video:
>craig wright bitcoin is not cryptocurrency

>> No.54158975

Oh look another /pol/ thread

>> No.54159316

does the so called "left" love cbdcs now? i thought maybe that could be an area where leftypol and pol types could come together in agreement

>> No.54159341

they are just government foot soldiers now. worker's rights? huh? what's that?

>> No.54159372

Is he an actual authority on the matter? Or does he just think he is?

>> No.54159403

They can drink bleach and die, yea it says if a government didnt make it originally that it cant be money which is the dumbfuckiest definition of money Ive ever heard. I still win.

>> No.54159422

Hes a con artist whos has yet to have a documentary made about his scam because it hasnt fully blown up yet and hes not in prison.

>> No.54159453

It's been introduced in conservative and liberal states. I feel like it isn't either.

>> No.54159572

He invented bitcoin and knows everything about it, you should start dyoring before it's too late.

The video:

>> No.54159685

How do these elite have the energy to implement all of this? I barely have the energy to brush my teeth. Why do they care so much?

>> No.54159733

if America collapses they lose all power

>> No.54159800


>> No.54159876


>> No.54160191

Does that carve out affect anything other than excluding El Salvador using btc?

>> No.54160289
File: 57 KB, 548x560, 1977 - crack in the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but can anyone else see different states using different currencies in the near future?
I keep posting this and people keep ignoring it. Yes, it's pretty fucking schizo but so is the world we live in.

>> No.54162403

I think this is a good idea. In times like this when banks are struggling, a system like FedNow could support them more easily.

>> No.54162685

There is nothing incorrect about the statement though. Dollars are a made up idea to form a medium of exchange that removes a barter economy.

>> No.54163528 [DELETED] 

The first part is the current legal definition of money. The second part is being added (underlined part), to amend the legal definition.

>> No.54163629

Actually they agree with you. Its a legal document making a legal definition.

>> No.54163651


>> No.54163672
File: 860 KB, 2519x1262, soramitsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54163852


>> No.54165482

CBDCs are going to suck ass, central banks do not have a great track record nor do regulators, this is an attempt at the programmable Mark of the Beast hell system of digital slavery. We need to work on parallel systems. I know /g/ is helping with open-source chatGPT alternatives, then investing in decentralized, permissionless ecosystems https://open-assistant.io/

>> No.54165951

As always the schizos are miles ahead. Don't believe me?
Project Dunbar