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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 95 KB, 621x389, botchedairdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54156484 No.54156484 [Reply] [Original]

Their Discord is full of people who bridged, swapped, and meet criteria and they're not even listed as someone who bridged.

Are they going to update this epic ass fail?

>> No.54156500

I hope they get nothing, I already used Arbitrum in 2021 so I should get like 4x more tokens

>> No.54156546
File: 91 KB, 554x400, 1667573558142-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Airdrop farming pajeets, rekt
>Based /biz/raelies who used arbi in 2021 to buy some random shit and never touched it again, free money
God is good.

>> No.54156553
File: 29 KB, 459x298, noneligiblechads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just admitted their eligibility was botched in the Discord

>> No.54156561

Every airdrop is like this you salty poorfag, there are always people who think they should be included, that aren’t. Sucks to be you this time. You gonna cry about not being given free money?

>> No.54156576

>illiterate pajeets raging because their reading comprehension fails at the finer points on the terms
happens every airdrop

>> No.54156582

Oh, and you know why? They labeled everyone a Sybil

>> No.54156583
File: 228 KB, 200x200, 1667485137426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe you will get Z-E-R-O free coins.

>> No.54156619

This happens every airdrop.
Most of these raging pajeets probably didn't leave enough eth on their wallet and got caught by Sybil countermeasures.
Eligibility is calculated with an insultingly simple script that analyzes on-chain data. There is 0% chance of a mistake.

>> No.54156638

yeah i bridged on two wallets for arbitrum and nitro and didn't get recgonized for 1/2 of that shit lol
also fuck arbitrum

nah brah this shit was fucked. I got more than most but I shoud've gotten like 5x what I did according to their rules.

see >>54156553

>> No.54156665

Airdrop hunters are parasites. Either use the chain or fuck off.
I got UNI, 1INCH, OP, ARB just by being a normal user. The only ones I missed were due to not paying attention and missing the claim window. Same with Cosmos airdrops, just used the chains normally and qualified for every single one.

>> No.54156709

This nigger simply ran a scrip
I have seen people advertizing for them to hunt the airdrop
Look at this nigger

>> No.54156751

A guy said he swapped 520 days ago first time, had over $20K+ in trade volume, and was an active wallet and is non-eligible. Their code is fucked.

>> No.54156780

Oh wow, a guy said that? Dang…

>> No.54156818
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>> No.54156827

Skriped once and you are out

>> No.54156974

OP speedruning the grief cycle lmao

better luck next time fag

>> No.54157084

>A guy said

>> No.54157143

>If an airdrop recipient's wallet transactions have all occurred within a 48-hour period, one point is subtracted.
>If an airdrop recipient's wallet balance is less than .005 ETH, and if the wallet hasn't interacted with more than one smart contract, one point is subtracted.
Jeets crying makes me cum.

>> No.54157192

this. fuck the pajeets. based airdrop

>> No.54157196

wow they sent defense here
either you guys are retarded or you arent looking
i traded +1m in volume swinging GNS and I bridged ETH to arbitrum and was an early buyer of arbidoge and did yield framing on big shit coins (honey)
almost none of it got recgonized.
idgaf, i geniunely don't like arbitrum
i view optimistic rollups as a bandaid for scaling untill zk proofs are used.
arbitrum can suck a dick, they didn't even implement some ez airdrop right

full disclosure, i know someone personally who works at arbitrum and I really hate them so thats 80% of where my hate comes from. dudes a total normie fag and so are the rest of his coworkers

>> No.54157230

He even SAID it? It has to be true!

>> No.54157293

Post address.
SPOILER: you won't.

>> No.54157331

Jeets absolutely rekt

>> No.54157337
File: 298 KB, 1226x2176, Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 19-56-48 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used it for farming for tens of thousands in 2021 and got shitty 7000 tokens and pajeets got 2k for a pair of transactions.

>> No.54157368

I bridged Feb 5th. Interacted and bought arbinu grail. Have 188 transactions from Feb 6th on. I missed by one check I think. I did bridge for airdrop. Used the chain as my main chain last 5 or 6 weeks. Sold out and left bc I never got airdrop today..no hard feelings but lost any advantage I would of had on arbi. I'm up now. So I am out. Best of luck

>> No.54157511
File: 339 KB, 2268x1805, 20230316_130656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn right i wont...
but eat a dick if you dont believe this

>> No.54157519
File: 256 KB, 400x431, 1632038359505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That much seethee
>For a few $k
Holy kek I need to go to the arbi discord to look at the jeet meltdown.

>> No.54157532

Ohhhh I'm in a Screencast! Thanks anon

>> No.54157551

i had 2 windows up to show my top two wallets which got ~4000 and 2500 but both should be over 7000
again don't care selling half of this when I can
and the other if I feel its at a peak
want nothing to do with their gay ass DAO where they hold 56% of the tokens and only another 12% are circulating by community members
what a dao when the company that runs it out numbers all other voting parties summed together 4:1 lol

>> No.54157638

not seething over money
seething because I hate one specific person who works at offchain labs as a person. he and the rest of them are fags
this money is nothing to me, i actually will enjoy how off their airdrop was because when I see this fag in a bar I'll make fun of how poorly done it was
also im clearly white, but lol there will be jeet seething over missing out on a few hundred (im thinking this is not breaking $1 immediately)

>> No.54157668

Whats your targets? I wouldnt sell a single ARB under 2 dollars. Hoping for a crazy early pump to 10 bucks then jizz the lot

>> No.54157709

>just used the chains normally and qualified for every single one.

how do you 'use a chain normally'?

they don't do anything in the real world.

>> No.54157978

Based microdick arbitrum hands

>> No.54157994

$2 lol
id be happy with $0.5
clueles what itll come out as
all i know is i wont sell in one go
like the ENS drop which retrospectivley i handled perfectly
sell 1/10th immediatley
then wait and if it goes down sell a little but but hodl,
wait for pump in general, sell in increments on the way up (up to 1/2)
then slowly dump the rest once youre pretty confident the initial hype is over
I don't buy airdropped dao tokens out of principle so I dont buy back but with this strategy I can basically gaurentee you can sit with some nice profits and rebuy your initial stack if you wish

>> No.54158027

thats a 49 in monitor... im +6 foot but i dont care if you believe it

>> No.54158302

>based shitcoin degens rugging their way into airdrop goodies
>jeet airdrop farmers seething
Feels good my brethren

>> No.54158345 [DELETED] 

I'm 6'4 and I have a tiny penis and I'm white.
Height has nothing to do with penis size, it's usually skinny guys who got the dongs.

>> No.54159203

i better get sum more, cause i used arbitrum way before some of you jeets did

>> No.54160471
File: 334 KB, 1080x1076, chainlink ---- crypto meme ----- computer chip looking link thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed staking because was in thailand and didn't bring my laptop / ledger
really would like to start putting my savings in a chainlink tokens savings account with a 2-8% apr
given how the the banks looked fucked I'd like to use LINK as my bank account

>> No.54160559

Snapshot was done before the february degen hype. Most degen discords are ignoring arb completely and I saw more capital being removed from arb then deployed on wallets that I stalk

>> No.54162042


>> No.54162664

>he doesnt know about the initial degen when chain first launched

>> No.54162780


>> No.54162901

This, I also think they let way too many sybil go through considering the number of addresses. I'm ready to believe the median user had 1.5 addresses, I don't believe a second Arbitrum had >400k users however.

>> No.54162978

Literally created by trannies what do you expect faggot.

>> No.54163030

their criteria were pretty solid, I think the inflated user count is likely from users using multiple wallets just in the course of normal activity

>> No.54163102

Outsider here. Only GMX whales, VCs and legacy companies are receiving the airdrop. It's the way Felten planned it all allong. Basically Arbitrum is owned by the same shitty toxic agents as every other l2 in the market. The only good thing is that this was a MUST thing to be done in order to implement the original planned Chainlink services to arbitrum

>> No.54163183

yes and everybody that didnt swap in their arbitrary time frame, like people that just let stuff sit, and returned in February got fucked as well. This is literally a worse executed airdrop then aptos insider shitcord dump pump dump

>> No.54163261

I was there on day 1 of launch. I was throwing cash at shitcoins that didn't even have charts.
Arbimoon tards got what they deserved.
Arbiinu rugged within the first week if I recall correctly
Lot of people got cucked on Honey inflation.
Good times

>> No.54163291

Seethe and mald you should have thrown your money into the ether like the rest of us

>> No.54163334

no way this shit goes to $10.

>> No.54163364

i have 6750 of these things to my name. is it possible to see $10 an arbi? that would really change my life

>> No.54163386

I was in Thailand late last year and left a little earlier than I might have to make sure to get in on staking.
Hope you make it fellow thailand enjoyer

>> No.54163414


>> No.54163434

is it possible? anything is possible with the right liquidity pool. just fyi $10 would give an FDV of $100 billion. no I don't think that is a realistic price even at the height of a bullrun. If we get turboinflation and the dollar actually becomes worthless than of course $10 is on the table. But everything else would be mooning in that scenario too

>> No.54163453

you niggers are retarded if you don't dump this shit day one. people have been farming the fuck out of arb for years, if this shit opens at $1 or more im selling it all.

>> No.54164150

You buy tokens on it and use the dapps, dummy.

>> No.54164371

I capped the 10,250 limit but had six figs of liquidity there for a long ass time. It might be like uni where theres a small initial pop, a dump, then a run up. You don’t go broke taking profits though. Be lucky to hit $5 I think

>> No.54164717

>sells at $1
>malds at $10

>> No.54164875

I did, that is the funny thing, but because I was disgusted by the arb pajeet season from November to January and just returned recently all the usage last year or the year before didn't count. Worst airdrop ever, arb has now a worse rep in my book than ada

>> No.54164952

and thinking about it, if they go the road of trying to own up their fuck up with more air drops, you can bet arb is going to be pajeeted forever, no build would want to put up with that crowd arb has fostered for 2 years

>> No.54165363

Good luck to you .

>> No.54165403

>all the usage last year or the year before didn't count
wtf are u talking about nigger

>> No.54166206

$10 might be a stretch, but I can see it at $1 or $2. You have to know we are still in a bear market. If you time it correctly you can double your stack after the initial hype and pump is over.

In the middle of some braindead bullrun, who knows what price it can reach. $10 isn't so crazy in that case.

>> No.54166655

Took a break after sending my token from cexes onchain and didn't return until February after the snapshot. so didn't qualify for the vc pajeet drop, so I wont ever use arbitrum again, and I am not alone

>> No.54166810
File: 63 KB, 975x600, lepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even know that Arbitrum was going to airdrop. I just used it because the fees were low. I have 850 of these bad boys. Comfy bag desu.

>> No.54167296

I'm not a whale or VC and never touched GMX but bridged and traded shitcoins when arbitrum launched and im getting the airdrop (2250).

>> No.54168090

Retard. You can find tons of wallets on their block explorer that have bridge txs from before the snapshot and which don't qualify. The devs already admitted there is an issue.

>> No.54168118

I have 200 tx that are over a year old and it also says I get nothing.

>> No.54168126

I am one of them I bridged like 6k over 4 wallets made like 2-300 tx well over a year ago

>> No.54168802

same, bridged in early december, flipping arb shitcoins for four months, at least 10k volume
says i'm not elligible

>> No.54168820

shame cos i actually liked using arb, i hate ethereum and polyshit
10 billion initial supply cap, lmao, another day another scam

>> No.54168865

7k droplet here

>> No.54169297

Kek I hardly used Arbitrum except for like a week in summer 2022 and got two wallet airdrops combined 4500 tokens. Feels good to be white.

>> No.54169918

I used it the first day it was out. 10k worth of eth which was like 3 I think back then. Bought some random shitcoin that went to -90%. And I am uneligible. So idk what criteria they used.

>> No.54170601


>> No.54170696

i've been on arbitrum since the beginning and all of my wallets got an airdrop. save for a wallet i only started using a month ago
all of my defi friends got an airdrop too
i've literally have never heard of anyone excluded. it's probably 99% pajeets bridging $20 last week and complaining
if you disagree, post arbiscan link of your address or shut the fuck up

>> No.54171910

This. All my arbi bros got the airdrop just as we all got rekt in the first week

>> No.54172362

they probably didn't make it into the snapshot. My first tx was done in mid february and I used it regularly ever since, having 130+ tx in total, 5+ bridge transactions, tried most of the ecosystem swaps, liq pools, staking, NFT (even on this retarded Nova chain) trading and such. Should've had like 10 checkmarks in total, but was cut off because of the snapshot. I also bought this gay overpumped Odyssea NFT 1 day before, because some crypto retard said it would be a number 1 requirment, and it turned out to be useless piece of shit and the price dropped next day. I hope they make a second drop like optimism, even if it's smaller.

>> No.54172563

KEK at the shills still trying to make this failed marketing gag a thing. Its done, check volume and liquidity on arb, they distributed what everyone was there for and are gone again; and no, no old users that got ignored and no new users will now suddenly flock to arb because it has a token, while the jeets are gone and the gns and gmx bots are going to use the token to take more leverage

The least user group attracted by this failure are builders.

>> No.54172683


>> No.54172719

less tx then fantom, congrats on that

>> No.54172786


Fantom: 350k transactions

Arbitrum: 1.4M

braindead missors cant even read on chain data TOPKEK

>> No.54172803

not unproductive tx, tx interacting with smart contracts, 50K on arbitrum, fantom at 150K optimism at 250K

>> No.54172835

and regarding volume, looks like the "Billion" dollar wash bots are gone

>> No.54173208

>You vil use ze Arbitrum
>You vil FOMO ze ARB top
If that's true I don't get why you didn't make it

>> No.54173255
File: 26 KB, 525x451, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some, maybe I will buy ps5

>> No.54173261

I got 10250 on 2 wallets and basically I'm glad people didn't

>> No.54173316

Damn I only got 875 ARB

>> No.54174304

>its over

>> No.54175695

i just built a gaming pc

>> No.54176286

I got about 4k arb, what's the best way to play this airdrop? dump the launch and rebuy lower?

>> No.54176461

wanna try that again in proper English, champ?

>> No.54176606

"Still in a bear market" lol hahaha fucking retard

>> No.54178569

I bridged 10k usdc and deposited into GMX in January and it says I didn't complete anything. Wtf is this Jew scam?

>> No.54178608

I got something like 1.7k, how badly did I get jewed?

>> No.54178688

Based tiny hands arbinaut

>> No.54178690

If you don't have 3 points, it shows you as having 0 because that's the minimum. Also remember that post-nitro points count for half. Should have used the chain more.