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54155120 No.54155120 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no exoskeleton company
>tfw no mech company
>tfw bionics company
>tfw no sexbot company

>> No.54155180
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Daily Anti Musk thread

>> No.54155196

This faggot never invented anything in his whole pathetic life. He is a rich bitch born into wealth, never fucking worked a day in his life, and is such an insufferable faggot that every company that let him get involved just paid him off to shut the fuck up.

Only retarded faggots think Elon Musk is anything other than a narcissitic faggot with a messiah complex.

I can't wait until this cunt goes broke and his paper empire collapses. Starting with Twitter.

>> No.54155208
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You have to go back

>> No.54155233

Why does he trigger shitlibs so much
It's like their new Trump

>> No.54155250

Tesla is building a robot though, you can prob license it at some point and build the sex robot stuff on top

>> No.54155258
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you know both of these lads helped start OpenAI aka chatgpt

>> No.54155261

>wow why don’t you instead start those companies and become massively rich instead…


>> No.54155288

Who cares? As much of a dork as he is, he has done more for electric vehicles and reusable rockets than arguably any other one individual. What is with the reddit attitude where a negative character trait or action means you never did anything good ever? Fuck off you internet-addled infant

>> No.54155302

Not calling it Chatfgt was a major missed opportunity

>> No.54155339

I still fail to see whats so great about electric vehicles.

>> No.54155387

The electric golf carts work better than the gas ones in my experience

>> No.54155461
File: 221 KB, 962x662, elonmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree

>> No.54155466

Seething. Papa Elon just wants you to be rich and happy. Buy DOGE and find out!

>> No.54155521

What has he done for electric vehicles aside from selling them?

>> No.54155523

YOU have to go back, nobody likes elon here

>> No.54155541

electric motors are more efficient than combustion ones, but the batteries are bad for the environment and the range on the cars is trash. not sure if these caveats can ever be mitigated.

>> No.54155560
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Elon Musk has a better space program than every Yuropoorean nation. He could literally drop rockets from space on Yuropoors and there is nothing their military could do about it.

I think about this fact a lot

>> No.54155562

At least he has a cringy doge account that sucks his cock all the timr

>> No.54155631

>electric motors are more efficient than combustion ones

Not even close, that's why electric trucks are still a mirage.

>> No.54155667

>Not even close
Nigger, electric engines are more than 2x as efficient than combustion engines.

>> No.54155694

>but the batteries are bad for the environment
I find it funny the mostly right wingers (big oil supporters) use this argument

>> No.54155713

Charging sucks too. Everything about it is stupid. It will never come close to filling up your tank in two minutes and be gone. Noone needs that shit

>> No.54155722

The truth is somewhere in-between, like yeah, he was born with a silver spoon, and yeah, most of his successes have been built on the back of milking government subsidies and contracts, however it requires a certain base level of competence to not run yourself into poverty with bad decisions like the average lotto winner

>> No.54155739

Is that why you need to put batteries everywhere inside vehicles? Or why so many electric vehicles lack range?

>> No.54155761

Overall the lithium is objectively worse for the environment. Oil is only bad for the environment when the operation fucks up and pollutes the water: like with fracking, or when shit blows up: like the plant in Connecticut some years back. Lithium harms the environment, carbon not so much.

>> No.54155801

The batteries are why they lack range. It's a physical constraint of the materials in use. Plus, the larger the battery, the greater the mass, the more energy is used to move it around. Gasoline by comparison is much lighter.

>> No.54155818

>carbon not so much.
Then go suck on an exhaust pipe for a few minutes. Do the world a favor.

>> No.54155835

Go bathe in a pool of lithium.

>> No.54155839

Using and posting twitter regularly will result in mental illness a majority of the time. Something about that site is just toxic to the human brain in a way other websites can't compete with

>> No.54155890

Pretty sure you could dispose of batteries in a responsible manner

>> No.54155904

Describe how, preferably in an economic fashion. You make it sound so easy. Meanwhile, you fail to see that volcanoes spew tons of carbon into the atmosphere -- way more than cars do. There are caveats to gasoline and petroleum fuels and the harm they do to the environment, but carbon is NOT one of them.

>> No.54156002

Return the battery to Tesla and they’ll pay you for it plus recycle 92% of the battery material.

>> No.54156018

32 posts in not a single mention of solid-state batteries. Stay poor faggots.

>> No.54156019

*nvm they won’t pay you

>> No.54156021

Oh cool, so that undoes all the environmental damage of mining the lithium with harsh chemicals. And tesla just takes the battery and there's zero pollution when they recycle it. Wowwie wow wow. Such a sinple and easy solution. Better ban all carbon emissions right meow!

>> No.54156036
File: 29 KB, 396x219, elons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haters WISH you had the work ethic of Elon Musk. I bet none of you have tried managing multiple multi-billion-dollar companies, let alone do that while also running two live streams in different locations simultaneously.

>> No.54156131

It’s a step in the right direction, but you’re probably one of those flat earth, let’s go back to the Stone Age people.

>> No.54156150

You assume too much for a person who knows astonishingly very little. No, anon, I'm not a flat earther.

>> No.54156169

>return it to tesla
>tesla pays china to offload their garbage
>china throws it in river
the cycle of life

>> No.54156564

he never did invent anything he just bought other pplsshit and claimed it as his own

>> No.54156652


>> No.54156812

Trust fund kiddo with insecurity issues

>> No.54157008

Who says he invented anything, nigger? You really think people don't know he is a genius at making companies and not an actual inventor? Electric vehicles have been around for 150 years. If Musk didn't buy Tesla it would still be a novel nobody project you read about in some magazine, instead of one of the largest car manufacturers in the world.

You little niggers >>54155196 are infuriating and should go back to Rebbit where they all parrot the same points

>> No.54157083

He didn't make shit you braindead simp

>> No.54157166
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hahahah, yah like they helped start tesla??

>> No.54157211

It's fucking baffling how you retards can simultaneously think he is a dumb trust fund silver spoon midwit that didn't make shit, while knowing that guy is the richest man on earth. It's the ultimate Reddit cope
>If I had a small loan of a million dollars I would be a billionaire in no time too!
Errol Musk's networth is like barely $1m btw. I know read on Reddit that he was a South African blood diamond/emerald baron, but as you could've guessed your dear friends were being stupid niggers once again

>> No.54157385
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That idiot is as innovative as my left buttcheek, he does nothing but steal designs and patents, but you're not ready to talk about it, weed, crack and the other stuff obliterated his brain apparently, but idgaf honestly, I'm more concerned about how will marlin protocol improve Web3 as a whole kek

>> No.54157405

it's not like that's gonna happen anytime soon faggot

>> No.54157436

>he uses an anti musk thread to shill his pajeet piece of shit
how original anon

>> No.54157472
File: 114 KB, 1284x891, elonthreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when it came out that elon didn't graduate with his bachelors in physics? and that he lied about being accepted into a phd program? lol remember how it was wiped from the internet within a day or two? lol

>> No.54157492

Having rich parents doesn't mean you're gonna get that rich because of them, nigger honestly has skills when it comes to make businesses

>> No.54157500

Elon was the face of Tesla he was a marketing genius

>> No.54157505

Ser, why do you bring your curry over our distinguished table

>> No.54157550

You're retarded if you really think that fucking kek

>> No.54157570
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this thread is literally filled with gpt elon bots. the man is a narcisstic of the highest order, of course he has some PR tech company spamming every corner of the internet on his behalf. same as his butt buddy peter thiel. curious how they start a payment processing company together then both become full blown glow niggers.

>> No.54157591
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Sorry anon, you and I will never get along

>> No.54157641

Pure envy

>> No.54157724

Combustion engines waste a lot of energy as heat. Electric engines do too, but a lot less is dissipated compared to combustion. It just is, anon. Combustion engines are literally teeny-tiny explosions, whereas electric is already in the native energy state.

>> No.54157786
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>> No.54157811

he's trying to find Grimes 2, spark the same kind of magic over twitter. based on what he's posting he's looking for someone under the age of 18

>> No.54158373

Just pull up a schematic of a combustion engine and one of an electric engine. You really think the convoluted engine with a gazillion moving parts is more efficient than the engine that almost directly translates its energy into movement? Be honest anon, did you fail physics?

>> No.54158432

They need a boogeyman

>> No.54159014

Shut the fuck up glownigger

>> No.54160143

they are you worthless fucking retard. The "big oil" companies are just as "woke" and liberal as big tech, there is nothing right wing about them

>> No.54160231

the average IQ of a libtard midwit

>> No.54160244

Worthless generic post. Come up with something original for once in your life.

>> No.54160269

Unachiever with a god complex. Godless bugman with a lot of money. Nothing more. That's why he's into depraved shit

>> No.54160415

You never have to go to the goyfuel station again, by just charging at home.
Literally max comfy.

>> No.54160486

i think /pol/ ruined his brain prior actually. quite sure musk was a closet /pol/fag before he bought twitter

>> No.54160539

do you realize biz was using the bogs as a bearish meme and right when they die it became bear, so opposite
biz also uses Brendan as a bearish meme however Brendan didnt die he fucking WON OURGUY FUCKING WON everyone counted him out but he pulled the fuck through eventhough every normie hates his movie which makes it even better, bulls on
let's recap: bear meme: die = bear, win = bull

>> No.54161818

you can fuck off back to réddit and take your worthless post with you please

>> No.54161951

what happened to his hair?

>> No.54161976

>Conspiracy theory
Musk actually bought Twitter for his own AI program within Tesla. He is feeding all of Twitter to the DoJo supercomputer clusters that is responsible for the AI-driven self-driving improvements

>> No.54162016

Max nigger

>> No.54162343

You can fuel your car in 2 minutes while driving from work. It doesnt even register on your time schedule. Same with vacations etc. Charging EV is a pain in the ass.

>> No.54162368

He never made any inovation anyways.

>> No.54162712

He's a good marketer which is all that matters in tech to not only sell your shit but attract the right people to work for you.

>> No.54162813

The efficiency gains of the electric motors is in large part lost by the mass they add to the vehicle. EVs are great if you're only driving in the city around 50 km/h with frequent stops however.

>> No.54163162
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He's an actor front for CIA/deepstate controlled opposition and investing public funds (through business development incentives) into shaping sociey for agenda 2030.

>> No.54163436
File: 80 KB, 828x828, My opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max seethe

You also have to factor in the time it takes to get to the goyfuel station, navigate the goyfuel station, park in the goyfuel station, pull out your goycard to pay the goyfuel machine to give you the goyfuel.
Then you have to wait on the goyfuel to pump while the place stinks of goyfuel fumes and cigarettes.
Then you have to navigate out, again, and take the time commuting to get back on whatever route you were on.
And you have to do this every single time your car runs out of goyfuel.

Meanwhile in EV land.
>Drive home
It’s absurdly based.

>> No.54163508

If on a longer trip you have to use an EV station anyway.
But dont know where you live, here there is a gas station everywhere. If it takes 5 minutes overall Im being generous already.
And if on a longer trip you have to use an EV