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54153567 No.54153567 [Reply] [Original]

European Central Bank just hiked rates by .50 bp. This pretty much locks in a .25 or .50 by the Fed.

>> No.54153580

Based EU destroying the mutts

>> No.54153597
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why does anyone make a move before seeing what the fed is going to do

>> No.54153598
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Regulators and politicians trying to prevent the inevitable correction

>> No.54153603

w-what does this mean for banks

>> No.54153606

.25 is guaranteed. Anyone expecting a pause is going to be disappointed.
.50 is unlikely

>> No.54153610
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Only ones shutting down are american banks. Cant wait for the next

>> No.54153620

Source retard

>> No.54153625

0.5 was just decided

>> No.54153802


>> No.54153827


Talking about US in response

>> No.54153866


what effect will it have?

>> No.54153893

US inflation is declining while euro inflation is back at double digits, thanks to the US having exported their inflation by committing a 9/11 on European soil


>> No.54153928

Come get some chump

>> No.54153945


Euro inflation should rapidly abate when the US does their first major rate cut(probably like 100-150 points in one go).
There is probably truth to what you are saying and both the EU and US know that. A strong dollar causes many problems for the rest of the world, and that results in them putting up tarrifs against the US. The US know that is inevitable and they wont want it. The EU also know the US is aware and will fix the problem for them by cutting rates when the time comes - which will lower Euro inflation

>> No.54153962

>This pretty much locks in a .25 or .50 by the Fed.
explain why

>> No.54153985

if you know economics then you know what the fed will eventually be forced to do and why
if you're keynesian or neokeynesian, tough luck. guess you'll eat paper

>> No.54154027

The US is going to have another 10 years of terror against their diplomats, citizen and other associated partners, this time not in some caves but in the heartland of their colonies; and thanks to the depleating of ammunition and weapon systems to europe, WE have better toys then the sand niggers.

Dead to America

>> No.54154039

>Inflation spreads from the imperial mainland (US) to the imperial perifery (EU)
retarded nigger kys

>> No.54154071

It’ll be 25 bps. That way Powell can say he won’t stop hiking unless he gets more positive data in April. The Fed loses all credibility with a pause now

>> No.54154103

>Nigger mutts blow up the economic engine of their colony
>"hey goys how about you buy more of our stinky gas, at a 500% mark up
>and btw, we didnt do it, lol
Kill ALL Americans, including south and middle americans

>> No.54154132

People should be focusing on the end game instead of just zooming into the short term effects of x or y decision... the Fed will need to monetize the debt. It is inevitable. Although I suppose they will wait until it is excruciating for the average human being still dancing to their music, and the interest on national debt is some integer an order of magnitude larger lol

>> No.54154145

>America (the current imperial power of the world) is acting like every empire did in history, export their problems to their perifery/colonies
Can you stop sperging now?
Screaming at your master won't stop you from being a pathetic slave

>> No.54154170
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When the floor falls out from under USA it is going to be unbelievable though.

>> No.54154172
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>including south

We dindu nuffin

>> No.54154189

After some of your top diplomats got killed in vienna, sure, send your guys to die in europe again and bring "peace" to the colonies, suffering the 8 defeat against a decentralized 4th gen warfare opponent in the last 70 years

>> No.54154223

I'm a eurofag as well, just not completely delusional to the EU's status as the US's bitch like every other euro here, imagine being this much in denial

>> No.54154246

okay traitor, go suck an american boot, you might want to get one of those translator jobs to be able to get out of europe when the US have to put their tail between their legs and run again, while the traitors get talibaned

>> No.54154286

to which country?
I would rather be on the US's good side than to take orders from kraut or frog dogs
now go back to plebbit and kys negroid

>> No.54154336

alright, as said slave, better get some translator job with the mutts and when they eventually have to run again like pussies, you are better on one of those planes

>> No.54154345

>not a frog
>not a kraut
>thinks he matters

>> No.54154349

And now they are stealing European industry and dump their expensive LNG on Europe. Its game over for Europe. European banking system is way more fragile, they had negative interest rates for years, imagine all that toxic shit sitting on European banks balance sheets. Europe cant afford 5% rate like the US while the US can suck out capital with their higher interest rates from Europe. Also Europe cant print dollars which is a big problem if you have dollar debt like probably many European banks and institutions. They are in debt up to their eyeballs and have to refinance them at higher rates.

>> No.54154380

>imagine all that toxic shit sitting on European banks balance sheets
Ever heard of hedging those risks.
Not everyone is as dumb as SVB

>> No.54154395

>The imperial core dumps their problems on the perifery
This is completely normal though, why would anyone seethe at this?
It's like seething at the sky because it's raining

>> No.54154413

yeah but if you trade emotionally at all, like if that was how you behave even in the good times, then you're destined for failure anyway.
set the positions up now and let the central bank come to you. they don't create reality, and they don't direct the body-politic. they are ultimately subject to both.

>> No.54154426

perfect, let the US teeth in our flesh rot, may their footman in the political parties and their associated new liberal fascist business partners wither; the more their civilian arm in the colonies suffer, the more of their citizen die on european soil, the sooner they have to try to come in militarily, the sooner their empire can die, again killed by the Vandals, Gauls and Germanics

>> No.54154437
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You guys are so mad.

>> No.54154458

Not really, you guys are based for making every reddit nigger in this continent seethe

>> No.54154459

Shrinking of the financial sector

>> No.54154462
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>And now they are stealing European industry and dump their expensive LNG on Europe.
ah. and whose fault is this?
europe's a shitshack of smug chumps.

>> No.54154494

not at all. it's only necessary to replace the system with a more amicable one using decentralized ledger technology of some sort (preferably something that's nowhere, everywhere, and can't be invaded).

>> No.54154502
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Thanks, anon. We do what we can.

>> No.54154509

>not at all
read your own posts a 2nd time

>> No.54154514

Your own fault for never making a deal on the division of eastern Europe with your ruskie energy suppliers.

>> No.54154534
File: 68 KB, 660x650, 374BA365-1A94-4F93-AB01-ADB61CA6B0D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please crash this plane, I want to see every reddit nigger rope on mass

>> No.54154549

Better to act than react.

>> No.54154563

read the IDs a second time there champ.

>> No.54154591
File: 28 KB, 570x487, 77129C7A-1912-4E3F-97B7-0080F8610F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry fren, I go by ID color

>> No.54154655
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I am going to crash the global economy just to show you fags who is in charge. When the thirdie dictators come to lick the shit off my boots I might start lowering interest rates. You just fucked with the wrong marine.

>> No.54154795

ALL europeans are smug faggot leftists. The only good thing about europe is that e*ronigger subhumans are being replaced by less repulsive races like nigs and arabs.

>> No.54154855

>chearing for the death of the white homeland
the eternal american

>> No.54154901

>If I wait until I’m 75 there will be a surplus of females for me
It’s a marathon not a race boys

>> No.54154929

Where are the white people in europe, retard? Most of them already killed themselves to fight climate change or whatever other retarded reasons euros (who all have IQs in the single digits) come up with.

>> No.54154937


>> No.54154984
File: 1.18 MB, 1137x663, ltg2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the video you responded to, do they look like the niggers the USA sends to the UN?

>> No.54154998

This guarantees a 50 bps rate hike. Pay attention to the bond action today and Tuesday...those will be the tells that show what the Fed is going to announce on Wednesday next week.

JPOW has no balls, but they should stay the course and get the fed funds rate at 6% and leave it there for a LONG time. We'll see what happens though. Stock market still needs to get a correction because it's still way too overvalued.

>> No.54155245

I'm rightist from Poland, and better watch your mouth big boy.

>> No.54155340

Or what? Polish bois can't fight for shit, which is why Hitler and the Germans fucked you into submission first. Also, you'd think having been conquered by fascists, you'd be less of a pathetic "rightist". Faggot.

>> No.54155384

the EU kikes inflicted Davos policy on the world without consulting the fed and wall street kikes first. were in the midst of a Jewish financial war. Thats why we blew up the pipeline. personally, I'm rooting for our kikes, fuck the EU. They don't have enough resources to survive independent of globalhomo.

>> No.54155406

t. euro

>> No.54155427

you are the most transparent larper I have ever seen, amerifart

>> No.54155444

seethe more EU bootlicking reddit negroid

>> No.54155450

".50 bp"

>> No.54155516

>your own fault
Europe is a litarl USA colony though

>> No.54155525
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.25 was already priced in half a year ago.
.50 has been priced in a few weeks ago.

No pivot this year or next.
Bitcoin to 100K is inevitable without a pivot.
Fuck pivotniggers.

>> No.54155544

I dunno, Credit Suisse seems pretty dumb

>> No.54155547

Core inflation was 25% above expectations, and we already expected FOMC to increase by 50 bps.

>> No.54155581

sup Tom, please explain why Lagarde runs out of room with the US-German yield spread, I dont understand that part

>> No.54155585

That's great.
Meaningless to me though.

>> No.54155639

Nobody fucking knows anything, so there's no way anything can be priced in. Even if *some* know things, the market is efficient, but not *that* efficient.

>> No.54155771

>sup Tom, please explain why Lagarde runs out of room with the US-German yield spread, I dont understand that part
Check my livestream right now. I’ll explain everything.

>> No.54155825

all the toothless blowjobs in the world...

>> No.54155955

Imagine being a pivoter
>M-m-muh peak purchases
While ignoring the fact every pivot has crashed prices historically.

>> No.54156360

That looks like the average european to me.
Go back to cleaning toilets.

>> No.54156404

>european delegation white
>american deligation nigger
>looks like the europeans are nigggers
amerifart logic right there

>> No.54157015
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>germany destroys their own industry because they decided to shut down their nuclear power plants for no reason