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File: 67 KB, 600x600, 58120326_WyE5A8rrvnuqV6MhtYokSS8rZIEjnRtKHvINrZ5iFvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54153391 No.54153391 [Reply] [Original]

>Never any useful stores
>Absurdly overpriced even for a physical store
>Food is both overrated and unnecessary as 9/10 times there's a restaurant across the street at half the price
>Parking lots are annoying to traverse through
>Samey designs with 90% the same stores
>At best, you leave with 1 meme shirt despite spending hours walking around

>> No.54153469

If malls want to thrive they should invest 20%-30% of their property towards entertainment. The shopping experience should be the after thought.

>> No.54153523
File: 331 KB, 1056x684, hawthorn mall vernon hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this anon is correct but it isn't the full picture.

Additionally, most malls have GIANT surface parking lots - a lot of malls that are struggling have retrofitted these lots with housing. This mall near where I grew up in Vernon Hills, IL is doing this right now by covering their massive surface parking lot with apartments.

That gives mall properties like this a built-in local customer base that wants to be able to walk to shopping. Will it work in the long run? Honestly, I'm not sure. However, it is an interesting concept.

>> No.54153531

it's all a giant money laundering thing

>> No.54153534

Retail used to be a significant pastime for normies and boomers. For whatever reason they like just inconsequentially milling about several hours looking at junk.

>> No.54153555

Because people fill them. I don't go to malls much but anytime I do it's absolutely jam packed and every single store has at least a couple customers. Why do people go to them? Idk, they like to see products in person and maybe they like the bustling, active social setting even if it's shallow and saturated with consumerism cancer. There is a certain appeal I guess, in low doses.

>> No.54153668

They used to have arcades there. We would go get pizza by the slice, play the arcade, grab a pack of baseball cards. Then when we got older asked random girls out. Got a blow job in the parking lot once. Now they just seem to be hang outs in the winter for stay at home moms. You might find a roastie here and there

>> No.54153728

Could work if they added bars and gyms

>> No.54153754
File: 299 KB, 1200x800, Taipei_City_Mall_access_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never any useful stores
Not in other countries, where they are thriving.
>Food is both overrated and unnecessary as 9/10 times there's a restaurant across the street at half the price
Not in other countries, where they are thriving.
>Parking lots are annoying to traverse through
That's a car dependency problem, not a mall problem.
>Samey designs with 90% the same stores
That could be said for 90% of non mall stores, and especially with strip malls.
>At best, you leave with 1 meme shirt despite spending hours walking around.
Not in other countries, where they are thriving.

>> No.54153833

So this is how we'll get European-style villages in North America. By building houses on parking lots next to shopping centers

>> No.54153921

At least it’s better than the shit the united shitholes of america has to put up with right now

>> No.54153922

>posts picture of subway shopping center
okay retard, that is not a mall

>> No.54153979

>>Food is both overrated and unnecessary as 9/10 times there's a restaurant across the street at half the price

What the absolute fuck am I even reading here?
Could OP be sucking any more dicks?

>> No.54153996

? I don't see how that picture is supposed to be different than American malls. It's still just the same 30 overpriced clothing stores.

>> No.54154068
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Online shopping killed them and theres no going back. Overhead is way to high to be feasible anymore. Consumer discretionary spending is at an all time low and people have zero free time to mull about in a mall. Malls used to also be a social space where teens could congregate but the drastic increase in crime due to pavement apes, theyre generally unsafe. Thus, malls are doomed and will be a relic of a unique time in american history when people had more money than they knew what to do with.

>> No.54154102

because people are social creatures that like to go out and do things around other people, its a place to commune

there are limited options for that now, so you have to pay the price by consuming overpriced garbage

>> No.54154150

>Now they just seem to be hang outs in the winter for stay at home moms. You might find a roastie here and there
Wasn't like this 10 years ago. Even more empty now. You can't just 'ask a roastie out', you never know if you're dealing with one of those "underage 21 year old" type basket cases and she decides to film you for being a chud.

>> No.54154284

Direct to consumer stores are extremely hard to keep operating considering you have to compete with amazon, amazon sellers, ebay, ebay sellers, facebook marketplace, and other online stores(aliexpress, brand name stores) with already established presence. In a way, online shopping is killing itself, but will be/already is just under amazon's shadow waiting to be gobbled up.
I think malls will remain ONLY in destination cities where tourism thrives because its seen as an experience and something to do between whatever activities brought the person to the city to begin with. Example, going to orlando we went to the mall because it was close and it was just something to do on the days we weren't going to the theme parks.

>> No.54154308

Yeah retrofitting our existing suburban infrastructure is probably going to be the easiest way to change how americans live - obviously if you enjoy living in a suburb there's very little chance that will change, but building new housing is always welcome.

Personally I enjoy living in an older, dense neighborhood, but dense suburban multifamily (especially around transit e.g. commuter rail) is a good, sound investment. That's the kind of housing young people want, filling that market need is a good idea.

>> No.54154411

>For whatever reason they like just inconsequentially milling about several hours looking at junk.
Have you ever heard of tik tok?

>> No.54154450
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Thanks for the (you)'s kind sirs, pic NOT related.

>> No.54154479
File: 234 KB, 1500x1000, 659529390_mall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orlando is one of the exceptions but still probably doomed. The large boomer population and proximity to Disney means people going to the mall have extra cash to spend or are in a vacation spending mood. Its also hot as hell there so an indoor mall is more appealing. Still suffers from the same economic issues though; prices have to be drastically higher just to cover overhead. All that conditioned space that isnt retail selling space costs A LOT.

For your retro viewing pleasure

>> No.54154498

>dense suburban multi-family is what young people want

>> No.54156063

They cost a fuckton of money to demolish

>> No.54156174

Modern day malls are only good for cheap chinese tenants who sell foreign products that cost half the price of american products

>> No.54157257

A few show rooms for products are still useful. I wonder when most former malls will be torn down. The internet really changed how society interacts, from public addresses to product discovery and acquisition.

>> No.54157885

Gyms were usually a negative thing for malls because CRE owners are retarded niggers.
Also malls have been over run with retarded niggers.
The only brick and mortar stores I shop at are outlet stores in states like Pennsylvania where there isn't a sales tax on clothing.

>> No.54158170
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Build it around a train / metro station

>> No.54158286
File: 107 KB, 800x637, gerardo_dottori_venezia_festa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What americans seem to never get is that the architecture and centuries of history that led to these hyper packed walkable cities are where the main value of the eurocity experience lies. The fact that everything is nearby is just a bonus.
We also have malls in the outskirts where you have more choice for cheaper, and most middle class people with kids go there because they have to be careful with their spending. When you're young and/or decently rich you just don't bother.
The main selling point of the city life (I mean even small cities) is the aesthetics and the local library, theatre, opera etc.
What you're talking about is merely another flavor of soulless.

>> No.54158456

the malls were getting filled with nogs in my area so no one goes that buys anything and not steal

>> No.54158501

dont forget walking past stores and seeing the huge advertising posters.

>> No.54158543

Unironically this.

>> No.54158562

You'll hate Dubai

>> No.54158577

the guy who invented the mall disowned his invention before he died and said he regretted it

>> No.54158648

because people are desperate for a third place. its not natural to only go to work and home and nowhere else. but there's nowhere to go. the mall is air conditioned and you can walk around and there are people. its the best we can do in societies that revolve around driving an automobile 30 minutes to the nearest store despite living in a community of thousands that could easily support some shops but fucking ZONING cunts who are completely out of touch with humanities needs have other ideas.

>> No.54158690


Malls are unironically based. Fuck off, tech troon.

>> No.54158699


>> No.54158711

That's the first thing that popped into my mind. Good luck for them

>> No.54158713

how is a mall a tourism attraction when they all have exactly the same stores. i know the inventory of every single mall in north america because they all have the exact same stores with the exact same items

>> No.54158790

Orlando used to be incredible for brits shopping. The Beltz outlet mall was basically a must do, getting branded clothing really cheap. The the £:$ started evening out, coupled with prices in America going up more than in the UK and these places stop being cheap. Beltz closed down and got replaced with a shittier outlet mall.

I still try to go to at least one Mall every time I visit the US, partially because it's interesting to see what they do, but also because I fucking love Orange Chicken and Bourbon chicken.

>> No.54158813

Don't forget that they're just filled to the brim with roaming packs of screeching "youths" who never buy anything and just stab people.

>> No.54158815

government: we want you to use less energy
also government: no, you are not allowed to put a store there, drive to the mall instead

its almost like global warming is a scam and they don't actually give a shit and only use the green agenda when it suits them and gets them more power

>> No.54158833

fucking grow a pair

>> No.54158872

Zoomers completely missed out on mall fun. It used to be the most implicitly white thing, since we don't have real public forums in America. You could just go chill there and dick around, meet cute girls irl (random and sober and it was still fun).

>> No.54158882
File: 54 KB, 615x409, 4_towncentre-crawley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the American view on UK style Town Centres? I know you sometimes get 1 or two shopping streets in the US but you almost never seem to get just a big area of shops like you get in almost every town and city here.

>> No.54158919


if this is anything other than a shitpost, can you explain? Who is laundering funds from where?

>> No.54158965

what even is a third space? i'm in north america so i can't even imagine. i get that its a place outside work and home where people can meet up with other people in their local community and have a normal human social experience. but the closest we had to that was the mall and nobody really talks to each other or meets anyone new there anymore if they ever did. the mall isn't local enough, there's no excuse to talk to anyone there since they're not even your neighbors. i guess the nearest bar could count as a third space, though a lot of communities don't even have one, and its basically people drinking depressants in a room with loud music it not great.

so other then malls and bars what is a third space? i guess starbucks or tim hortons can be a third space for desperate communities that may have nothing else.

but every third space i can think of involves consuming some product. i'm too north american to understand any other way

>> No.54158983

Theyre very nice. Almost every city/town on Earth from Europe to Southeast Asia has at least one major walking street to hang out with friends or family at and socialize/eat/shop around. Only in this shithole scum fuck of a country in the US does we not have any of this, anywhere, except some souless Disneyfied boring hellhole like New York City.

>> No.54159053

or an airport

>> No.54159056

New englander here

In some old towns you can still see the remnants of what used to be those same kind of areas, I wish they'd come back. A few states up north where I used to live there's a city with one maybe a half a mile long and I've never ever seen it empty. In fact it's swarming with people at 8 in the morning just about every day. People drive an hour or more to come to it, because it's considered such a pretty, nice area of the city.

Nowhere else has taken the fucking hint, it would seem.

My town where I live now used to do something similar where they'd shut down a quarter mile of the main stretch of road every Thursday and people would set up stands, some out and hang out, get food, buy from local vendors and enjoy music. A bunch of fat boomers petitioned it out of existence because it made driving through town take 5 minutes longer.

>> No.54159230
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I joined a sunday league for soccer and it's decent but still not ideal
I'm not even a very social guy, I'm an introvert frog poster, idk how normies haven't figured something out yet, seems like they would need this shit even more than me anyway

>> No.54159247

Based bong

>> No.54159303

>My town where I live now used to do something similar where they'd shut down a quarter mile of the main stretch of road every Thursday and people would set up stands, some out and hang out, get food, buy from local vendors and enjoy music. A bunch of fat boomers petitioned it out of existence because it made driving through town take 5 minutes longer.

This made my blood boil. I was in Busan South Korea a few years ago and they literally shut down miles of the city EVERY WEEKEND for a massive festival where you could cheap eat cheap delicious home made street food, listen to live music, hang out/socialize, drink (legally in public), its endless and goes on for miles. This is considered normal over there. And this going from someone who is not a Koreaboo or simps for Asia. Istanbul, Turkey has a huge walking street where everyone hangs out at. Zagrev, Croatia has a huge city square where everyone hangs out at. Da Nang, Vietnam has a huge beachwalk where everyone hangs out at. Yokohama, Japan. Seoul, Korea. Curtiba, Brazil. Literally everywhere except the United States. The United States is such a fucking ripoff and a gigantic scam, it blows my mind that shitholes like Phoenix go for a premium these days, the whole real estate sector in the US is giant ponzi scheme and scam with 0, yes ZERO, value compared to literally anywhere else in the world.

>> No.54159321
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I'm not even a bong, I'm a midwest hispanic fag that moved to texas last year, partially to be around more people of my ethnicity

>> No.54159381

malls have gained interest from developers recently. they are generally being transformed into "lifestyle centers" which just means attaching overpriced tiny apartments, and adding your garden variety "hip" businesses and collegiate campus looking landscaping/architecture/design

>> No.54159490

>He never drove to a mall in the 1980s and bought a new CD that just came out then went to the movies and saw Aliens

>> No.54159561

Going to Millenia Mall or the Florida mall off Sandlake I feel a simultaneous sense of both nostalgia and disgust with the amount of people that seem to inhabit these places at any given time. Doesn't help the majority of them are niggers and 3rd world foreigners who smell like a racetrac roller.

>> No.54159975

malls effectively became useless as soon as online shopping became normalized

I haven't purchased anything from a physical store since 2018

>> No.54160048

went to the mall yesterday the store didn't have the shoes i wanted to try on but it was kind of nice walking around looking at all the different people. had a really good cheesesteak from this place called charley's

>> No.54160128

>Absurdly overpriced even for a physical store
I see this all the time and alwats wonder where people get this shit? Most things I see on Amazon are the exact same fucking price that you would get in store.

>> No.54160157

Good place to meet based white girls.

>> No.54160192
File: 24 KB, 600x602, 0c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna turn malls into zee pod villages. They're purposely making malls into something from the wire and trap us in them with ai powered Teslas. Real estate whales are the greatest evil ever.

>> No.54160224

Physical stores are still great if you need something this instant. Having a bunch of shops in one large area doesn't make much sense, but physical stores still have a use. Just last weekend my router broke and being able to walk a mile to the office max to get a new one was a lot better than having a long internet outage.

>> No.54160259

they were cool in 80s/90s. they all went under in '08 save for a few. there's a lot of american reasons for this

>> No.54160264
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>By building houses on parking lots next to shopping centers
this is already happening near me (massachusetts)

big condo complexes popping up next to old malls, which now only have
>pajeet cell phone case stands
>shitty bars
>arcades/bowling alleys
>a few clothing store chains full of made in vietnam shit

>> No.54160286
File: 1.52 MB, 1170x1460, 622BB762-42EC-4420-B071-FC051673E7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they’re aesthetic as fuck and I like image swimming in the fountain of an empty one like this when listening to Vaporwave

>> No.54161305

Thread theme:

>in retrospect they all kinda seem like dicks
I'm getting old...

>> No.54161329

King of Prussia mall is all I need

>> No.54161331

No they want dense urban living. However our cities are not set up to handle that kind of infill development.

The ones that are are either
>too expensive
>too dangerous
and thus not worth the squeeze.

>> No.54161649

Movie theaters, theaters, coffee shops, restaurants, parks, museums.

>> No.54161691

Because wagies are easily parted with their money and need something to maintain their pathetic lives, while wondering why they never have money.

>> No.54161851

Fucking get real, you stupid nigger.

>> No.54161873

Church, you subhuman sack of shit.

>> No.54163025

Even if you're not buying clothes online, there's still already clothing stores outside of the mall. I don't understand your argument.

>> No.54163219

about malls
they put highstreetcomfy stores out of business.

>> No.54163263

malls were different before the INT
you could not get it online becuase there was none

Some reasonable things at the mall to get
had arcades. there for 80's shumps etc
meet up with GF goto movies fuck later etc
food was legit good at a lot of places.

Now you can movie, at home
Internet at home and
malls are full of bogans.

>> No.54163319

i shorted malls in the 90's after bus routes starting delivering diversity to them

>> No.54163337

well that one os astetic as fuck

>> No.54163509

As a euro zoom zoom can anyone tell me what shopping at Sears was like when you could buy a house from them?

>> No.54163552

Add a church and you have it.

>> No.54163659

The only mall near me is always 95% black. I'll visit once in a blue moon for that taste of nostalgia and lunch. Last time I went I encountered a black man in an orange suit with a legitimate pimp hat complete with feather.

>> No.54163860

Some people like to walk.

>> No.54163914

>home made street food,

>> No.54163972

I enjoyed going to them. Arcades, EB games, the food court, etc. All basic shit today, but it was just a different experience back then.

>> No.54164003

>Last time I went I encountered a black man in an orange suit with a legitimate pimp hat complete with feather
Sounds based. You should have complimented him.

>> No.54164197


>> No.54164261

Yes, it's a great way to be an easy target for nigger theft and nigger burglary.

>> No.54166103
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>Why are malls still around?
Boomers? For everyone else not living in the 80s, online has took precedence. I don't think I've set foot in a mall in over 5 years. I don't see the appeal anymore.

>> No.54166292

women being the biggest mindless consumers still buying stupid retail shit at big markups
go to shopping centers and 80% of the stores are for women
most shopping centers have plenty of closed stores also, you can feel the overall decline
rest of it is shitty restaurants for local office wagies

>> No.54166319

Because shitskins can't figure out online shopping.

>> No.54166400
File: 54 KB, 598x481, 1657920492717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to be great to go to when the jailbait was lithe and white, but now it is so dark and fat I do not even bother.

>> No.54166421

boomers love ecommerce
they are the laziest sacks of subhuman garbage ever
the idea that you can consoom without having to leave the bed/chair/recliner/couch is their concept of heaven

no idea who is at malls today but I'm sure, 100% sure, they are not white

>> No.54166427

because enough people still go to make it worth

for cloth stores its also superior to buying online. I buy less than 1/10th of clothes that I like at first glance after trying them on.

>> No.54166586

Lol, Downers Grove to Naperville during youth, here. I'm so glad I left Illinois. It's such a shit state. Nothing but corn ans endless suburbs, with the most bland Boomer culture encompassing all. Chicago sucks, too, now. Everyone interesting long since fled, taking all counter culture with them, leaving nothing left but shopping, sports, and overpricee restaurants. The state and local taxes are astronomical, too, due to outrageous boomer pensions. Fuck Illinois.