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54152960 No.54152960 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.54152967

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Last time in BBBY:

>> No.54153015
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>> No.54153017

If you don’t like seeing things you disagree with, return to r/bbby. The point of 4chan is you have to interact with anyone. Don’t use filters to turn this place into an anti-free speech hugbox.

Plus it shows intellectual cowardice. Can’t handle comments? Willing to miss info so your feelings don’t get hurt?

>> No.54153045

>noooooo you must listen to my drivelling retardation

thanks filtered

>> No.54153348

based gurabro
sneed baggiecuck

>> No.54153370

Sub 1$ today. Kek

>> No.54153429

Can’t wait. I’ve got $1000 ready to slurp.

>> No.54153487

this is the way

>> No.54153824
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>> No.54154002

spoke too soon

>> No.54154017

kek hedgies

>> No.54154362

How many days of pump at open and then slide into red are you going to fall for.
Squeeze the cum out of deez nuts baggies

>> No.54154366
File: 144 KB, 680x458, 1678459045937137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready (still, again).

>> No.54154374

Sorry about the double bake, I just hurried up and made the other one when the previous was nuked. I can't delete it now so I guess just use the other and migrate here or do whatever, apologies.

>> No.54154385
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If i dont see - 10% imma buy Sally a new set of ear-rings

>> No.54154387
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S'all good pal

>> No.54154392


>> No.54154445

At least it's confused the shills and if they nuke one or the other with mass reports there's a backup. Fuck it, if smiggas can have 2-4 threads up at a time it's allowed.

>> No.54154507

Doesn't take much to confuse them, though it's hilarious that the stock goes up and they poof. Almost like they are paid or an AI chat bot which only triggers on price drop conditions

>> No.54154527
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I like triangles

>> No.54154555

I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say some are real/unpaid... just sore losers.

>cue the 20 "I zoomed out and you're red" posts because that's all they have left today

>> No.54154858
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Yeah I'll check those trips

>> No.54155069
File: 133 KB, 1271x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So GME rises, with AMC, SPY, Tesla and Crypto then BBBY's 12% pump from this morning is nullified nearly.

Yeah organic TOTALLY

>> No.54155317

Entire market is about as organic as a strippers tits.

>> No.54155682

kek the other thread is the shillpot

>> No.54155716

Honestly, very sad.

>> No.54155894
File: 99 KB, 959x1236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekus maximus

>> No.54155895

it’s easy. if you see volume at 100m+ on any given day that’s when the algo is letting us uptrend.

>> No.54157581


>> No.54157616


>> No.54157637

Holding, bumping, comfy.

>> No.54158293
File: 27 KB, 524x562, wtf volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant spike in volume and no price change?

>> No.54158366

Usually this is them buying calls and puts to marry for fake shares

>> No.54158367

it got removed from yahoo's graph kek

>> No.54158386
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>> No.54158387

Nevermind, it came back

>> No.54158400

1.47M shares I think it was.

Just a glitch!

>> No.54158404
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>> No.54158427


>> No.54158514


>> No.54158555
File: 333 KB, 750x771, D6B3415B-4CD2-41B3-821E-B09228236B7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies deleted last one
Get a load of this retard

>> No.54158590

Holy shit you dunning kruger fuck nugget, you didn't actually miss the fact they yeeted the thread did you? You couldn't be this stupid?

>>54152004 (Dead)

>> No.54158599

Breaking barcodes, let's go.

>> No.54158908

posting in giga ultra mega super awesome mooning thread

>> No.54158967

Announcement today, after hours.

>> No.54159022

>just like yesterday?

>> No.54159374
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Filtered because of yesterday's bullshit.

>> No.54159404
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Organic movement

>> No.54159406

reminder that gamestop baggies will never make it

>> No.54159429

There is literally never going to be an announcement. RC and Icahn are not involved and anything trying to connect them to this dumpster fire is hopium. Sorry but this isn’t your make it ticket.

>> No.54159469
File: 453 KB, 3134x1647, Teddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughs in trademarks

>> No.54159513

>new hopium just dropped

So he wants to put the Teddy name on a wash cloth and sell it on his website. Big deal

>> No.54159683
File: 30 KB, 1669x181, bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not be wrong anon, or else I'm gonna put a hex on you

>> No.54159774

It can’t even maintain $1.10 of course it won’t

>> No.54159784

How many ID's you had today?

>> No.54159815

There’s many people here to laugh at you

>> No.54159997
File: 269 KB, 713x654, 2023-02-12 23_43_51-BBBY - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine the real naked short position is now so toxic that a tiny profit in earnings after cost cutting measures have been taken is going to cause such pain even the cenobites will be satiated for years to come

>> No.54160037

>a company that has’nt been profitable in years will suddenly be profitable during recession

kek you’re a retard

>> No.54160078

*a towel company that has closed 70% of its retail stores and has minimal online sales

>> No.54160088
File: 258 KB, 981x1531, f40f47ab-ce75-4f11-8f01-d9aa6ace14b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being a shill

>> No.54160110

he is such a good grifter. First he made thousands of apes buy $30 childrens books and now he is gonna sell them cum rags with his dads name on them for double what a normal cum rag costs. I dont even blame him

>> No.54160299

Holy shit ! Even the shills say its not going bankrupt anymore.

>> No.54160341

im talking about Teddy you fucking retard
of course bbby is going bankrupt, but not before scrounging every last penny out of you desperate baggies through dilution

>> No.54160368
File: 46 KB, 699x640, cohenslawyerskekbaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No reasonable investor would purchase BBBY stock due to their public financial records
kek baggies

>> No.54160370

Nice. Looking forward to it.

>> No.54160377
File: 46 KB, 868x935, 1677686632908605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based OC. You can feel the frustration coming from the shills. You can tell they are upset yet they don't leave. They can't leave and it frustrates them to no end. The only escape from the infinity pool is death. They don't just stand to lose their money, but also their freedom.
>"But it's not fair!"
>muh collusion
They can cry all they want, but they have decades of success by sticking their necks out and doing illegal shit for profit. It was only a matter of time until retail began comparing notes and pinning them down in their trades. We're like lions surrounding a baboon trapped up on the rocks. They are the meal, and they hate knowing that the only escape is getting blown out of our collective assholes once we're done digesting their corpse.

>> No.54160414

Literally not even a shill just here to laugh at (You). Fuck you

>> No.54160499

>based OC
iphone filename and it was posted 3h ago on your subreddit. kek retarded baggies

>> No.54160542


>> No.54160580
File: 143 KB, 530x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine burning money, then burning more money in an attempt to put the fire out kek

>> No.54160593
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>95% red
kek, thats the Cohen rugpull for you (imagine still worshipping the dude that did that to you)
It will be even funnier on the 29th because it was $27 on that day, and by that time this year we will be well under a dollar

>> No.54160623
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>> No.54160644

Post the piñata one

>> No.54160651

it's just his lawyer grasping for every straw to try to get him off the hook

>> No.54160699

>those wall street billionaires are committing crime!
>oh but its fine when Cohen commits perjury and fraud, he's helping us by dumping his bags on us
kek baggies

>> No.54160724

it's not perjury/fraud get a clue retard

>> No.54160737

go back

>> No.54160739
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>OOOing at $1.08

>> No.54160753

you seem desperate

>> No.54160760

>lying in court is not perjury
>releasing filings confirming he bought bbby, tweeting a moon emoji, and then selling the pump to brainless redditards is not fraud
Its hilarious how you literally defend and idolise the man who robbed you. He would piss himself laughing if he read this place/reddit. He probably does it every day

>> No.54160766

How is Nasdaq still above 10k with all the layoffs, declining sales and other shit going on?

>> No.54160788

why don't you sue him for perjury and fraud if you think that's how the law works idiot

>> No.54160798
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it's all fake

>> No.54160810

He is currently being sued for fraud, thats where those filings come from
I hope he gets away with it and keeps scamming you baggies
I cant sue him as I wasnt a victim because Im not retarded enough to fall for reddit pump n dumps
Kek baggie

>> No.54160836

Cohens standstill ended today... Wheres m'merger announcement baggies?
>oh em heckin Gee! The son of a man who once took a picture with another man who once owned some bbby stock but sold it a year ago resigned from the board of an unrelated company! Moass tomorrow!!!!!
Kek baggies

>> No.54160858

45 mil

>> No.54160878

look, I get it. I held this stock once. But when Cohen rug pulled us I knew that was my signal to sell. Got out and put everything into index funds and haven’t been happier.

It’s okay to admit we were wrong guys.

>> No.54160886
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>muh Hudson floor
>muh dilution
Guess not.

>> No.54160898

>Im only down 98% instead of 99%!
>checkmate hedgies!

>> No.54160945

Did we just end in green ?. What the fuck.

>> No.54160979


>> No.54161195

My trips predicted the future

>> No.54161224

.92 tomorrow

>> No.54161244

so you're saying I'm gonna get even MORE cheapies???

what a deal! Can't wait for tomorrow :)

>> No.54161246


>> No.54161267


>> No.54161569 [DELETED] 

>financing deal altered so shorts can't nuke it
>price starts barcoding green instead of red

>> No.54161703

explain this deal you are referring to to me as if I were a nigger

>> No.54161728 [DELETED] 

basically the mystery man gives BBBY money as long as the stock price doesn't go below a certain level, so they pushed it below a certain level, so he gave them 100 million dollars and the level is now lower so its harder for them to short the stock just to nuke the deal.

>> No.54161750

it's almost like the company is walking the predatory naked short sellers into the biggest bear trap in stock market history

>> No.54161758

so what happens now?

>> No.54161790

we wait

>> No.54161792 [DELETED] 

We wait for the squeeze comfortably knowing the mystery man with the money is not going to let the shorts ruin this.

>> No.54161830
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What happens now?
We just wait. Something is going to start this powder keg. Dominos are starting to fall all over.

>> No.54161967

100m per month. 6 more months of excitement from .72-1.2 to complete the financing. Oh joy.

>> No.54162006

Cant wait for the copium posts when Icahn dies and people write DD essays about why death date+2 weeks will be the moass

>> No.54162034
File: 348 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_20230316_170633_Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How someone can be this devoted to FUD is astounding.

>> No.54162051

KeK BBBaggY's
shoulda have bought GME

>> No.54162077

>he has a reddit account
>he browses r/shortsqueeze
You have a below average IQ
How the fuck did you even find this place?

>> No.54162113

I'm sorry I don't carry myself with the demeanor that I'm better than thou.

Humility is the first step in learning. I do think those on r/ShortSqueeze don't have the background in philosophy to exercise patience in making money.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to hear them out and measure natural sentiment.

>> No.54162144 [DELETED] 

I sold you my shares at 250 :)

>> No.54162173

Yeah and if you check the accounts they are usually like 9 year old accounts with a few k karma, they are bought accounts someone made to sell them to shills

>> No.54162194

Lame stealing this. Lame.

>> No.54162225
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I made it lol

>> No.54162291
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$1.08... are we gonna be permabulls like gme and amp apes?

>> No.54162705

morbid outlook, pal

>> No.54162732

dunky is actually Icahn

>> No.54162884
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These articles are getting clownier kek

>> No.54163050
File: 208 KB, 1080x454, Screenshot_20230316_221302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.54163437 [DELETED] 

Not paying out severance to wagies is bullish, that's more money for the turn around. They can just get a new job or apply for food stamps.

>> No.54163826


Lmao this makes a lot of sense. WAGMI, a lot of shills got put on bbby duty as this situation is baaaaad for hedgie as wallstreet inches closer to ledgie.

>> No.54163850

>baggies vs wagies

>> No.54164005
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>> No.54164170

bullish for BBBY that superstonk is recognizing it while the tards in /GME/ here either are fully deluded GME maxis or don't care about BBBY fudders in /GME/. the bulk of real holders are on reddit, as an indiciation of their buying power they've DRS'd $1.4 billion worth of GME so far. many GME holders are accumulating BBBY and with how cheap BBBY is it seems inevitable for it to squeeze.

>> No.54164189

Talking a lot of shit for being up 3¢ today.

>> No.54164203

>baggie is so disheveled he's rambling nonsensical run-on sentences

>> No.54164218

your writing sucks too

>> No.54164233


>> No.54164376
File: 1.49 MB, 3277x5767, 4991EFF2-7B55-4B91-B362-A619CBDD0842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54164396

Fucking kek

>> No.54164426
File: 123 KB, 441x441, 1678930863109530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will not stop until every single redditor is destitute
The most based man on the planet?

>> No.54164434
File: 30 KB, 313x263, 9BD3DA7F-25D4-47D7-B149-5F941EBA67F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBC thanks you for the donations today.

>> No.54164450

thank you for propagating my shoop

>> No.54164500

Based shoop. You should make more
Theres a full chart going back to the dilution deal where they have sold every spike and never let it run above a 25% profit from the conversion price before doomping everything
And yet the average baggie needs a 1000% gain to even see green
Its so over lmao

>> No.54164589
File: 533 KB, 1100x1100, teddycover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i have
only the occasional chadshop catches on with the tourist shills though

>> No.54164682

Tomorrow will be a glorious day for shills as the price finally plummets below $1

>> No.54164716
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>> No.54164748
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>> No.54164769
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>> No.54164859
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Got u senpai

>> No.54164900 [DELETED] 

>shills making their own schizo charts now
lmao show float count

>> No.54165104
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1673625435716298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty damning.
Why don't YOU show an updated one. As far as I can tell, the rules on showing an updated float are murky. We'll know for good in the next 45 days.

>> No.54165163

If you see that chart and then still buy bbby, you are certifiably retarded.

>> No.54165185

>45 days
April 3rd is earnings I believe so much sooner than that

>> No.54165194 [DELETED] 

they update more frequently than 45 days retard if its diluted its updated in days after a filing is made.

>> No.54165232

Nope. They have to file when issuing preferreds (which they did) but dont have to file when they are converted (because thats dumb, they would have to file thousands of times per day)
They have to update nasdaq on the float every week but those arent made public
They have to publicly update the float at earnings
This has been explained to you many times, and you can even look it up yourself (do some heckin DD!) but instead you will just bury your head in the sand until its too late
Kek baggie

>> No.54165260 [DELETED] 

Yes they do lmao its issuing new shares of common stock they have to, you clearly know nothing.

>> No.54165287

>tells him he will bury head in sand instead of looking it up for himself
>he buries his head in the sand and seethes at me
Every time with baggie scum

>> No.54165288

>why dun you show me
cause even if we did it wouldn't fucking matter. (You) people just believe what you want. A ton of you think Cohen is playing 42069D chess even though he verifiably sold and dumped his bags on your heads

>> No.54165335

He confirmed in court that he sold all his shares and calls
His lawyers even said no reasonable investor would buy bbby
He had (until today) a standstill agreement strictly prohibiting him from buying back in/interacting with the stock in any way
Despite all of this baggies think he bought the warrants in february - using hudson bay capital (who were definitely not involved according to baggies until 2 days ago) as an intermediary - despite the fact this would land him in prison

Oh and also they know his business partner in this venture because he's the son of a man he once took a picture with over a year ago

>> No.54165357

tell me nigger, did GME do this when they diluted?
or did they announce the dilution over a month later after it happened
answer me right now you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.54165401

people on the BBBY sub said today was supposed to be MOASS. Market went absolutely ham today and BBBY had its, what, third green day in 30 days?
predictions for tomorrow?

>> No.54165426

I predict you will have 7 new ID's tomorrow

>> No.54165434
File: 429 KB, 959x1150, Screenshot_20230317_005342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does RC have some sort of weird freudian thing going on with his dad?
I mean, my dads dead too, and yeah I miss him, but writing childrens books about him? Trademarking his name with pretty much every product known to man? Tweeting about him and nothing else for years?
Did they have some sort of weird jewish father-son sex ritual thing going on? Thats the only explanation

>> No.54165444

i predict nobody replies to >>54165357

>> No.54165537 [DELETED] 

>"I don't have proof of my claims and I don't have to show them because pee pee poo poo stinky"
Yes, I was there holding when they sold shares they had in a shelf offering they filed right after and the float count was updated the next day. You don't know anything and you're acting like a retarded "know it all" child who gets huffy when people point out he's wrong, now both of you return to r/gme_meltdown.

>> No.54165554 [DELETED] 

>shills were raised by single mothers
this is explains so much

>> No.54165555

>8k announcing plan to dilute shares
>over a month passes
>"hey guys you're diluted :)"

>> No.54165561
File: 94 KB, 600x398, 1673917437346419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips and checked.

Yes, it's over. The reason I originally said 45 days is because at the end of the quarter they have 40 days to file a 10Q with all the info. So actually more like 50 something max.

I think bbby is being diluted btw and own zero of it. Had potential in January but now its MULN 2.0. I don't dare say that to reddit though, they have so much money and time invested... if the thing really does go bankrupt and not just some reverse split, they might actually lose their mind.

>> No.54165667 [DELETED] 

>doesn't understand the difference between preferred and common stock
>doesn't understand how float count reporting works
>prices in dilution that hasn't happened based upon some nigger tier speculation that assumes someone is pouring half a billion dollars into BBBY just to dilute it instantly cucking themselves from futures gains because you're niggers raised by single mothers and never grasped the concept of delayed gratification
I've already told you that's not how it works, if they issue new shares they have to file and report it asap like when GME diluted via its shelf offering, 8K came in right after close and the float counts were updated the next day before market open. You don't know shit, you're worse than any Ryan Cohen Big Chungus tweet schizo.

>> No.54165692

>new equity in the form of preferred stock doesnt dilute common stock holders until its converted!
Lol. This isnt even true. Your equity in the company was diluted the moment those preferred warrants were created, even if they havent been converted (which they have, because thats the only point in buying them)
Kek baggie

>> No.54165705 [DELETED] 

That is true retard, preferred and common stock are totally different things they have to be exercised to create new shares of common stock, you're showing your nigger brain again.

>> No.54165739

> they have to file and report it
They did. They reported the # of preferred shares they sold, their conversion rate, everything. You were informed. You just refuse to listen.

>> No.54165751 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 225x254, image - 2023-03-11T195820.996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ayo yt peepo ain't u know Hoodsin' Bay don' wen' an deleted yall shares n shiet? I did the mafths meself and they done sold 6 billion shares on yall fr"

>> No.54165762 [DELETED] 

But they didn't turn it into common stock, and no new common stock was issued. Do you think Preferred stock and common stock are the same Daquan?

>> No.54165763

Lets say I own a company worth 100M
I decide to do a public offering of 50% of the equity, keeping 50% of the equity for myself
Would my share sales raise 50m or 100m? Why?
The answer is 50M... Because, despite the fact my holdings wouldnt be common stock, I would still own 50% of the company
Preferred shares are still equity in the company representing a part of the value of that company. Thats why the price shot down from $6 to $2 in the minutes after the deal was announced, because you were diluted there and then. The equity you held in the company was reduced before a single preferred warrant was converted

This is also why AMSneed holders were diluted by APE, despite APE being a different form of equity in the same business
Kek baggie

>> No.54165845 [DELETED] 

>"Lets say my pops aint leave my moms, maybe my IQ be high as yours white man"
Hypotheticals don't matter, they didn't dilute the common stock, the float count has not been updated, if they create new shares they have to file an 8K and the float is updated when they're sold (AKA diluted), get it thru your fat fucking cotton picker skull and fuck off back to r/gme_meltdown

>> No.54165877

>Hypotheticals don't matter, they didn't dilute the common stock
I just explained to you how they did
>rest of rant about his high IQ white brain

>> No.54165895 [DELETED] 

You didn't explain shit you made up a situation where you were right and tried to apply it to reality like a STUPID FUCKING NIGGER WOULD

>> No.54165925

Zennest baggie
>cant into lateral thinking
>thinks he's the smartest one in the room despite this
Smartest baggie

>> No.54165966 [DELETED] 

Its the stock market you retard lateral thinking does not work here, look at people who create hypothetical situations and invest upon them, they get BTFO'd, reality is all that matters and the reality is there has been no dilution of common stock.

>> No.54165975

>you made up a situation where you were right and tried to apply it to reality
... but anyway this is why a picture posted over a year ago on twitter by a guy who used to own some bbby shares but then sold them all at the top and then publicly disavowed the company is proof that the guy who posted the picture is now business partners with the other guys son. Also this is a super secret bear trap which the dumb hedge funds havent figured out yet but the fine folks at reddit have
oh and its gonna go to millions per share because it just is ok?

>> No.54165996

>look at people who create hypothetical situations and invest upon them, they get BTFO'd, reality is all that matters
>but anyway this is why a picture posted over a year ago on twitter by a guy who used to own some bbby shares but then sold them all at the top and then publicly disavowed the company is proof that the guy who posted the picture is now business partners with the other guys son. Also this is a super secret bear trap which the dumb hedge funds havent figured out yet but the fine folks at reddit have
>oh and its gonna go to millions per share because it just is ok?

>> No.54166021 [DELETED] 

I'm not condoning or investing based upon RC cult schizo nonsense I'm just here for the short squeeze, I bought in Jan. Go argue with those retards on r/BBBY if you want to talk about that superstonk tier trash.

>> No.54166033

>I'm not condoning or investing based upon RC cult schizo nonsense
>I'm just here for the short squeeze
kek baggie

>> No.54166065 [DELETED] 

BBBY evaded bankruptcy, their credit has been upgraded out of default and the SI is 120 percent of the free float, that's all that matters, I'm not arguing with you about reddit schizo meme nonsense because I don't care, its a non factor.

>> No.54166118

>BBBY evaded bankruptcy
By diluting the shit out of you, yes
>their credit has been upgraded out of default
It went from default to triple F junk status, woop dee doo
>and the SI is 120 percent of the free float
The old free float. Why do you think the cost to borrow isnt at its ATH when there are more shares borrowed than ever before? Its because there are many more shares now available due to dilution.
>I'm not arguing with you about reddit schizo meme nonsense because I don't care, its a non factor
Translation: I lost the argument
Kek baggie

>> No.54166130


>> No.54166131 [DELETED] 

there is no dilution, they've been upgrated to CCC, the float has not changed since you faggots started spamming dilution fud day and night, I'm not arguing with you about something that I don't about and you're mad you're making yourself look like a nigger in front of your meltdownie sisters

>> No.54166163

>im not arguing with you any more!!!
>continues seething at me
Most mentally stable baggie

>> No.54166208


>> No.54166213 [DELETED] 

I'm not arguing with you about Ryan Cohen schizo nonsense because its a non issue, cope. There is no common stock dilution, the float count has not changed, if there was it would have updated already, you are literally a nigger

>> No.54166216

>31 posts by this ID
>apparently has no vested interest in BBBY, long or short
you're such a fucking faggot, I hope that your village starves when the shorties stop sending you money

>> No.54166224 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 316x56, bbbyfloat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54166238 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 1006x488, bbbyfloat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and Morningstar's which is more accurate than boomer ass market watch

>> No.54166299 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 349x532, bbbyfloat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schwab reporting the same float as everyone else

>> No.54166311

Kek wait till their earnings when they update it retard

>> No.54166314

You won't know if there was dilution until financials roll in.
These sites won't update the share count until it is official. They just pull that data from filings.

>> No.54166334 [DELETED] 

already explained creation of new shares would have to be announced via filing and the share count would be updated the next day.

>> No.54166345

dont tell him, let him keep living in delusion for a few more days
I cannot fucking wait to see their reactions when they see the numbers update

>> No.54166356 [DELETED] 

Do you even have a brokerage account that you actively trade with?

>> No.54166384

Retail Lite! We're Fucking coming for you Cats tomorrow!

If you know what is Fucking good for you, you had better Fucking sell and get your Chump Change. Because we ain't playing no more. We ain't Fucking around with the Baby stock any longer. We need to Fucking take this company down so we can move on to other things! There is a lot of other Fucked up companies we need to move on to and sell the Shit out of so we can take down!

MotherFuckers we are trying to Fuckign help you and fix your Shitty investments!

>> No.54166438 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 1900x1250, 1676255137451829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight we've established that meltdowntrannies are 1. Niggers from single parent households 2. Don't have brokerage accounts 3. Get very upset when you explain to them that their "lateral reasoning" is wrong and does not apply to the stock market. 4. Cannot refute the float count and need to stay on their subreddit.

>> No.54166458

No, it’s an internal Nasdaq filing not available to public

>> No.54166480

I really don't understand you can be so ignorant and so outspoken. This isn't some unique situation. Even if you don't understand the rules you can find hundreds of examples of the same shit that happened this year.

>> No.54166504 [DELETED] 

Both of you are wrong, when dilution happens a filing is made and the float count is updated. Thanks for playing!

>> No.54166701

>says the baggie who apparently thinks he makes the rules, not the sec.

>> No.54166731
File: 74 KB, 791x599, EUCI3QlXgAAf7dE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.54166755
File: 35 KB, 452x285, jam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JAM captcha
fucking kek

>> No.54166817 [DELETED] 

>tries to make up rules
>gets corrected
>"n-no stop that you're triggering me!"

>> No.54166855

>so confident that he's right that he needs to convince anonymous baggie kekers on 4chan in biz in a BBBY general thread over the course of 29 posts at 10:30PM on a Thursday night

>> No.54166867

Hey look I found their SEC filing and their announcement look what it says
>84,216 shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and (iii) warrants to purchase 95,387,533 shares of the Company's common stock.
So it seems they did tell you, and the SEC, you are just too much of a nigger to read.

>> No.54166948
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 28xp-pepefrog-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I hope I just realized that BBBY was "supposed to go bankrupt" 3 months ago and they haven't.

I'm thinking that we're wagmi...

>> No.54166998

Post yfw you realized that Carl Icahn not only has control of Newell Brands, but Westpoint Homes too, which both complement BBBY's business model and are likely going to be the two brands that BBBY merges with, giving them a near monopoly on high quality household goods and cementing themselves as the leaders in an industry that's due for a resurgence

>> No.54167004 [DELETED] 

>t. meltdownie who had to come to /biz/ to sperg out because he was banned from reddit for being insufferable
Yes, do you understand why this is not dilution yet shemale?

>> No.54167033 [DELETED] 
File: 597 KB, 611x456, bbbychadsbuckbreakingmeltdownies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread rn

>> No.54167563

I'm convinced these threads are kept alive by shills repeating the same retarded shit all day.

>> No.54168142


>> No.54168276


>> No.54168309

Found the boomer again. Hey boomer, I’m buying more first thing tomorrow.

>> No.54168515


>> No.54168604

You ripped this off from the gme thread. How very amc of you.

>> No.54169097

I bought 5000 shares today, what am I in for?

>> No.54169192
File: 325 KB, 1080x1182, Screenshot_20230317_030637_Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U/MyNi_NotYourNi has been replying to himself to bash BBBY on Reddit lmao

>> No.54169218
File: 1.54 MB, 1078x1703, Screenshot_20230317_030936_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to go bankrupt last June/July.

They're recycling the same narratives to try and stunt the inevitable. Time is walking towards them.

Ni Hao my niggas, it's tomorrow.

>> No.54169312

at this moment i'm not really holding my breath honestly. i feel like a lot of whether or not this pumps in the short term will hinge on earnings and any possible good news that could come around that time. that being said i'm fine with holding with what i got for now purely for the huge potential upside.

>> No.54169469
File: 36 KB, 748x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's there to talk about? You got fucked buying BBBY. All signs point downwards, there are literally hundreds of stocks safer than this. And you still picked BBBY, and why? You have a much higher chance of losing.

>> No.54169531

Something just hit me. BBBY actually has over $1b in revenue every quarter. It's not like it's a dead company, but rather it's an issue with profit margins. This can actually be a turnaround story after all.

>> No.54170251
File: 226 KB, 2560x1756, WSD23-LOGO_STACKED-scaled[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54170591

>I don't know how percentages work

>> No.54170663

>Every price drop is HBC diluting, guys
>I swear

>> No.54170893


>> No.54170987

Barcoding is common during a convertible debt death spiral.

>> No.54171002

Provide one example of a company that was acquired during a convertible debt death spiral.

>> No.54171037

Provide enough examples of companies barcoding in a convertible debt death spiral to prove this is common.

>> No.54171063

Your mom went into debt over the convertible she bought while dying of cancer and I acquired her to pump gallons of dog cum in her asshole every day under the guise it was chemo drugs, so there's one.
>b-b-b-but she's not a company!
I registered her soul as an LLC in hell, every time a demon rapes her I get one day of her childrens life added to mine. October 29th, 2036 is as long as you have left. Now go be a faggot somewhere else instead of parroting a burry tweet that was in reference to banks instead of this company.

>> No.54171066

Spoon feeding time is over. Do your own research.

>> No.54171077

Whoa - this dude is hardcore af! Talking about the devil and shit. You scare me, bro. I can’t believe you just say shit like that. I’m like literally afraid rn.

>> No.54171087

>My Hudson Floor Theory was proven wrong twice this week
>I know, I'll just say convertible debt death spiral and make shit up

Enjoy your filter, see you in the next thread you obsessed loser.

>> No.54171101

October 28th now

>> No.54171130

Oh shit dude, please don’t put any more magic curses on me!

In exchange, I’m going to use my magic to make it so this stock never moons.

>> No.54171190 [DELETED] 

What happened to your spooky Halloween countdown?

>> No.54171315

Is today the day BBBY drops below a dollar? I strongly advise against buying any shares today.

>> No.54171372

>doesn't buy the dips
True biz style buy high sell low right?

>> No.54171397
File: 47 KB, 559x535, 36969D9C-3F5A-4D2E-AF8E-4B19315AA595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officially in the 5000 club

>> No.54171403

It’s going to zero. Selling today is selling at the highest price possible.

>> No.54171414

I bought another hundred shares

>> No.54171430
File: 25 KB, 442x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shift started early today I see


>> No.54171429

I just hacked your account and sold them.

>> No.54171455 [DELETED] 

Sure are a lot of shills all of a sudden. Did they all clock in?

>> No.54171547

Make me curry

>> No.54171611
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops below a dollar?
Are you guys thinking what I am thinking?

>> No.54171662
File: 6 KB, 205x205, brianbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said this when it dropped from 30 to 20

>> No.54171731
File: 1.66 MB, 3840x2160, Comfy_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't start buying BBBY until late December-January. My average is $2.50 and moving lower

>> No.54171757
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 7682345625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>requires a paltry 150% move simply to not lose money on BBBY
>bragging about being this deep in the red
>this is literally a best-case scenario cost basis for your average King K believer
holy fucking kek

>> No.54171799
File: 51 KB, 1533x577, BBBY-FtDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortune favors the bold, my friend. We all saw what happened in January before the barcode algo. We were running up 15-25% and culminated in a 120% move straight to $7 per share before the emergency-barcode-algo had to be turned on. I trust the price is fake because I can see it with my own eyes. I'm going to keep writing cash secured puts until this baby pops off.

>> No.54171858
File: 153 KB, 487x512, 1653580068579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying wild peaks and valleys haven't been the story of this stock since 2020
>Implying that it didn't go from $4 to $53 in 2020 going up 13X

I'm going to sit here with my comfy almost ATL cost basis and have an easy life when it inevitably rips

>> No.54171865

>I trust the price is fake
please elaborate. are you saying shares aren't being sold and bought at this price?

price is fake is a retarded cope. the price is the most real thing.

>> No.54171872

>We all saw what happened
what i've seen happen is smaller and smaller random pumps followed immediately by increasingly brutal dumps
or am i wrong?
>no but... the NEXT pump surely will be THE PUMP
>surely it won't just dump immediately after, even harder, like it has done, literally every time, without fail
kek copenigger

>> No.54171908
File: 68 KB, 1427x789, ShortLifeSupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see the barcoding algo get turned off and see what happens. I bet we end very green very fast.

>> No.54171917
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1647466082123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needs to go back literally 2 years for his copium
>"bro look how much BBBY went up during the greatest bull run in the history of the market two years ago when the gooberment was literally pumping money into the market with a 0% interest rate"
post cost basis
>inb4 no cost basis
they're not sending their best

>> No.54171934
File: 4 KB, 443x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek bankruptcies

>> No.54171968

Ooooohhhhh baaaaggiiiieeeeesss
Pack your things, we're going under a dollar today

>> No.54171980

This. It rips to at least $30 like every 6 months anyway.

>> No.54171995
File: 6 KB, 250x247, 1657727426494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only gonna give (you) one so you can get yourself a bowl of rice.
Markets are cyclical you mongoloid

>> No.54172007
File: 35 KB, 597x556, 165257717966616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opens 6 month check
>checks highest price
>8 dollars

>> No.54172021
File: 16 KB, 268x284, 1666292993174255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

markets are cyclical
ryan never sold
hudson bay didn't buy the warrants
shorts never closed

>> No.54172038

apologies sers

>> No.54172093
File: 92 KB, 560x268, TopKekShillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shilly is working overtime.

>> No.54172115
File: 1.82 MB, 1440x9207, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baggie cope. just copying failed gameshit theories

thanks to the meldownie who created picrel. pretty much every baggie argument is on there

>> No.54172121

Damn you just gave him $3.50 by (you)ing him 7 times
Thats more money that bbbaggies have made in a year!!!

>> No.54172147
File: 33 KB, 518x504, 513423468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consneeding to me
thank you for your consneesion
surprised baggers didn't run out of schizonigger cope rebuttals earlier desu so congrats

>> No.54172211

What’s a make it stack of BBBY?

>> No.54172220

This post has more buzzwords than real words, what a recluse you are

>> No.54172223

jan $80 calls (before cohen bought)

>> No.54172233

>no argument
comment discarded

>> No.54172259
File: 12 KB, 229x220, REDEEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hello fellow memesters. I too like dank memes

>> No.54172268

Couple hundred shares, thousand if you have a big dick

>> No.54172294
File: 111 KB, 1119x1112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol earning those rupees today

>> No.54172296
File: 55 KB, 342x342, 1653938316241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you either think 'making it' is some retardedly small amount of money or you believe BBBY is going to hit like 2000 per share

>> No.54172309

>he regularly checks the thread for this
>he thinks anyone here believes his claim that he filters anyone
kek bathnigger

>> No.54172318
File: 2 KB, 171x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks filtered

>> No.54172339

>claims to filter me
>unfilters me so that he can claim to filter me once again
kek bathnigger

>> No.54172358

We’re going below $1 today aren’t we?

>> No.54172380
File: 14 KB, 750x436, 27643289061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bro according to >>54172294
i'm actually paid by le short sellers to dissuade you from buying because it's going to $30 today, please just hold a little longer

>> No.54172446
File: 485 KB, 500x472, 1660851329144510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: If the majority of the thread is shill posts then what would be the point of shilling? To convince a handful of anons to sell? I can accept the paid pajeet poster premise for the meme stock subreddits as they have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of members but why waste any money and time trying to convince a handful of autist that are literally too stupid to sell and who's holding has virtually no effect on the stock one way or the other

>> No.54172464

to stop new people from buying, by flooding the thread full of shit it makes it hard for info to be garnered while making the play to outsiders look like their narrative is the correct one.

>> No.54172497
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, 73568233456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally believes this

>> No.54172512

You can tell how new the reddit baggie newfags are because they actually fell for the paid shill meme hook like and sinker

>> No.54172516

okay but how many people could they possibly be stopping at this point by doing it? 100? 1,000? Even 10,000 which seems like a huge stretch is still a drop in the proverbial bucket for all that effort

>> No.54172523

It's about drowning out positive discussion. It is well documented how people interact with information on the internet. People generally only read headlines and then read the top handful of comments. It is IMPERATIVE to have a contrary opinion in the comments which can frustrate readers and have them move on to other things. They NEED to provide a counter narrative otherwise a consensus will form.

>> No.54172538


>> No.54172581

that's a good premise and I could buy it on reddit but again: this place isn't that big or that important on the macro level of this play. There are 65ips in here right now, half of them are easily in that anons "filtered shill posts." I'll be generous and give him that the other half is all died in the wool BBBY holders who are never ever selling and will keep buying more every paycheck no matter the price. That's a fucking lot of effort to waste on 3 dozen people that could be way better allocated elsewhere. It literally doesn't make any sense for hedge funds to camp out here when more than likely if they did nothing this thread would die out on its own.

>> No.54172594
File: 63 KB, 675x677, Tendie Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54172612

They work on anywhere there is a comment section, yahoo, daily mail, etc, if it's not bots then it's paid for posters in click farms. How hard is it for you to understand that ANYWHERE there is discussion of topics that pose a risk to these "people" they will employ this tactic?

>> No.54172620
File: 371 KB, 1080x2400, 167837078663039713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.54172649


>> No.54172669


>> No.54172671
File: 1.52 MB, 2131x1320, 1legocoverstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54172684

I think you don't understand how fearful the elite are of 'memes'. 4chan is far more important to spreading ideas than you give it credit. The elite spent the last century building up a deathgrip on the control of information only to have all of it get subverted by people spreading complex ideas in image form. Even people like Alex Jones exist solely to drown out discussion about Israel being behind 9/11. They are deathly afraid of the peasant class being able to talk to one another and 4chan is a major player in that regard.

>> No.54172688

>How hard is it for you to understand that ANYWHERE there is discussion of topics that pose a risk to these "people" they will employ this tactic?
Again, I'm not doubting the premise, I'm with you that that kind of shit does happen but none of the anons that you've filtered are bots. I doubt any of them are even pajeets given their grammar and spelling. Go into any shitcoin general and you'll see plenty of both in abundance. So I ask again, what is the point of paying good shitposters to shill a handful of anons. What possible difference could it make when those resources could be used in much better ways?

>> No.54172712

>refuses to acknowledge the absolute raw short-eviscerating power that is lego yoda

>> No.54172775

>4chan is far more important to spreading ideas than you give it credit
it used to be in the early days of the internet. b and the something awful forums were king of the hill back in it's day. Those days are long gone however and we've been dwarfed in importance by garbage like reddit, facebook, and tik tok. Hell even pol only did what it did in 2016 because it made a colony on reddit and turned those idiots into what it needed

>> No.54172878

Kek red baggies
Under $1 soon

>> No.54172893
File: 318 KB, 1080x1383, Screenshot_20230317_134922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.54172898

5 mil

>> No.54172906

Those in charge are trying to drown it out and turn it into a hotbed for menta illness/porn. They are definitely reacting to it with sabotage. The notion of "fake news" that trump labeled the media with was absolutely devastating to their credibility. Once the boomers die off people will hopefully not be listening to the TV because they will be well versed in how stupid it is.

>> No.54172909
File: 254 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_20230317_135029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mio

>> No.54172910
File: 10 KB, 274x274, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54172915

BBBY is looking this morning and suddenly all the shills disappeared. Curious.

>> No.54172924

Yeah baggie bro, you're not mentally ill! Its a big government conspiracy to make you look mentally ill!

>> No.54172933

Let's go baggies, let's go!!
Let's go baggies, let's go!!

>> No.54172935
File: 241 KB, 603x670, 1631988083332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to go sub $1 today, aren't we?
oh well back to wageslaving I go

>> No.54172946
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1669064955328932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and turn it into a hotbed for menta illness/porn
add anime and that's literally and unironically what 4chan has been since day 1 so why waste money trying to make it more of what it's always been?

>> No.54172949
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it is going down so I can write some cash secured puts. The option chain is literally printing money like oil springing from a well.

>> No.54172972

I’m closing my shorts at 99¢. I will profit almost $30,000. Thanks for the down payment on a new truck, baggies!

>> No.54172984

I hope so. I want the puts I write to be ITM at $1. That's what I'm waiting for.

>> No.54173048

>when a redditor tries to larp as an anon

>> No.54173078

I have a fat cigar I've been saving for when this piece of trash goes under $1
Today might be the day

>> No.54173096


>> No.54173123
File: 209 KB, 1080x630, Screenshot_20230317_140412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St paddys day moass!!!
Oh wait no this DD is for last years st paddys day...

>> No.54173143

Just flush it to below $1 already.

>> No.54173199
File: 1.40 MB, 500x376, 1678735273081111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy wants 90 cents

>> No.54173269
File: 148 KB, 1094x909, FrZQcY7WIAI5s7P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is bigger than people make it out to be.

>> No.54173296

It's just as if there was an invisible titanium cervix making it impossible to penetrate the $1 barrier. Am I correct in my DD?

>> No.54173302

Thanks for your concern Ravi

>> No.54173310

People said this at $1.60
Hudson are squeezing all the juice they can above $1
Then they will squeeze all the juice out of the $1 buy wall
Then they will continue squeezing juice down to $0.72
Kek baggies

>> No.54173350

I can't imagine anyone holding this piece of shit stock if it falls below $0.97 for longer than 3 hours. Even I'm not as delusional.

>> No.54173355

I literally own the stock but okay

>> No.54173398

whatever say ranjeet

>> No.54173442

>Reddit in the OP

>> No.54173473
File: 1005 KB, 619x651, hurts just a little bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to this containment thread to try and feel better about my own, different delusional investment. Instead, I finally understand the people mocking me. If they see me the way I see you faggots, I need to reevaluate my life choices.
Smell you later

>> No.54173490

10 mil

>> No.54173495

What do you hold atm?

>> No.54173517


>> No.54173520
File: 2.31 MB, 380x352, 1678841533100199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hold semen in their anus and nothing else

>> No.54173535

>not even 400 comments in the daily reddit cope thread after an hour
>they used to get 1000+ in the first hour
Its actually over

>> No.54173550

looks like they can't drop it below $1... although just because I said that means it's now instantly going to drop below $1. so why did i say it in the first place? i will challenge fate

>> No.54173563

>reddit reddit reddit
Go back meltdownie

>> No.54173564

it actually is over but I'm not selling until we see that sweet sudden fall to 0.82 followed by a halt and then immediately 0.7 afterwards ahhh I can't wait to experience it

>> No.54173641

which is ironic because they are actually redditors kek

>> No.54173644
File: 985 KB, 1284x1407, 17FB0457-6A91-4AB6-90F1-59A08C5FD143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on 99¢. I’d really like to order my truck before the weekend.

>> No.54173645

>bagholds a reddit stock
>calls everyone else redditors
Kek baggies

>> No.54173663

imagine buying that piece of shit

>> No.54173664

Come on Hudson
Just 2 more cents for another ATL

>> No.54173689

Seethe and cope, baggie. Can’t wait for my maverick lariat.

>> No.54173695

Why do you people buy this garbage instead of bitcoin

>> No.54173696

lmao do americ*ns really

>> No.54173734

Yes, Americans are allowed to buy vehicles with an engine larger than 1.4 L. I know that is mind-boggling to you.

>> No.54173738

this is a truck made for guys that drink caramel macchiatos

>> No.54173763
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 811C621E-BCF7-4F6D-8BE8-C38D84E07950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with a caramel macchiato?

>> No.54173775


>> No.54173783

ease down on the sugar, tubby

>> No.54173789

I have a 3L engine in my M2 you americuck lmao

>> No.54173812

Cool, that should be enough power for you to drive your cuck mobile up into the bed of my new truck.

>> No.54174261

hahahahahah touche