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File: 404 KB, 1600x1293, hicks rednecks farmers kelly comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54152671 No.54152671 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all buying a rural house?

>> No.54152701

No idea where to buy
It's nice to look 20-30 acres but then you realize there are no schools or towns for you to take your children.
It's a guessing game as to where the nicest and most affordable places are

>> No.54152705

If you wanna be a hick, you don't need schools or towns.

>> No.54152715

only slaves live in urban centers. rich people own villas in the countryside

>> No.54152718

no. i work remotely and my job is "stable" but i don't anticipate it lasting forever. getting another remote job would be very difficult since it seems like most corporations are niggerbrained to the max and are doing hybrid rather than fully remote.

but even if my job was guaranteed for life, i'm not sure i'd want to go rural. i grew up rural. the pussy inventory is absolutely dreadful.

>> No.54152717

If the damn Amish don't squeeze out a deal before our family does, yes sir.

>> No.54152737

I don't, would prefer cheap homes and somewhere beautiful and safe for kids
Hard to find it all

>> No.54152740

Also you'll be stuck with satellite internet unless you're close enough to pay to have a wire ran. But you can use that to assist with homeschooling.

>> No.54152751

What did he mean by this?

>> No.54152754

>rural home schooling
kek. your kids are going to be freaks.

>> No.54152847

>state of modern "schooling"
Pot, kettle, etc.
I'd rather my kid be a weirdo than bullied or raped by blacks.

>> No.54152870

You haven't been paying attention to what they're teaching kids in school then. Absolute retard. Don't have kids, faggot.

>> No.54152888

You'd rather he's a virgin (no women in the rural town and most men aren't smart enough to go to college) or she's a bbc slut (becomes fascinated with BBC as soon as she moved to a city to go to college)

>> No.54152915

time to stop posting, baljeet.

>> No.54152946

Give me some suggestions on home areas
I'm white, extremely conservative and have about 250k for a home.

>> No.54152975

Outskirts of Utah

>> No.54153027

So this is the worst can happen?
Better to learn how to do gay sex, have white guilty, simping over cunts, cope with drugs, obey (((capitalism))), etc

>> No.54153078

I live rural on 20 acres with my wife and two kids. A very small town that also happens to have one of the top high schools in the state, that being said we homeschool our kids.

Yes we are stuck with satellite internet, but they are running fiber nearby so it's only a matter of time until we can access that, Starlink is also soon to be an option; not available yet. That being said my experience on satellite isn't too horrible, I can download large games overnight and the slowdown only really happens on nights and weekends, and since I work from home I'm able to work just fine during the day and late night.

This is a horribly common misconception about the state of homeschooling. My kids learn from home but we also belong to several co-op groups with other homeschooling families in the area, so they are growing up together with a group of 100 other kids that they interact with a few days a week. They are not lacking for social opportunities and really the only difference is we aren't pawning our kids off for 8 hours a day and instead spend all of our time with them and are able to monitor their education; turns out we have a strong bond because of it, couldn't imagine them disappearing for half of the day. Sorry.

Rural living isn't for everyone, but having just started it a few years ago I've grown to love it, a real sense of community in a small town, everyone has a wide ranging skillset; they all built their own homes, do their own repairs, feed themselves with their livestock/crops, etc. It's great to live on unrestricted land, I've already built my own chicken coop, fencing, an outbuilding, no permits needed. I can wake up and decide what I want to do on any given day, walk with my kids in the woods, work on the land, work on the house, read to the kids, etc. The only hour long commute I have to worry about is a drive to a big city, and even then there is no traffic by comparison.

>> No.54153155

did a redneck fuck his wife?

>> No.54153191

Sounds like absolute bliss anon. I wish I could escape my bughive and live that life. What do you do for income?

>> No.54153503

Idk where you get these ideas from. They seem awfully subversive, for your sake I hope that's the case, if not, you're a legit retard.
The city is full of retards, most people are retards and most college education is a detriment rather than an asset. It's definitely harder to meet women rurally but the quality is far higher at the expense of quantity. Cities are corrupting influences.
Anyway pretty clear you're a kike. Get gassed.

>> No.54153521

It’s just making fun of overlabeled and dumb newspaper strips, some of his stuff is funny

>> No.54153528

Why are people even speaking as if satellite internet is that big of an issue? You can browse the internet fine with it. Oh no, no heckin' Netflix goyslop?? NO ONLINE VIDYA!!! it's ogre!!!!!!
Rural is better in every conceivable way except it's lacking in convenience (but too much convenience is deeply unhealthy and makes people too reliant on others).

>> No.54153624

I was apart of my local 4-H
It’s straight up pedo groomers

>> No.54153936

Anyone getting a rural homestead with arable land is gonna have the funds necessary to get a line ran to their place. Relying on satellite is for truly remote places, not 20-50 miles away from the nearest major population center. Ideal locations for all but "I live in a wood cabin and learned how to deliver a baby and be a midwife to help my woman give birth" preppers are no more than an hour from a good hospital which means no more than an hour from a major population center.

>> No.54153952

>what are penthouse apartments

>> No.54154455

fuck off we are full

>> No.54154461

rural areas are full, fuck off Californians.

>> No.54154504

Hah get a load of this guy he works in a stable like a real hick.

>hey there country bumpkin any frost out on the pumpkin?

>> No.54154653
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Based AF.

>> No.54154719

We are currently in the largest explosive increase of homeschooling in the history of the world.

>> No.54154910

Muttland isn't the world, homeschooling is non existant in most of europe

>> No.54154928

Yeah but so is owning land
What's your point?

>> No.54154950

More than anything in this world I want a rural house on which to raise white hicks.

>> No.54154985

graphic design contractor, I have some legacy clients that keep my workflow secure, at least for the foreseeable future

I was playing lots of online games before I got here, but with the two kids and work around the house I really don't notice internet speeds anymore

>> No.54155487

Homeschooling is non-existent in the entire world outside muttland. Not even the Japanese are hick enough for that.

>> No.54155512

As rural as I can. My wife still has to go to the office so she wants her commute to be <45 mins. I wfh so I can go anywhere. I want a small farm ~10 acres on which to grow specialty crops, particularly lavender. Hard to find such a property for even ~$500k with those stipulations

>> No.54155538

For millions of dollars?

>> No.54155649

/biz/ has been real good to me over the years, so listen up. I am a rancher in texas, own my land, and I know at this point in time if I want more, I am officially priced out in texas.
The last frontier for good affordable land is central and eastern Oklahoma. Your welcome.

>> No.54155703

Rural anon here. Try viasat (satellite internet provider). Expensive, but does everything I need it to. About 200 dollars/month.

>> No.54155921

I bought in 2021 for $349k, 4/2 on 20 acres, also has a floored attic thats about 1200 sq ft that can be turned into more living space. I'm two hours between two major metro cities and 30 minutes from big towns, stores are 5 minutes away.

Yeah, I'm on Viasat, brutal. Not as bad as HughesNet I hear, but I can't wait for Starlink, half the price and I'm sure the speeds are better, plus no highspeed cap. I'm on the Gold for 100gb. I've gotten good at making it the entire month before I reach that cap, lots of youtube at 144p.

>> No.54156043

Unfortunately we live in southeast PA, property prices here were inflated even before the market went to shit

>> No.54156112

What kind of cows do you have? How many head?

>> No.54156191

>youtube at 144p
Thirdies live better.

>> No.54157817

Do not do this unless you have an incredibly strong in-group. If you do not have as much or more of a community than the amish or mennonites your children will be freaks and probably kill themselves. I have seen it.

You probably won''t have that kind of in-group if you have just moved to a rural area.
It takes generations to be trusted in most parts of rural America(By rural I mean primarily agricultural, not suburbs).

The statistics for homeschooled kids doing well in college are mostly padded by those that go to Christian colleges. It is also padded by kids of very high net worth people that can pay for serious tutors.

I know this because its why I am posting on this website. You cannot provide your kids with the level of socialization and education that they need by sheer will or love. No matter how strong your will is you cannot create friends, mentors and teachers. Its great that you want your kids to avoid indoctrination, but everyone underestimates the wealth and community that you need to deliver them something good.

>> No.54158932

I mean, my kids can read and write and one is 3 and the other is 4, and when I say read I mean they can read any book you put in front of them; will they understand it all? No, but they can pronounce any word they come across and come up with their own stories and can give you synopsis of what they read. My wife has an architecture degree and was also a math major, I have degrees in history and computer science and work as an artist full time; she can name you any tree or plant or animal you show her, I can name you any bone in the body and draw you anything you ask me to. We have a broad range of knowledge and skills with which to educate our children and as I've stated they are constantly socialized. They are just becoming of age to begin joining certain organizations like scouts, karate, teams, etc. We live by a good highschool and I have no problem sending them to highschool if they want to when they are older; but the genie is out the bottle right now, they are too advanced to be twiddling their thumbs in pre-k when we can be educating them and keeping them well ahead of the curve. We are at home parents, it makes no sense to send our kids off to school.

>> No.54159357

>I mean, my kids can read and write and one is 3 and the other is 4
I could too, knowing how to do things doesn't mean much if you cannot meet the arbitrary standards of the modern world. Being a child prodigy is nice and all but really doesn't get you very far. Also, a warning: autistic tendencies just look like normal behavior in farm settings. Kids that have these tendencies don't have problems with living on a farm raising crops and working on machines. They will have problems when they are 18 and go to college and find that everything that served them well on the farm is a defect.

>CS/Math/Architecture/History Background
Great, I had parents with similar backgrounds. They didn't know what field would be relevant when they were fifty years old. Face it, 15 years down the road your knowledge will not mean as much as it does now. People that succeed in the real world almost always have good mentors. Good parents aren't enough.

Great, I had that too, but they mostly flake out after a few years. The people that organize these things come in waves and get tired of working on it for a few years. If you google around, you will probably find a graveyard of homeschool groups. If these organizations show signs of decline, you had better be there with your time and your checkbook.

>They can go to highschool if they want.
Rarely works like that. I have only seen it work well out of dozens of attempts. Its a lack of socialization, different education(not always worse) and total lack of understanding of cultural norms.

In short, if you want to do this, you had better be fucking loaded with cash and in tight with a community. Not "I have a good job" or "I own a few laundromats".

I don't know why people think they can start a parallel society by starting a facebook group and buying some baseball uniforms, but it doesn't work like that.

>> No.54159576

Also, I forgot to mention this, but you will probably never hear about the failures. In the real world, kids that didn't get a standardized education and social upbringing will rarely advertise it. The parents, due to denial, shame and a desire to not embarrass their kids will not talk much about it. There just aren't that many ways to hear about when this doesn't work.

>> No.54159580

Because it's fucking illegal in most of europe

>> No.54159606

The golden capstone of your tomb retard

>> No.54159843

they're garbage that's what

>> No.54159906

It is a cow/calf operation. About a hundred mama cows. Cows are angus. Bulls are Hereford. Calves are called black baldies.

>> No.54159992

I don't know, but he put the statue of liberty in there crying again so it must be serious.

>> No.54160194

America is the whole world, because as you yourself have just pointed out Europe is already lost.

>> No.54160641

They banned it in France last year because it was skyrocketting (parents don't like having their mild mannered kids with nigs and arabs for some reason).

>> No.54160971

lmao yuros have no freedom, but hey enjoy your artisanal bakeries faggot

>> No.54161024


if you have kids you gotta look at the school scores and try to observe the trends. a school that was c but now b might be a better pick than an a school thats heading down.

crime maps can help a little too if its an area you are new to

>> No.54162035
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my parents did that bullshit of not skipping me ahead in school because of fears of socialization consequences, but it does not matter. If you are smart and civilized then your children will not get along with the normgroid plebians no matter what.

>> No.54162125

Cities are our right.
Push the undesirables out. They didn't build a single brick of them. Not even the worst ones that they've ruined.

>> No.54162223

I like to watch Youtube videos in resolution higher than 360p and without constant buffering

>> No.54162404
File: 39 KB, 810x450, yall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah push the rednecks out to the rural areas where they can say y'all all they want

>> No.54162573

you have obviously never lived in a rural area. go spoof your location to rural arkansas on tinder and tell me that there's a quality selection of women. and before you say they'll be in church or some shit, consider the fact that all the young evangelical youth pastors are slinging dick to their harem of devout followers

>> No.54162575


Just to give another real life perspective on this, I was homeschooled in the 80s and I am single, childless, and unemployed headed toward 50 and have never really integrated with society. So just putting that out there for your consideration. Homeschooled kids can excel academically as I did and go get a perfect score on the ACT as I did but that does not mean they will ever be accepted by their peers or be able to have a successful normal life. Granted on this board there are probably lots of people just like me who went to public schools, but homeschooling is a good way to guarantee your kids will be autistic freaks flipping shitcoins on biz alone in silence when they are 45 years old.

>> No.54162611

your petty "vengeance" for being bullied in school (for being a faggot) calling them what they called you isn't going to stick
deep down you know that you're a freak for being homosexual

>> No.54162696

IDK where you are looking but I got a new neighbor recently and they paid $212 for a decent sized three bedroom house (fairly dated) with a small barn and 31 acres. About half of that is woods and a drainage runs through it so it isn't going to be good for cultivation, but he farmed on the rest.

My house is only 20 years old and quite nice. Also a lot of space, like 3,100 sq ft with an open floor plan and 12 foot ceilings on the bottom floor I'm going to use for a climbing wall. I only have five acres but I do have a nice pond and a yard big enough to hit irons or shoot my recurve on.

I'm 10 minutes from a small town that has a gym and three grocery stores, although they aren't great, as well as a regional hospital. 30 minutes from a larger town with about 40k people and more stuff, and then a bit over an hour from Louisville.

I don't think much of the South or Midwest is that much more expensive.

If you're looking in the West then yes, you will need a lot of money for both the land and the water rights. The water rights might also get fucked with as the crisis expands.

Crime is definitely a real issue though and the schools are not good. Louisville isn't a bit airport either, but Nashville is like 2 hours away.

My Zillow estimate is still under $200k.

Even rural areas up north tend to be more expensive by a big margin, e.g. we looked in Vermont. Upstate NY is very nice though, love the Adirondacks, and not so expensive.

>> No.54162841

Also, consider climate change if you're looking long term. Way more important for farmers.

Water use in the Colorado River basin is already cutthroat and it is likely to get much worse.

Particularly, don't buy in some of the places out West that rely on huge federal infrastructure projects to get their water (parts of Oregon fit the bill).

People will tell you it's all libs trying to save some fish species, and that IS part of it, but there are also billions and billions of capital investment needed to keep those places under cultivation, and apparently they run at a huge net loss once public spending is included. I highly doubt, given the tsunami of Social Security and Medicare liability, that these people get their shit repaired. Same thing if you build in a flood plain somewhere where only the Feds will insure you (or private using Fed insurance).

In retrospect, it was fucking dumb to do huge projects to get what are, in the big picture, small areas under cultivation. But in made sense back then because they wanted to provide people with jobs and returning vets with houses. It just doesn't make sense long term because the tax payer ends up subsidizing the lifestyle.

>> No.54163210

54152671 (You)
Here's your you's nimby now back back to your >>>/n/ igger containment board

>> No.54163410

All I'm hearing from both of you are that YOU happen to be maladjusted/antisocial; your complaints come across as projection. Maybe you turned out this way but you make it seem like the majority of people undergoing "normal" schooling aren't also social rejects/freaks. You're doing a lot of assumption guesswork based on your personal experiences and outcome, my kids have no problems socializing and approaching new people, introducing themselves, offering to play games, ingratiating themselves.

"They didn't know what field would be relevant when they were fifty years old." Complaints like this are asinine, the point was that we are educated adults who are obviously acclimated to study, and please tell me of these mystery teachers in public school that act as mentors and prepare their students for a future outside of the schooling system? I was in gifted/AP classes and I didn't even know how to write a check out of highschool. I went to art school because I spent most of my classtime in highschool doodling and generated a portfolio while ignoring my classwork; got a full ride to art school and ended up learning nothing there either. Listen, I'm really not in the market of taking advice from people in 4chan, I'm just letting you know what I'm doing, I'm happy, we're happy, and we're open to change; if it doesn't work out we'll try something new.

>> No.54163465

all society showed me in public education was how bad i was for the color of my skin and my heritage of law abiding working and saving family
meanwhile a little bit of lurking on this shithole of all places has brought more to light than the entirety of university libraries vast collections
how can you be here and say anything else then fuck the normies we dont belong with them
and considering i dont get kids until i made it, they have no need to debase themselves in front of globohomo they will be set for life before birth

but you make a good point about ingroups, we need a kinda of autists amish community to self aggregate into

>> No.54163541

Hicks shouldn't be able to vote

>> No.54163592

/n/iggers* shouldn't be able to vote.
Ftfy no need to thank me.

>> No.54163698

What a bunch of bullshit itt. Was ready to send my oldest to kindergarten, then covid hit and i refused to send him to school with a muzzle on. I was already prepared for the commie factory but not that bullshit. Decided to homeschool, we are now on year 3 of homeschool and he is not weird, the other kids who go to public school are fucking weird, and getting weirder from the public school system forcing lgbtqrtyvfofjlk bullshit and commie propaganda down their throats. Anyone who thinks homeschool kids are weird are fucked in the head from programming themselves, because you can guarantee people who should not be homeschooling their children are too lazy or stupid to try. meanwhile he has had "friends" try to lure him to the closet to look at each others dicks, stick his finger in a dogs ass, pick up and play with dog shit etc. Enjoy your public school system faggots

>> No.54163807

I may not be able to convince you to send your kids to a good school. But I can tell you what happened to the people in my Co-op. Its a story of suicides, drug overdoses, dealing of hard drugs, homelessness and mediocrity. Some of them just disappeared in their early twenties. These were people from moderately wealthy, educated and secular families, not some backwater bible school.

>You're doing a lot of assumption guesswork based on your personal experiences and outcome, my kids have no problems socializing and approaching new people, introducing themselves, offering to play games, ingratiating themselves

Jesus christ, they are toddlers. Toddlers generally are like this. That does not mean that they are developing properly.

>we'll try something new
You can try, but the older you get the worse the odds are. I have personally never seen it happen.

>I didn't learn anything of note in school
You don't get it until you meet some adults that didn't go to school.

If you really want your kids to be successful, why don't you send them to a private school? If you can't afford that, you certainly can't afford to do it yourself.

>> No.54163842


>and considering i dont get kids until i made it, they have no need to debase themselves in front of globohomo they will be set for life before birth

Okay, great. But can you make the money or the community so that they don't have to? Just not having the indoctrination is much worse. Not debasing themselves in front of globohomo means a radically different education that very few can provide.

>> No.54163865

Kids acting normal at that age doesn't mean that much. Most homeschooling stories go to hell when they are 10-16.

The more absurd the world gets, the more diffucult it is for the unindoctrinated to get along in it.

>> No.54163910

I guess there will just be two more freaks in this world, sorry anon.

>> No.54163921

I already plan to send him around grade 5-7 somewhere, when he knows better and indoctrination wont work, but I am only sending him to meet girls, not for the faggot schooling

>> No.54163968

I hope you are prepared for what that actually means.

Btw John Taylor Gatto is right about a lot of things, he just doesn't grasp the consequences of not having standard programming.

>> No.54164009

You're all just idiots. There is no normal, just your opinion. You're judgemental assholes that would stick a knife in anything you disagreed with. Fuck you.

>> No.54164042
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>> No.54164073

>Water use
How do you get more information regarding the water situation in an area?

>> No.54164079

well thats the whole point of being here now isnt it anon, getting generational wealth so my kids dont have to wagies
i dont really get what you are doing on here
i went to normal school like others have said many there turn out to be complete failures too, only now with the added baggage of a ruined childhood and many unprocessed traumas
i really cant see how anyone can defend being locked up with ferals as good for your social development, really rich peoples kids are segregated from the scum too by some very impressive defense measures
now your counter argument is why dont send your kid there well then you have to go to their social events and do all their bullshit plus live in a big city, not worth the price of admission

>> No.54164100

What the fuck? I have graphic design talent that I've never really used for profit. How do I into this? Fucking goddamnit this anon has probably already left the thread and now I'll be poor forever

>> No.54164410

It's really an IQ test.
I moved from the country into the city and its unbelievable how dumb and gullible people are here. Any white man in the west who has a brain should be striving to buy some rural property IMO. Atleast you can bug out when shit goes down in the city.
Remember government enforced covid lockdowns? Dumbass city-slickers already forget about that, but in reality it's just a teaser of whats to come in the future imo.

>> No.54165212

Don't really have any advice for you, I got an Illustration degree back in 2010; and got a job out of college as a graphic designer since the school thought Illustration was graphic design and taught advertising/logo/banner creation instead of drawing. I was lucky enough to build a lot of long term work relationships in the industry and am now able to work entirely from home contracting. I honestly don't know how I would do it now in the world of Fiverr and shit like that where you can get a business logo for $10 from some pajeet. Your best bet these days is to gamble on some shitcoin. I had thought of one idea, going around and looking for youtubers with shitty logos and channel headers and offering to update their brand. Maybe try that.

>> No.54165285

I'd rather they be the weird kid than a fucking drugged out tranny phone addicted racemixer

>> No.54165333


>> No.54165339

>getting generational wealth so my kids can be cokeheads and wrap an AMG mercedes around a lightpole

>> No.54165898

As long as you have distance between you, liberal cucks and their pet niggers who cares about the fucking schools

>> No.54165965

Maybe as a vacation home, but I'd never live in a rural area for my permanent residence.