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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 524 KB, 1250x1098, Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 6.19.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54151510 No.54151510 [Reply] [Original]

I know Ryoshi's next project. take a guess. no larp.

>> No.54151537

>no larp.
oh good you said that otherwise I would have called you out for larping but I guess you're legit

>> No.54151560

Le Reddit response.

>> No.54151631

It’s not hoichi bro, and if it is,it’s going nowhere because he’s a memecoin dev and there’s nothing memeable about a hoichi

>> No.54151713

I really couldn't even imagine thinking the way you do. Let me guess. you are poor?

>> No.54151727

jeeted modi

>> No.54151758

problem with a lot of biz now is its infested with the redditor. they don't ever make any money but lose it on holding what they think are high IQ bags. They don't get that anything the SHib developer publicly releases will have millions of eyes and crypto wallets pointed at it. in this care the normies will beat the midwit redditors. I just happened to be in the high IQ range that can recognise how the masses think. Biz is done. I only post here for nostalgia cause I made millions from here with Fantom.

>> No.54151828

>guess the shitcoin I am trying to shill you

>> No.54151849


>> No.54151857

you guys in this thread are gonna kys. Ryoshi is highly likely to reveal himself next friday.

>> No.54151938

Why? Gimme some breadcrumbs

It’s the x100 time I fell for the ryoshi larp but I’m willing to bite again if you post proofs

>> No.54151953

Tell us the token then fren

>> No.54152024

Imagine being op. Years in crypto and he still has to roleplay as a mysterious alpha provider. Kek.

>> No.54152031

Hoichi. Go to the tg and they can link you to the evidence. It’s 100% true. Anyone holding the lamps like Tsuka I suggest you sell asap cause they will crater once the truth is out next week.

>> No.54152033

I’m 99% sure it’s Tsuka. There’s just too much evidence.

>> No.54152038

No role play here faggot.

>> No.54152051

The Hoichi dev is going to expose them. Sell it.

>> No.54152055


>> No.54152073
File: 350 KB, 802x822, 7C0ACB7F-CF70-4F1A-AD77-3B64911A0740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54152150

Op be quiet, I'm not done accumulating

>> No.54152160

Lol. It’s a bit fucking late kid. You got barely a week.

>> No.54152206

Got about 400mil Hoichi, is that enough to save my village?

>> No.54152209

Plenty ser.

>> No.54152325

I don't care. I'm buying ORE.

>> No.54152337

Tired of all the lies. YMNT has same deployers as TSUKA.

>> No.54152345

Hold both anon. Focused on narratives too. AI, DiD and ID solutions.

>> No.54152365

How do you think those projects that pretend to have Ryoshi as their dev will do once Ryoshi tweets the only project he is involved in is Shib and Hoichi?

I’ll give you hint. Not very well.

>> No.54152372

Based on what? Screenshots that prove nothing.

Your entire project is a larp, your desperate attempt to shill here is see through, and you are a bag holder.

Deal with it.

>> No.54152402

You're a retard.
All of your "breadcrumbs" lead back to shibarium_ , not to ryoshi. Hoichitards want you to believe that they are the same person but they are not.

He is literally a nobody , just a shib fanboy who was promoted to telegram janny on the shib channel. He is not ryoshi. Sell your bags you retard , you got scammed

Hoichi was created by shibarium_ , he is the ""anonymous"" dev. He is larping as ryoshi to pump and dump his shitcoin on retards like you. He realized that there was lots of money in larpcoins and he wanted his slice of it.

>> No.54152419

All arguments are about to end my fren.

>> No.54152469

You're so transparent lmao. You are desperately trying to find buyers for exit liquidity so that you can dump your heavy bags before the ""magical"" date 23rd March , because you know as well as I do that absolutely nothing is gonna happen on that day and ur shitcoin is going to dump into the depths of oblivion

>> No.54152508
File: 290 KB, 1078x1063, AE0F3715-0A37-4E28-B087-6DB6A8FDD5BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR about HOICHI and i am sure you will know.

>> No.54152510

Shibarium1 is in the TG Group...

>> No.54152528

Even if this just endorsed by Shibarium_ that’s more than enough to pump this to oblivion

>> No.54152532
File: 259 KB, 1109x996, 49CA336B-DBA1-4D65-B837-7E3D0D4BF56F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat Liquidity for this MC, its prepared for what is about to come next…

>> No.54152637

Been endorsed for a while, zero pump. He's a literal who, and not ryoshi

Accept you're a baggie, and desperately clinging on to a ryoshi larp.

What are you guys going to do once hoichi is proven to be just like every other larp? Sell?

>> No.54152659
File: 262 KB, 750x497, BAB0185B-63A5-4E04-85DD-57D7CBD3F42E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping Reddit spacing fag.

>> No.54152680

You have 14 posts trying to convince people to buy into your larper project so you can have exit liquidity.

Who's really the one coping here, fag?

Spoiler: It's you

>> No.54152771
File: 209 KB, 1024x1024, 1672284311777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a info for every newfag the same phonefag has tried to shill this scam for over 3 months by now on /biz/ without any succes.

>> No.54152829

I am gonna say it…
Who wants to believe me ok. If no, better.

>> No.54152994

Og shiba devs publicly endorsing hoichi and a LP (burnt) which doubles tsuka at a 1/14 mcap ratio. Hahahahahaha

I don’t know if it’s ryoshi himself or this grandpa who’s behind it but this is clearly a money printer

>> No.54153044

Dev has clearly said he IS Ryoshi. Either he is a liar or legit.

>> No.54153117

I don’t hold Tsuka, but their evidence is hella convincing


>> No.54153116

I am ryoshi.

>> No.54153131

Personally, I know who the tsuka Dev is. It's not ryoshi.

>> No.54153384

Lol Shibas going to zero and everything else Shyt touches.

>> No.54156376

To be honest, I don’t care about if ryoshi is the real deployer of hoichi but I’m pretty sure that it will moon cause it has a very generous liquidity, a well-slow cooked community behind and shibarium1 larping about the hoichi dev

I’m not here for the culture, I’m here for the monies and hoichi looks really good

>> No.54157578

Did no one learn? Everyone can be Ryoshi and there is no "true" Ryoshi. It's a concept.

>> No.54157733

No chance faggot

>> No.54157992

Yep, that’s what I think. The point is that of all these larps, hoichi is the only one with a OG Shiba developer on board

>> No.54160602
File: 228 KB, 1080x2300, 芳TheTelegramisHoichiBSC.zero tax-burned-renounced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoichi BSC will ironically do laps around the real hoichi. It's burnt LP, decentralized exotic pairs, zero tax, renounced, anti-normies, actual hate coin like day one Shiba.

More lp, we are anti-marketing and don't give a fuck, but I know you niggers have seen hoichi bsc on dexscreener and dextools everyday. Aren't you curious why? It's literally funny and when we pass your mc and LP with more lp, burnt LP, and zero tax everyone in hoichi will sell to a fake hoichi soon

>Counterfeit Shitcoin
>Fake Hoichi
>Zero Tax, Burnt LP, Renounced
>芳 cooler ticker
>Anti-community please shitpost, racism, sexism, transphobia allowed and encouraged

The real Hoichi Hates us and warns people about us, for what shitposting lmao nobody gives a shit until we're a problem.

Real hoichi
>369b supply, 6% tax
>Boring Ticker
>Reddit Tier obvious Ryoshi Larp
Counterfeit Hoichi
>1 billion supply, zero tax
> Cooler Ticker
>racist and homophobic telegram with nobody in it.
>Better SEO than the real hoichi
>More Solvent than real hoichi
>Quietly replaced real hoichi's search results once it's lapped the real hoichi in a few weeks.

All we do is DCA to btcb and other pairs we want mev bots to swing trade for us and we have an average of a 300% apy so far a week in fees off mevbots, arbitrage bots, and frontrunners all month we trigger manually by manipulating metadata to get frontrun on purpose, then we print off the trading volume.

This thread will be archived anyways so you'll figure it out in a few months when it matters but now you know. 1488, Heil Hitler. Heil HoichiBSC

0x B4061B54a819d54caCceA2f5104cf26Ac7b0b829 芳

>> No.54160709
File: 829 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, am one of the people who invented Ryoshi before the twitter and telegrams were made for it. Twitter wasn't made for ryoshi until Feb 8th 2021

0xB 4061B54a819d54caCceA2f5104cf26Ac7b0b829

I have the oldest untouched Shiba wallets from back then to confirm. Ryoshi isn't real, Stummy is though if anyone here's real and remembers Shib Cartel ECT

>> No.54160803
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, IMG_9558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit sorry I posted my ledger lmao
Here's the counterfeit hoichi contract address for you to fud, fade, dyor ECT. We need more racism, please join our hate coin. Don't even buy, just be racist that's what this is all about

0x 8793aba76dd77a5f9b1ca3a5096ff5cabb20fef7

>> No.54160913

Mfw anon is right look at the hoichi bsc wallets on eth

>> No.54161099

"Ryoshi" making a project doesn't make it a good project.
cult worshipper scammer.

>> No.54161583

CULTDAO is the true project of Ryoshi post Shib and when i say Ryoshi i mean the Ryoshi that created Shib then bailed the moment he realized Shytoshi was a massive niggerfag that would gladly sell his ass to Sam for money