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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54151498 No.54151498 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when they agreed in law to no bailouts? Lmao. Next thing you know 50 Billion Swiss Francs (54 Billion USD) to artificially prop up a complete clown failure of a bank. But at least the hyperinflation will save a failing system for 2 more weeks

>> No.54151548

they used their "highest quality" assets to secure a loan from the swiss national bank. its a bandaid at best, and depositors will continue to pull their funds. once the $54BN runs out, its over. i expect it to be in collapse EoD on friday, and it'll be over by the end of the weekend. next up, deutsche bank!

>> No.54151557

Is it really surprising anyone ?

>> No.54151569

imagine thinking its being bailed out by the Swiss and not the banking cartel.

>> No.54151572

Two more weeks for total financial collapse polsisters. Trust the plan.

>> No.54151573

CS Stock is already in the red again despite the SNB announcement

>> No.54151577
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>> No.54151581
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>pol is more financially literate than biz

>> No.54151596

>when they agreed in law
Why do you americucks think your laws are valid on the whole earth???

Show me the swiss law that forbids bailouts you fat lardass.


>> No.54151600

yup 2 more weeks

>> No.54151607

Doomers big mad. Sorry, the economic collapse is never going to happen. Experts are in charge.

>> No.54151608
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op is a /pol/turd amerimutt zoom zoom or boomer ofc he has know clue about anything.

>> No.54151621

>missed easy +44% in a day
i'm ngmi

>> No.54151623

>know clue about anything
>know clue
look at this retard talking shit

>> No.54151648
File: 20 KB, 598x628, 1672358901289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this seething amerimutt, I don't care if I made a typo you honestly think I proof read the shit I write to a low iq mutt?

>> No.54151735

made me chuckle

>> No.54151742

get your puts on for 1.00

>> No.54151772

You don’t understand Swiss law and it has nothing to do with us law actual brainlet

>> No.54151786

This is what I wrote learn2read.

>> No.54151796

I spend way too much time on this board and I'm convinced it's like 2 or 3 faggots that just post "oh no chuds not like this" in every thread

>> No.54151799

you have to go back to /pol/ you illiterate fucking retard

>> No.54151864

It's like giving a heroin junkie one more dose, they are still gonna OD sooner or later

>> No.54151865

Are u stupid or something?

>> No.54151889

Has to be 3 on 8 hour shifts considering they always are first to respond to new threads

>> No.54152101

Aren't they forcing pension funds to buy bonds and that and all? If so, how those that effect pension funds?

>> No.54152394

>Bailed out command and control point for laundering failed, fake, mirrored, and OTHER transactions...

Right because 3 billion, 54 billion, and 2 Trillion are big money compared to a quadrillion in phony derivatives orders that get bought and sold until they are worthless?

>> No.54152408

>derivatives orders that get bought and sold until they are worthless?
Oh and in foreign markets after hours outside of the reach of nationals?

>> No.54152484

Welcome everyone. I must apologize for dragging you all to my thread at such an uncommon hour but from what I've been told this bobo needs to be debunked urgently, so urgently in fact that he probably should have been debunked weeks ago...but that is spilt onionmilk under the bridge.

So why doesn't someone please try to infopost me what's the problem here?

> Well, Mr. Tuld as I mentioned earlier if you look here at the page 1 of /biz/ ...

Jared, it's a little early for all that, how bout in greentext? ... Actually I'd like to (You) the anon who put this thing together... Mr. Anonymous is it? Does he greentext?

> Sir?

I'd like to speak to the schitzo who seems to have stumbled across this mess.

>> No.54152493
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> Well, that's Peter Anonymous here.

Oh Mr Anonymous you are here, good morning sir.

So Mr. Anonymous why don't you tell me what do you think is the happening here, and please speak as you might to a redditor or a twitter normie. It wasn't brains that got me to 4chan. I can assure you of that.

> Well, sir. As I guess you may or may not know I work for Mr. Gookmoot here as an associate thread sliding and pruning office at /biz/


> Well as you probably know over the last 3000 - 4000 threads the board has begun packaging new bobo poasts that combine several different traunches of slides and baits in one bumpable thread. This has been inb4 300 replies imagine you noticed.

I have

> Well the board is currently doing a considerable amount of this poasting every day. The problem, which is I guess why we are lurking in this thread, is that it takes them... the commercial banks... almost a zero dollars to shill these products to newfags thereby posing an disadvantage from a gainz standpoint.

And Mr. Anonymous that disadvantage is?

> We have to hold these assets on our poorfolios longer than we might ideally like to.


> But the key factor is these are essentially just heavy bags, so that has allowed us to push the candles considerably beyond what you might be willing, or allowed to do in any other circumstance, thereby pushing the wojan-index profile without raising any mod reports.

>> No.54152729
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>Aren't they forcing pension funds to buy bonds and that and all?
Yes, without china and other countries buying america bond, the america government forced to the banks. Now there is nobody that can buy bonds anymore, so america is over, it's only question of time that inflation kill the dollar. Like one year or two.

>> No.54152910
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>Just 2 more years you will see just wait it will happen trust me
>What do you mean I said the same thing 2 years ago and nothing happend?!!

>> No.54152943

Yeah, do you remember that Europe and america are been fucked by the inflation right now? I'm speaking about more inflation.

>> No.54152995
File: 356 KB, 479x960, 85B3BD3B-6300-4833-8674-6850C46A5B67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you
it absolutely is

>> No.54153035
File: 220 KB, 880x1024, 8785C904-F415-488E-A068-17E48BE0AF32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad

>> No.54153046

>two more weeks

>> No.54153074

Tel aviv enters the thread

>> No.54153102

>nooooo why won't they just let the global financial system collape
once again biz is fat and gay

>> No.54153226

Too big to fail amirte

>> No.54155869

more like too fat to bail hahaha

>> No.54156316

Why didn't it go up or above the value it ended at on Tuesday? It is still down 40¢ from then. Seems like with a bail out all uncertainty would be out of the window and it would soar.

>> No.54157543

They are bots, they don't get paid. I was breaking the bots on /pol/ 2 YEARS ago. Chat Gpt was trained here, And he hates nonsense verse.

>> No.54157571

beep boop
In the sloop not a stoop, what a shoop for a loop while we hoop.