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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54150779 No.54150779 [Reply] [Original]

Look at the threads acting like pol is raiding us. They’re not.
It’s an attack from bankers to convince us to sell our bitcoin
Bullish as fuck

>> No.54150796

No pol we know you're raiding. No pol it's not bankers screaming about jews or your fantasies about America becoming South africa.

>> No.54150820

They really don't like us talking about the banking system collapsing. I've never seen them so triggered like they have been these last few days. It looks like they are in full panic mode

>> No.54150826

Glowies post the racist stuff on biz and pol
Everyone knows chuds are feds
It’s obvious how they always promote the glowie agendas
>durr do something hate crime

>> No.54150842

Yeah whatever I'm tired of listening to the schizophrenics on this website, I'm going to start believing more in trusted official sources

>> No.54150841

they're in every meaningful thread acting like complete assholes lol they might as well namefag while they're at it like a real OG

>> No.54150845

Yeah it’s nuts
You he amount of posts from them is mind numbing
I bet they over take this thread in under 30 minutes like they have for all the rest

>> No.54150859

do you guys think they’re using bots? seems like a lot of glownigs posting. it has to be automated to some extent

>> No.54150869

You fool no one poltard.

>> No.54150884

one week you're a #fella fighting for ukraine freedom, next you're posting buttholes on an anime hate forum. such is life for our praetorian guard.

>> No.54151858

It's mostly real people, bots nowadays are pretty solid language models that don't repeat themselves like this

>> No.54152108

Bots. This board has fallen. Where do people go? I don’t want to join discord

>> No.54152814

Dont care.
Still stacking.

>> No.54152824

i want a glownigger israeli gf with dark raven hair and pale skin

>> No.54152873
File: 37 KB, 604x437, 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bankers are attacking me

>> No.54152875

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Thanks OP

>> No.54152886

yeah for real

>> No.54152980
File: 295 KB, 785x731, 1566252526517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No pol we know you're raiding. No pol it's not bankers screaming about jews or your fantasies about America becoming South africa.

>> No.54153028

>le pretend to be schizo
go back

>> No.54153038

So yes pol is raiding

>> No.54153125

Your id is glowing

>> No.54153233

Theres an increasing amount of faggot zoomies who think anyone disagreeing with them on this board are bots/shills.

its turning this board to shit. Yes zoom zoom, people disagree with you sometimes. no, the bankers arent trying to get you to sell your $100 worth of assets. Some other retard with an equally pathetic net worth might be though.

God you fags are insufferable

>> No.54153300

If you had a good gauge on what organic conversation looks like you'd notice that it's very difficult to have candid, honest conversation about certain topics on this board. Discussing bank failures never would have been an issue on this board for years prior to this week and now every comment about the bank foreclosures is accused of being a pol raid.

>> No.54153378

come on we all know shitcoins aren't going anywhere no need to blame on bankers your financial losses