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File: 43 KB, 313x250, BCash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5415043 No.5415043 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this altcoin?

Also why do Bcash shills get so mad when you call Bcash Bcash?

>> No.5415066

>thinking you're clever

corecucks will never learn

>> No.5415163
File: 12 KB, 691x435, smugpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these shitcoins like bcash, iota, digibyte, verge, chainlink, tron, bitconnect, bitcoin gold will bite the dust in the next real crash.

>> No.5415225
File: 1.43 MB, 320x180, 2NU-IR-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5415258

Why is that?

>> No.5415265

stop posting this mumbling idiot. Everyone who has a brain sees that what he says doesn't make sense

>> No.5415287



>> No.5415325

when any of these coins have their little fall in price the number of transactions drop like a brick. No one actually uses these coins other than trading.
Bcash may still maintain regular transactions but high chance its just chinese miners spoofing

>> No.5415326

who has more blocks after the fork

>> No.5415330

A foaming retard speaking gibberish.

>> No.5415402

bcash shills want it to be the true bitcoin, despite most normies buying into bitcoin after the fork. It's also quite bizarre since we all know bitcoin is shit.

>> No.5415554

a lot of them bought bcash at $4000 thinking they were going to make a killing moving it to Coinbase and selling it for $9000
the next day it crashed to $3300....and some people lost even more when they FOMOed in during the second pump later that day and got dumped on
finally, a better and more popular competitor already exists, Ethereum

>> No.5415628

segwit soyboys btfo

>> No.5415667


>> No.5415691

because you don't respect their effort to improve bitcoin