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File: 12 KB, 250x250, Monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5414860 No.5414860 [Reply] [Original]

I bought Monero 3 days ago, when I thought it was low. It was actually high it seems. And it just keep falling. It will go up in US-dollar I am sure. But will it ever reach the price it was in relation to to Bitcoin?

>> No.5414891

Enjoy your bags anon

>> No.5414930

Always has and always will outpace the growth of bitcoin. Especially as burger tax laws are going into effect

>> No.5414946

I love Moonero but two privacy coins, Verge and PIVX are very hot right now... there isn't enough room for so many right now. It'll stabilize.

>> No.5414955

lol retard

seriously thank you normies for the free money

>> No.5415014

I've been trying to buy monero today but it is blocked from shapeshift, changer.com, and changerly

what the fuck is going on

>> No.5415063


Everyone wants to buy them because they are cheap. That is a good sign, right?

>> No.5415232

Tactical investment. Perfect currency for tax evasion.
Keep in mind Darknet prefers Monero over Bitcoin due to the high fees.
Don't listen to the idiots with Verge, Zcoin, Zcash, Pivx, Cloak, Nav, Zencash - Utility = King.
Monero is still king of the darknet.

>> No.5415260

yes that's a good sign. Fuck.

I've been waiting to get some Monero with bitcoin and am finally going to turn 2 btc into Moneros as my christmas present. Was waiting for it to go as low in satoshi's as possible. You did good if you got the low.

But I can't fucking buy them with any converter website right now. How did you get your moneros?

>> No.5415293

This is the only coin I mine

>> No.5415471

>I bought Monero 3 days ago, when I thought it was low. It was actually high it seems. And it just keep falling. It will go up in US-dollar I am sure. But will it ever reach the price it was in relation to to Bitcoin?

stop looking at the 15min chart B4 U BUY


>> No.5415523


On an exchange, Binance to be precise.

>> No.5415787
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171223-220757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you use? I'm a poorfag that's bene using my smartphones for about a day...

>> No.5415835

Anon, I don't know how to tell you this. I was buying and selling Monero making bank all the way up. I got caught with my pants down with my last buy in of $450. I woke up to what was going on, insta sold at $354, and I'm not buying back till it hits $278. It will be back up to $500 by July 2018, but it is crashing tonight.

>> No.5415887

Everything is getting cut in half. As tempting as it is to buy in now, I'm waiting until January 1st. Monero is not going anywhere, but I'm betting that it will go down more before going up again. If you have some, I wouldn't sell right now, but I wouldn't run to buy more right now either.

>> No.5415977

>Keep in mind Darknet prefers Monero over Bitcoin due to the high fees.
I haven't used Monero yet, but I've read that they are starting to run into some of these same delays and fees as BTC (although on a much lower level at the moment since it's also used on a lot less.) I don't know what I'm talking about, so anyone can correct me, but please do it as a real explained answer and not just a shill, unless it has simply no fees and delays.

>> No.5416092
File: 201 KB, 470x595, 1514046677942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the Fivr shills

>> No.5416245

>crashing tonight
It's going to take more than a day.

>> No.5416274
File: 25 KB, 773x457, monero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monero is always going up. you people are 'tarded.

>> No.5416298

First is a scam and the second isn't private either :(

>> No.5416311

>blocked from shapeshift
Wait what. Isn't that the main purpose of shapeshift.

>> No.5416370

You don't need to shill Monero, it's a worthwhile coin, and if the whole market craters, it would be one of the last ones to disappear. That said, in my totally amateurish opinion, we're going back to prebubble levels for a while. It's a good thing because it will make it more usable. If the value fluctuates to hell, less people will be willing to actually use it and they'll just switch to another coin. Any form of actual currency needs to be at least moderately stable.

>> No.5416815
File: 119 KB, 989x1000, ANONPINKWOJAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5417342

Smartphones are built to get worn and will naturally wear down quicker, it's a waste for you to use your phone, buy a deskop and put 2 1070s in it and run it 24/7 for warmth this winter and you will have heating that pays you

>> No.5417787

Welp. fuck it. Not gonna get my $278 tonight. Just went back in at $332. fuck it. Why be greedy. Up we go.

>> No.5418005


I'm not a "tech" guy either but I understand that Monero is in the process of implementing very impressive solutions to this which will go live in early 2018.

Look up "Bulletproofs"

>> No.5418016

I've been holding monero since it was $11, Just over 2 years now. Couldn't be comfort. Not selling, this'll go much higher

>> No.5418027


>> No.5418841


Fuck you.

>> No.5418875

Bought a few weeks ago and holding till it gets on gdax. Pretty confident they're putting it on in 2018. And then I'll sell it as soon as it spikes!

>> No.5418987

I have doubts XMR will ever hit a fiat exchange. Bittrex offering USD pairings would be its only chance.

>> No.5419074
File: 223 KB, 600x1000, 1513647857735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isn't enough room for so many right now
>shilling two shitcoin that nobody exept him and some chinease holder bought on ICO

The two king of privacy coin are Monero for this well'tested black magic privacy, and Zcash for this theorically black magic privacy, that's why snowden chill zcash, but the Zcash project itself is shit

>> No.5419132
File: 12 KB, 219x230, EZyVc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americucks can buy xmr with $ because they are cucked by there conservative gouvernement
>meanwhile in europe, the true nation of liberalism, we can buy it with euro for month

>> No.5419159

*americucks can' buy

>> No.5419255

Xmr is predicted to get to 700-900

>> No.5419290

PIVX is truly private since the deployment of zPIV, a zerocoin implementation. Masks balance, history and addresses. Fast too.

>> No.5419335


monero is like the fat gf coin
she may not be the hottest, but she'll look after you and never let you down

thanks monero

>> No.5419341

When? Today? In 10 years?

>> No.5419354

2k on may 2018 screencap this

>> No.5419355

This is gone? http://www.presstab.pw/phpexplorer/PIVX/richlist.php

>> No.5419366
File: 140 KB, 400x150, 6127EF41-7B67-43CD-A46B-3B6FC0436390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero Man just bought in at $330

>> No.5419376


>> No.5419380

Monero is dead, get into XSH. Shilled it @ 200, 300 and 500 sats. People called me pravik pajeet and eventually got tired. Now is @ 900 sats and volume quintupled. Once it gets to top100 is serious moontime.

>> No.5419402

That doesn't matter for a zero-knowlege transfer, only naive mixing.

>> No.5419405

Cloak is better than either of those

>> No.5419422

Wallet balance doesn't matter to privacy..?

>> No.5419453

Well, its the most profitablee coin to mine so yeah no shit

>> No.5419457

if the transaction isn't private by default it's shit, you can easily trace someone by analysing the clear transaction

>> No.5419527


You're the worst kind of person.

>> No.5419538

No. Did you read my last post?

You can do every transaction privately unless going to/from an exchange. That will change eventually and zPIV will become the default transaction medium.

>> No.5419555

>No. Did you read my last post?
I honestly don't know how zerocoin's shit works. How can you transfer without knowing the destination?

>> No.5419571
File: 326 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171224-095018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont short the king they said
enjoy getting burned they said

HA fags

>> No.5419580

Tbh XMR has shit wallet support. This will change on 2018 though.

>> No.5419795

agree, not a single mobile wallet (exept scams) and the desktop one takes 1 week to download the bc

>> No.5419872

thoughts on zcoin? it's based on zerocoin, so it has tech similar to zcash and zerocash is an 'attempted' improvement of the zerocoin protocol

>> No.5419878

>not a single mobile wallet (exept scams)
> the desktop one takes 1 week to download the bc
it's the first time you're using a full node wallet hum ?

>> No.5419895

You convert your PIVX into the zPIV pool, basically a single wallet that has everyones zPIV in it. Your zPIV balance is stored in discreet denominations of 1,5, 10, etc. and you prove ownership of a share of the pool using something called a zero knowledge proof. You can send your coins from the pool using this proof without disclosing who you are or where the coins are going. The only thing known is "I am someone who has this many zPIV in the pool, now someone else has them".

Good tech (see above) but poor marketing and user experience.

>> No.5420456

Why would it ever need to go gdax?
To get dumped and manipulated into Oblivion and get bought by weakhand normies "muh $500 of monero"
I hope it never will get listed
XMR price rises due to its utility more than speculation, we want natty growth brah