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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54147351 No.54147351 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is this shitchain still surviving and thriving?

Why does no one attack it, if it is such a scam?
Someone should put it out of its misery.

>> No.54147406

The Zimbabweans need to keep track of their cows, or their cow's health, I forget the pitch. A lot of farm animals on the blockchain maybe.

>> No.54147603


>> No.54147605

cows on the blockchain? And a Vishnu? The poojeets should be all over it then.

>> No.54147620

It just hit a new all time low this week, the very definition of thriving

>> No.54147698

But the chain does work, apparently. Actual non ghostly work. Is this not the dream? Or is LINE GOES UP casino thinking the future, present and past of this technology?

>> No.54147743

value!=price, biz should know. But still, it just wont go away.

>> No.54147907

Lmao bsv is such fuckin horseshit. No one is using it except Craig spamming the network

>> No.54147948

It has been attacked every year the last 2 years. 2021 you had successful double spend on the network that resulted in all the largest exchanges dropping them. 2022 you had some miner mining a shit ton of empty blocks making bsver seethe. Faketoshi threatened to sue whoever it was despite Satoshi saying miners can include or exclude any transactions they want. Now mining is pretty centralized by Calvin ayres taal pool. Last 2 years was fun shitting on bsv shills.

>> No.54148108

mastercard trannies in disbelief at how bitcoin refuses to die