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54142928 No.54142928 [Reply] [Original]

>people are routinely buying $400-500k homes and paying $3-4k a month between mortgage, insurance, taxes, utilities, and upkeep
are there really that many people making $150k/year?

>> No.54142949

>are there really that many people making $150k/year?

More like couples making $80-$100k

>> No.54142952

$4k a month after taxes is $300k income in america. how did taxes get this bad bros?

>> No.54142953

idk how they do it. i just recently hit the 100k mark and i can't even imagine moving out of my cheap apartment or trading in my shitty old camry.

>> No.54142959

some of them might be couples
in any case, they are retards and will get burned very soon

>> No.54142967

Have sex. Find a wife. Combine incomes. Theres your 150k a year, bro. You should EASILY be able to afford a 400k loan on a 150k salary combined. Just about everyone my age who are married have combined salaries of 150k or higher. Its really not that uncommon.

>> No.54142980

>are there really that many people making $150k/year?
Basically all full time salary jobs pay this much. Data is skewed by people making a few Uber-eats deliveries.

>> No.54143000

>Have sex. Find a wife. Combine incomes. Theres your 150k a year, bro.

The median household income is like $70k.

>> No.54143004

This. this is how 90% of middle class people afford homes

>> No.54143010

i make the same amount. i "could" buy a $300k home with 20% down but the payments would crush my savings rate. realistically i would need a raise to $115k to be comfortable.

>> No.54143019

This. I know chuds pulling in 140k working from home in their tech sales job. They literally have been at home since covid started. Then add to that their nurse wife. They pull in 100k a year. Its not unusual for couples to make 250k combined in america.

>> No.54143033

outside of leadership positions and codechuddery, no they don't. i work in accounting at large, publicly traded companies and i've seen payroll data.

>> No.54143046

theres a housing shortage its gonna go up forever im just gonna refinance its not a big deal anon

>> No.54143050

my gf makes like $35k a year. should i drop her worthless ass?

>> No.54143081

it is unusual, in that it is far above the median household income

or are we doing that thing where we pretend everyone is rich for some reason

>> No.54143087

Come live Ina shithole by me, I live in a quazi trailer park. It's a lake neighborhood. Undeveloped lots go for 15k here. Drop 65k you got you a decent place with fiber internet and a boat ramp. It's not for everyone, but I own a nice enough home with some fun lake toys. Debt free short of my home loan. You make more than I do.

>> No.54143110

Basically why I'm learning coding, to get that remote data analyst job.

>> No.54143119
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No but they exist. Wife is 24 and about to finish law school with an offer inked for $215k base + bonus out of school.
I am same age in engineering and just got a 7% raise to $88.25k but am about to head to law school my self and come out making the same/more in 3 years.
Will be 28 with $500k+ in dual income, 1-2m+ at 35

>> No.54143149

Yeah and the median household has a dude with no college degree making all the money and a wife that doesn’t do shit

>> No.54143155

You just need to learn how to run a query, and sell yourself.

t. fedrat data analysis

>> No.54143162

Fuck off to tiktok zoomer

>> No.54143170

For a so called lawyer, you have no reading comprehension

>> No.54143196

Thats awesome anon. Hard to believe she finished law school so young with no debt and is making the top .001% of salaries that first year attorneys make.....

>> No.54143219

50% scholarship, me bankrolling housing/food/gas/etc., life insurance policy from family member death, and two summers as a summer associate making $4k a week = no debt.

>> No.54143233

Reading this thread I'm wondering something. I made one 1.6 million USD in 2021 and lost a million in 2022. Can I say I make 600k a year when people ask me? I never know what to answer when I'm asked my income. I used to say that I'm unemployed and don't have a regular income but people treat me like a piece of trash if I do that.

>> No.54143235

I will never get married in my fucking life. By choice.

>> No.54143246

ive seen this guy bragging about his gf's law school success before. he trivializes the difficulty in getting a 95th percentile LSAT, getting into a T14 school, doing well enough to get a big law offer, etc. he also seems fixated on the money and doesn't understand the strain 55+ hour work weeks year round is going to put on his relationship.

>> No.54143261
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Also if you go to a top 20 law school and are in the top 35% of your class you can get a job with a big corporate firm. The difference is equity partner comp but junior comp is the same at all the big firms.

>> No.54143279

That 95th percentile LSAT is my score anon. She took the test 3 years ago not Jan 2023

>> No.54143309

reminder that gpt-3 passed the bar exam

>> No.54143312

She must have gone to top 5 law school to be making 215k base salary at 24 years old....my best friend is an attorney who graduated from University of Pennsylvania law and has a starting base pay of 130k. She had to work as a paralegal first and then as an associate. The average salary for a first year associate is 80,000 a year. I wonder how on earth your 24 year old wife is making almost 3 times the national average?...

>> No.54143360

If you're not going to pump some kids in her and make her a stay at home mom, yes dump her ass.

>> No.54143396
File: 530 KB, 1284x2778, 16F1811F-B896-4DF3-B5A0-09AA9C2A2139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U Penn is a great law school your friend prob got shit grades or didn’t want to work 60 hours a week for a big corporate firm.

Check this list anon:

It’s not exhaustive but there’s over 100 firms that start juniors at $215k. They can do that because so many burn out in a couple years

>> No.54143432

most women are worthless. Very few consistently make over 100k a year. If they do they love their job more than being a mom or wife. Career women almost always have relationships with their co workers and fuck other men or have emotional relations with them

>> No.54143487

I don't buy it anon, but if you say shes making around 300k as a 24 year old first year law student, then she must be the best of the best. That is very rare. Good luck to you both. Save as much as she can because burn out is real in that profession.

>> No.54143491

GPT-4 got 90th percentile

>> No.54143548

I make $98k a year working for a F100 and then I make $45000 a year net, ($3800 untaxed) a month of 100% VA disability income. I also do not pay property taxes or sales tax anymore. I have $500k or so liquid from ethereum. I'm 29 and will probably drop 20% on a really nice $500k home next year. Lcol midwest

>> No.54143579

based. i regret not joining the israeli auxiliary out of high school and securing similar """disability""" gibs for life.

>> No.54143588

24 about to graduate law school, not a 24 first year. Summer associate gigs pay $215k but it’s prorated so you only get 10 weeks of that over a summer

>> No.54143653

nbd bro, i have a 12 inch cock, a Ferrari, house on a 5 acres of land with a lake, my wife is a brain surgeon, idk ill probs but\y another house in Montana maybe Hawaii bro

>> No.54143706

Just in 2022 there were a million new millionaires in US alone anon. Look it up.

>> No.54143716

It really set me up for life unironically. I was medically retired so i have tricare for the rest of my life too. I don't even use the shitty VA Healthcare. I only did 2 years lmao
Anon all of my shit isnt even mildly outside the realm of possibility. Just google it. I still know people doing far better than me

>> No.54143794

Same. You're a fucking moron if you get married in this day and age and don't deserve to call yourself good at business and finance.

>> No.54144125

GS12? Did I talk to you yesterday in a different thread

>> No.54145711

What is your VA disability? How does that affect your life and did you have a combat deployment, and what was your MOS? I’m thinking about joining

>> No.54145921

I went into anaphylaxis a few times. They never found out why. Hasn't happened in 10 years now. No combat, 2 years and then was med separated

>> No.54148539

This. If she makes 40k that's at least 40k you don't have to worry about

>> No.54148836

Good job on that LSAT score, anon.

>> No.54148859

>I’m thinking about joining

The military has always been an overrated thing but holy shit it has gone off the rails since 2008

No self respecting white man should go near it

>> No.54148863
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>> No.54148962

Where at? Does the lake freeze over or can you fish from boat year round?

>> No.54148996

>Or have emotional relations with him
Women have emotional relations with their favorite dish towel. It's not surprising.

>> No.54149258

>are there really that many people making $150k/year?
Yeah, literally just get a STEM degree and slog through the first few years of low paying grunt work. Once you get a low-mid level role at a large corporation you make six figs. I got a BSME and started at 55k. After a few years I decided to get a MSME and now make 90k base 115k TC while still in my 20s and living in a low cost of living area in Texas. If you were in a higher cost of living area like California you'd make twice as much as I do. Virtually every corpo STEM major that I've met makes at least that much.


>> No.54149320

Drumpflation baby. Being a millionaire ain't what it used to be.

>> No.54149420

i make over 200k and i legit dont feel any joy thinking about buying a house. 30 year commitment, high interest rate right now, property taxes, maintenance and coordinating contractors, dealing with real estate agents, HOAs, city inspectors, landscaping, etc. then a bunch of rooms i dont need and higher electricity bills. i get in america it is a solid and fundamental way to build wealth - no arguments, that's how the system is set up, but it is also a carefully designed trap to ensure you stay stuck in the system of consumption, continue working to pay all your bills, contribute to the tax base, pay your local businesses, and stay in line. the freedom just having some place i rent that i could fuck off out of at any time, no responsibilities of maintenance, not having to deal with selling or renting the place out if i want to go travel, worrying about neighbors and upkeep, etc. *IS* worth a certain monetary amount in sanity. i am renting a truly luxury apt under 2k a month right now with a pool, gym, 24/7 concierge, grills, package service, etc. and comparable condos around me are 2k a month+ for some shit ass run down place with literally NOTHING going on. all for the privilege of locking myself in the "homeowner" prison. houses don't even exist under 800-1mm and at 7% rates lmao. and people on here are like "well move out to a rural or suburban area and buy yourself a 6 bedroom house for 300K" and ihaving a big ass house with acres of land to maintain is also in itself a certain type of prison, you get stuck there in your own world isolated like a schizo (which is why it's favored for people on here)

>> No.54149434

I just bought a million dollar home. No mortgage. People actually pay interest? Lol

>> No.54149436

If you need a 400-500k homes, then you're ready to start a family, which means dual income.

>> No.54149523

I don't get it either. Not to mention student loans. There just has to be massive amounts of debt. Car loan debt, mortgage, credit card, student loans, medical, etc.

>> No.54149527


>> No.54149611

They're called couples with combined income. They're still mostly struggling though. I just found out my parents were actually poor my whole life. They lived in a $750k house, always bought me consoles, bought me a car, sent me & my sister to college... all on debt. You can live the life and accrue some debt or live like shit and never use borrowing to your advantage.

>> No.54149643

With an LSAT score like that you'll be going into top five of a t14 school which will funnel you into big law where you'll kill it. Not bad anon .

>> No.54149674

You're an idiot.
> Houses exist without hoas
> After 2 years you can sell without 0 capital gains
> Maintenance literally is nothing unless you buy a shit hole
> You can hire gardeners and a cleaning service
You might as well burn your money.

>> No.54149703

That's why I bought a comfy 700sqft house since it's all I need. I'll pay it off in no time. If you had a family and kids then yeah I would buy a bigger house

>> No.54149713


Where do you even find houses so small?

>> No.54149728

Mine's a bungalow. Just keep looking around, I saw quite a bit when I was looking in 2021-2022. I live in the northeast US so maybe it's different where you live

>> No.54149739

Oh I live in socal

>> No.54149753

No their couples usually earning 70k each but the thing is 90% of relationships end before 15 years so it's a fucking timebomb