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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54135458 No.54135458 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54135469


>> No.54135535
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What was that about soft landing moomoo?
The U.S pulled out all the stops, and banks are still going down. Europe pulled out the stops 2-3 years ago. China was already and still IS collapsing.
The only winner on Earth right now is India and Mexico.
I tried to warn you.

>> No.54135553

2 more weeks

>> No.54135559
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What a complete shitshow

>> No.54135561

lol I would not call living in those countries winning

>> No.54135563

Yeah right Amerishart, we're not affected by your cuckdollars

>> No.54135568
File: 44 KB, 1406x429, 262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i have €262 in société général which is down the most '_'

>> No.54135577

I moved from an EU bank to a EU energy trading company about a year ago

Best decision ever lmao

(yes I'm still wageslaving, but I have enough in crypto that I should make it next bull run)

>> No.54135578

Nooo not the heckin -3.9%

>> No.54135588

soft as diamond

>> No.54135590

Can't handle a correction, the Euros? Let the market operate you puds.

>> No.54135597

Not so smug now, huh europoors?

>> No.54135605

I'm literally cackling gleefully
finally it burns

>> No.54135612
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>I wouldn't call living in those countries winning.
You will, you all soon will.

>> No.54135613

Get fucked Euroniggers!

>> No.54135616

nothing ever happens

>> No.54135618


>Stocks collapsing is the same thing as the company collapsing.
This is why you are poor.

>> No.54135626

face reality
the only thing collasping are american banks

>> No.54135638

>india and mexico
It's over...

>> No.54135643


>> No.54135675 [DELETED] 

>tesla megafactory being constructed in monterrey
>next president of mexico is Sheinbaum
>american leaders talking about invading mexico to 'get rid of the cartels'
The grift is in. Once the USA is done for, southwest USA will secede to join mexico and all the (((american))) leaders will head there.

>> No.54135682

>banco Santander
lol, lmao even

>> No.54135683
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good morning sir

>> No.54135701

No way near as bad the US is, it's just a global aftershock.

>> No.54135741

Fear mongering

>> No.54135780

This is actual copium from the Euromutt
Credit Suisse is on its last leg

>> No.54135825

It´s just a little gully is all

>> No.54135862

Every time the US gets a crisis the EU gets the same crisis 10x worse you dumb nigger newfaggot

>> No.54135966

>credit shit now begging for support from the swiss central bank

>> No.54136004

buy the dip. its a fortress!!

>> No.54136031

Not anymore.
EU banks are much tougher regulated than american banks..
The time to buy european banks is now.

>> No.54136060

fucking euromutts dont even realise that if the banks die they wont be able to finance energy drilling and other energy shit. get ready to freeze this winter.

>> No.54136073

Eu is under our boot. Thanks violence.

>> No.54136104


>> No.54136111

>this time is different because of government bureaucracy
Please post be on /biz/ when the first major EU bank goes under

>> No.54136195

>Energy drilling
I think you mean solar panels in perma-cloudy nations. Wind farms in perma-windless regions.

>> No.54136223

imagine believing the babylon’s whore EU won’t collapse financially after three years of lockdowns and ukraine

>> No.54136232
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But the jews did start this fire

>> No.54136244

complete nothing burger as usual

>> No.54136246


>> No.54136308

Imagine thinking the US and Canada doesn't have enough fuel to export to meet all of Europe's needs.

>> No.54136322

So do I buy Credit Suisse?

>> No.54136388
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no bro... don't listen to the glowies

>> No.54136397

It doesn’t have enough for itself hence price hikes

>> No.54136399

Only if you're a complete retard.

>> No.54136428

Cassandra predicted this

>> No.54136446

Fuck you, I hope they all collapse

>> No.54136509

OP is a russian shill. Slava ukraini

>> No.54136592

You mean, we're not extracting presently, because the world supply is too high to make money off of it because of higher wages needed to be paid for said extraction?

>> No.54136717
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If you think that, you are delusional

>> No.54136869
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>> No.54136891

No, the one you’re not extracting because of (((climate change))) excuse to ruin you financially goyim.

>> No.54136899


>> No.54137198

This old song and dance, huh? China proclaims this, because they can't extract enough oil to meet their everly increasing demands, for their 1000 year plan. So, they rely on trade, and the more players in the game, results in higher prices, resulting in them losing in the end. Which is why they strung up this conflict in Ukraine. So that they may have access to Russia's 5 million barrel aday excess.

>> No.54137291

jews from US and EU created the fake conflict in ukraine in concert with jews from russia

>> No.54137379

Thats a bong bank they're not affected. Only Gay EU dying.

>> No.54137432

Incredible how hard amerigoblins were triggered by this post lmao

>> No.54137461

Brexit Barclays literally collapsed 9% today

>> No.54137497

Its happoooooniiiiingggg

>> No.54137508

puttin all my savings into shitcoins feels a bit less stupid now

>> No.54137519

Sacre bleau

>> No.54137540

Good morning saar

>> No.54137559

Like 500 times the past 8 decades

>> No.54137682

What I said is the truth Chang.

>> No.54137810

Bruh, you don't understand.
Only the Western Jews are capable of having interests and complex planning. Literally nobody else could have any geopolitical interests. This complex series of dominos everybody knew were going to fall into play eventually, and everybody has been planning to the best of their ability for. It was all the Western Jews exclusively. There are no other people on Earth who think

>> No.54137882

Sure thing, Chang. I know about your Belt and Road Initiative to secure oil resources that you don't have.

>> No.54137907
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Do I really have to /s on that one?

>> No.54137917

this but unironically
too much power, too much money, too high IQ, they simply cannot be stopped. goyim should just give up. it's over.

>> No.54137942

Do you think millions didn't fall for Chinese propaganda?

>> No.54138015

teach you to put money into something with such a faggy name

>> No.54138062

what do you mean? is their equity tied to their stock price? because if not, i guess they are not really collapsing, could it be that someone who invested in it needs the money for something different?

>> No.54138176

You short credit suisse

>> No.54138211

literally cannot go tits up

>> No.54138212

did you mispost from /v/ or /lgbt/?
this is /biz/, all yuropoors ITT have 99% of their networth in crypto

>> No.54138322


>> No.54138367

That's what I said 2 years ago when I bought those Sept 21 puts.

>> No.54138416
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>> No.54138472

probably worth the risk at .50 cents. This is not a healthy bank with a healthy balance sheet, they have been losing money for a year

>> No.54138748

show orders and position or gtfo

>> No.54138883

Include Brazil in this. Brics you be the next EU, but more based

>> No.54138909

Nice! Last time we had to have a full on recession before bank stock started going for pennies on the dollar. This time around we just have to skip a few meals.

>> No.54138925

>Credit Suisse

>> No.54138940

Philippines should do fine. They're young, dumb, and willing to send money back home from the countries begging for bodies.

>> No.54138972

>Credit Suisse

>> No.54139129

>ITT Ameritards with no understanding of European geography & Eurozone

>> No.54139434

Since when Switzerland is part of the EU or the Eurozone? The only non EU "country" that uses EUR is Kosovo.

>> No.54139552

Case in point

>> No.54139633

>fucking euromutts dont even realise that if the banks die they wont be able to finance energy drilling and other energy shit

there is nowhere to drill in europe

>> No.54139765

Nigga they're long expired and I'm not digging through my brokerage statements.

>> No.54139869
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thank god

>> No.54140193

then shut the fuck up

>> No.54140319

The U.S. will be fine retard.
The EU will fail and Europe will once again become the eternal battlefield it was meant to be.

>> No.54140460
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>Europeans are going to bed

>> No.54140479


>> No.54140593


>> No.54140598

Just withdrew everything from my bank. What happens now? Do my direct debits not go through or does an overdraft kick in?

>> No.54140611

It would probably be down to the individual countries, the UK has the FSCS but they don't have enough money to cover multiple major banks collapsing and we have bail-in law here now

>> No.54140640

It depends on your bank, I have overdraft disabled on my accounts so payments just decline if there's no money.

Don't take out so much money that your direct debits don't go through, just leave the bare minimum in there, UNLESS it's all the money you have.

>> No.54140658

Fuck you. I hope you're right but it's been 2 years of shorting CS being a "sure thing" (for you to lose your shirt on).

>> No.54140729

I'm in the process of opening an islamic bank account but thought withdrawing £26k cash would be funny. Feel a bit retarded now

>> No.54140801

Surely it's just a coincidence that both EU and NA banks are having problems at the same time!

>> No.54140864
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An economy built on I.O.Us

>> No.54141872

Is this real?

>> No.54141911

Is this the great reset?

>> No.54141920


>> No.54141950

The EU is a vassal state of the US so no it's not a coincidence, when an empire gets into trouble so do their slave states

>> No.54142020
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Boy I sure love living through my third once in a lifetime financial crisis, surely bankers will learn from this
>They won't

>> No.54142109

Feels good being a beaner, sirs

>> No.54142308

anon we're not trying to reasonable here

>> No.54142357

They halt the trading because 5%
The stock markets are rigged and it’s not good for price like they think it is

>> No.54142684


>> No.54143062

>slave states
Please use "protectorates" instead. Makes me feel a bit better. Thank you.