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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54132573 No.54132573 [Reply] [Original]

The DeFi boom in 2020 caught the financial sector off guard, with the Total Value Locked (TVL), and a gauge of DeFi transactions worth increasing by 14 times.
In 2021, the TVL surged to a peak of $112.07 billion, quadrupling its value from the previous year.
2021 was a bullish year, while 2022 was a year of crypto winter.
What do we hope to see in Defi this year?
Could it be the fortress for everyone considering the recent bank meltdown?

>> No.54132598

of course, DeFi is decentralized. How could a centralized entity grasp it? The least they could do is stop withdraws from ledgers

>> No.54132743

>safe haven
Found the pajeet.

>> No.54132795
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2019, 2020, 2021, 2023 ... A schiz OP larping. >>54132598

>> No.54132954

Not your keys, not your money. Ledger can't be altered anon.

>> No.54132967
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>kikes who cant into DeFi

>> No.54133002

DeFi is scam faggot. Never real.

>> No.54134070

DeFi needs to solve its hack issues, before it can gain mass adoption

>> No.54134752

DeFi has had its ups and down. But I believe they can do better in terms of security.

>> No.54134832
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>> No.54134862

>defi just needs to solve the issue of all programs having bugs
good luck with that lmao

>> No.54134961
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It's developing everyday fag, and even very soon we will be able to prevent wallet hacks with the Nexera protocol

>> No.54134978

DeFi is a literal ponzi scheme

>> No.54135946

I believe the Nexera ID Will play a good role in ensuring optimal security.

>> No.54136116
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DeFi isn't a scam, what it needs is regulatory compliant DeFi projects.
This will help bring in more TradFi institutes into DeFi

>> No.54136434

This is correct. I believe with the TIDV, TradFi project will make it way to DeFi space.

>> No.54136992

>What do we hope to see in Defi this year?
Regulations and more regulations, the government is about to start sieving out bad players in the industry.

>> No.54137554

This is fact. Regulation might make DeFi achieve its highest standard in the space.

>> No.54137569

Has the bank solved his embezzlement issues? You guys really have to clear your heads and think for a bit.

>> No.54137637

>, what it needs is regulatory compliant DeFi projects.
regulatory compliance offices should start projects that defi projects can compose with to offer users the blue chip experience. You cant ban hammer the digital space in the same way

>> No.54137679

If you really believed it, you wouldn’t have to keep asking the question like a mantra.

The real safe havens are hard assets like real estate and gold. You will seethe because of how obviously true this is.

>> No.54137711

Compound is pretty based ngl.

>> No.54138239

DeFi brought to us the idea of Data monetization and that's a big win pajeet.

>> No.54138911

DeFi clearly has it negatives as it is prone to numerous hacks. It has it own positive as it has led to the rise of project that bridge traditional institution and decentralized finance which is a big win to the space.

>> No.54139347

Defi cannot replace tradfi until there's wide spread adoption of privacy solutions.

>> No.54139371

Self custody is gold.

>> No.54139448
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The only thing I see coming to DeFi is KYC, and before that happens, I think we should start looking into adopting TIDV

>> No.54139473

Improving privacy definitely will

>> No.54139606

Fucking retard, it's literarily the only means to transact privately and anonymously.

>> No.54139631

Privacy, ID management and regulation will increase adoption.

>> No.54139668

There's a lot of them already sucker. secret network, railgun, dyfr retard

>> No.54139672

>money that you can swap back to worthless fiat
Bitcoin and Monero nigger.

>> No.54139703

Investing in gold and real estate is for the rich and not for the poor, but with crypto a poor man can become rich within a year

>> No.54139814

That is what the Nexera token will be built on. You keep custody of your identity.

>> No.54139815
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Not many DeFi projects are regulatory compliant, only a few like Allianceblock and some others are

>> No.54139847

Polygon is building something similar but I prefer that of Alliance.

>> No.54139848

The main thing about defi is self-custody, you own your own shit.

>> No.54139946

Nothing beats having your own keys and full control over your funds
I sleep better at night knowing I use a ledger and sylo
Fuck the banks
Fuck CEXs

>> No.54140072
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There should be a way to allow them to access Defi or better Tradfi access Defi. NexeraID was built for that. Don't you think that it will be a win-win thing?

>> No.54140188

Fuck the banks anyways. hahaha. The safest place is Defi.

>> No.54140222

Is Spiritswap a good buy right now? Want to accumulate not thinking it might pump this year

>> No.54140290

What the fuck? How does that help me from my bank? How do that replace the banks for me?

>> No.54140361

>Defi cannot replace tradfi
Same thing post office said about email, keep living in the Stone Age while we move forward.

>> No.54140405

The only issue I see is compliance and a lot of improvement is been done in the space. Polygon and Alliance are the only projects I know that are working on this.

>> No.54140443

Something can be done about wallet hacks if all DeFi projects will adopt the NexeraID which will give us a smart wallet that has multi-factor authentication

>> No.54140444

How on earth will this ever be possible?

>> No.54140617

Until we have a decentralized ramping method, we'll never get there.

Can't fuck CEXs just yet cos we still need them.

>> No.54140706

The Nexera ID indeed offers privacy, security and self-custody for project. It will definitely help stop the hacks.

>> No.54140774

Is this available? I saw a project on Twitter saying they will be using it. DuaWalletm

>> No.54140781
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This should be a big narrative in the nearest future, and since not many projects are working on it, getting on the ones doing now will be beneficial

>> No.54140815


Lmfao fucking shit skins.

>> No.54140842

I only know a project doing this now and that is allianceblock. Do you know another?

>> No.54140879

Can you just store your coins in cold wallet? How can it be hacked?

>> No.54140936

The one with the comms feature?
How's it going for them being a competitor against status?

>> No.54140968

It would be nice to have my KYC data encrypted

>> No.54141224

You coins can't get hacked on a cold wallet
Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded

>> No.54141257

Better app than status
Better features
Better functionalities
Can't compare tbf

>> No.54141305

It will definitely help in bridging DeFi and TradFi

>> No.54141450

Privacy remain the realest utility in the blockchain.

>> No.54141922

They are already solving that anon. Are you blind at all the security and privacy projects around?

>> No.54141952

>DeFi clearly has it negatives as it is prone to numerous hacks.

If you tell me any financial sector that doesn't have it's negatives then i will withdraw all my assets from DeFi protocols and move it there.

>> No.54142044

That is true. We have seen recent issues but with time everything will be better.

>> No.54142090

Exactly what ENS, ORE ID is solving, hackers are not getting it easy anymore.

>> No.54142261

Is some projects like Allianceblock already working on building the DeFi gateway project

>> No.54142329

What are they working on?

>> No.54142406

I know /biz/ likes to pretend that things move slowly in crypto, but in 2017 ETH got congested by minting cryptokitties. Just 5 years ago the only DeFi was Maker.
Now there are absolutely rock solid proven protocols from AAVE to Synthetix to YFI to Curve to Balancer. None of which work on fractional reserves, none of which can be subject to bank runs. None of which can lend your money out to someone else and not have it available when you are entitled to it.
I am ALREADY at a point where I trust DeFi more than the banks, and with the rate of improvement of the technology it is literally only a matter of time until everyone else is, too.

>> No.54142620

Yeah. This is the solution DeFi needs to tackle the security breach. But I'm happy Nexera protocol is here to tackle most of the security challenges with metaNFTs

>> No.54142692

Developing a DeFi gateway to allow a seamless entry of TradFi institutions to blockchain.

>> No.54142776

I must have since the token NXRA listed on the MEXC exchange. Good one,

>> No.54143088

DeFi is getting shut down next retards lol

>> No.54143202
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Mutable NFTs are also an incredible innovation and will be an integral part of the Nexera protocol.

>> No.54144062

Doesn’t know about CORE. Doesn’t know about the only token with a smart contract price floor. Nngmi fren sorry.

>> No.54144074

More scalability and the creation of layer protocols are coming this year. Starting with Coinbase.

>> No.54144153

CORE is well known but I think the hype is too much.

>> No.54144229

Self-custody is just the best.

>> No.54144248

2023 is the year of the bull. You just have to wait for it. Wait patiently.

>> No.54144265

Not your keys not your money

>> No.54144282

DiDs will go a long way with this.

>> No.54144298

These web3 identity protocols will definitely make shit better with defi

>> No.54144324

I guess MEXC is about ID protocols now, ORE was also listed there

>> No.54144479

ORE ID is also a good project and they are also partners with AllianceBlock. So I see the synergy now.

>> No.54144786

Defi ain't shit at all. Let's move the fuck to something else.
Who is with me on this?

>> No.54145686

When talking of self custody, I'd stick with cross-chain interoperability.

>> No.54145689

They help protect digital identity which makes accessing DeFi more secure.

>> No.54145870
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TF is this English? I get a headache from just reading your bullshit. Can you fuck off to the cave you came from?