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File: 46 KB, 1258x1276, FA43339D-97F1-42BD-98A1-1EBF1CE4961A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54131992 No.54131992 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54131999

Problem, americuck?

>> No.54132001 [DELETED] 

Spending money on useless immigrants is catching up with them.

>> No.54132007

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.54132008

I'm European nigger

>> No.54132032

Then why you say "they". If you are European, you should say "we". It's us versus them

>> No.54132039

I say they because I hate the EU and don't identify with the EU you cuck nigger

>> No.54132054

That's weird because Europe is usually ultra cucked.

>> No.54132058
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yes, they will not print bailout money like americucks.

>> No.54132059 [DELETED] 

This it's becourse of muslims and kikes and women

>> No.54132083


>> No.54132095

>socialist europeans are more capitalist than the jewnited states of muttmerica

>> No.54132103

Ah yes, they should have spent money on wetbacks.

Sure Sweden is 2% sandnigger and that's a fucking drain, meanwhile Texas is 35% beaner. I'd rather the greater financial drain to prevent further dilution of the blood.

>> No.54132109

Europe has a longer experience with banks. When the Baring crisis happened in 1890 the population of the US was 62 million.

>> No.54132131

Then move out of the EU? Lmao. You are the cuck here
>is European
>lives in EU
>doesn't like it

That's what a cuck does and he enjoys it. You are literally the definition of a KEK.

>> No.54132142

I identify with my nation not your heckin reddit pretend USA 2.0 kike nigger

>> No.54132148

Based, time to crash this plane

>> No.54132157

Yes, yes, the Rothschilds are an ADVANTAGE now. Go Europe.

>> No.54132177

Should I take my money out or something

>> No.54132180

Nice misinterpretation of what I'm saying

>> No.54132226

What has the EU to do with these banks. Let alone Credit Suisse. Credit Suisse is swiss and not in the EU
I doubt you are actually european.

>> No.54132244


>> No.54132249

thats the actual free market you fucking donkey

>> No.54132251

Are the Greeks going to be fucked in the ass again?

>> No.54132252

It's a huge european bank retard, not my fault your brown ass can't understand the ramifications

>> No.54132273

Switzerland is not in the EU, you nigger

>> No.54132288

It's in the free trade area and schengen zone you brownoid nigger

>> No.54132290
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Have we started the inflation?

>> No.54132291
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lol Europe

>> No.54132310

Not in the EU

>> No.54132329

>muh technicality
stfu 30iq brown mudslime nigger

>> No.54132356

>legal frameworks are too complicated
whos the nigger here

>> No.54132365

BNP and Santander are safu. They have solid reserves like every EU bank is obliged to since 2008.
Crédit Suisse played stupid games and deserves to collapse.
>Only saving grace of Switzerland is their meme neutrality and business only mindset
>Bandwaggon sanctions on russians like good cucks

>> No.54132374

You're the negroid dog here, imagine being so delusional to believe a huge bank collapse in switzerland won't affect the EU

>> No.54132441

So does a US or a chink bank collapsing. There can be contagion, but the EU still can't regulate nor bail out something outside of its jurisdiction. At most is can seize the CS subsidiaries in France, Italy, etc.

>> No.54132543
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1670804978318081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey now. Is that how we treat fellow Muslims? We are ALL part of the European Ummah, brothers. Alhamdullilah.

>> No.54132556

Im not your brother, sandnigger

>> No.54132784

>opens thread
laughs in British...
>closes thread

>> No.54132812

>investment banks
oh noooo
Anyway the way to deal with this is letting them fail and having the state buy out the shareholders and rock-bottom massive loss prices if they want the deposits secured.
Fuck all this niggardry about bailouts at no loss.

>> No.54132830

The people in charge are just bootlicking midwits, they have no idea what they're doing

>> No.54132843

maybe you should at your stockmarket, Rishi

>> No.54132850

Way I hear it even the Swiss hate Credit Suisse.

>> No.54132858

tfw bought a kilo of silver and pulled enough cash to last me at least 2 months just last week

>> No.54132864

They need to wait on their orders from Washington DC like the good lil cucks they are

>> No.54132868
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>laughs in British

>> No.54132924

It’s a free market with hardcore socialist tax added on top, just like Hitler envisioned.

>> No.54133007

> the top personal income tax rate in 1941 was 13.7% in Germany
You wish

>> No.54133064

Patriots in control

>> No.54133477
File: 209 KB, 680x763, jhip9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your children will be Muslim, your Grandchildren will be Muslim, your Great-Grandchildren will certainly be Muslim. You'll see.

>> No.54133636

Kek if white people fellmto the globohomo, muslims will fall to it in one fifth of a time. Get ready for ”tolerant islam”, ahmed.

>> No.54133770

You barked when America told you to against Russia, you will now suffer the consequences of America feeding off your blood to stave off it's own decline

>> No.54133802


>> No.54133844

>What's the first thing aliens do when they arrive on earth?
>Destroy a European bank.

>> No.54133865

the only banks so far going bust are americans

>> No.54133886

Fuck off third-worlder, every european knows that Russia is an eternal thread. In Finland, an old saying goes "A ruski is allways a ruski, even if you fry it in butter."

>> No.54133918

They dont have a reserve currency, they cant just print more like a superior nation can.

>> No.54133931
File: 131 KB, 1535x1738, Arab barometer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody will be mudslime by our great-grandchildren time.

>> No.54133982

I owe the bank more than that I have on my account, so I'm good.

>> No.54134008
File: 59 KB, 221x196, kngth4v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This punishment is going to teach normalfags the lesson that holding wealth in individual private banking based off anti-debt units (crypto) is the future.

The beatings will continue until you learn. When 90% of you learn it will be too late for you.

>> No.54134023

watcha doin rabbi?
europoors are going to fight for their countries unlike ameritards

>> No.54134155
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>It’s a free market with hardcore socialist tax added on top, just like Hitler envisioned.

You can't even do cash payments above 1k euros in half the eu now as that can get you arrested.

>> No.54134610
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>You barked when America told you to against Russia

>> No.54135494

>hitler was anti private property
This is incorrect, he was however not for private property of jews who he allowed to go to palestine through the haavara agreement.

Many jews refused that because it would mean they had to actually work for a living, so they were sent to concentration camps to become non-parasites, so now for almost a 100 years theyve been claiming they had been ''gassed'' and cry out in pain as they kill and scam you, genocide you. The reality is that hitler was too merciful, they should have been but they weren't.

In the case that you're not a retard and actually want to learn something read Gottfried Feders ''Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery.'' to understand the miraculous economic doctrine of National Socialist Germany. Anyone regardless of ideology should understand what is underlined there and use that doctrine for a better world.

>> No.54135554

>wellfare state is anti private property

What? The wellfare state and a free market can both co-exist.

>> No.54135560

CS is going back up. Back over 2 right now.

>> No.54135582

>old map

>> No.54135608

I meant anti low tax rate not private property|

>> No.54135629

>red for religion
>green for atheism
colour me surprised

>> No.54137108

not anymore