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54130860 No.54130860 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would I pay 30 dollars for a fucking Steak? I can buy the same quality meat for a fraction and make it myself and have a bigger portion in my comfy home. I am going skiing soon and I payed for a nice hotel etc, but I am not paying for food on the mountain. They have a big breakfast buffet and I am just going to take a lot of food with me and stuff it in my backpack to eat. I could easily afford to eat out, but I would rather keep the money. Any anons do the same?

>> No.54130930

Financially a wise move but you should still enjoy eating at a restaurant every now and then with a woman for mental health gains

>> No.54130959

Yeah, I did have 2 dates with a girl and we went out to dinner once. We made out afterwards. We both wanted to see each other again. She then texted me the next day, that it didn´t work out and she wishes me the best of luck. The date before, the girl actually payed for me dinner XD. My ex always spoiled me and payed for every dinner so that was nice. But I just prefer cooking at home.Especially with friends.

>> No.54130966

I feel the same way. People around me want to go out to eat but in the most recent places I have eaten, everything has tasted BETTER made at home. The only reason I would go out to eat is because a place makes something I would never make or is difficult to make at home. All the ingredients and dishes (fun to make) you can make so much at home while that will cost 1- 2 trips of restaurant for one meal.

>> No.54131017

Not just food, you're paying for the convenience, service and atmosphere. People's time is worth money, so is yours, so why not pay professionals to do it for you if you can easily afford it?

>> No.54131023

>They have a big breakfast buffet and I am just going to take a lot of food with me and stuff it in my backpack to eat.
mental illness

>> No.54131038

I hate eating around a bunch of strangers. I never understood restraunts.

>> No.54131060

not everyone knows how to cook like you faggots

>> No.54131075

i hate restaurants because it's too much time wasted
>drive there and find parking
>wait for a table
>wait for roastie waitress to take order
>wait for chef to prepare order
>wait for roastie waitress to walk food to table (that's 20% tip, goy)
>wait for roastie waitress to bring the check

>> No.54131115

Follow instructions

>> No.54131124

It's a social activity dude. I also hate going to retaurants unless it's with friends/family.

>> No.54131143

her better chadly option agreed to the next date so you being only one of 10 dudes she was seeing didn't make it.

>> No.54131145

You can book a table and order the meal so it would be ready by the time you arrive, all can be managed

>> No.54131168

I go to restaurants and order stuff I consider too time consuming to make myself.
Maybe you shouldn't be ordering a steak.

>> No.54131249

eating out is "entertainment" its not meant ot be practical

>> No.54131297

If you're good at cooking and enjoy cooking then by all means cook at home. If you don't like cooking or are average cook and don't like doing dishes, cleaning etc. after and just want to get good food in 30 minutes without zero work you pay the extra and go to a restaurant. Why was this thread made and why the fuck I answered a complete scrooge idiot? Not sure. I'm out now.

>> No.54132114

okay, everyone gets lonely
for us simple guys it's literally 6 short conversations.

>> No.54133174

I like eating out for food I dont want to cook
grilling meat does not apply
but I will eat out for chinese, thai, hibachi, sushi, etc...
no fucking way im paying for a salad or a steak (unless they do something weird that I can't do with it)

>> No.54133209

I invite women in fancy restaurants because they love this shit and I sex them afterwards

>> No.54133259

you can't make it as good as a quality chef.

>> No.54133291

> Why the fuck would I pay 30 dollars for a fucking Steak?

Good steak costs way more than that….

>I am wealthy

Then why are you complaining? I don’t get the point of this thread.

>> No.54133342
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 09DB0D45-79E1-4163-8280-B84198ECD2C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could never make something as good as pic related at home.

>> No.54133361

I hear you and it makes perfect sense. Might i suggest however to take a chance and go eat out on a real nice gastronomical restaurant once or twice a year, as a reward for your accomplishments. Not every week or month like some retards do.

I personally take a day or 2 off and go with my gf out on a city trip to visit musea and ave a general lovely quiet time. Dining in a gastronomical restaurant (this does not equal fancy!) is quite the experience. Also, contrary to most people make you believe, it's nto that overly expensive. The alcohol however is the real money drain. I however like to be sober and just order water.

>> No.54133615

They’re expecting tip on top of tip and gratuity now for their overpriced and MSG-riddled fucking spat-in food. A sane society would concentration camp all restaurant owners and workers for their greed and crimes.

>> No.54133650

>that'll be $120 plus tip sir

>> No.54133673

Anon, I can taste the blood from the picture. That shit is what gives you cancer.

>> No.54133714

18 auto gratuity and thenn25% tip on total. And how much would you like to separately tip the kitchen, sir?


>> No.54133742

Congrats, you figured out that restaurants are a meme, all richfags have a private chef.

>> No.54133784

You’re going to spend $30 on a steak at the grocery store too. When was the last time you went grocery shopping?

>> No.54133843

This retard (YOU) thinks a two-pound (32oz) steak can be had at a restaurant.

>> No.54133964

I can smell the cum breath after your partner throat fucked you. Anon that shit is what gives you the homosex

>> No.54134037

Quality steak is $25 at the local grocery store. What now?

>> No.54134047

Going out for things you can’t make yourself (ie, Sushi) is pretty worth it. Especially if you’re able to watch them work and prepare for it. If you treat them well they will treat you well.

>> No.54134109

I came inside a girl that owned a sushi business like at least 20 times, but we never had kids before we broke up. She must have been on birth control or something.

>> No.54134115

Good. Fuck restaurants and their seed oil infused garbage food.

>> No.54134145

Cool story bro

>> No.54134650

I agree with you on the steak. Restaurants are only worth it if it's somewhere that has a lot of variety or if it's a quick fast food stop while you're busy.

>> No.54134680

If you can't taste the difference between a high quality masterfully prepared steak and the microwaved cut you buy from the dollar store I would agree eating out is never worth it

>> No.54134721

>mental health GAINS

Lmao even

>> No.54135059

Report all cat threads it's a spamming niggerjeet who's whole purpose on /biz/ is to waste your time.
He will samefag all his threads and ask irrelevant questions, if you call him out he starts chudspamming.

>> No.54135092

>Have to wait until waiter comes around if you're autistic enough not to call one
>Your order may get messed up
>Have to wait at least half an hour until order arrives
>You hear a lot of conversation/voices. You feel like a schizo on steroids
>Order arrives, it's a small portion of soulless food made with no love
>You spend at least another half an hour eating , probably a lot more.
>You feel thirsty, drinks are expensive as fuck
>You pay a fortune plus tip
>You realize you could have spend the whole hour buying ingredients and cooking yourself while watching MommyGotBoobs.10.03.05.Lisa.Ann.Jogging.Around.The.Cock
>You realize maybe there are a lot of cockroaches and/or rats in the kitchen, who knows? Maybe a nigger cooked your food
What's even the point of visiting a restaurant again? If is a social event, fuck that just invite your friends to your house while eating some chips and drinking some goyslop.

>> No.54136922

Yee nothing harder than a steak, butter and white bread

>> No.54137469

>Pays $30 for a steak
You're eating out wrong if you order a $30 steak anywhere. Any steak less than $50 probably isn't worth it to eat out (you can make one of better quality at home for half the price). Over that, as long as it's from an ACTUALLY GOOD steakhouse (40%-60% of highly rated ones are shit) it's amazing.

>> No.54137520

That looks garbo. Texas-Roadhouse-ass steak

>> No.54137580

Over cooked, ugly ass looking steak sorry anon you got kiked by some fake ghost restaurant.
>.t midwesterner