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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54127939 No.54127939 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up and got a meme degree and have a low income. I have a decent net worth (~160k liquid assets) but it’s ONLY because I live at home and don’t spend money on anything, if I moved out I’d be fucked.

The problem is, in my shitty career field, earnings barely fucking go up as you get experience. Mechanical Engineers start at 60k and it takes like 10 years to get to 80k, and even if I made 80k right now (at 3 years of experience) I STILL couldn’t move out.

I’m so fucked man, I completely fucked my life up getting a meme degree with such a low warning potential, it’s almost impossible to find a 6 figure job in ME unless and even if I had a 6 figure job right now it still would leave me with almost nothing after all my expenses were paid.

I’m unironically depressed as fuck knowing I fucked my life up so early on. I’m not trolling, baiting, kidding, whatever you call it, I’m seriously depressed as fuck because I chose such a shitty field of work and fucked my life up.

>> No.54127973

STEALTH BRAG THREAD. people barely got 1k in the bank.
Seriously no gives a fuck if your mech engineer lmao biggest pussy dryer ever.

>> No.54128015

Looks more like a demoralization thread kek
OP sucks cock

>> No.54128076

I’m almost 30 years old, live with my parents, make 70k a year, am priced out of property ownership, and get zero pussy. How is this a stealth brag thread? I literally have nothing going for me.

>> No.54128181

Hi folks.

I fucked up and took the wrong job offer at FAANG after dropping out of college (I'm only 19).

So basically my TC is $350k ($280k base + bonus + options) but the options don't mature until next year and I don't like the office here. It's fine and all but the catered lunch only serves the imported soup that I like on Wednesdays (it's domestic soup the rest of the week BLEH).

My parents are paying my rent ($5500/mo) and utilities but I feel like I am stuck in a rut.

Is it too late for me to change my mind? I keep reading that I need to establish a career before I reach 22 or I'll never make it.

I hate having to make tough decisions like this. It really messes with my head.

EDIT: Wow this thread really blew up! I'm so grateful for all the support, it means so much to me right now.

>> No.54128283

Look on the bright side, you'll be getting laid off for sure this year.

>> No.54128284
File: 331 KB, 800x1200, PIPER-DOLL-140cm-Silicone-28kg-Doll-Phoebe-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you save up $15k, you can put it towards a 3.5% FHA loan on a manufactured/modular home and finally have a space for yourself

you just have to look past the prejudices and stigma associated with homes like these

>> No.54128849

My situation is not even remotely comparable to that, see >>54128076

>> No.54128901

Yeah I haven't had more than 1k in my bank in over 9 months
I'm behind about 1.9k on bills actually I dunno what im gonna fucking do.

>> No.54128969

I know nothing about mechanical engineering, but I'm pretty sure you could easily get a masters in CS and transition to FAANG.

>> No.54129002

60k a year and can't afford anything? Actually shut the fuck up kek

>> No.54129073

Why do you retards reply to these stupid threads and ignore those people who actually need help?

>> No.54129098

Because most of these threads are targetted at me, I know schizo time, there's some faggot here who encountered me once and realized my life was shit.
So he makes daily threads on purpose to annoy me, he spams the catalog actually, if I mention anything going bad in my life he will respond to me or make a samefag thread talking about how he has the opposite of X problem.
for exaple one of my cats was dying I was just talking to people on /biz/ about it.
This sandnigger took pictures of my dying cat and said he died and kept posting and samefagging the threads to get me to kill myself.

This place isn't what it used to be.

>> No.54129110

Ever since that night he spams the catalog with cat pictures, and honestly I barely talk to anyone here now or keep it extremely vague cause he's just waiting to pounce.

Mods tried ranging him but he's on a vpn and 4chan pass.

>> No.54129165

Yeah 19 is too late to change your career. You have to think about your retirement at this point. If you were 18 3/4 I would say go for it. But 19.... definitely too late, you're at the age where you're going to start feeling pain in your joints, maybe have Parkinson or Alzheimer... Better stay in your current career at this point and wait for your pension.

Edit: I knew it was a troll, I was playing along
Edit2: Guys stop with the downvotes, not cool

>> No.54129273

save all your cash and buy bitcoin in 6-12 months when it drops to 10k you absolute retard