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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54126708 No.54126708 [Reply] [Original]

its almost like bitcoin has lost steam

>> No.54126735

Fuck you bobo I just longed

>> No.54126767

Larp or retarded, which is it?

>> No.54126772

and here we go
get fucked b*bo

>> No.54126775
File: 147 KB, 1300x956, sevens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine news that makes it obvious that the entire banking system is collapsing, and BTC only pumping to a measly $25k
lmao even
most hilarious pump'n'dump I've ever seen
$0 BTC next, good riddance

>> No.54126781

oof nevermind looks like it's picking up steam again

>> No.54126796

What do you hold?

>> No.54126805
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>> No.54126823

Imagine thinking the entire banking system is collapsing.

>> No.54126843

>1 year ago
"Russian Banks will all collapse because of sanctions and Russians will lose their money
>Right Now in the USA
"Those 2 banks that collapsed are nothing. Just go back to sleep Goys"

>> No.54126863

their collateral collapsed through the entirety of 2022
but you don't care about things that happened or are happening, right?
you only care about what's 2 weeks from now

>> No.54126880

You’re retarded, I support fractional reserve banking, makes me richer. I’ve just been over in /smg/ trading real assets like 3x leveraged semiconductors, and making fun of CLF trannies

>> No.54126883

BTC/USD isn't bitcoin
but you won't ever learn that
and since you won't ever learn, what happens around BTC/USD will pretty much remain a mystery to you
same with multiple other pairs like XMR, ETH, CRV, AAVE, etc.

>> No.54126892

you can push fractional reserve to others and not fall it victim of it yourself
you think kikes leave their money inside a deposit to be used as bond fuel?

>> No.54126913

>BTC/USD isn't bitcoin
what? yes it is

>> No.54127150
File: 137 KB, 249x264, 1626494328128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*in the background*
>oh my dear precious... oh dear dear dear

>> No.54128462

This, have been calling 0 for months now and have only made my clients richer. Next week it'll be 3 digits and then zeroooo is the only logical next step kek! Fuck you bullfag copers don't rven reply to me with your seethe, just kys.

>> No.54128475

Shaking out we unfaithful for the next leg up to 30k