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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54121029 No.54121029 [Reply] [Original]

Any other site to have high IQ crypto discussions?

>> No.54121047
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go back

>> No.54121053
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oh no plebbit is down, this means there will be a massive influx of bored redditors flooding this board now.

>> No.54121124

People with money
Actual devs
High IQ functioning autists
Quality talk on projects
A little lite banter

Broke neets
Low IQ dregs of society
Only talk of pajeet scams
Get told to rope if you speak positive

>> No.54121278

they're also repeating the same nonsense as people here, minus the ultra shizo theories. and all the e-celebs are on twitter.

>> No.54121364
File: 116 KB, 559x601, D7862AE3-E5CA-4A0A-A2DE-F4C2C4825B3A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kike nigger tranny faggot chink jeet retard gtfo and kill yourself

>> No.54121397

u a retard?
he just said he cant go back

>> No.54121403

literally everyone
echo chamber

very high iq autists elite and very low iq retards
varied and numerous information

>> No.54121417

Nope, you're shit out of luck I'm afraid.

>> No.54121524

Eat shit reddit trannies.

>> No.54122028

Top fucking Kek. I needed a good laugh today, thanks fren.

>> No.54122071


>> No.54122363

piece of shit website. If you are a redditor, GO FUCK YOURSELF. I got banned for life for this:
'please provide me a single scientific paper where it is stated that is possible to change chromosomes from XY TO XX'

Hateful speech???? get fucked

>> No.54122455

It is possible bigot. Your out dated.


>> No.54122485

sorry sweaty, anatomical reality :))))

>> No.54122511

Yeah exactly. Surgery can change your genitals biologically. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.54122523

It's possible through gene therapy. It will be possible eventually when we can replace chromosomes. You are clearly anti science because you don't want science to evolve. You were banned for anti scientific political sentiment

>> No.54122547
File: 141 KB, 760x1185, 1678832705121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chuds better go back to your containment board! Biz has always been jewish!

>> No.54122558

sorry sweaty your chin, your shoulders, your thick skin, XY, your hips couldn't fit a fetus head, your brow ridge, your fat distribution, winkus no pinkus, you have no uterus, you have no eggs, you cant be fertilized, you just have a big ole flesh wound put there by big pharma, its real its real! but you know you'll never be a mother, never carry a child, never give birth, never nourish from your tit

>> No.54122567

Nobody gives a fuck about your definitions or human bias. You're not proving anything with your rhetorical questions.

The only thing you will ever be right about is reddit.

>> No.54122612
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welcome sirs