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54119945 No.54119945 [Reply] [Original]

If you sell now you are misguided. Fud levels are high as we bleed sats, but do not be demoralized. I just converted 5 more Btc to link today.

>> No.54119968

Yes, we will reach $25 in April some time. Not 100 days, but a few weeks.

Thing is when there is a signal the bear market is over no one is going to wait. LINK always eats first. No exceptions.

>> No.54120145

It’s entirely possible. Based on historical ROI we are grinding on the floor right now.

>> No.54122228

on what basis? the price has been frozen in amber and there is no attempt to hype. When the fuck will I get my PUMP???

>> No.54122504

High IQ thread.

>> No.54122538

he just did a whole fucking podcast talking about shoes, bears, big macs, and flannels. This shit is over.

>> No.54122550

From a technical standpoint, the LINK/BTC looks like it hit capitulation. Checking it again just now, i'm more convinced. As you said, LINK always eats first. There have been others front running too i.e OP and APT, however from a broader time cycle perspective it looks about ready.

>> No.54122720

describe the link bull anon. Same as 2020?
25$, then?

>> No.54122813

>looks like it hit capitulation
After capitulation, isn't there a crab period for a year or so?

>> No.54122892
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>If you sell now you are misguided
>says a very nervous man for seventh time today

>> No.54122912
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>> No.54122979

oh no bros wright has invented everything! guess we need to sell and buy BSV oracle coins and switch to Wendy’s whoppers

>> No.54123045

I'm talking about the lower time frame (4hr). Look I can't say for certain, but there are many indications that suggest we are close.

>Wallet movements on Etherscan.
>Cyclical time cycle
>Fib targets on LTF
>RSI on Monthly

Take everything with a grain of salt.

>> No.54123101

Are you familiar with the wyckoff anon that stated we would start breaking out sometime in April or so? Do you think he has some merit to his claims?

>> No.54123253
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This year, are you ready?

>> No.54123307

I agree with his analysis. The only uncertainty is if we hit the spring or not and there is no definitive way of knowing until we break out of the channel. You can also arrive at the same conclusion just looking at LINK from a time cycle perspective, so they both reinforce the thesis of a movement in April to May. I'm personally convinced of this, however it could happen sooner rather than later. I'm basing this off looking at Etherscan wallet's, because i've identified a number of high value token movements from Coinbase but more so Binance. Again, I could be wrong, but i'm just stating what iv'e observed and have arrived at said arbitrary conclusions.

>> No.54123352

>break out of the channel
You mean the range between 5 and 10 USD?

>> No.54123434

not these threads again, chainniggers are terrible at TA

>> No.54123455


>> No.54123524

mention something they are not allowed to discuss like 5G a successful technology standard that was rapidly deployed caused COVID and still succeeded. 5G is everything Chainlink wants to be. People curse 5G daily for causing the lockdowns but only /biz/ curses Chainlink. As a failed technology standard Chainlink should have more normal everyday people cursing its price performance and lack of adoption by the wider community.

This is a reasonable assumption to make. As a psyop I believe Chainlink could be even more successful. I'm talking NASA level theatrics. But no they prefer to shill here and never even attempt to analyze
1) successful technology standards (like 5G)
2) Other psyops like NASA

NASA gaslit an entire generation into believing we landed on the moon and that CGI images of some little blue ball are real and that we really don't like on a flat plane or even a crater in a much larger world. NASA successfully psyoped the wider public whereas Chainlink struggles to convince a bunch of poor neets to invest what little money they have.

Really makes you think right?

>> No.54123558


>> No.54123718

If Chainlink were to be a successful technology standard like the COVID causing 5G towers I think it would moon to 81k overnight in a God Candle.

But if Chainlink could achieve NASA levels of psyoping the general public there is no telling how high the price could go. I think that they don't even have a number big enough even with their cryptographically verified eighteen digits forget the decimal.

Chainlink as a NASA grade psyop. A man can dream but I am here to tell you it can be a reality.

First we need to gaslit some plebs into believing they are doing "work". It's serious and specialized work so we need to construct rollercoasters to train them. Also they need special flannel suits with retard proof helmets just in case they hit their heads after "training" for eight hours in the amusement park I mean training center.

Then we will need to consume some made up chemicals. Let's call it gas but never specify what kind of gas. If people get nosey we can activate Vitalik Buterin to bs the public into believing that computers now need "gas" to work properly.

And we shouldn't tell people that they can examine the computer themselves we have to trick them into believing in some network effect
"Oh no Bob sorry you can't see the gas here at this terminal its decentralized its on the network"

Then we figure out a copy of phoney passports so we can high tail it outta here once the banks figure out its just a scam and the police close it.

Don't just psyop the public NASA them.

>> No.54123725

u;re gae

>> No.54124011

NASA grade psyops need a friendly face. We need an Alice type individual to be a face of the psyop.

Chainlink needs this because so far it has only psyoped some neets on /biz/ maybe a few redditors and a couple of twitter personalities. Also they psyoped some of the SWIFT guys into believing in computer now need gas and electricity to work but I think the SWIFT guys are in on their own psyop.

11,000 insolvent banks like SVB will start to use Chainlink to transfer numbers that are not real to a new computer system that needs both gas and electricity and there is no free shipping. You have to pay these NASA guys in the flannel suits to pay this imaginary gas and electricity to take your made up numbers and put them into a new number state storing thing. Once you do this you can safely throw away you COBOL and your paper ledgers. They are not needed.

LOL what kind of gas is consumed by these new computers now?

Why can't we examine this chemical ourselves?

If its decentralized why does the new computer not just break the numbers into microscopic pieces so they are really tiny and hard to find???

Say Bob those are great questions. The chemical is called gas or gas for short that's all you need to know. Leave it to the experts. Trust us. The computer needs both gas and electricity to work properly now I wouldn't worry about it with all these solvencies you know it's nice to have piece of mind by just paying a new fee. Gas and electricity plus shipping and handling. Lately though the CEO of our shipping provider Chainlink has been offering free shipping for all data forever. Yes Bob we don't understand this business model either but he says that he does not have time to think about getting dressed in the mornings and free services prevent competition. He's a power hunger man alright. Oh and they pay the gas costs for the new computer system isnt that just swell?

>> No.54124084


>> No.54124224
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Oh no pissed LinkPool bro from Bulgaria coming through

how's your Bancor haircut these days?













>> No.54124459

On a scale of 1 - Incel Rampage how excited are you guys to write another incel manifesto blogpost?

I'm fundamentally excited for the future of this psyop. Tricking people into believing that computers now need to pay for not only electricity but gas and they can't even see the gas because "its decentralized" was a stroke of genius

who ever thought of that one deserves a raise.

Chainlink giving free shipping and handling for fake data? hmm needs work I think.

thousands of insolvent banks porting numbers that don't exist over to some decentralized computers and paying some make believe chemical called gas to do so? brilliant 10/10 would write an incel manifesto about it

>> No.54124498

>Cyclical time cycle
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.54124709

BTC made it easy to convince the retard goyim slave cattle computers use electricity now they need to use more electricity for the decentralized network you can't even see but look at this fake graph showing network effect its real bro seeing is believing

then eth came along and convinced people computers now need gas because who even knows just pay the fee and forget about it. its sooo complicated we dont even understand it ourselves.

Chainlink is like the water but your computer is not hooked up to some mains it is hooked up to a rainwater tank and you get it for free. thats why they can't go to the moon just like nasa and why so many soi cucks are always crying about chainlink on this incel manifesto blog posting site

waaaa turn on the waterworks get it.

Electricity is general an expensive bill so BTC is expensive. Makes sense. Gas is usually cheaper for me so I understand why ETH is a lot cheaper and Chainlink should be worth more than electricity and gas if it was connected to the main and not reliant on clouds and rainfall which is free.

Technically there is an opportunity cost for holding rainwater and you have to pay electricity to pump it so you can flush your toilets.

What a pity this psyop is not NASA grade.

>> No.54124916

wow $24 link? wow so cool bro wow 2 more weeks?

>> No.54125177

That's the thing right all these crypto scammers are complaining that muh banking has failed us while screaming their little DAPP will destroy the banks centralization bad.

It seem the only people having trouble with banks are the crypto terrorists trying to take it down. Thank Biden we have the best in anti-terrorism anti money laundering laws in the world.

See these crypto scammers want you to buy an internet connection then subscribe to their little money laundering scam so they can fund their little terrorist operations against the poor central bankers suffering during COVID. They invested in those 5G towers and they expect a return on their investment
The COVID zombies already do what they are told so I don't really see a problem.

The main problem is that terrorist scammers have convinced people that paying for an internet connection is not enough you have to spend money to use these retard lotteries and avatar nfts pictures. Pretty soon these terrorist scammers want you to pay for memes. The AI people got there first and ot makes the terrorist scammers from crypto seeth to no end.

Does a computer need electricity?
Yes. But it doesnt need extra electricity to finance these terrorist scammers.

Does a computer use gas?
Look at your machine. See a gas bottle? no? Its all lies so these terrorist scammers can finance there terrorist activities against the government. The same government that teaches your children the things it needs to make millions out in the workplace.

Do you need any web3 stuff to use the internet?
No. are you kidding? Most regular law abiding people do not finance terrorism by using the internet.

>> No.54125397

I am proud to stand alongside my government as an American Citizen and say I stand against terrorist scammers and their illicit activities.
I have never had a problem with any bank.
I already pay for an internet connection. Back in the early days the phone phreaks would have got that for free and no way would they agree to consuming more electricity to finance terrorism and lol consuming some made up chemical your computer does not need like bro are you fr srs susin no cap
But bro its decentralized you have to pay
why? I literally just need to figure out how to get free internet and install more solar panels not pay for more useless shit so these terrorist scammers can try and take down the government with their white collar tech crimes.

Times are tough man I can't afford to subscribe to terrorist activities against the government.

>> No.54125488

Web3 is just another subscription based service like Netflix. You pay for stuff you don't need to because people want you too I guess. But those nice frenly faces giving you free merch?
Terrorist scammers every last one of them.

Bro consume more energy so we can take down the government.

Bro we need more money the government closed our favorite terrorist bank

Bro why have you turned your back on crypto don't you wanna end da fed

come on bro lets get even with da joos

Bro paying extra for stuff you already do on the internet just makes sense ok ha ha let's just keep spending money to finance the next 9/11

I know the lord will smite these terrorist scammers and they can buy the dip from jail

>> No.54125749

Holy shit there is an actual schizo fudder in here.

>> No.54125851

man i wish i had to guts to do this move and convert 3-4 btc into link and flip for gains outside of my main link bags

god speed anonkun

>> No.54125981

>always eats first
it literally only ever pumped once. You guys always overlook the major factor that the number of crypto projects is rapidly snowballing projects.
For example when eth came out there was literally only 10 alt coins it was an obvious gem among shitcoins like feathercoin and namecoin, there was no competition so all of the attention, money and hype focused on it.
The second stage was 2017 ico craze when the alts were in the thousands, after the dump in 2018 people got rid of the old gen shitcoins and moved over to the next gen, link was one of them. Link got the hype for the 2020 round during the defi summer pump. But it never pumped even close to eth tier, because there was far more projects competing with it.
Even eth pumped less this last bullrun because theres a ton of competitors like matic and avax.
Now theres well over 50,000 altcoins and the same thing is happening, alts like aptos and filecoin are pumping hard while link is just 1/50000 old shitcoin #4725. People dont like buying old coins that already pumped they want to get in on the ground floor.
Tldr: if link was released in 2015 when there was barely any alts it would of been a much different story, the main demographic of crypto is adhd young people and theyre not gonna buy your ancient boomer altcoin bags

>> No.54126085

And all of these are not needed holy fuck are you srs rn times r tough I already pay for an internet connection I can access all the incel manifestos I want why the hell should I finance terrorists by paying more money for stupid stupid like digital gold. 555 Come the Fuck on now I wouldnt even buy real gold let alone digital gold what a complete scam.

And don't get me started on ETH.
>By installing this software you agree to consume Gas
And there is no materials safety data sheet telling me what sort of Gas it is. Its just Gas full stop. Computers don't even use gas look for the gas bottle open up your machine take a look. There is no gas bottle you have been conned by a skinny Russian and now a Fat Russian.

What is it with Russians and terrorism?

>> No.54126355
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>> No.54126634
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New projects actually facilitate LINK's value capture, that to which we have barely even scratched the surface. This is a crucial point that you are missing.

I'm only saying "link eats first" based off this area of the time cycle. It could be invalid obviously, this is the only thing I have to go off really.

You make some good points, and i'm in mostly in agreement. I'm just trying to present an objective view of the matter. Of course it could all be a nothingburger and the shitcoin cycle could perpetuate ad infinitum, but that said, we are pretty much going to find out if this is the case within the next 6 months.

>> No.54126669

Tell me how to get free internet you fucking crypto terrorist scammer fuck your terrorist token
'cus my cussin'

>> No.54126840
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>Now theres well over 50,000 altcoins and the same thing is happening, alts like aptos and filecoin are pumping hard


Dude chart looks like every single one cycle alt that went parabolic and will take years to return to the ATH if it ever does.

Its ICO was $1.00 so its a 7x since 2017. I can't even find chart history before 2020.

At least for LINK, its floor is much higher than its ICO after this first cycle. FIL just died completely

>> No.54126899

If you hold north of 100k LINK you can make it from $20 or $25, sure. For the vast majority, LINK will never be the "make it" crypto like ETH or BNB

>> No.54126909

Link bot thread cmon guys stop being this pathetic.
Not even a fudder but it's evident when you "guys" spam the board nonstop then suddenly disappear for weeks.

>> No.54126912

Fantasy of course. Masturbators understand, the charts support a failing erection just like any another open porn tab.

>> No.54127085
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What's the orange line?

>> No.54127247

Aave, forgot to mention it.

>> No.54127380

Are you on drugs?
Which drugs?
I'm curious what kind of drugs cause someone to speak like you do.

If you're not on drugs, have you been prescribed drugs but decided by yourself to "get off of them?"
Which drugs?

>> No.54127477


>> No.54127589

We’re back

>> No.54127694

Pure copium thread. Nothing will happen to Chainlink's price until staking is expanded to other price feeds or services like CCIP and keepers. Based on the Chainlink teams own timeline, that's at least a year from now.

>> No.54127716

nah wait til Q4. trust me ;)

>> No.54128100

I do a lot of work for the Reptilians in the Deep Underground Military Bases. The hours suck but I got a free skin suit when I joined.

As for the drugs you think I'm on its nothing but good old fashioned Adrenochrome harvested right here on base.

Adrenochrome keeps me lucid enough to post based posts like above. I am neither under Reptilian mind control nor am I suicidal.

Our Hidden Reptilian rulers wish it that you accumulate cheap STINK for the coming moon

>> No.54128620

why is Aave important for that chart?

>> No.54128691


We’re going to make it

>> No.54129082

That nigger is just babbling to slide the thread

>> No.54129144

his contributions are insignificant. is this fud?

>> No.54129146

The yellow is Aave and the blue is LINK, that other anon mentioned LINK eats first and I agreed with him. Based off the chart we stand correct technically speaking. Aave is good for comparison because its price action was more in line with overall market movement, also being a DeFi token.

>> No.54129351


>> No.54130597

so when aave goes up you should sell link?

>> No.54130689

No exceptions? My brother in Christ we have been dumping for 2 years straight

>> No.54132215

Protip: ALWAYS sell link