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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54115685 No.54115685 [Reply] [Original]

why can't banks just hold cash? wouldn't that solve all issues? do they really need to lock up 100% of their cash in questionable investments all the time? i know holding cash is bad cuz inflation but like, a bank's purpose is to hold cash... it's kind of their job.

>> No.54115747

Reported to the ADL for being anti-semetic.

>> No.54115763

their job is to make money OP. they do that by being fucking degenerates, just like us

>> No.54115764
File: 2.60 MB, 640x360, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres my fucking money?

>> No.54115769

this isn't pol, mate. if you wanna larp as hitler maybe don't do it on the blue boards.

>> No.54115776

1) greed
2) government needs to rack up debt somehow.
Who will buy the debt if not for banks with your money?

>> No.54115793

>do they really need to lock up 100% of their cash in questionable investments all the time?
yes. how else are you going to pay all the parasites working for the bank? they bring no real economic value yet have the biggest paychecks. this money has to come from somewhere.

>> No.54115805

thats why crypto is better. You can just withdraw it from banks and store in your own wallet, while still being 100% digital.
So if you dont trust a bank, only keep 0.1 btc in it and the rest in your own custody.

>> No.54115846

You are thinking of funds boyo. Banks play with cash.

>> No.54115923

Would you pay them a monthly fee to keep your cash safe out give it to them free so they can lend it out?

>> No.54115946

why is anti-semitc garbage like this allowed on this board

>> No.54115988

>why can't banks just hold cash? wouldn't that solve all issues? do they really need to lock up 100% of their cash in questionable investments all the time? i know holding cash is bad cuz inflation but like, a bank's purpose is to hold cash... it's kind of their job.

The fed baned banks that only held cash in the past, because if they held bonds they use your money to finance your enslavement by buying shit bonds from the government.

It's a way to outsource confiscation of money.

>> No.54116002

This. 100% THIS.

>> No.54116075

would you hold cash if you could gamble with it without consequences, give yourself a 30 million bonus and resign if you lose the money?

>> No.54116116

they won't receive a license. it's been tried.
they were told that they wouldn't be allowed to operate with such an unfair advantage, as all depositors in the country would simply move their money to that bank, and no others.

>> No.54116147

>a bank's purpose is to hold cash... it's kind of their job.
that also isn't true. doesn't matter if everyone in the country has only $5 saved or $50 million saved. for economic activity to happen at all, even in total anarchy, requires that pooled savings are put to work in an investment of some kind, to fund the operation. there's no such thing as work without capital first.

>> No.54116196

Serious question bros, what do I look for to determine if my credit union is safe? Is there some kind of language or sign I can find, say on their website, that indicates whether they simply hold their cash in another vulnerable bank?

>> No.54116211

make sure they have FDIC insurance

>> No.54116245

seems like this is a predictable pattern

>new bank regulations
>banks accept the new normal
>banks lobby & look for profit elsewhere
>banks get more loose
>bank crash
repeat step 1, seems pretty inevitable given bankers jobs are to maximize profit

see you in 2035 next bank crash

>> No.54116274

I thought FDIC was only for banks not credit unions. Also if the FDIC is a genuine protection for me and my regular bank is already FDIC insured then why are people saying credit unions are safer? Sorry for being a retard needing spoonfeeding but yeah, please spoonfeed me because I'm retarded

>> No.54116281

Abandon lending completely in a nation where a 1% interest rate hike seriously impacts real economic output? Genius.

>> No.54116305

cash goes down in value. How are they gonna make money holding something that goes down in value?

>> No.54116342

came here to say this

>> No.54116381
File: 416 KB, 2069x2681, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't pol, mate

>> No.54116387

yeah if your credit union isn't FDIC insured I'd bail lmao

>> No.54116404

/pol/ is the retards we keep around to laugh at

>> No.54116457
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uhhhhh im getting a little nervous bros

>> No.54116460

it wouldn't go down if money creation (lending) was a thing.

>> No.54116481


>> No.54116518

>While the NCUSIF coverage protects members at all federally insured credit unions from losses on a broad spectrum of savings and share draft products, it does not cover losses on money invested in mutual funds, stocks, bonds, life insurance policies, and annuities offered by affiliated entities.
does this sound like you at all, or do you just have a savings/checking account?

>> No.54116533

SNEED credit union, formally FDIC insured by Chuck.

>> No.54116544

No i literally just throw a little money into it from my check every week and that's it. i guess im safe?

>> No.54116557

stay mad tranny

>> No.54116560

>all depositors in the country would simply move their money to that bank that pays 0% interest, and no others

>> No.54116575

look at their call report. check and see if they have any cash on deposit at other financial institutions (line 730b2)
>t. cu ceo

>> No.54116583
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>> No.54116589

maybe open up some bank accounts and spread your capital a bit

>> No.54116603

fdic only insures banks. ncua insures credit unions

>> No.54116660
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>> No.54116709
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>you see, fractional reserve banking is a Good Thing™ because it means that your money can stimulate the economy while you’re not using it!
>okay so what happens when the guy at the end of the chain defaults?

>> No.54116731

I already have a bank account, CU is just a supplement
I also have some gold and silver that I keep hidden in my-ACK!

>> No.54116769

Good job, now you finally understand how much of a scam/evil this banking system is

>> No.54116831

precious metals have been doing decently. not as good as btc but they're doing ok
so you just gonna wagie through whatever happens this year then, and then try to slurp up the wreckage?

>> No.54116851

One guy doesn't matter. It fails when the buffer overflows, the system is not absorbing fluctuations anymore but crumpling completely as it crashes against reality. The collapse o America is not caused by fractional reserve lending, that just delays the consequences.

>> No.54117151

Yeah, I hate my job but it's recession proof so I can at least be king of the ashes worst case scenario

I've also been studying how people got by during the depression, and so I'm hoarding certain "everyday luxury" items like bar soap and toothpaste that people would be desperate for if store shelves went bare. Also tools and skills like sewing machines and tailoring in case things get desperate enough that people have to repair old things instead of just replacing them via Amazon

>> No.54117199

nice dude. gl I hope you make it

>> No.54117246

I'm confident there's enough cheap clothing stored to dress everyone, there weren't asian sweatshops and cargo containers in the 30s

>> No.54117385

True but people also have sentimental attachments and expectations beyond what existed then. It's part of my theory on why """poor""" people in the US act like animals when they have cars and food and big screen TVs, whereas actual poor people in the third world are sometimes more clean civilized - they don't have American Dream expectations. So for that reason I think people here might have greater sentimental attachment to their current belongings like clothes and shoes they'd want fixed before they worse shitty chinese stuff. And hey, worst case scenario I can just fix my own stuff, the $15 sewing machine from Goodwill wasn't a huge investment.

I ought to learn how to resole shoes. I can already do minor soldering for electronics and shit. I was also thinking of hoarding used iphones or cheap android phones. Up and coming zoomers / gen alphas would probably do anything for a phone if they really sneeded one.

>> No.54117486

Thank you anon and likewise, you can have a free fresh bar of soap when it all comes tumbling down

>> No.54117520

the cash doesn't exist, it's all numbers on a screen

>> No.54117583

Banks create credit. And we create progress with credit/debt.
Yes it's an extremely clown market system, but that's the system we created. If banks just held our money 100% that means no credit, or in other words close to no progress. Same with inflation and printing money, if there was none of that everyone would just hoard and save which equals little to no progress.

I have no idea what is the solution to this problem. We either live in this clown market sucking the blue pill or we go back to stone age hoarding rocks in our caves, no inbetween.

>> No.54117587

What is a practical way to fight against banks? Agitate for other countries to nationalize sectors with investments and cancel foreign (American) debt? Crypto? Mattresses? General strike?

>> No.54117659

Banks would not be profitable enough if they only held cash. Why would anyone open a bank, if there was no profit? How could they pay their workers? Private banks need some income.

Why can't you hold cash? Why do you have a bank account?

>> No.54117693

Only reason is to prevent minorities from stealing your cash

>> No.54117815

It could work if banks were able to charge a recurring fee for their services. Of course, if just one bank was offering free accounts and investing deposits it would drive all the others out of business

>> No.54118061

I disagree. If a few banks offered a fee to hold only cash, there are plenty of people who would open an account. There would be tremendously less risk, but it would mostly be wealthy individuals.

Most poorer people would continue to use riskier banks, since they would never reach the FDIC insurance limit. And there are plenty of wealthy people who are stupid and think they are saving money by not paying the fee.

>> No.54118108

Everyone in looking to hedge inflation at any moment. Preferably, jeets run to stablecoins, likewise myself hiding under stables earning rewards through SpoolFi..

>> No.54118162


Don't niche banks like this already exist? At the end of the day you can assess banks on risk like any other.

>> No.54118173

>why can't banks just hold cash?

There is no profit there. If a bank was made to only custody money they would have no way to use your money to make money from it.

>> No.54119706

A group or nation that doesn't deploy its capital stagnates while its neighbour that does grows in power. Even if the goal is some kind of return to monkey gardens the people with more power are more capable of accomplishing that.

>> No.54119733

>a bank's purpose is to hold cash
Lol. Ive never heard anything more anti-Semitic in my life.

>> No.54119765


>> No.54119773

gee it's almost as if we shouldn't have private banks. maybe one giant nationalized bank is the way to go...

>> No.54119819

Huh? Do bank fees not exist in America?

>> No.54119826

The safe in your closet is for holding cash. Never trust a Bank.

>> No.54119880

>they were told that they wouldn't be allowed to operate with such an unfair advantage, as all depositors in the country would simply move their money to that bank, and no other
>Unfair advantage
>all depositors in the country would simply move their money to that bank that pays 0% interest, and no others
This. People want their money to atleast appreciate to keep up with inflation.

>> No.54120008

No you fucking moron, that wouldn't solve anything. I'm so sick of hearing retarded hot takes from someone that doesn't understand what a fucking debit or credit is. You retards wax philosophic about how banking should be done when you don't even know how an economy fucking works. You dumb motherfuckers will bitch about Jews all day but never consider that maybe you are the fucking stupid sheep they breed because you don't know shit about anything

>> No.54122366
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>he have no idea

there's been an daily, multi-year general about this for over two thousand threads at the moment. one of the longest generals in 4chan history btw.

it will be used to solve the global financial crisis.

its the standard.

>> No.54122391

nothing gets a jew riled up more than common sense ideas about banking

>> No.54122490

Why do they have to make money? Why isn’t a bank which is unable to fail not considered a national utility necessary for the benefit of a nation’s citizens? Kikes, EFT

>> No.54122492

>People want their money to atleast appreciate to keep up with inflation.
Have you SEEN the fucking rates they offer?

>> No.54122520

>Why do they have to make money?
because....because they just DO ok??

>> No.54122546

This anti Semitic tirade is really uncalled for. I mean really, who the fuck are you; ya arrogant piece of shit? Seriously fuck you, fucking Nazi douchebag. Anti Semitism has no place on biz, go back to to the depths of /pol/ or just go sully some other site you evil coward

>> No.54122574

You tell em Mori! Give dem Nazi douchebaegs what for!

>> No.54122591
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>why can't banks

>> No.54122602
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seethe, shit skin

>> No.54122634

Because they have to MAKE MONEY!

Why? They need to have commercials with well spoken, attractive people of color having a great time, thus attractive more clients to use their bank.

They also need to pay the salaries of all the 24 year old recent graduates living in nyc.

How do they make money to afford these things without investments?

>> No.54122647
File: 103 KB, 700x869, 1645867294118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge gay retards think not being huge gay retards is Jewish, who would have thought

>> No.54122681
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Kike is mad lol

what not enough baby dick blood or something?

>> No.54122692

>Government issues bonds
>Government tells you they are the only "safe" investment tool you are allowed to use
>Government then makes them worthless


>> No.54122707
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>Buhhh why da bank can no have to hold all the money?? This must be the long-nose kike move

Eat a dick moron. You faggots and your kike hate are so tiring, find a new shtick

>> No.54122714

banks already have invaluable info from knowing customers purchases.
meaning they will always win in stock trading and everything in life as they possess even more info then the governments of nations itself when it comes to what people do.
people think google knowing your browsing history is the shit but banks KNOW everything you actually do with your money and I mean EVERYTHING.

>> No.54122718

>I know holding holding cash is bad cuz inflation
There wouldn’t be inflation if they held assets 1:1 and the dollar was still backed by gold.

>> No.54122757
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>Eat a dick moron.
nice projection kike, your entire religion is centered around baby dick sucking, worshiping demons, and being financial parasites.

>> No.54122830
File: 41 KB, 700x540, 1653417721560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one that brought up dicks in your stupid fucking post. go back to /pol/ where the rest of you flat Earth retards jerk off about who is the most white or some retarded shit.

>> No.54122850

>and so I'm hoarding certain "everyday luxury" items like bar soap
been doing this since i was 5 years old with the free soap from hotel rooms, if SHTF people will be begging for a monthly rinse, whores get a competitive advantage smelling better, some variants are precursors to explosives production, its small, fungible, and not the thing the theives would think to grab in the event of a robbery

>> No.54122872

Banking is a con.

>> No.54122873

I’m ya brotha Mori why do you treat me with such disrespect?!

>> No.54122875
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/biz/ is the financial department of /pol/, the goyim will know who is eating them and why.

>> No.54122878

>be bank
>invest in everything
>political friends all profit
>your bank yeets too hard
>political friends help you out
>everyone profits

>> No.54122889

Better yet why don't they all just coordinate pump and dump scams on the public so they always gain money?

>> No.54123023

dilate and seeth, troon

>> No.54123110

Do you have any idea how low the bank interest rates are? It’s basically zero

>> No.54123170

Only for poor people. If you have a student account or a sufficient balance (something like $5000 dollars for the simplest type of checking/savings account), all monthly account fees are waived.

>> No.54123324

>Do you have any idea how low the bank interest rates are? It’s basically zero
Better than nothing. But coming from South Africa our interest rates are basically 5%+ thanks to our average of 7% yearly inflation.
Your low interest rates are due to your "strong" currency. But your retards just keep printing ridiculous amounts of money that your inflation is just beating nominal inflation rates.
This sounds odd to me but it makes sense considering how your banks treat your money

>> No.54123350
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>> No.54123413

imagine being a trust fund kid with a gambling addiction and a father that suffers from dementia.
your father gives you 100$ and asks you to save it for later. you, being a complete retard, go to the next casino and lose it all because you're convinced in your gay ape brain that you're going to hit the jackpot this time for sure. congrats you're all out of cash, its time to go back to pops and ask for money. he, being a complete fucking demented retard, gives you 100$ again because he forgot about earlier and loves you a lot, you're the poster child of the family of course. you throw in the 100$ and lose it all again. your neighbors are warning your dad that you're robbing him clean but he doesnt believe them. you're living a life without consequences and you know it, so you act like it. you're a bank.

>> No.54123472

with a father that suffers from dementia*

>> No.54123506

Quality analogy

>> No.54123717


OP is faggot as usual. listen OP, this what jews do as they are a parasitical class. they infiltrate society, create a parallel monetary system which mimics the one of the host nation. they then use their parasitical fake dollars to exchange with the goy for his goods and services.

>> No.54126542


>> No.54127079

>>54115747 /thread

>> No.54127087


>> No.54127102

me to jews

>> No.54129122

they just get bailed out by the fed why wouldn't they risk your money

>> No.54130866

Self custody is the solution anon. Good thing crypto makes it available to all users

>> No.54130906

That's not hoe money works anon.
You can't just have all the money on hand all the time, you have to have fractional amounts to allow for maximum money making

>> No.54131493

>do they really need to lock up 100% of their cash in questionable investments all the time?
yes welcome to capitalism

>> No.54131541

wtf is that real?

>> No.54131737

They are sneaky as fuck, and too bad for everyone using banks when there are better payment solutions, I will rather pay with crypto

>> No.54131750

Stop asking questions.

>> No.54132051
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Give me a minute, let me ask the manager real quick

>> No.54132768

I only pay with crypto because of its lower charges and cashback kek, even now real estate merchants like Kensington accepts crypto payment, Imagine how much I can make on 1.5% cashback on payment

>> No.54133279

we had all the proper regulation in place after the great depression, the last bit stripped out was by Clinton 5 months before leaving office, "Glass–Steagall", which gave birth the mortgage backed securities, which brought housing prices in to play with leverage and all that bullshit.

>> No.54133596
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A lot of anons ITT saying "the heckin banking joo system is le EBIL &stoopid", which it is, and it is run by Jews, and the incentives that hold it up are retarded

But let's look at what a bank might have to do in the current environment to hold more % of deposits
I'm no expert, so I could be completely talking out of my ass

A bank called Based Actually Money-Holding Bank One, or BAMHO, wants to hold 50% audited reserves to attract customers, whales and large businesses that just want to fucking hold large amounts in cash without getting rugged all the time

The bank still has to beat inflation and probably add a little bit on top to entice people to hold their money with BAMHO instead of Tbills

In 2021 inflation was 10.4% (TEN PERCENT!) and last year it was 6.4% and those are only the numbers officially reported
That means in order to merely cover inflation + add a little say 2% sweetener for people to hold their money there, the bank would have to make 12% and 8% returns on all their deposits for those years respectively

And now with only 50% of their deposits available to invest and the rest in rapidly devaluing cash, that means they need to make a wild 20% and 16% return on potentially billions of dollars just in those two years and make no profit

If they didn't do that and just made below-inflation returns then they're back to just being a Tbill custodian who no one wants to use and making very little profit as well

On top of that there is the risk that a bigger bank or (((group))) of banks, seeing competition in their larger cash depositors to this new money-holding bank, would intentionally invest a lot of money, perhaps over the 50% reserve and then take it out, or some otherwise cause a bank run

This is just my idea of it
Maybe someone can tell me why I'm retarded

>> No.54133628

>Same with inflation and printing money, if there was none of that everyone would just hoard and save which equals little to no progress.
>if prices weren’t constantly going up, you wouldn’t buy anything
This is your brain on the US college education system. I suppose people don’t buy TVs, computer parts, electronics, and phones because those prices are typically falling, right? If only SSDs just got more expensive instead of cheaper, then we’d have real growth.

>> No.54133643

Apparently the official number for 2021 was actually 7% but you get the idea

>> No.54133688

It's like an alcoholic who thinks because he's been clean a while "ah I can have one drink now and then, one drink won't kill me"

>> No.54133761

Loans help businesses skip to v2 of their product. That is capitalism.

But it's risky so we encouraged people to develop money piles which created a stop and go feedback loop in the economy.

Don't forget the housing crisis that was never solved. Apartment blocks skyrocketed the value of housing, investors pumped apartments and dumped houses. This was to keep everything moving when it couldn't anymore.

Now it's really grinding to a halt but because we use a loan and insurance based system now, everything can go to hell and everything will keep functioning. We have set ourselves up to get into the deepest of shits. All in the name of profit.

And it pisses me off because we are capable of great things but that doesn't matter if there isn't a tangible return to doing them.

>> No.54133777

Yes this is how circumcisions are done in Judaism

>> No.54133831

If banks just held our cash we would have to pay them for the service. Who would do that when you can paid for the same thing?

>> No.54135406

Banks are a business with no fiduciary responsibilities, they model themselves after the fed and lend to each other, the banker runs off with the bags and your left with cat litter and even toxoplasmosis seems like a resanoable deal.

>> No.54135498

>a bank's purpose
Is to make money. They do this by lending depositors' money at rates higher than they pay depositors.

>> No.54137138

>is the retards
This is what happens when you replace regular curriculum with infinite gender nonsense.