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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54115263 No.54115263 [Reply] [Original]

Will studying Babylon, Canaan, and Phoenicia, help me understand banking?
I see people mention that usury started then. Can anyone recommend some books, blogs or podcasts on Babylonian money magic?

>> No.54115321

No, go to school and get a finance degree. Helps if you're jewish. If you're not, then good luck.

>> No.54115515

>Babylon, Canaan, and Phoenicia
It will help your understand modern jews

>> No.54115581

I'll quickly sum up everything in a simple sentence.
Yes. It's the jews.

>> No.54116188

>I see people mention that usury started then. Can anyone recommend some books, blogs or podcasts on Babylonian money magic?
I recommend The Sumerian Swindle, it describes the origins of usury and the development of ancient mesopotamia/babylon.


>> No.54116208

You can find an audiobook reading of it on bitchute

>> No.54116298
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learn about the federal reserve first and the last 100 years. then learn about the british empire and east india company. then maybe go further back look at the templars, the crusades, and venice. them maybe go back and learn about babylon, yo ucan read the bible too as well as the talmud.
for a qrd read "tragedy and hope 101" by joseph plummer only 200 pages. there is a book called creature from jekyll island about the ofrmation of the federal reserve. you can probably make your way from here. I really like listening to the Grand theft world podcast, richard grove touches on all this kind of stuff

pic is unrelated but also interesting if you have time

>> No.54116448
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this anon gives great options
there's an astrology one too, lemme look some more

>> No.54118803

Modern finance is derived from babylon. They had futures, stocks, bonds, fractional reserve banking etc back then

>> No.54118811

The richest man in Babylon

>> No.54118853

say hi to Moloch for me after the vaxx kills you off hooknose

>> No.54118902

yes everything i've lernt from the babylonians told me to invest heavily in steak and steak related products

>> No.54118992

is this because the jews are most suited for financial dark magic?

i wish i was schizo enough to get into that hsit

>> No.54119122

is this a new meme or a token or some shit? seeing this all over biz. TELL ME

>> No.54119151

sup lucas

>> No.54119171

No. You will only find that all of the different religions and denominations are utterly lacking, and that none of them are pure and 100% true and verifiable.

>> No.54119402

it's really him, isn't it? absolute legend

>> No.54119454


>> No.54119471
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u mad?