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File: 13 KB, 260x194, old_man_yells_at_bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54114741 No.54114741 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is made appositely to destroy vampire kikes and politicians that leech off of your labour

>> No.54114815
File: 27 KB, 563x363, LolLmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54114860

Bitcoin is but not BTC.
Not with its 7 transaction per second limit.
Not with its failed second layer.
Not with its broken economic model that can't survive the halvings.
BSV can do it though, capacity to take all transactions from the banking network and put them on chain.
Retains the original protocol making it a commodity rather than a security.
Unshakable economic model, miners get paid and incentivized to process as many transactions as they can.

>> No.54114863
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>he doesn't understand mining

>> No.54114903

Based. All else is noise.

>> No.54114925

>he still thinks ordinary people own the majority of BTC available

>> No.54115022
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this assumes the average person is willing to manage their banking themselves instead of trusting it with a literal crypto bank

Hoping that the general public gains social consciousness and ditches banking one day to be their own banks is like believing the working class will gain social consciousness and seize the means of production

Banks will not hesitate to take over and monopolize crypto if they ever see it as a threat

>> No.54115068

What matters is that nobody can just give themselves more of it out of the blue. It levels the playing field. It rewards saving.
Think of how many great minds will give themselves to science instead of finance because it will be easier to CREATE wealth as opposed to stealing it with finance trickery

>> No.54115130

shut the fuck up tech illiterate morron

>> No.54115142

>If something is finite, then it has value because.... well it just does okay!

>> No.54115246

Bitcoin has value because it's technology that solves the Byzantines generals problem.

>> No.54115414

I'm a full stack dev who got into bitcoin in 2012. Show me the error of my ways, you won't, because you can't.

>> No.54115576

>full stack
>front end
your monkey brain couldn't understand how bitcoin works, how block size works, how the consensus works, what impacts hardware have on bitcoin throughput, political implications of this, shut the fuck up incompetent and failed fake developer with no vision and sub midwit opinions

>> No.54116056

not one of my points refuted. just autistic screeching.
BSV survives long term because a large volume of transactions creates a large volume of transaction fees, these fees can exceed the coinbase block reward, it's a brilliant design where miners are incentivized to process as many transactions as possible.
BTC moves from 6.25 to 3.125 coins per block as a reward for the miners next Easter, the dev's have no plan on how to solve the loss in revenue for miners and when the following halving in 2028 occurs BTC dies for good. I doubt it'll survive that long anyway, BSV will eclipse it long before then.
Now screech some more you pleb.

>> No.54116191

just like I expected, you cannot understand what I've said even though it's not hard to understand, you're picking a failed hardfork with zero future against a chain which will evolve the right way at the right moment
there's nothing the devs have to do morron, you don't know how the consensus works, it all has to do with the rules of the protocol and the bitcoin price, which is still again working as expected and will continue

>> No.54116206

>bitcoin is engineered to kill central banks

>> No.54116497
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>I'm a full stack dev
And yet the version of Bitcoin you shill has almost zero software and services available for it. It has spam games and services that seem to be shutting down every other week now. You bsv shills love to say how advanced your shitcoin is compared to BTC yet I see no actual new advancements. Even the 6 gorrilion patents faketoshi got I don't see any of those parents being implemented on your chain. So what are you working on, "full stack dev"?

>> No.54117060
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>bsv shills are still around

>> No.54117064

What should they do? Just let themselves die?

>> No.54117568
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but it failed doing just that (because of course the governemtns of all around the world arent just going to spread their legs and let it take their precious money away) and thats ok. my nftb and doge bags are okay. it can stay as a shitcoin generator for all i care at this point.

>> No.54117579

Did you learn nothing from Celsius?

>> No.54117602
File: 61 KB, 408x500, 163898361076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People are retarded and thats why every single crypto bank has failed. The recent svb and similar should be enough proof of this.

>> No.54117733

the shitcoin machine is ethereum though

>> No.54117833

I want central bank controlled local currencies weakly pegged to BTC. How weakly pegged you want it depends on the local economy.
A nation that primarily farms apples needs ways to deal with global apple price fluctuations. If the global price is extremely high or low it represents external issues that you don't want the local economy to be sucked into.

Basically in an apple based economy the local worker should be able to afford a similar amount of apples no matter if globally apples are considered a luxury or trash. The local economy should function and feed people without needing the rest of the world. Trade should be a bonus not the reason to make food.

>> No.54118020

So it's the equipment that is worth something at the end of it all? kek