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File: 191 KB, 1067x800, 456769788546569780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54112370 No.54112370 [Reply] [Original]

Peter Schiff is MAD

>> No.54112401

He is right
This Bitcoin exit pump will crash hard in a few days.

>> No.54112415

So will gold, they're effectively the same commodity

>> No.54112422

You missed the bottom.

>> No.54112435


>> No.54112467

>Missed the bottom
>Before the biggest economic recession since WW2
Oh sweet summer child you haven't seen anything yet ;)

>> No.54112499 [DELETED] 

>onlytwo more weeks

>> No.54112506

lmao, Schiff is seething so hard, this might unironically be the start of a new bullrun. You just know it's bad when he isn't making smug posts about the death of crypto.

>> No.54112521

>only two more weeks

>> No.54112526
File: 38 KB, 339x391, 1563537335740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttcoin will be sub $20k this weekend. This is an exit pump

>> No.54112529

>only gold is sustainable
>doesn’t explain why
Seems like a cope

>> No.54112534

Do you find a patronising tone lends more weight to your opinions?

>> No.54112564
File: 1.31 MB, 219x200, 1675382484348757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I'll buy more

>> No.54112565

You sound like a butthurt faggot

>> No.54112587

Yeah ngl I remember people selling 8k were saying the same shit. Either buy in now or stay poor unironically trying to help you retard.

>> No.54112589

I-i-it just is OK!?

>> No.54112597

This. Bitchuds gonna lose their money.

>> No.54112610

lol purple ID caught acting like a dick suckin fag

>> No.54112611

>Said the guy who called me faggots and told me to kill myself
Lmao ;)

>> No.54112667
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>> No.54112694

yea hes mad bros

>> No.54112705

>uses smileyfaces to prove he isn't a butthurt faggot
Seethe, cope and kill yourself

>> No.54112720


>> No.54112799

Shit just have both bitcoin AND gold. You can do more than 1 thing at a time. All I know is that central banks around the world are buying tons and tons of gold.

>> No.54112853

Digital slavery is probably what were going to get. They'll get rid of bitcoin if it's a threat to CBDC's.

>> No.54112899

Finally, a correct opinion.

>> No.54112950

absolute brainlets

>> No.54112972

He's a literal gold salesman he has to be anti-crypto

>> No.54113240

he'll live to see the day he's wrong actually already has but doesn't realize it yet

>> No.54113403

false. Gold is a store of value.

>> No.54113420

There will be no pivot.

>> No.54113430

this guy is faking it. he's a con artist of course he's all in Bitcoin with his drug money.

>> No.54113445

Peter Schiff at least sells something you can hold in your hand and show off to chicks. BTC is a bloop in a computer.

>> No.54113535

Just like our dollars in the bank. Just a fake number. But chicks love it too.

>> No.54113579

radioactive metals are the only true store of value

>> No.54113606

well it has thousands of years of history but we'll just ignore that cuz le btc poomp

>> No.54113617

Naw because you show up in your lambo with a bunch of 100 dollar bills you're a fag. Show up in your lambo and start throwing gold bars at that bitch and when security tries to kick you out you can fight them off with the gold bars.

>> No.54113624

your shiny rock will fail to retain value like it always did in a close future, because now if it's physical it can't be digital hence never money again

>> No.54113629

Yeah exactly, he sells it. Weird isn't it, if he believes in it so much why is he short it

>> No.54113640

5000 years of history, and among that how much involved a technology called computers and networking?

>> No.54113647

Unless it's JEWelry, chicks do not care about your /toy/ collection. Having a hoard of pm is a red flag that you are an obsessed misanthrope. But we shouldn't care about the opinions of women.

>> No.54113654

>just because its a better hedge doesnt mean its a better hedge
fuuucking hell..

>> No.54113665
File: 81 KB, 258x195, 2weeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a few days.
14 days?

>> No.54113679

Gold also have extensive real world usages as a material unlike bitcoin.

>> No.54113796

chicks dig my dragon horde, bitch

>> No.54113863

Your opinion is discarded. Bitcoin doesnt care about you. It is the most tradable item compared to any (precious, altcoins, fiat, real estate, etc)

>> No.54113879

>Gold also have extensive real world usages
No one cares. The main use of gold is being stored in vaults. No one purchases gold because it has industrial uses, people (read: retards) purchase gold because you can't print more of it.

>> No.54113889


>> No.54113890

the government and its various corporate partners own a shit ton of bitcoin. do you think that's le bullish? they're holding it to dump on your ass.

>> No.54113974

I don't believe you aren't aware why "precious metals" are precious since you are here. You just sound stupid

>> No.54113994

i unironically like this guy

>> No.54113999

Two more weeks!

>> No.54114012

If industrial uses mattered to a precious metal, they'd be used more often than hoarded. Plus the banks easily manipulate gold and silver for their own purposes. You will probably be dead before gold does anything interesting.

>> No.54114037

You will never make it anon. Sad.

>> No.54114039

ong that gold chart looks like the most beautiful 20 year long cup and handle i could paint

>> No.54114081

it's true that gold has fewer industrial uses than other commodities. if you are interested in a metal with lots of industrial use, look into silver.

>> No.54114082

Anyone who buys gold to increase purchasing power is a retard. Gold is for preserving your purchasing power with lower risks involved.
>If industrial uses mattered to a precious metal
There are materials more expensive than gold. It's the only thing that matters. They are useful and rare = precious

>> No.54114108

silver is generally used because it is le cheaper gold

>> No.54114110

>They are useful and rare = precious
They only need to be rare to be precious.

>> No.54114154

>They only need to be rare to be precious.
Well, only if you can convince someone to buy it. If we are going to talk that way, diamond is also precious but it's not rare. It's price is kept high artificially.

>> No.54114160
File: 147 KB, 1283x995, payWithBTCPeterSchiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is peter Schiff still a topic of conversation?

>> No.54114180

rarity is the utility, that in itself convinces someone to buy it. there doesn't need to be an industrial use, any value that use provides is marginal and tiny at best.

>> No.54114200

>one can move around the world at a faster pace than legacy payment systems but slower than most other blockchain technology at the cost of electricity
>one cannot be created and requires physical effort to move
you know we can always make bitcoin 2.0 but we can't make gold 2.0

>> No.54114241

>you know we can always make bitcoin 2.0
Cool. Then make it happen, I believe in your abilities anon. You make it sound so easy.

>> No.54114859

Underrated high IQ post

>> No.54114902

this guy doesn't know what inflation is does he

>> No.54115011

There thousands of crypto currencies i.e. Bitcoin 2.0

>> No.54115034

thats stupid

>> No.54115057

If it crashes, it will crash to 24k anon

>> No.54115175

Right, just like there's many different metals, and that in and of itself makes them Gold 2.0 Get fucked, retard.

>> No.54115250
File: 417 KB, 2048x772, schiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he 100% owns btc

>> No.54115322
File: 44 KB, 941x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>returned to feb levels
how can he convince himself of this when it's easy to see that's not true? i swear this guy's secretly pro-bitcoin

>> No.54115374

14 more days

>> No.54115578

When he made that tweet it was at Feb levels you retard

>> No.54116312

you could even make an exact clone

>> No.54116354

Right, because it'll have the same widespread acceptance and security assurances as Bitcoin. If what you were saying were true, then Platinum would BTFO gold. But it doesn't. Why is that? Because platinum doesn't have the same network effect and widespread acceptance as gold, because gold's had a couple thousand years headway.

>> No.54116380

the only real trait they share is they can't be produced by man in any capacity
we can make a million bitcoin clones that all do the exact same thing

>> No.54116399

>muh acceptance
we might as well trade in pokemon nfts because people would accept those even more
I hope you're not all in bitcoin

>> No.54116416

>we can make a million bitcoin clones that all do the exact same thing
Your Bitcoin clone doesn't dilute the 21 million in the existing protocol, just as copper doesn't dilute the amount of gold. In physical precious metals, the atomic structure is the ledger.

I'm so glad you're so concerned about my holdings. I have an interesting portfolio made up of more than just Bitcoin, which I've held for 11 years.

>> No.54116445

Ever purchase a gun with pokemon nfts, anon? Because I sure as hell haven't. But I did purchase an ak47 with Bitcoin years ago.

>> No.54116459

Why not both. I just immediately distrust a guy putting 2 good assets against each other to make a minor point.

>> No.54116664
File: 139 KB, 2204x962, Gold 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is fine if that's what you like

>> No.54116706

>fed pivot
You can’t take this seriously

>> No.54116714
File: 132 KB, 2193x1019, Bitcoin 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But to down talk Bitcoin to make gold look good just isn't a very good argument and just sounds like cope.

>> No.54116749
File: 116 KB, 676x543, cryptotards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold doesn't carry a massive air bubble. Im not saying im buying gold tho but the clusterfuck surrounding crypto is insane.

>> No.54116817

nobody believes you've been holding bitcoin for 11 years, squirt

>> No.54116821

But Bitcoin has worked because it's too small to matter. The moment Bitcoin does well on both inflationary + deflationary waves they will ban it because boomers will be mad money goes there and not on their products.

>> No.54116911

Don't care what you think. I held Doge when it was worthless, and got in on amDOGE's PND before Wolong launched his scam coin. Cultured anons will recognize these words, retards like you don't matter.

>> No.54116934

>But Bitcoin has worked because it's too small to matter.
Using the same faulty logic, we can also argue that it will continue to work because it's too big too fail, later on.

>> No.54117132

It cannot work without exchanges, no liquidity. Sure there will be a black market and it will be valuable there, but so what.

>> No.54117133

U can sell crypto with no effort
Gold is not as easy to sell, has to be transported, and takes a premium haircut on sale.
Retards hold crypto hoping for a pump. People buy gold to hold it, not to instantly sell on a 10% profit/loss

>> No.54117158

>"It cannot work without exchanges"
There was a time before any exchanges existed, anon. Didn't stop Bitcoin from functioning as a protocol for transferring value. You need to smoke more DMT and open up your dimensions of thinking, you are like a little baby.

>> No.54117171

btc's fiat value is entirely dependent on the banking sector you despise so much
get rid of banks, get rid of btc's fiat value, get rid of interest in btc

>> No.54117190

That won't stop Bitcoin any more than the war on drugs stopped drugs. Bitcoin's value was derived from energy expenditures before it was traded for dollars.

>> No.54117280

It's obvious you are all bizlets that have never done real business, don't move big money, and no one gives a shit about you because all you do is ride the coattails of developers and people that actually build things.

If you ran a business, with employees, you'd understand the economy is in total free fall and they can only paper over it so long.
>3.4% unemployment
>6% inflation
Only retards can believe this.
Sperg hard little children.

>> No.54117512

Based take. I love and hold Bitcoin, but only a fool ignores the macro economic landscape.

>> No.54117866
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If the opposite had happened, he would say
>See? This is PROOF that gold is better!

He is perfect example of a permanently closed and biased mind.

>> No.54117908

> Extensive
List 'em.

>> No.54117943

lolbertarians are clinically retarded, they are beyond hope

>> No.54117953

>So will gold, they're effectively the same commodity
gold is nearly indestructible but bitcoin can be destroyed by losing a private key or if there's no electricity or internet. gold doesn't need electricity and the internet to exist

>> No.54117959

>you know we can always make bitcoin 2.0
Describe the goal of doing this as well as the process towards success.

>> No.54117995

Lots of other metals too. Quite a few are more valuable than Gold too. There is no altcoin bigger than Bitcoin and its market dominance is rising.

You played yourself.

>> No.54118037

Peter "Butthurt Boomer" Schiff

>> No.54118044

Smart. Goldbugs and Bitcoin Maxis need to slay the fiat dragon first. It's a few trillion dollars of market cap at war with itself while the >$1Q supply doesn't even think about it.

>> No.54118086

Remember when Roosevelt outlawed gold ownership and confiscated it from the banks?

Good thing we didn't fall for Bitcoin.

>> No.54118102

As opposed to shiny rocks?

>> No.54118728

>If we are going to talk that way, diamond is also precious but it's not rare. It's price is kept high artificially.
Reported for antisemitism

>> No.54119039

you can use shiny rock as a cup

>> No.54119146

You don't understand libertarians.
It's NECESSARY to understanding the world to understand how people will behave sans interference.
If you have never studied ancap or libertarian philosophy you are adrift attempting to explain or understand the policies and their actual effects.

You need to understand ceteris paribus thinking.
I'm not a libertarian, a fascist of course. But to understand what my fascist policies will effect I need to understand how people behave without any policies at all.

>> No.54119166


>> No.54119204
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>> No.54119330
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I like Schiff, but I just can't take him seriously anymore.

>> No.54119383

Lolbertarians love state intervention and policies, as long as they help wealthy elites.

>> No.54119417

>living in a literal holographic sim
>thinks digital is new

>> No.54119435

>already below 24k again

looks like the Schiffster was right again

>> No.54119493

Why is he so obsessed with gold? Holy fuck man calm down already. He's been preaching this stuff for years now.

>> No.54119766
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 7527272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many words, Schiff. Just buy some BTC and stop tweeting

>> No.54119833

Lol biggest cope I’ve ever seen. Schiff is literally a seasoned veteran at eating shit.

>> No.54119929

I always read his tweets in the voice of Saruman

>> No.54120019
File: 28 KB, 600x603, b94.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking told you
It was a bart

>> No.54120063

When jews shut off the internet he will be correct

>> No.54120085

>There was a time before any exchanges existed, anon
Yeah, and it was worth peanuts. You can transfer peanuts per unit of account (BTC) but that wouldn't make it a good investment.

>> No.54120105

But you cannot buy houses or cars or diversify or anything relevant with drugs or anything outside of the law and regulations, so who cares.
inb4 some convoluted scheme to turn BTC into fiat you can use to buy such goods.

>> No.54120114

Name one.

>> No.54120182
File: 270 KB, 640x527, 1670076980206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So will gold, they're effectively the same commodity
You retards never cease to amaze me

>> No.54120191

Any law protecting private property rights over capital.

>> No.54120375
File: 507 KB, 1524x1328, Biz American bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don´t buy globohomo gold, take a risk and buy from another country in bigger quants
8 days of canned anchovies and eggs will finance it

>> No.54120651
File: 35 KB, 300x453, cannibls all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private property rights over capital?
Do you even know what those words mean?

YOU ARE capital and that's the foundation of everything.
This is why corporations have HUMAN RESOURCES departments.
Commies actually have a better understanding of what is what than most ideologies in this regard and that's why I just suggest the pic related book over in xsg.
I'd suggest reading a book by Misis, Rothbard, Hoppe, Ricardo, etc.

>> No.54121057

> Golds rally is sustainable
Gold is going to $500 per ounce.

>> No.54121356

>Now that we have the internet, entries in a ledger are inherently valuable!
I'd probably be a lot bigger fan of bitcoin if its shills weren't so insufferably absurd. Humans have been "networking" (face-to-face) since the dawn of time. Even an abacus is technically a computer. Ledger book accounting has been used as a form of currency since people learned to write.
Making the ledger available for everyone to see is not all that revolutionary. I don't even think its a great idea, since it destroys privacy.

>> No.54121389

Altseason incoming


>> No.54121463
File: 17 KB, 300x310, 3557BDCF-ECCB-4C66-8400-AA054E5C3B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I thought this board couldn’t get any more retarded. Pic related. It’s you.

>> No.54121541
File: 34 KB, 488x681, C9D890BC-7E6F-4FBB-A8C1-DF55AADA5C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh sweet summer child
I agree with your opinion on BTC, but holy shit, fuck off with this faggot expression. It makes you sound like a complete faggot.

>> No.54121630

He's supposed to say "sweat summer child" I know.
What a loser.

>> No.54121858

Let's make bank

cos dot tv/videos/play/42961585568781312

>> No.54121891
File: 10 KB, 215x578, BRICS Known Commodities For Exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the difference between gold and Bitcoin:

Gold = No counter party risk and it's physically real
Bitcoin = A construct that can be wiped out of existence

The value of the two in comparison to fiat is meaningless because it is also a construct. Start measuring gold and bitcoin in terms of things you can exchange such as food or fuel.

>> No.54122055

I’ve always imagined what would happen if the entirety of crypto was deleted in an afternoon.

>> No.54122103

i hope so, I made money with trades this week, I need to put more money in at 20k or below BTC

>> No.54122111
File: 65 KB, 1223x1227, passthespliffSchiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao imagine listening to this fag

>> No.54122128

epic levels of copium
when will this moron realize that blockchain is the only true form of money to have ever existed?

>> No.54122351

thank god for retards like you to unload my bags to if I hold them a bit too long

>> No.54122405

sweaty Sumer God-King

>> No.54122767

He does agree with blockchain technology but only if it's backed by physical assets like gold or silver

>> No.54123979

Its amazing how much people strawman schiff when they can just listen to his podcast for context and prove themselves wrong. He has been on point and 6 months early on everything since 2019

All it took for him to go from "predicting 25 of the past 2 recessions" to "predicting everything correctly" was for biden to get elected

>> No.54124116


He has unironically called the bottom like 10 times now.

>> No.54124238
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>> No.54124501
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>they're effectively the same commodity

>> No.54124897

peter shill makes me not want to buy gold

>> No.54124947

Get out of the space. Hodlers will inherit the earth.

>> No.54124973


>> No.54125341

Nothing would happen because no one uses it.

>> No.54125395

Reminder Peter Schiff stated in an interview recently that bitcoin would be sub 10k EOY.

>> No.54125588
File: 748 KB, 902x2566, nazi capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so a commie

>> No.54126110

Gold is a real commodity, and bitcoin is a literal ponzu scheme. One will outlast the other.

>> No.54126222

Who the fuck would buy this chart?

>> No.54126249

>fed pivot
Has the fed said as much?

>> No.54126274
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>> No.54126286

>the fed has pivoted
wtf is he talking about?

>> No.54126291
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude gold is definitely gonna dump after america's 16th largest bank collapsed. you are like, so smart. are you a professional investooor?

>> No.54126299

No. The guy is pulling shit out of his ass.

>> No.54126303

Expanding their balance sheet buying shit the banks can’t liquidate on their own, with money they create out of thin air, is in actuality a pivot, regardless of what they say.

>> No.54126337

>moving goal posts and changing the definition to redefine pivot
stfu you god dammed retard

>> No.54126349

Honestly surprised he's pulling shit out of his ass, one would expect him to be pulling gold bars out of his ass.

>> No.54126365

so is bitcoin.

>> No.54126371

A pivot on the fight against inflation, you disinformation shill.

>> No.54126373

>so is shitcoin
fixt that 4 u (also ur wrong)

>> No.54126376

>boomer rocks

Ask him how gold is after Perth mint fiasco

>> No.54126513

> Hi my names Peter Schiff let me tell you why ButtCorn is a scam and you should invest in gold.

>> No.54126551

>Gold is fine
no it isn't
chart gold YOY vs government measured inflation (fraud) YOY
it loses every fucking year

>> No.54126567

Is there a single kike on planet Earth who likes Bitcoin?
The fact they get so hysterical says to me Bitcoin is their end.

>> No.54126614
File: 36 KB, 770x410, 67E10AA9-178E-460B-AC62-AF734E9907C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 471% over the last 20 years

>> No.54126710
File: 63 KB, 758x759, 1617970157441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wait 20 years for less than 5x bro

>> No.54126747

yeah but like, uh, if you compare it to SHIBA INU DOGSHIT COIN then uh, the gains aren't as good (if you look at a cherry picked 6 month time frame only)

>> No.54126757

hey fag, your free 5x's are over.
or do you think le crypto bullrun 3.0 is right around the corner? kys

>> No.54126769

did he just call the bottom AGAIN?

>> No.54126794

so it's kept up with inflation

>> No.54126954


>> No.54126991

you two idiots don't even know how a fullnode works

>> No.54127012

thanks for selling, seriously

>> No.54127014

do you not understand what YOY means, you gargantuan retard?
the inflation measured by the government standard is a complete sham
and STILL, each year, gold underperforms it, without fail

do you understand it now?

>> No.54127027

no, it lost to it

>> No.54127041

Goldbugs mentally ill

>> No.54127049

>hEs rIghT
post short :)

>> No.54127094

You do realize you lost money over the duration of most of that chart, right? Or is that some secret genius goldbug 4D shit?