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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54110269 No.54110269 [Reply] [Original]

So there will be no pivot this year will they keep rates high for the next 5-10 years?

>> No.54110316

>So there will be no pivot this year will they keep rates high for the next 5-10 years?
You really think the Fed could possibly go 5 whole years holding in their load like that? I don't. It's already nearly been a year and a half. Their balls must be so blue they need help standing up from a chair

>> No.54112034

Based crypto lord

>> No.54112780

Mcafee was so fucking cool
We need to bring whacked back

>> No.54112823

in the end he was right to live the way he did
seeing as he got suicided in jail

>> No.54113234

This bullrun is dedicated to John's memory. May he rest in peace

>> No.54113536

You millenialcucks have had almost nonexistent interest rates for the majority of your adult lives and now think that’s normal. It’s not. Interest rates are finally going back to normal levels now

>> No.54113671

His ex girlfriend believes he faked his death
It's nice to hope in he has a batman paris scene one day

>Non existent interest rates
>Adult lives
You mean stupid faggot boomers like you had zero % interest rates
It's not normal levels when there is mass unemployment and wages that don't match inflation.
Which again stupid fuck boomers like you created.
The largest part of the workforce at 49 million young people only hold around 4% of the wealth, record lows.
I wonder who owns the rest.

Kill yourself and save your imaginary children the reality of having their inheritance gambled away by a monkey who wants to shitpost on a abacus painting board.
At least that way you save us the grace of not having to see your "firm handshake" ideas and midwit takes

>> No.54113684

I miss mcafee more than the Bogdonoffs

>> No.54114255

Interest rates are spend at on the other countries yours competing with
America is killing its industries by raising rates much higher then all other big central banks
The interest rates of other countries were higher the last time we had rates this high
High interest rates just create larger profit margins for banks

You’re a stupid cuck though so I don’t expect you to understand
I miss him too bros
He was the guy I’m meant to become

>> No.54115119

A true crypto hero