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File: 63 KB, 768x768, 17C338B0-5739-4380-8A49-B6E10C6DBB1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5410909 No.5410909 [Reply] [Original]

Well as I predicted last week, wealth distribution is coming. Notice BTC, ETH, LTC all down but Req is up? They are enforcing their communist regime and there’s nothing you can do. BTC is going to $2000 by NYEs. Ethereum will be at $900 and LTC will dip hard to $40.

Ycombinator is the new KGB.

>> No.5410922

Gotta hand it to autists. You guys make some good meme art

>> No.5410956

Thanks but I’m not autistic. This will be the flag of the REQ NWO. I’m also the guy who has been leaking info about their lawsuit with the Australian real estate company Robinson property.
More news on that coming very soon.

>> No.5410968

REQ literally gonna be a testing ground for a Universal Basic Income.

Honestly, this is needed. So I hope they get to it sooner rather than later.

>> No.5410984

Well you’re not helping at all. Capitalist coins like Bitcoin, ethereum and Link are the future if you don’t believe that you belong in a gulag.

>> No.5410990

Wealth redistribution only works when the government starts murdering

>> No.5411012


REQ is another shitcoin that will never be spoken of again by April

>> No.5411065

I hope you’re right. The word from Australia is that this lawsuit is going to hurt them big time. Don’t be surprised to see Ycombinator pull out their support.

>> No.5411086

A UBI is sorely needed in America right now. Doesn't even have to be truly "universal".

Honestly it fits in well with capitalism. The capitalist class can't keep expanding and making more money if the bottom classes don't have funds to buy things.

>> No.5411097

OH NO THEY HAVE A SIMILAR SYMBOL!!!! REEEE SELL SELL SELL!!! Good lord some people are fucking dumb.

>> No.5411125

You mean the lawsuit they said they had never heard about before on slack? The one they rebutted saying whoever was spreading rumours was talking shit? Cool.

>> No.5411171

just remember...somebody actually spent their time larping to FUD one of the most promising cryptos of 2018

>> No.5411218

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.5411266

Basic income kills the human spirit and makes people reliant on the system. I would refuse it and shun anybody who took their blood money. Killing with ‘kindness’ is a thing and so is authoritarian rule of the state. Over my dead body. The weak should get no help, they must die for us to thrive. This world is becoming pathetic, we suffer from carrying the idiots on our backs. I am not without compassion. A victim of an accident or war veteran deserve compensation but an idiot? No, the weak should be sterilised. This must end. Soyaboy, you will be the first to go along with your socialist ethos of helping the weak via the state. The state has no place getting involved in enforced charity. It should be optional and left to the individual. Fuck you and fuck your backwards religion.

>> No.5411292

It’s fake. You are a liar.

>> No.5411312

No, the weak need to be culled. Sterilised at the very least.

>> No.5411355

UBI won't work as long as privately property exists. landlords are gonna take that shit

>> No.5411364

Yep this is true. I don’t know why I call them out. I just enjoy bashing the fash so much I even do it to fake communists ;)
Fuck I hate authoritarianism and collectivism so much! It’s actually therapeutic arguing with even the larping ones.

>> No.5411401

You’re the first to go in the gulag

>> No.5411431


REKY is shit and nobody wants your bags


>> No.5411517
File: 69 KB, 431x596, 1498119407134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think you understand what Communism means. If there is an entity enforcing it, that is a dictatorship. There is zero government in a true communist society outlined by Marx.

What we've seen in china and russia in the past is Socialist Dictatorships. We haven't seen true communism and we haven't seen true capitalism either. Both systems are beautiful, but will not be allowed to flourish with the tyranny of government enforcing their chaos on everything.

We need to rise up now and overthrow the government. We will remake law, we will physically dismantle the system and we will make the world great for the first time in human history.

>> No.5411523

They could try. I’m a bong and I kept my butter knives. I even sharpened them. I know where Corbin lives and am not afraid to die if it means killing the dear leader. If I go, so does he. With daddy gone the soyboys will all have nervous breakdowns. The movement would die with him and I would be a national hero. My butter knife would be set in a stone only able to be removed by our next true king. Britain at least dhall be saved. God bless her and all who said on her! RUUUUL BRITANIA! *tear*

>> No.5411632

I used to think like that. When I was 5. Then I grew up.

>> No.5411684

Can I just trade and keep my stuff in your communist utopia or will you force me to share my resources with you?

>> No.5411752

>standing ovation

>> No.5411778

Put it this way. I’m forming a gang and I’m taking everybody else’s shit. You are not having your utopia because i am a bad person and there are lots more like me. I like watching people suffer. This will be fun. Your move. No gulags btw. My gang is bigger than yours and full of all the gun owners.

>> No.5411838

You can't have my R, that's my R.

Well the millions of dollars isn't worth it anymore, that's their R. Let's sell our bags boys.

>> No.5411841


>> No.5411853

Unironically retarded

>> No.5411864

You don’t have anything to trade. I made a gang and took your stuff. Oh, I am also president now. You owe me a tax. I will accept labour, food or you can join my gang and get more free stuff.

>> No.5411867
File: 13 KB, 384x177, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, (((they))) got to you and made you a docile soiboi. Don't worry, it's reversible.

Once again, this is not how communism works. It's all voluntary. You dont have someone saying, heeey you cant do that in a communist society. Resources are shared and wealth is distributed, which devalues them significantly, like taking pussy off the pedestal there is more wealth to behad by an individual by helping the collective retain and contribute to that wealth of resources rather than taking all for oneself.

What are you gonna do with a tanker full of 4000 gallons of petrol in your front yard when you can drive down the road and refill your car whenever you want for free? See what I mean?

I like communism and I like capitalism so I would have 2 separate entities. I would work in the capitalist utopia and weekend/holiday in communism. This is best mix for most of us I think. Mixing both in the same system at the same time however, won't work. We have seen this with out current hybrid capitalist systems mixed with a healthy dose of socialism and fascism.

>> No.5411891

buddy, culling or sterilizing them will lead to violence. they need to be sedated and *functionally* sterilized with porn and weed. the 99% can be neutralized very easily without having to kill them

>> No.5411934

id bet my money on capitalism destroying govt before communnism...the corporations are already half way there while the communes are nonexistent

>> No.5411954

Why did the REQ team move to Singapore if they are communist?

Singapore is the second most capitalistic place in the WORLD. The team moved there to avoid tax and regulation.


Ironically, any team working from the USA/Europe is more communist than this coin.

>> No.5411982
File: 410 KB, 592x550, ark fidget spinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have everybody else's shit, because it's not everybody else's shit. It's already all our shit. Yours and mine dumbass.

Pooling resources only benefits the individual if said resources in a non-communal, every man for himself free-market capitalist based society. In a communist society you already have free access to whatever you need.

Like I said here >>5411867

Once again
>soibois cant into political philosophy

Ohhh man they are biting today

>> No.5411996

>Once again, this is not how communism works. It's all voluntary. You dont have someone saying, heeey you cant do that in a communist society. Resources are shared and wealth is distributed, which devalues them significantly, like taking pussy off the pedestal there is more wealth to behad by an individual by helping the collective retain and contribute to that wealth of resources rather than taking all for oneself.

Can I hoard my stuff or not?

> What are you gonna do with a tanker full of 4000 gallons of petrol in your front yard when you can drive down the road and refill your car whenever you want for free? See what I mean?

Resources are limited. It takes work to create gasoline. Just because Marx said that everything would be in abundance, doesn't mean that there will be. If everything is in abundance, you are in paradise. This world is not paradise and never will be.

I like communism and I like capitalism so I would have 2 separate entities. I would work in the capitalist utopia and weekend/holiday in communism. This is best mix for most of us I think. Mixing both in the same system at the same time however, won't work. We have seen this with out current hybrid capitalist systems mixed with a healthy dose of socialism and fascism.

Oh, so it's like capitalism, but we don't work. Oh, all the things we have to work for currently in a capitalist society will be there just because... what?

Why not just say that you have a perpetuum mobile in communism?

>> No.5412006

Wtf it's still 25 cents

>> No.5412044
File: 74 KB, 640x617, How about seizing the means of fucking off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of Marx's theory of history was literally called a "dictatorship of the proletariat." Big government was supposed to impose a new paradigm of behavior on its citizens, i.e. communitarian socialism, that would remake the culture into the socialist utopia he daydreamed about, which he thought was possible because he bought the "people are a blank slate at birth" meme. Eventually once the culture shift was complete, the government was supposed to become obsolete as communes learned to govern themselves thus the state would "wither away." Also because communism was supposed to be so vastly superior to capitalism, it would naturally take over the globe via its sheer Darwinian superiority.

Unfortunately he was wrong about everything and you don't even know the first thing about the bullshit you're spouting. Please castrate yourself.

>> No.5412097

Nah, wait till we have the rfi chips.
I was just calling for the death or sterilisation of 80% of the worlds population. I am not sure that counts as a soya loving sjw. I’ve been against bilderberger, council of 13, CoFR, IMF, and all those types for decades. Since before the internet. Marxism is part of their plan. The government should only be in place for 3 things. The law, millitary and emergency services. Nothing else and the law and government should have no crossover. You need them to hold each other accountable with the people as both their masters. You are a naieve child full of idealisim if you think a Marxist doctrine is not part if their plan. You are a fool if you don’t think they are 5 steps ahead of you. You are nothing but a useful idiot playing their game of divide and conquer. I bet you love iota, bcash and xrp too lol. You are what is wrong with the world. Fool.

>> No.5412134

lol im definitely goin postal before i ever get an rfi chip

>> No.5412146
File: 37 KB, 315x400, Hitler ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already have. Corporations have gutted any form of governance and replaced it with a synthetic, agenda-shilling endoskeleton. People think it's great Hillary lost and what not because the big banks backed her. She received $50m or $200m or whatever it was.

Yeah...that's big money alright considering crypto is now a half-trillion dollar market and it's small fry compared to the big boy market. I'll tell you what a more efficient scheme of manipulating government would look like.

You watch the shitstorm of the election and you approach the winning contestant in your little game show and you offer them an ultimatum. You can win the ultimate prize of monetary gain and follow what we tell you to do or your name, your family, your legacy, your wealth, your followers, your memory, everything, will be dragged through the dirt into oblivion.

It's a neat game they got going on.

>> No.5412185

No, it’s my shit now and nobody else can have it. That includes all the food. Oh and I’m taking all the best land to build my palaces on. You can all live in the ghettos I’m making just to house you all in. I may give you some food if you do some work for me. Extra rations if you join my army. Aren’t I benevolant?

>> No.5412208

Same. /High five ;)

>> No.5412223

i remember the exact hour of the exact day they pulled this shit on trump after he persevered and won. it was in march. you could smell it in the mediasphere, a tectonic shift. it was right before he dropped the "mother of all bombs" on that abandoned syrian airstrip

>> No.5412240

Oh wow the REQ ceo is in favor of a universal income on twitter

Maybe op is on to something

>> No.5412241

Shit I just remembered, you're that tripfag that came over from /r9k/. No wonder you're abjectly retarded

>> No.5412242

ppl don't realize how fucked the world would be if it werent for armed american paranoids

>> No.5412253

what exactly is retarded in what he said?

>> No.5412264

The MOAB wasn't dropped on that airstrip, just on some random sand people in afghanistan

>> No.5412297


>> No.5412316
File: 124 KB, 590x396, arkinists bulldozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism isnt a stepping stone to communism like marx said. He was stupid there, a state wouldn't just cease to exist. You have to either have it or don't have it. Like privatization. It only works if it's 100% instantaneous, otherwise preferential treatment or stupid government economic decisions indirectly lead to massive monopolies.

But he did define a true communist state. I'd like to see it, I didnt say it would work. I think we're all gonna be nuclear ash before that happens though.

Socialist Marxism is part of their plan. Like I said above, one of the few things Marx got right was defining true communism, which has been so badly smeared with socialism by western propaganda it's not funny. Also, I got 20 ark

Sounds like a plan. Im in. Let's do this in uganda or some shit.

>> No.5412319

Well I mean it did take over half the world so therefore Marx was only 50% wrong?

>> No.5412379

I'll dump my bags if this is true. I'm an American goddammit.

>> No.5412389
File: 630 KB, 1800x1199, fagneto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats right I came from r9k in the great immigration at the start of the year of neets trying to get rich. Goddamn depressive place over there compared to what it used to be.

I pointed out western propaganda, defined what marx said to be true communism and then I incited total anarchy.

I didnt mean communism would work, you'd have to have a select group of like minded people really. Still, I'd like to see it. I mean wouldn't you? Just to see what shit would happen?

>> No.5412391

Trump getting to play president was (((them))) giving a boomer with ambition a toy to play with to keep him out of the way. All trump is is the child of a neet who got lucky and got rich. Wall Street boomers are just that generations neets who made their money. They are not the enemy. It is all a show, everything is fake. They works is still run by the same ancient bloodlines who have always run it. They are getting money and other trappings. They use greed and our vices against us. Crypto scares them because it is decentralised and they can only influence it and not control it. It’s why they are trying to centralise it and push shit like iota and bcash. Things they can control. Pay your taxes anon, chase the dollar. One day you can escape the 9-5 and ‘make it’ whatever that is. Really all we need to do is wake up from this false reality they have fed us since birth. They put one group agains each other, divide and conquer where they put sun tzu to shame.
Do not get chipped
Stop watching tv
The media lies
AI will be fake (if it’s real it will take over everything)
Have patience
We need another 50 years of staving off technocrats and socialists. Just 50 more years of free scientific endeavour, non subsidised study. If we get that and keep it decentralised then we can defeat them. This is our chance to win. Stop being fools.

>> No.5412395

lmao that logo

>> No.5412437

Nope, we need a millitary and police force. So many idiots in this world out to cause trouble. Even if (((they))) run things that part is needed. Most humans are degenerate.
I’m a Brit btw, some credit for Our bong millitary please ;)

>> No.5412543

not sure why you just randomly spurted out "we need police!" in response to my unrelated comment. oh its bc you're a pound-me-in-the-ass british fag

>> No.5412568
File: 183 KB, 800x960, Ur GF vs My GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont need shit. Police are just organized people with a badge, a gun and a free pass to shoot bad guys.

Last time I checked, all we lacked was the free pass...least in this country

>> No.5412598

In every study conducted on UBI, people use that money to pull themselves out of ever being reliant on the state again. In every study conducted on welfare recipients who've been randomly selected to receive UBI for a two year trial period, the overwhelming majority do not return to state support. They open businesses, they get degrees, they make good investments and get their shit together.

But no, realising your potential and living a non-wage slave life kills the human spirit. Better flip burgers for 50 hours a week until you die because you didn't have the money to try and build something you were actually passionate about. Yeah I can really feel my human spirit getting a fucking hard on right now.

>> No.5412726

Yes dear. I have 65 ARK. Uganda sounds good.
If you want a free world you need to do a few things.
1) you limit the government to the military, emergency services and enforcing the law but not making it. Limited taxes and that’s what people vote for and they decide how to spend it.
2) separate law makers and defined by the people.
3) charity for social care if the needy. No tax money.
4) infrastructure and things are maintained by industry. The only regulation upon a free market is the advertising. It must be open and honest. Enforced by law. (Blockchaun can Be used to make is impossible to fake it). For example a car seller or manufacturer maintains the roads. Their only advertising revolves around how good a job they do and how much profit they put into it. The consumer votes with their wallet. It will lower the ‘tax’and cost passed into the consumer via a free market. Lobbying of politicians is banned obviously but again the blockchain is used to keep it honest. You can even have revolving government drawn by lotto.

None of this will happen while (((they))) are in power and in power they will remain if we do not protect the individual and defeat collectivism and tribalism.
Low intelligence people need to know their place. Equality is impossible so stop lying to people that we are the same. We are not. The world is fake and to ‘win’ this fight it needs to stop. Political correctness and fear is their biggest weapon and after that is their manipulation of our greed. We are all fools. Some more than others.

>> No.5412765

They are soulless. Playing the game set out for them. It is fake. They are being good little sheep. The world is fake and every one of them will never know what it is to be truly human.

>> No.5412796

Anarchy doesn’t work. Not unless you kill all the stupid people first.

>> No.5412825

Crypto was a mistake is this is the kind of Orwellian shit it's going to be used for

>> No.5412869

Only because they are part of the same system. It’s all carefully planned to manipulate us from birth. They have perfected the art over thousands of years. We need the enforcement of law but not in the way it is now. The laws are dumb and half if their job is to control not to help. You can’t have a truly free system unless you kill all the stupid people first. Laws and enforcement will always be needed. It is just the writing of those laws and who writes them that is the problem.

>> No.5413009

Iota, xrp, bcash etc is (((their))) part in the game. Decentralised crypto is the answer. The second it is centralised or controllable is when it is a mistake. Iota for instance is evil. It won’t even make you rich. They can and will simply remove your money from your wallet or deny you access. They have a ceo. It’s nit for the people. True blockchain is for the individual and even tptb can only hope to influence it and will never control it. Anything with a ceo or owner is cancer. I think that’s why the light coin guy sold all his for instance (no I don’t own any) because if this is going to work no individuals can be accountable. Vet and the miners have destroyed core nearly and cash is a joke but we have options still. There is still hope if we don’t give up and if we fight against the lies of centralised integration of everything. Iota will give us the 3 fucking seashells and it can fuck right off!

>> No.5413021
File: 191 KB, 1000x750, IISC_EqualityEquity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just have all out anarchy to be honest. Society wouldn't necessarily collapse, but it would be a hell of a lot different than what it is now. It wouldn't be for the best of things though. Humanity wouldnt advance, and we'd probably die out. That's what annoys me when people talk about politics or philosophy or any of this shit. It's all about the greater good, not what they want themselves.

I want to be able to walk into some fuckhead's house or office or mansion and say, right, I've had enough of your shit, and he'll say, but I've got diplomatic immunity, and I'll say....It's just been revoked. Fuckin bang. And then, someone will probably decide to do the same to me since Im a fuckin idiot too. But so be it. Thats what makes it exciting.

I mean, I dont know what would serve the greater good of everyone. Nothing probably. It'd be better if we were all just nuked into orbit and I dont know why aliens havent bothered to put us all out of our misery yet. I mean we can't even control a system of tracking wealth/value. And we fucking made it up ourselves too. It's not some magical system we've discovered buried somewhere and were trying to figure it out. We made the rules.

...or should I say (((they))) did

>> No.5413075
File: 224 KB, 1196x899, Insane Dancing Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed the people in that pic are all brown

Also, this is my best quality shitpost in a while. Really comes together when you read it over. I give it a 19/20 arks.

>> No.5413168
File: 23 KB, 200x260, 118585B1-98E8-4A6C-9C6E-C28E8C604563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will probably happen. The japs will survive underground and isolated while the rest of us die out. They will visit us one day from the future to see what humanity was once like. Pic related.

I don’t think anarchy is the answer. Far far less government certainly but we do need some limited governance but it should have limited powers and no leaders. But meh. Whatever. I would chose anarchy over communism any day if the week. The technology is the key to humanities freedom from the globally state though. All we have to do is keep scientific resarch free of subsidised guidance. If we succeed then there won’t be a rich guy ina mansion to hate. You just have to stop falling for the divide and conquer and give it 50 or so years without giving over what little freedom we still have. They will only win if we give into anarchy or state control. Either one if those and they win.

>> No.5413178

And flipping burgers for 50 hours a week to earn the right to continue being alive, living in your shitty shoebox houseshare because you can't even afford to live by yourself, that's truly human is it?

All of your time sucked up by repetitive machine-like work and forced to suppress your personality for the majority of your waking hours so you don't offend the customers or your employer who you have to pretend to be grateful to for giving you the "opportunity" to waste your life making them richer.

UBI gives you the real opportunity. The opportunity to reclaim your soul from wage-slavery and really make something of your life on your own terms. That's human.

>> No.5413292

this image creeps me out.

I have actually seen these creatures irl, they visit me sometimes

>> No.5413307
File: 37 KB, 929x278, 1498007836624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying its like the end of mass effect 3. Destroy the reapers, join them or everyone experiences synthesis.

What happens if I've downloaded the update and I chose the new 4th option to walk away?

>> No.5413318

free market bitch if i wanna buy a commie coin are you gonna be some kind of commie and stop me???

>> No.5413407

Some brown people are alright. Most of their sub species are worthy of a zoo though. So are half of whites and about the same of Asians.
Helping he weak is fine but it is not the job of the state. Charity should not be forced but given freely. If you demand they swap boxes then it created resentment and entitlement over time. Killing with kindness and breaking the human spirit. If you allow humans freedom then they can chose to help each other. Communities form and cultures are made around these things. Charity is the cause of the individual not the collective. That is the root of our humanity and why we are losing it now. A person receiving free boxes from the state at the expense of others becomes entitled because there is no direct link to the resentful giver and the giver is resentful because they too lack that human connection. With individual charity the community gives and we all know who us giving and receiving. You are less likely to keep taking if you know the giver and more likely to work harder to give back. Socialisim and communism is cancer. Even international aid is wrong. Nobody learns like that and the weak feed off the strong. Some subspecies on this planet need to go through their survival if the fittest event like we in the north had the ice age. We had to adapt it die. Sub Tropic of Cancer subspecies didn’t evolve hence more are idiots. They need zero handouts and to be left to help themselves until they evolve.

>> No.5413442

Do they probe you? That’s what a thousand years of hentai/tentacle porn does to you I guess.

>> No.5413546

sometimes they drill into my skull with a thin needle or make cuts at random parts of my body, sometimes they force me to look at strange images

>> No.5413569

Never played it.
Pretty sure walking away isn’t an option once they set up their end game technocratic control. A cabin in the woods will be no escape. The fortress, gattica, escape from la, demolition man, idiocracy. Some combo if all of them. Or just some 6th day shit.
Everyone has 1 from birth and you can never trade it. Useless just like a commie.

>> No.5413581
File: 472 KB, 1044x1302, Grand Theft Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind brown people...

Im just saying ALL people in that pic were brown. I mean it makes sense since they're probably a family, but since it's meant to be politically influential, it sort of implies equality/equity is a major problem primarily for minorities.

See what Im sayin

>> No.5413630

Yep, sounds like the Japanese all right. Some things never change I guess. Protect yourself with pubic hair or milk or something? Milk would be my number one choice.

>> No.5413654
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Rock Bottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone has 1 from birth
>never trade it
So it could be theoretical and not even physical. It's almost as if, the real currency, the real measurement of worth is people themselves


GovernmentSoiBois BTFO

>> No.5413709

>You dont have someone saying, heeey you cant do that in a communist society

So I can come in your society and take over your farmed food? And if you say no, because democracy, can I bring me and my cousins and vote for you to starve?

Of course you have someone saying what you can and cannot do, you establish those rules democratically but the result is forced upon everyone, including the non-willing.

Communism believes in private ownership even if they claim to be against it, the moment you need to establish rules of use due to scarcity, you are putting a claim on those resources, a limited claim, aka private property.

If communists accepted the formation of capitalist societies in a parallel fashion they would be ancaps, not communists. Anarcho Capitalism, unlike communism, is neutral in that regard, in ancap there's no rules of how societies need to organize and therefore accepts communist voluntary societies.

>> No.5413833

Nah, it’s not a family. The dad was there. But yeah. It’s since we let women into politics. I love the ladies but they are for the most part (not all...) designed to nurture and care. So they push helping people into polotics. Polotics is for iritectionnand defence. Charity and family has always been where women could express their creativity and caring charitable nature. Now it us infecting the defence of the ‘tribe’ The men are getting distracted by Damsels in distress and forgetting their jobs. It’s in our genes. It’s fucking up the West big time. The oestrogen filled soyboys are making shit even worse too. Women should stay out if polotics and media for the most part, you get some that are basically men with tits and awesome at it but the majority are not practical and logical enough for it. They should do what they always did. Raise families, be creative and loving in those honing their skills. Then going into helping the community and beyond. Maybe writing books and creating art. Eventually the men retire and the women get them to help with more charity. The bill and Melinda gates foundation has her name on it due a reason. Most ppl would be much happier this way. We are living fake lives and popping pills or doing drugs to cope. It’s sad really.

>> No.5413868

Bingo. The individual is what makes humanity. Without it we are nothing. The Borg never win! Even in victory.

>> No.5413986

Dibs on the nice bit of land by the lake and shotgun driving the best car. Oh and I demand all the cheesecake. It’s mine now because I’m allergic to everything else. I also need hookers to cope with my anxiety. Provide for me, I am not well.
I am not going to work either. You can’t make me and my thousands of friends work. We refuse.
People aren’t nice so comunisim never works.